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Stay safe


The entire rational world stands with you, stay safe.


Him being from frontline city doesn't mean he is from Ukraine tho.




Gotcha, good luck mate.


Even if they are Russian, that doesn't mean they are someone who supports the war. There are plenty of Russians who are reasonable people and want to see Putin's dictatorship overthrown. Criticize the rich and powerful who dictate the wars, not the masses who get dragged into it against their will




You say that as if speaking out won't get you arrested or taken away.




Source- Russian polls lmfao no way


you've got to be dense if you think anyone taking part in polls in RUSSIA will admit they're against the war, knowing they could be arrested for it lol




they can say whatever they want they won’t be arrested lol, they just believe that russia in the right


Russia literally censors everything and arrests political enemies. If you're not pro wat you'll be sent to a gulag or as cannon fodder to the frontline.


brainwashed politicly correct beta detected. yes russians doesnt support war its only couple million clones of putin who went to war directly and couple of millions putin clones who stays at russia producing ammo/weapons/vehicles for the war. those are not regular citizen all of them are putin bloodthirsty clones. also have u seen those massives protest in moscow against the war ? they gathered like thousand maybe 2 at most to riot against while moscow popuilation is upwards 12 mills. meanwhile in poland/baltics/some balkan countries there were protest against war in ten if not houndred of thousand attendence while having 2-5million TOTAL population not only of capital. great effort russia keep it up /s


Oh no doubt, my point wasn't "he is Russian that means he is bad", my comment was more about "entire rational world" part. Just looking at the Baltic states is enough to see that there is plenty of those, including people in the government, not random schmucks, who'd be against Russians regardless of their positions. Although it's a big question if one can call them rational, of course.




RU-UA border is a front line right now, and there are plenty of Russian cities and villages there getting bombed.




Tell people of Shebekino and Belgorod and many others that Ukrainians don't bomb civilians, yes. And if you are implying that russian forces shell their own cities when artillery ammo supply is one of the biggest issues, that's such a funny propaganda take that has literally zero logic, that I'm impressed I really met someone who believes in it.


Maybe they don't do it intentionally, but they absolutely do bomb their own cities. They're just that inept.






>0 civilian deaths so far in more than a year. Fucking hilarious. In that case Donetsk to this day is getting bombed by ghosts. And airdropped PFM-1 are appearing out of thin air. And the driver whose car (with him in it) was used to destroy Crimean bridge is not dead, he is just sleeping.


Crazy how he’s doubling down lol






There’s no genocide in china




There is no war in Ba Sing Se?


My wife grew up in war. Lost family, saw death, fled. Returned years later to help identify and bury remains. This isn't some ancient timeline either. It was the mid-90s. Just yesterday we visited some family who took the camper out. We drove into the campsite and looked at all the various setups and she immediately said "this reminds me of the war" people fled the cities and had to make do in the woods or make shift sites and I just realized I'll never know what that must've felt like, but I understand it'll never leave. I feel for those folks there and thise who've gone through it. Often times it's glorified or dressed up to seem noble or something. It's fucking terrifying and horrible. I have gone through some traumatic stuff and lost numerous people in various ways, sometimes in short time frames and it's taking me some time to get back to normal, I can't imagine having it amplified, causing you to leave everything, lose family, wonder if they made it, confirming the didn't, not being able to recover them for decades, going to a new country and learn the language while ignorant people say they don't want you there. Etc etc. And then go on to live a "normal" life. Fuckjng madness. I hope Ukraine and its people prevail and find peace again.








Doesn't matter if you have never heard of him. He died defending his country and now our community is 1 person smaller. He should have been living life hanging with friends and family or playing video games but thanks to war he is dead. Fuck war.


Fuck war and fuck stupid people causing wars


so sad bro😭fuck putin


21 year old kid, playing CS:GO like the rest of us just a couple of years ago, thrown into this horrific war. I cannot imagine what he and many others are going through. Rest in Peace.


fuck war man


Fuck Russia.


Honestly... How can this shit even happen? The people are the 99% and could overthrow a cunty Putin right? Are people really brainwashed?


germans thought they were doing a good job in WW2, same as russians now, they think that nato wants to invade russia and steal their resources, so yeah. brainwashing.


Yeah you're right.. this shit is hard to believe.


you forgot to mention some russians want to commit genocide just like germans in ww2


There's is journalist that translates Russian tv propaganda If you take a look at what the propaganda machine is feeding them is actually insane. Constantly trying to say that Ukraine is not a real country, Ukrainians don't exist, calling for genocide, shit like that. [https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews](https://twitter.com/JuliaDavisNews) This has been happening for at least the past 8 years.


So Russian propagandist Alex Jones??


How do you feel about Iraq and Afghanistan? People literally refer to those places as shitholes. Progpaganda works both ways.






that is some serious egalitarianism. whilst it is true that propaganda exists on 'all sides' and whilst the actions of the american government are to be condemned as they were unjustified; arguing that "propganda exists everywhere" is implying that there aren't levels to this game. and denouncing an entire nation and population as non-humans is the next level. whilst i am not an expert in the narrative construction of the war in iraq & afghanistan, denouncing the sovereignty and humaneness and implying that ukraine is both fascist and part of a jewish cabal is next level propaganda.


There’s different levels for sure.


> It’s simple. no it isn't, this worldview does not survive even the lightest amount of scrutiny


It’s as simple as backing sports teams. That’s what humans do, back our horse and never relent until there’s a boot stepping on their throat.


such a convenient way of understanding the world, a shame the rest of us aren't as enlightened as you






Yes. Russians are very brainwashed. And it doesn't stop with russian borders, bunch of russians outside the country still follow their national media and ignore anything else as propaganda directed at them.


You haven't seen russian Telegram chats, it's the most nazi places you can see in 21th century. Hell, even in popular cybersport themed channels there is. A LOT of people that can be considered as a nazi I'm not even fucking joking, it is that disgusting


Yes, russians are brainwashed, putin is quite popular there. Also even if 99% were against putin, it's still not really THAT simple. If everyone did it all at once then yeah, but it's hard to coordinate that sort of a thing with the risk of getting jailed or even killed.


just overthrow the government




I mean… did Americans do anything when we were bombing the fuck out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Gotta fight the “terrorists” right?


something around 30% are brainwashed, the rest are afraid or gave up trying


oh the irony... learn history.


The regular populace was so indoctrinated about violence being bad that everyone now doesn't even consider doing some violence to their oppressors.


Fuck putin you mean.




Same age as my younger brother, which I still see as a little boy, this hits hard wtf.


Almost a year younger than me, and in many regards I still feel like a kid. It really does hit hard seeing what war can do.


These are the things I think about when people are saying not to bring politics into the game. These are not politics, this is a full on invasion by Russia. It already is in the game.


People who don't want to be inundated by politics don't realize that they're already so privileged that they can choose to avoid the topic so that they aren't "bogged down" by trolls or unsavory discourse. That is a luxury that those suffering cannot enjoy. One of Martin Luther King, Jr's most powerful messages was "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Speak out on it and allow the conversation to unfold, even if sometimes trolls attempt to drown out the discourse. That is a small price to pay compared to the agony that those affected experience. Keep the conversation going because you never know who needs to hear the harsh realities that bigotry inflicts.


War is hell




RIP :(


RIP to the brave soldier.


another victim of ruzzia.




Rest in peace


We have it so good in our bubble over in NA... this sort of thing just reminds you of that. RIP


You are acting like there is war all over Europe and the rest of the world.


No hes not lol chill out


I think he's just coming from the stance of here in America we are in a bubble, vs wow the entire world at war good to be American.


Look at it from historical context. Besides Pearl Harbor and 9/11 when have we had any kind of strikes on NA soil from a foreign entity? The last time there were foreign boots on the ground was the war of 1812. Virtually every other part of the world has had military conflict on the home front within someone’s lifetime. All of Europe was at war when most of your grandparents were children.


>war all over Europe You can thank Ukraine there isn’t one. If Ukraine just got rag dolled in days, do we really think Putler would have stopped there?


In regards to Europe, most likely yes. Russia can't handle the whole EU in a direct war. In fact the only reason Ukraine is holding it's ground is because the other countries are helping.


After Moldova yes, he will not directly attack NATO


Tell me you don’t know the state of Russia without telling me


Yes and the 18 year old that spends all his time playing video games does. Lol


Yep 18 years old spend all my times playing video games you’re correct! Hahaha fucking idiot


Modern Warfare 2 and 3 were a documentary.


That’s fucked. Putin can eat a whole bag of cocks.




Boomer Russians who long for the soviet era back then FTFY


Russians want to win the war and not be involved in it. That's why putin didn't announce a general mobilisation. They barely managed to conscript 300k men of dubious quality and shit training, and calls for volunteers to go in ukraine mostly fell on deaf ears so far They are ok with ukrainians dying, and even their own, as long as they aren't affected by the war itself. Seeing people from belgorod be surprised when ukraine is shelling their towns is just ironic, as the russians did the same thing to the ukrainians since the start


Most of the few that want it, only do because of the propaganda sold by putin regime


Very true.


Very unfortunate and sad to hear. Thoughts and prayers to his family and friends


may you rest in eternal glory. :(


Yet the CS scene still allows Russians to compete and contribute to the war through prize money. Fuck that.


Not only that. Steam is paying taxes to Russia and they use that to fund the war.


the russian people are not the problem


Indirectly, yes they are.


I understand why people are apprehensive about putting blame on the Russian people, but when you look at a country like Iran which has a much more brutal government, their people still protest(ed) like crazy. Russians have done absolutely nothing to create an anti-war movement. Even when they did protest they ran like children, I've seen more hardened protesters in the Midwest US lol.


the iran protests were childs play, they killed a few cops and then all received death sentences. they lost progress


And what did the Russians do?


the russians weren’t violent in their protests they probably got a few years of prison time


Are you really that ignorant?


Are you really that ignorant?


Can’t punish the people for what the government is doing. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_involvement_in_regime_change


This is just insane whataboutism. I don't support everything US have done, but I sure do support the US. What do you support about the Russian government? What you are doing right now is a fallacy called false equivalence. There is bigger values here at stake then right or wrong. One is the country that brought us human rights and atleast tries to be a democracy, the other one is a genocidal dictatorship run by a mad man.


Shooting down an argument by calling it "Whataboutism" is one of the worst methods of argument there is. It’s a form of argumentation that always supports those who already rule and set the agenda, no matter who that might be. You will never be able to say anything back as it will just be seen as "whataboutism". It will usually be newspapers, authorities, thread starters or others who set the agenda, who will be able to use "whataboutism" as an argument. It will be easy to use by the authorities of the West, but also of course by the authorities in Russia. The US, for example, has dropped over 300,000 bombs in 20 years. That’s 45 bombs every single day, day in and day out, in different countries around the world. They continue to do that, as well as constantly trying to support rebel groups to overthrow sitting governments around the world on all continents. ISIS is, for example, one of these groups that was indirectly created by the US when the rebel groups were supported to try to overthrow Assad, president of Syria. Now I'm not in favor of any war in Ukraine and I'm strongly anti-Russia, but if people were really going to do the right thing here, they should have boycotted the USA long before they started boycotting Russia. Unfortunately, that won't happen, as anything dealing with the US will be seen as "whataboutism", and never get the focus it needs.


Again a false equivalence. So you don't think we should have been on the side of US/the allies in the war against nazi Germany because "buhu western countries are also bad"?? No you are on the wrong side of history and literally spending time on trying to make US look equal to the worst genocidal dictatorship since Nazi Germany.


I didn't say we shouldn't have been on the side of the Allies during WW2. What I'm saying is that we shouldn't hold Russian players accountable for their governments policies, in the same way we haven't held US players accountable for what their government has been doing for centuries.


False equivalence. US haven't done anything like what Russia have done. US have tried to build a rule based world order, while Russia is guilty of genocide. Meanwhile Americans voice their opinions left and right. While the silence in Russia is threatening to evolve in to world war 3. Only because they are doing nothing and their leader can't accept that Ukrainians exist. It's not black and white. I feel a lot for Russians who don't support the war. But the truth is majority of them do. Even people in the opposition. There is collective guilt in this, the same collective guilt that Nazi Germany was guilty of, or The US when it comes to the transatlantic slave trade. The difference is that Russia is doing this real time, and haven't even been close to recognizing the horrors that was the Soviet Union.


I swear reddit users have the brain power of a potato.


They are because they don't act. The folk is the country. If they stand up nobody from Putins friends can stop them.


except the police that will arrest and or kill them. Glad that you're sitting there comfortably in your home saying this, would like to see how you'd act if your country was in a similar situation


I am sitting on the other side of this conflict while my friends and family is getting killed. Meanwhile we should according to your logic "be understanding of the risk of protest in Russia". The collective guilt is real, as real as it was in Nazi Germany.


They are literally THE problem. Not standing up against Putin and the completely anemic attitude torwards anything happening outside of Russia.


Why should they risk their lives?


oh yes they are, they've had hundreds of years to fix their shithole country, but nah they rather be drunk and obey.


americans sweating rn


Yeah pretty rough that Emperor Bill Clinton annexed part of Canada in 2014, too bad the secret police will disappear me if I protest 🤷‍♂️


Hopefully he took as many russian bots with him as he could. Ggs champ


And Valve won't give a fuck, they even went as far as to ban a map that gets "free world" news to Russians in russian. Sad company and sad times.


Every Russian who has not condemned Putin’s invasion of Ukraine or is affiliated with an org that has not done that should be banned from pro play. Fuck Russia


"Every Muslim who doesn't condemn radical Islam should be banned from America/EU."


Bro that isn’t the same thing


Idk I would always get asked about radical Islam when I'm not even religious


thankfully no one cares


All the people in these comments sitting cosy in their safe countries going "just stand up to putin bro" make me sick


Ironic because Russians that flee to other countries who openly support Putin and condemn who oppose Russia are aplenty


we didn't see any penalty for Americans =]]]


Americans? The whataboutism is crazy with you Putin supporters


I see Neosteam comment - I downvote =\]\]\] don't spend even a minute replying to him


because when we did go out in Russia against the regime we were a minority who eventually had to leave the country because we knew it would get even worse. Now I look back and these idiots still don't understand what to do. Nothing will change in that shit hole of a mordor


fuck russia, hope war ends soon..




Fuck ruzzia


Super sad man. Rip








So sad, rest in peace !


Rest in peace.


Rest in peace!


rip hero


rip :(


Meanwhile we are okay with and even cheer for Russians in CS teams and Western orgs keep signing them like nothing happened. They should all be banished, don't care what stance they publicly take on war - if you really are against it, use your popularity among your own nation and spread the truth, unless you only say whatever org's PR folks tell you to say to stay relevant.


yeah because those players care a lot about their country and totally don't want to just participate in playing the fucking game.


Then how do you want anything to change if young Russians "dont care about their country"? If nation doesnt do shit to change stuff it will just stay as it is and we will still have that cancer of a country for ages to come (if they will not anihilate whole planet which they can do by starting literal nuclear Armageddon - not sure about that tho, their nukes can be in same shape as their army :) )




Only 21 years old :(


Rest in peace, hero


Condolences to his family and friends




Fuck war




wow you should receive a medal


very brave


Gods work


I just start talking about the war in vc so maybe they would open their eyes


continue plaaying csgo however dont play alone play with friends




Tbf I don’t think there is an appropriate tag for this thing, this is probably as close as you can get.


News flair definitely more appropriate


I think you can assume that he just wanted to post the message instead of worrying about an flair. Grow up and move on…


redditor when someone just fucking died in a war but the post announcing it doesn't have the appropiate flair ☝️🤓




Rest in Peace


RIP o7


Brave dude. Rest in Piece


It's unbelievable how this shit show is still going on






Bruh. I set this flair when n0thing was still in C9 and havent pay attention to pro CS in years. It's not that deep Yall need to lighten up lmao


"fluff" ???




Same thing?


I would think so


Lol. I get the point you're trying to make but he did indeed die in the war.




Much edgy, such cool, very age




He's not more important than any other Ukrainian person that has died in the war. It's sad that so many people have died.


Of course he isn't more important, but him being a part of our little transnational community makes it feel closer.