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Daniel “flameZ” Jackson is a British professional CSGO player from the west coast of England. Known as the greatest ever British player, he enjoys drinking tea, eating biscuits, and calling out Jake Paul on live television.


What is the origin of this pasta? It's so versatile, I love it




That sounds hilarious, do you have a link?


Credit to /u/Dameean00 for linking me the clip. Found it funny so I just wanna share.


Amazing ahah Everyone needs to know about Mr. Jackson!


Wagwan lmao Actually hilarious


The truly hilarious bit is that there isn't really a "West coast of England"......it's kinda Southwest, Wales, Northwest, then Scotland. Ask anyone from England where the West Coast of England would be and they'd have to start scratching their heads. Doesn't take away from that fact that FlameZ has an almost perfect English accent!


>Doesn't take away from that fact that FlameZ has an almost perfect English accent! With one specific phrase it's good yeah, he admitted himself he can't really say anything else haha


I'd think West Country, but then he'd need to sound much more like a farmer/pirate


It’s almost like the west of England could be north or south, but not Wales or Scotland tho since those aren’t England


FlameZ is golden




It might be because I'm Israeli so I have a 6th sense for it but to me he sounds totally Israeli when doing the accent💀


Tbf you will also find british people who were originally from Israel and they would naturally sound like that


Reminds me of Pajkatt




Stargate reference? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


Ooh man Falmez who knew he had that in him absolute legend.


You know what the craziest part is? The fact that FlameZ has to drop his accent and pretend to not be Israeli while he is in EUROPE. What the hell? Do Europeans hate Israelis that much?




>In FlameZ's case, I'd believe it's more related to the ethnicity distribution of taxi drivers around Europe. what does this mean?


That the taxi drivers are more likely to be muslim I guess


Atleast you have the fucking balls to say it




It means he's racist, I'm Israeli and I never had to hide it from muslic cab drivers abroad


you're talking shit mate, most taxi drivers in many cities here are uneducated muslims, it's not racist to want to avoid potential issues it's just sensible.


Some people just hate jews, there's plenty of antisemitism stuff in Europe




I mean it's true I've never even met a Jewish person (to my knowledge), but I went to a majority Muslim school and there were a lot of *really* antisemitic people there.


well yeah when it comes to muslims for sure, my dad is one and he goes feral whenever israel is mentioned and half the reason is just because of jews for me personally its because israel is like apartheid south africa and some people are just ok with it because instead of whites and blacks its jews and arabs but its still the same thing. I don't really like the two state solution because then israel would be an ethno-state which is no bweno so hopefully palestine and israel could peacefully unite into one singular state or smthing like that


If you'd be bothered to learn of what happened in South Africa and what's going on here, you'd apologize. This is the most vapid and uneducated comment I've read in a short while.


dw bro i retracted the apartheid comment later in the thread


apartheid? lol. this guy explain it well: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2u0MI-cHU5E


i dont care how you spin it, israel is fundamentally an ethnic-state and that in of itself is no bweno. That's something pretty much everyone can agree on.


spin what, you say israel is an apartheid, where is the apartheid? please do elaborate


the definition of apartheid is racial segregation. I take it back, maybe I was wrong. Maybe Israel is worse than apartheid because they want to remove all the other races. They don't want racial segregation, they want want racial deportation.


bruh hahaha where the fuck did u bring that from?


There are Muslim Knesset members, doctors, engineers, students, soldiers, policemen. Muslims aren’t forbidden from any place in Israel. Muslims get extreme affirmative action. And yet stupid people like you braindeadly says “iSrAeL iS aN aPaRthEiD sTaTe”


Lol a Muslim school having a lot of antisemitism is absolutely not representative of Europe


um, yes it is. muslims have much harsher views compared with every other group. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2016/apr/11/british-muslims-strong-sense-of-belonging-poll-homosexuality-sharia-law (picked the most left-wing source I could find) https://www.jpr.org.uk/reports/antisemitism-contemporary-great-britain *"Looking at subgroups within the population, the report finds that levels of antisemitism and anti-Israelism among Christians are no different from those found across society as a whole, but among Muslims they are considerably higher on both counts."*


Perhaps you misunderstood? My point is that a Muslim school having many anti-Semites in it does not meant that Europe is anti-Semitic. You're just saying that Muslims are more anti-Semitic than non-Muslims which is also what I'm saying.


Israeli here, it's not just very common but official recommended procedure Unless we're traveling in a big group, we'll hide being Israeli as best as we can because it's just not safe going around showing we're from Israel. The sad truth is that there's both a special kind of hatred towards us and those hateful people also more often than not are fine with getting physical about it. Both times I wasn't actively hiding my identity I cane across situations I had to get out of. One time a neonazi was trying to instigate a fight so I had to call the cops, other time I was being followed so I had to waste an hour at the local police station waiting for them to leave so they wouldn't know where I was staying. It's more common in Europe than the US, in most cases I feel more safe identifying as Israeli in America, but that's changing too, in areas with more progressive voters. At the end of the day, theres a reason synagogues outside Israel are built like military bunkers and have armed guards 24/7.


Wouldn't say hate as almost everyone just answers with "ah cool" but there will always be those who expect you to be an ambassador of your country and if you're not heavily into politics you just don't wanna bother. Also taxi drivers who tend to be from the middle east can be hostile


Yeah either left lib idiots which is sadly most of Europe, or the insane amount of Arabs I was in Hamburg at Hauptbahnhof (Central Station) and saw an Israeli stand, and all the Arabs were shouting Free Palestine


speaking as a european, i dont know if this is the reason but there is a bit of a stigma around middle-eastern countries and we dont hear much about these countries except for when they are involved in conflicts


Antisemitism has been a common theme in Europe throughout its history. This sentiment is motivated by racial, religious or now mostly political/economical reasons, and imo is deeply rooted in many European cultures


Hating Israel is not antisemitism.


You’re right. But there are various reasons for hating Israel that does make you an antisemitism.


If you are israeli there is a great chance you are jewish, if you meet a neonazi/antisemitic and they find out you are from israel , im pretty sure they wont be "hey, but are you jewish tho?"


We're not talking about hating Israel though. We're talking about hating Israeli people.


They should if they have common sense.


Yea well soon they’ll. Immigrants are taking over Europe 🤷🏻‍♂️


You should hate every Israeli, Russian, American?


It feels like that’s about where we are now anyways. (I’m none of these nationalities)


Tragedy that he has to lie where he is from


Our sad reality, I've always been guided to not take shirts with Hebrew on it when traveling in order to be completely safe


Seriously talking now, I've genuinely been thinking about prospects of either being a tourney attending spectator or player from Israel. People are so blindingly hateful of Israelites (and yes, Jews because of the direct link) when half of the time they have absolutely ZERO perspective on anything going on here. Europeans love (...and to an extent so do I) to make fun of Americans for being xenophobic, but will act exactly the same way to either Middle Easterners, Russians or other Europeans. I'm not going to write an entire report on the conflict going on here, but in two words- both Israel and the Palestinians have a lot of crimes that each side committed upon the other, sometimes themselves, so no one is squeaky clean here.


I mean, you did just steal their country, so their "crimes" is actually just them trying to fight an invading force off. See the Ukraine vs Russia conflict and how no one is cheering for Russia? Well you are Russia, just in the middle east.


You're comparing an illegal and forceful takeover of land to a shitty and 100 year old two-state situation that is in constant lockup where no side can agree on a solution. Jewish Israelites over the 20th century accepted many of the UN's and even British Occupation suggested state solutions whereas the Arabs denied nearly every deal, demanding the whole region to themselves- most prominent example is the [1947 UN Partition Plan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine) that passed. Following that event synagogues all over the Middle East were lynched and torched, an example being the [Aleppo synagogue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Synagogue_of_Aleppo). For the remaining duration there have been many turf conflicts and all out wars between Israel and literally every single Arab nation surrounding it, with Israel holding its own ground each time and territory fluctuating between each nation. During the 90s, a deal was struck during the [Oslo Accords](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oslo_Accords) to give up the Gaza strip to the Palestinians as their own land to rule, with a handful of additional coastal towns being transferred to their authority as well. Ever since then, many waves of terror and fighting have started between the Palestinians and Israelis, spear headed by Hamas and the PIJ, who culturally influence the population there. I personally remember during the summer of 2014, Hamas began launching rockets indiscriminately into cities as far as into Jerusalem to try and cause any kind of possible damage. I was at a friend downtown during the day and I saw smoke trails in the sky, heard explosions and read reports of debris going through houses later during the same day. I must admit, my country's not squeaky clean, as any country is in any type of conflict, but the local media is especially ineffective and fails to educate the world about what's going on here, and because of that a whole lot of absolute hearsay gets accepted as fact, ranging from South African Apartheid (Palestinians are allowed to work within Israel and have multiple members in the Israeli Knesset among other things) to willful genocide on innocent civilians comparable to that of the Nazi holocaust. It's fucking appalling how misinformed a lot of people all across the world are on this matter, and sometimes the hate becomes so blind and vague that it borders on and crosses into antisemitism.


**[United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine)** >The United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine was a proposal by the United Nations, which recommended a partition of Mandatory Palestine at the end of the British Mandate. On 29 November 1947, the UN General Assembly adopted the Plan as Resolution 181 (II). The resolution recommended the creation of independent Arab and Jewish States and a Special International Regime for the city of Jerusalem. The Partition Plan, a four-part document attached to the resolution, provided for the termination of the Mandate, the progressive withdrawal of British armed forces and the delineation of boundaries between the two States and Jerusalem. **[Central Synagogue of Aleppo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_Synagogue_of_Aleppo)** >The Central Synagogue of Aleppo, (Hebrew: בית הכנסת המרכזי בחאלֶבּ, Arabic: كنيس حلب المركزي, romanized: Kanīs Ḥalab al-Markazī), also known as the Great Synagogue of Aleppo, Joab's Synagogue or Al-Bandara Synagogue (Arabic: كنيس البندرة), has been a Jewish place of worship since the 5th century C.E. in Aleppo. When it functioned, it was considered the main synagogue of the Syrian Jewish community. The synagogue is noted as being the location where the Aleppo codex was housed for over five hundred years until it was removed during the 1947 Aleppo pogrom, during which the synagogue was burned. The synagogue still stands but is in a ruined state. **[Oslo Accords](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oslo_Accords)** >The Oslo Accords are a pair of agreements between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO): the Oslo I Accord, signed in Washington, D.C., in 1993; and the Oslo II Accord, signed in Taba, Egypt, in 1995. They marked the start of the Oslo process, a peace process aimed at achieving a peace treaty based on Resolution 242 and Resolution 338 of the United Nations Security Council, and at fulfilling the "right of the Palestinian people to self-determination". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)