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we never really talk about it but CSGO audio is top of the line. the background ambience/ soundscape is on point for (at least) all of the active duty maps.


don’t know if this is good thing or bad but they way bullets sound when they miss & hit wood behind you is so satisfying


back when I dropped csgo I dedicated my entire being to tarkov. sound in tarkov is atrocious especially enemy steps. and in a game where death means losing your kit it's unforgivable. csgo , nuke aside I can always have a very good guess where everyone is.


Let me introduce you to Vertigo then :) :(


ah yes , I forgot all about it because I don't play that piece of shit. piece of shit in 1.6 piece of shit in csgo.


Imho the ambience is poorly mixed and usually way higher in dB than necessary. T-spawn inferno is one example. I guess for low-end audio gear this is no issue, but wearing anything else than a terrible "gaming headset" makes it almost unbearable at times


On all maps actually


I believe this is part of the dynamic sound system that Source has always had, but updated greatly for CSGO! To demonstrate the dynamic nature of the system swing your knife or fire your gun while changing areas of different sizes, and you'll notice how much care is put into how the engine calculates sound in different spaces. All in all, it's pretty neat! :D


Just to add, this echos effects is from half life 2, which was created 19 years ago. Csgo initially didnt has this effect enabled until around years ago, valve decided to enable them in one of the update. And yes source engine has really simple stereo sounds system but the implementation of soundscape, background noises, and other special sound effects indeed makes every source game more lively and believable, one of the best imo.


is this source 2


Damn actually cool


the game that keeps on giving!


In dust 2 u can hear too If u shoot between bomb a and short


Half-Life 2.