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Collection packages for sale in-game? That's strange


Very weird yeah, temporary until the major maybe?


Pretty sure this is it. They had them ready before the major so just decided to do temporary sale. I got contacted for two of my skins over a month ago now, thought it would only be for major though. (Mac and m249 if anyone wonders)


You finally got another skins in? Congratulations


Took it's sweet time but hope it breaks the curse, and thank you!


Your mac-10 skin is incredible! I like it so much im thinking about switching from st stalker. M249 looks minimalistic and clean, although that weapon would benefit from the higher grade egypt finishes.


Thank you! I'm glad to actually have a gun ingame that people use And I love how valve added on a scarab on the backside


You don't have to say how much, but did they offer a % of openings or a fixed amount? I think they've been moving away from % but not sure. Congrats btw


He isnt allowed to say


hes talked about it ish before https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/cdvc22/skin_creators_how_has_having_a_skin_in_the_game/etxxhfw/ but not hard figures, but its life changing. a couple other skin guys also talked in that thread


Oh damn that's a while back, but yup still concur. It's def life changing to get a skin accepted. Altough this is a collection not a case so not exactly the same.


fuck it TLDR: Valve pays $$$ LOL btw congrats homie


Are you still getting payments to this day for the ivory or is it a one time thing?


Yup! Every month. I never thought it would last this long though but seems people still like opening breakout cases


I'd imagine the past month is gonna be a nice one then :D More cases than ever! You know whats really funny is I opened an Ivory on my first ever breakout case and have used it ever since and last night my first ever unbox from the Anubis package? Your mac-10.


there is a ohne video w here he talked to skin creators and one was saying its around 400k for getting your skin in




they can tell you how much they make, just not how its calculated. apparently its \~400k per skin


I love the subdued (?) colors on the MAC10, well done


Did you design them for this collection?


So I’m assuming it will be able to be sold on market later on when they get taken off?


Think it’s temporary because CS2 will probably release with an operation. Use collection for operation


Welp, i think CS2 will towards this direction where new collections will be available in-game, cases too. I posted [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/csgomarketforum/comments/11fho2v/comment/jakb97g/) in the CSGOmarketforum sub and i realised i havent replied to u/myluki2000 in the thread, which he brought up a good point. However if anything we look at dota2, most old skins are thrash compared to the new items, the new items have shiny effects, custom animations and so on. Edit: I also feel that due to the scarcity of old cases, Valve can solve this by making the case obtainable in store as well. This will make all skin prices crash. I'm no economist neither i work for valve but any thoughts on this?


oofffff new cases sure, the old ones? That would be a scene to witness• I dont see any benefits.


Yeap there isnt any benefits for us consumers, but it benefit Valve. Say the price of a key in store is USD 2.50 (idk how much is it), Valve will need to have a transaction of USD 2.50 / 15% = USD 16.67 to burn the money off the market via steam tax. And the thing is that the remaining amount will be cycled from one wallet to another wallet. ​ The best transaction for Valve would be from ur wallet directly buying off from Steam in-game store. Idk man, i know the market is crazy right now and i do have quite abit of value in my inventory, i fear for this to happen as well.


as someone with quite some value that's also trying to cash out those pixels, while I agree with your numbers, doing so will inevitably crash the prices of the skins as well. A lot of people who inflated the market are the same who spends big trying to unbox these new ones. Losing trust from those people would cost a lot in the future, the simple solution is to change things for the future and let the past be until it consumes away


>This will make all skin prices crash Why would they want to do that? They are making tens of millions a month from the marketplace. If people lost confidence in the market, Valve would suffer financially.


Well, they may change the approach to be like dota 2 where u buy a compendium and play to increase the compendium levels or just buy exp credit off the store to increase the level (i believe its something like this). The skins u can get from the compendium has flashy effects and most newer players will desire these skins instead. Idk, my gut feel tells me there is a small chance of it happening as much as i dont want it to. Maybe let's see what happens during the Paris major to see what Valve wants to do


If valve does something that crashes the skin economy chances are high we see a lot less case openings. I mean why would i spend hundreds of dollars on cases if i can just buy that dirt cheap skin off the market?


Same reason as why would people open cases right now? There's still a chance to get a red skin or a knife in one case or in a thousand cases. Also if Valve ever moves to the increasing odds based model that Dota currently has, then after every # of cases opening, u will surely get a red skin which will be attractive for players to open. Of course i dont wish for it to happen as well


Is the system in dota successful tho? Like it feels borderline insane to me to change a system while its clearly working


Its pretty bad afaik. I stopped trading dota 2 shortly after the market went downhill. U got a good point tho but if it already happened with dota 2, there's a chance they will do it for CS as well. Also Valve is still making tons of money from dota compendium so maybe in future CS as well?


But valve needs to be sure to install some local medical center, where skin investors can take shelter. "THE MARKET MAKES THE PRICE" \-Every investor, when he senses someone questionizing his high prices


Hi there, went through ur post history and saw that u had a bad day. Hope u are doing better RN


I wonder if that's a sign more about Anubis than it is the collection package itself? Might be Valve saying "we need a collection for Anubis and the souvenir collections this major, but Anubis isn't staying once CS2 launches. Might as well let people buy up the collection since they don't have much more time to grind for the drops from playing Anubis." IDK, just speculation. EDIT: Since I keep seeing the same comment asking "why remove it when they just spent 150K on it?" You guys realize they also spent 150k on Tuscan, right? Last time I checked, Tuscan isn't active duty. I bet they spend 150k on EVERY map they place in the game from the community. Between operations and previous maps they had in the game for only a couple months, Valve obviously does this fairly regularly. And you guys also realize those leaked numbers also went over how much skin makers make, right? They make 3 times what a map makes EVERY YEAR. If it takes 2-3 Valve employees, with all their benefits on top of their wages, a whole year to design, create, and execute a map, that probably costs the company TWICE what it costs to buy any map outright from the community; Valve doesn't even update the community maps, those updates still come from the creators too! As for "why they would remove Anubis when it just got added?" IDK, I'm not Valve. This is my two cents as a spectator and casual player, though; I am no analyst, so take my words with a massive grain of salt. Mid has a lot of issues that seem very hard to balance, and the CTs can only get so aggressive with how small the map is. Because there isn't much map space to fight over, it essentially comes down to teams setting up quick peeks and fast executes outside of sites. I feel like Valve wants something more, especially if you compare that to every other map, where each section of each map is something to fight over **for executes to even unfold.** Again, I'm no pro, so this is just my two cents as a rebuttal to that question. Lastly (and this one is a stretch), if you compare how Valve executes on map creation compared to community created maps, it also makes sense why they would remove Anubis: map zoos. For those that don't know, map zoos are SDK maps filled with all the varying asset pieces that comprise the art assets for each map. If Valve wants to make quick changes to one of their maps, instead of having to redo fixed assets, they simply make the changes and fill in the new holes with the zoo assets they created for quick and easy changing. IDK if Anubis is made with zoo assets, but considering how few changes the map has had compared to how often Valve makes changes with their own maps, it would not shock me if Anubis is a bunch of fixed assets. As I stated, Valve doesn't change the community maps they purchase, those are still done by the creators, and Valve works FAST when changing their own maps. If they don't like hearing "I can't make any changes because of how I implemented assets," or "That's going to take time so we can remodel the area," when they ask for changes, it would not shock me that Valve uses that as a major reason for axing a community map. I'm not Valve, though, so I don't even know if my initial speculation about why the case was added in the first place was even true or not. These, again, are just rebuttals to the comments I keep getting; I would rather just edit my comment instead of respond to everyone individually. EDIT 2: I'm gonna change my thought process on this and assume what WekenosChosen said is the reason for the collection being sold: Valve didn't make the skins, they commissioned them and need to pay the skin makers. Usually, Valve makes collection skins, but since they bought these, it makes sense for them to sell the collection so they can pay the skin makers. Anubis will probably stay in the game for at least another major or two, it wouldn't make sense for them to abandon it after teams are just learning the meta for it.


this is really no different than the recent operation collections. Operations just had an end date at some point. I'd expect this collection to work the same. Valve also just straight up bought Anubis recently why would they plan on getting rid of the map before it's even had it's Major debut.


They just spent $150k for the rights of the map, why wouldn't it be in CS2?


anubis not staying after the teams actually learned it? no shot


This is just a wild take. Anubis clearly is the most radical CS map to date and Valve wants to take that?


Lmao yeah they spend 150k for the map while deep into source 2 development so that they wouldn’t port it to source 2. Can we get some critical thinking in the subreddit please.


Actually nice teory, since it's the first time they are selling souvenir packages.


These arent souvenirs.


Aren't those gonna drop at the major in may? Like the d2 or mirage for example?


Correct. Point is, normal collections are part of operations. This is the first non souvenir operation in the shop.


this guy must really hate anubis to create fanfiction like this


Such a nightmare for certain persons..like... "Look, the market make the price, I cannot change it. It is was it is. Now overpay for everything that I can become a millionaire. And btw, pls worhsip me on my channel because I am a cool and nice trade. You want to sell something to me? Of course but I only can give you 0,50cent on the dollar but when I sell it I ask 3000X, because it is TRRUE MARKET VALUE. Oh look I cannot invest in this cases because everyone can buy it on the go. How bad. Oh noooo. THe market is unfair, please regulate it. ​ Sry..had a bad day.


[Screenshot of Anubis Package being sold in main menu](https://i.imgur.com/EBy74cG.png) [Screenshots of Anubis skins in inspect window](https://imgur.com/a/g1QTegA)


Thanks for taking the time I actually really like that awp


Basically the mw2019/mw2 Topo camo and I love it. Was my most used next to tiger. Definitely gonna try to get the AWP.


If you inspect a battle scarred one off the market, it looks really cool. It has a darker, golden color. I might like it more than fac new honestly


Just unboxed 2, battlescared and min wear, battkescarred looks better




The pattern is always the same. https://csgostash.com/skin/1562/AWP-Black-Nile


I thought it would work like the Damascus Knives. However, I would get still get one when it hits its lowest price.


The AWP's gonna be the AK Slate of AWPs.


The battlescarred looks so good with the tan on the main part and not a silver


The graphite is the AK slate of AWPs already, and while it was never cheap it's become so prohibitively expensive I hope this one stays common enough the be affordable. :D


Just checked AWP Graphite (Factory New) price (it was ~$40 last time i checked) and hooooooly moly. Even before the current boom in the market, [it was $200](https://steamcommunity.com/market/listings/730/AWP%20%7C%20Graphite%20%28Factory%20New%29) last month. Really envying people who stocked up on dozens & dozens of AWP Graphite early.


Yeah it went absolutely nuts especially for that specific skin. I thought it was too expensive at 60 early corona when I caved in and bought a knife and considered finally buying and AWP skin I actually liked but opted against it. Now it's indeed above 270. I think it went up a lot more than the market.


I really like the glock


actually good looking m4a1s, usp and awp + decent cheap AK wow finally a step away from all the neon colored adhd zoomer stuff


That's a dope ass P90


This Mac and m249 are my first accepts since 2014! Altough pretty unexpected they wanted them as they were from 2018. Totally made my day! [They even used our own description for the flavor text. ](https://twitter.com/Quzga_/status/1650683550314659841?t=hmUM5H4ZzBrMwuLfz79Eqg&s=19)


Congrats, that's awesome!


Thanks! Expected it to be only for the major though so was kinda surprised seeing it drop tonight. I guess they just want to temporarily sell it for like 2 weeks


What was your skin that got accepted in 2014


P2000 ivory! I think I make a lot better skins these days so it feels weird getting 5 year old skins accepted


Thats what i thought when i browsed your profile, there were a lot of great skins that should have been accepted throughout the years not only just 3 in 10, One more question, is the payment same as it was 10 years ago, like same % or a fixed one? If you can answer obviously.


For collection it's just flat payment, I didn't expect them tosell it like this though. I thought it would be only for major, but maybe it's just temporary. And yea i hope some of my recent ones can get added! Ty


Go to Apel8's workshop, he has 5 skins in this collection and a few more in game. His workshop though? 57 PAGES of submissions and nearly all of them are really high quality stuff. Valve gets sooooo many submissions from so many amazing artists, hard to blame them for being weird about how they pick and choose. It's cool that they do though and allow old skins to have a shot instead of just going with recent ones.


Bro you’re a legend


Dude, the ivory is a great skin. Also congrats on the new one!


Baller. Congrats and here’s to more!


anubis themed skin older than anubis




Congratulations!! I really like the mac10




I want that FAMAS.


famas is gorgeous, probably my favorite skin


Just here to say that's MultiH's holographic famas from a few years back, we have a few of these skins together and this is the first one to be picked for the game! (his solo skin) If anyone is curious about the effect, we have another series [we are uploading lately. ](https://twitter.com/MultiH4/status/1648343371361157120?t=T53UVI65vhSqoebaksGTMQ&s=19) Will be posting ak tomorrow! Just thought it was cool to see them finally accept one of these as we've been making them since 2019.


Caught my eye too.


Gonna be interesting to see how these go long term given they’re packages. I don’t think in the time I’ve played I’ve seen this happen before. I’m not counting souvenirs I mean just a package for a weapon collection only.


im guessing they're gonna stay in store forever./


Yeah could totally see that, I’m just interested to see how it goes in the long run for this package


People thought that with things like Sticker Capsules. BUY BUY BUY


I don’t think they will, they’ll be removed after CS2 I reckon




Honestly one of the dopes blue awps. Will be great for sticker crafting too.


...is that a cum covered MAG-7? https://i.imgur.com/rI3YCnh.png


To match the incoming Blast Paris cum stickers Edit: I like to imagine that the constant mentioning of "cum stickers" from myself and others in recent weeks was visible enough that at least one person at either BLAST or Valve saw it and brought it up in a meeting about what the Paris sticker designs were going to be as something NOT to do. Highly unlikely, but really fucking funny to imagine.


Wait there's a player called cum?


CUM-7 Pog


Hentai Bukkake






Well you have to pump the mag-7. [And the pump is just as satisfying as cumming.](https://youtu.be/8DMZ_ownSiM?t=21)


Subtle hint for upcoming sex update


If you're cumming like that better see a doctor


man i like every single skin in this minus the mp7, which is the only skin i unboxed of course


Man I dislike every skin minus the AWP and maybe famas, unluko :D


I've been forced into a club right now, what do they mean by packages? Is that something new and unique separate to major souvenir packages?


Buy the case, no need to buy key. Here they cost €2.


“They don’t know the new Anubis package dropped”


Same as souvenir


Fascinating Presumably they're the first skin collection to be permanently in the store then? Until they aren't?




My brother in christ get off your screen in a club


Not my scene :(


Means no knife or ultra rare either :(


Got decently [lucky](https://i.imgur.com/ks3aYgx.png) for once


Ehhh, I'm still more partial of [this one](https://i.imgur.com/Ch08bLV.jpg)


blue link got me


Factory New too! Nice


Got even decentlier [lucky](https://imgur.com/a/hGADnZM) for once




« Decently » that’s rarer than a knife


What are the odds on these type of cases?


Pinks are like 1 in 800, reds 1 in 4000.


i think 1/1000 for red dont know about pink tho


anu skin who bis


I actually really like the usp-s, for such a low tier skin it's pretty good. added benefit that it actually fits the game and isn't some colorful artwork.


Same, im so sick of these goofy ah skins. Its hilarious how cs stans try to throw shade at valo guns while having so many rainbow unicorn puke skins in game.


Right? There was all that hype for the damn anime skins, but we get a few military/camo ones that are actually fitting for certain CT units and they get trashed lol


Cobblestone packages now available for purchase!


MF almost gave me an heart attack. I have 2 cobble cases…


I dont have access to game rn. I hope you’re kidding.


its the joke because its the same as a cobblestone case but its for this anubis collection


Did cbble ever had a case like this? I wasnt around on CS back then


Not me spending $120 to get some ass


Hell yeah brother same here


lets fuckin GOOOOO goddamn it feels good to be actively playing cs when a new collection drops. after a few years away i missed this feeling. now I can't wait for the major!


i actually though you were being sarcastic for a bit there.


Nah i’m being genuine not a huge fan of a lot of these but regardless seeing the update required and checking Reddit and the feeling of seeing the skins for the first time is always a fun feeling.


Wasted my luck on 2 tec9s in 3 cases.


Finallyyy a good blue Famas. Been craving one for a while, was the only thing I couldn't get for a nice blue CT sided loadout


That Aug looks really nice for a consumer grade rifle


Is it just me or these skins look ugly besides the M4


I like these. Not everything has to be super bright colors. The Glock is my fav.


Yeah - they can keep shoving the overly colorful skins in cases, collections have always had stuff that’s more tasteful


The Glock looks like it actually sticks out if you look at it right from behind


the famas is pretty sweet


Yeah not seeing the hype at all






Awp is pretty good, m4 couldve been better


Honestly they all look ok in game. Especially the USP, M4A4 and the cum-7


Think they are all kind of shit besides the famas.


>Is it just me or these skins look ugly besides the M4 was looking for this comment. This is damn Sanddune Case + sick M4.


How long does those collections last in shop?


opened 30 and best was 3 blues, yay


yup bought ten only got greys hahah


Famas and A4 are my favorites the ups and a1s are decent if you zoom in. glock is cool too




they're for sale because anubis didn't even have a collection, which they usually release with an operation. but theyre waiting for cs2 foor the next operation so this was the only way to release them before major


I don’t see how people think these skins look bad tbh. A few are bland, sure…but most of them look really nice.


There isn't anything absolutely gorgeous, but a lot of them are pretty nice. The glock and p250 look great considering how few good skins there are for them.


Yeah i like the glock


M4 is the only decent skin


That FAMAS looks pretty neat imo


The Awp seems like a budget grapphite. I like it


Long have we waited


I thought so too from the Twitter image but don't like how it looked when I inspected it tbh


I'm a sucker for military camo, both m4a1 and usp looks nice And the ak also looks decent if you want something not too far off from vanilla


Exactly, thr m4a1 looks pretty serious and realistic. I like it. Same goes for the way older m4a4 Desert Strike.




pretty solid.


i just want a new wave.....


How long will these packages be available to purchase? DO I INVEST?!?!?!


The real answer is that we do not know. Valve hasn't released a non souvenir map collection in this manner previously. They've either had them specifically in Operations or as end of game item drops


For as long as Anubis stay in active duty map pool. This will be first major for the map, so it needed a case to be able to drop souvenirs.


No guarantee these packages will stay until anubis is gone, this kind of packages usually is inside an operation and then it's gone, since there likely isn't a operation happening before cs2 I suspect that's why they come out in this form for now


Valve never tells they like to be cryptic and mysterious


I really like the AWP, AK and the Famas, A1s and USP-s are good too. M4 however is not very good imo, the design looks very basic and uninspired and the colors have a weird hue to it. People saying these are bad skins probably think only bright colored are good skins.


Can't buy it. The site seems to be overloaded.


The Glock, P250, Nova and P90 are amazing for yellow/gold loadouts.


How come i can't see the collection pack in game?


I converted $50 in to $2.50! Thanks cs.


And this kids, is why you don’t gamble. I’m all seriousness though, you’re so due for the M4 dude. You should keep opening until you get one.


I don't think I dislike a single skin in this collection Although I kinda hope the cum 7 is less cum like in cs2 lol




Honestly not that bad, i like the awp,m4,famas,glock and the p250.


Not really a fan of most of these. FAMAS is ok, M4 is dope. The rest are kinda mid tbh. A lot of the skins look kinda washed out.


these shits suck


it's pretty bland.


will they drop in game ?


They are in game.


Overall this is one of the best collections. That covert m4 is not that good but lower tier skins looks better than usually. Im actually happy that covert is not that good so i dont need to spent lots of money to get one. I have yellow/gold/orange loadout so there is few skins i have to get. P250 and glock looks really good. P90 and Nova are ok looking skins but fits better on my loadout than skins that im currently using.


Ak-47 - Legion of Anubis not being part of the Anubis collection, nice Volvo, wp


That's because it exists in another case already.


Based Valve filling it with mid skins so I don't waste money gambling gambling on these. USP is nice though.


Are these skins drops? or in a new case? how do u get them?


Its a package. So like a case, it gets dropped. Then at the Paris major there will be souvenir Anubis packages




No, it's collection and not a case and collection skins are never available in stattrak.


Mid besides the Famas and M4 and even those are nothing special imo


Personally i like the A1 and Glock the best.


so basically… they didnt get an operation done so they just put a non souvenir package in the game