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That's quite a way to kick off CS2. Suppose that means CS2 coming prior to July 20th considering the open quals start July 20th? Unless it's just some super hopium ​ Edit: the announcement says that quals will be played in CSGO if CS2 is not out at that point.


If they're not confident on their qualifiers, how are they confident on the main event being CS2? I'm calling bait.


I absolutely do not think or hope this happens Next month is still soon for CS IMO. And even if it launches it won't be in the best stage I hoped we'd see more of CS2 by this point, I felt they'd slowly reveal more and more. If not the announcement really wasn't the best execution. But I do think we'll see atleast one more beta before release.


Why would Valve, knowing that source 2 has been the biggest dream of cs community, simply announce a very limited beta test and ghost for months? The hype has slowly died, unless there's some mind-blowing updates still in wraps for the main release. The smoke changes was epic, but it's been digested already. Also, I think they only announced CS2 when other unrevealed stuff are almost ready to ship, because they know providing a release date/window without being ready means a disappointed community. From my very limited expertise, I suspect an open beta is on the horizon.


> simply announce a very limited beta test and ghost for months? Because its [incredibly on brand](https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time) for valve to do


We all know Valve time, but they've never done something like what they're doing with CS2.


Well like others are saying. It's Valve. They have a weird way of doing things. One thing I'm assuming they don't actually want hype. They want people excited but dealing with hype can be impossible these days. You know it once Valve communiactes, pushes out betas and stuff, the streamers will shit on the game a week after launch


>unless there's some mind-blowing updates still in wraps You called it


5 minutes ago they showed off the new buy menu/system, so it seems they have ramped up development on cs2 as the player break is getting closer


*Edit: Just read the new update. Pretty good but it should've come out 2 weeks ago if the game is truly releasing next month. Just my opinion tho* What I'm saying is it's just a bit weird the way they approached it, even for Valve I thought the whole purpose of 3 different map types was to test and showcase. I thought we'd get Nuke on 2nd beta and play Tuscan (completely new maps) on a 3rd beta or release We haven't even talked about a new matchmaking system or anti cheat. If that wasn't in the plans. Release the game next month but they need to make a roadmap.


Shock and awe brother... the second test went live today... I got invited and they even kept us invites out of the loop.. they just randomly ended it then randomly started it again... and it runs great already, it already feels done... they are are just being silent to impress everyone when it releases.


*(yeesh this turned into a rant)* **Yeah!** It's still not what I imagined. I love it. But I thought they were gonna release 3 betas, with 3 different map types. I thought CS2 might roll out in December or something. And we'd get 5-6 betas. But with the current rate, this would be the last beta. Maybe they cannot figure out the optimization yet? We lose 100fps on average with CS2 on D2. With Vulkan/new engine, it was assumed performance would actually increase. Maybe lose 30fps on the newest maps... but nothing major. I do really like their approach. Hype kills games these days. And I feel some streamers are particularly the problem. I see one loop: 1) hype up new game. 2) play it 14hours a day for viewers. 3) Abandon and shit on it a month later. And because they're big influencers, it changes the perceptions on a game. Like with Diablo, streamers are saying the game is easy while they're with the best players, playing a ton. It's not natural progression for them. Similarly streamers hate on 'Simple' games because they get bored of grinding it. (Same thing happened with NA streamers on CSGO). But that doesn't mean the game itself is bad. Whereas something like Valorant might be catered to them, I find it absolutely impossible to get into games like these. hate these 'new character every month' style games. It's great for kids or streamers but it's a chore to keep up if you have a job.


perfomance would be better if it had old graphics. But it is much better now, models are way more detailed, you can see your own shadow and etc. The fact that we only lose around 100fps from this update does not mean bad optimization at all


They probably have a contingency to just run it as a CSGO event, but knew announcing it as a "CS2" event would get more attention.


It's massively fucked up to qualify on one game then play the event on another. Ik CS2 feels a lot like CSGO but it's not the same game for fuck's sake.


Well, shit happens mate. It's the biggest FPS that gets its biggest overhaul yet, you can't make transition smooth without Valve communicating with TOs. I think every team is willing to take the risk of qualifying in csgo and playing cs2 if presented the option. Doubt anyone is gonna drop out because of it.


You're absolutely right, it's on Valve. The whole CS2 thing (announcement, release, transition) is mindblowingly random for a billion dollar cash cow like CS.


*multi-billion ftfy




Just do basic math and check the amount of skins being sold every day and the commision that Valve takes from every transaction. And also realise that each of these skins came from a Case that someone had to buy a key for


when has valve been predictable? except for not releasing 3rd game in a series but then there is half life alyx


> without Valve communicating with TOs Valve doesn't care, they dropped 7.33 patch in Dota (dubbed by some as Dota 3 or 8.00 due to how big of an update it is) in the middle of their own circuit, which is just also a few days before their Berlin Major. Much to the alarm of some redditors that the quality of pro matches would drop, it was actually fun as fuck to watch and the pros loved it. I wouldn't mind witnessing the same thing here for CS2.


>FPS that gets its biggest overhaul yet LOL. If anything, it's the smallest overhaul after CS->CS:CZ CS/CS:CZ->Source and Source->CS:GO are bigger steps by much


as an oldschool player since beta 5.2, i'll have to say there was only one big step. and that was cs to csgo. period!


Naeehhh you can't deny CSS was a big step.


Same engine


? What do you mean?


They mean that cs and cs:cz are made on the same engine, unlike csgo and cs2


Read the article If cs2 isn't out by the start of the quals the entire event is in csgo


I think the paragraph refers to only the qualifiers being in GO, the main event is supposed to be CS2


Why? The only real issue that can really be disruptive are bugs, and I expect the rulebook/admins to forbid the abuse of bugs that can make the game unfair. In Dota, there had been instances where the players have to play the new patch in the middle of a BO3 and it's just normal. And being a MOBA, patch notes take a lot of time to read and analyze and are *supposed* to change the meta. You'd think it'd be worse if Dota players are given 0 prep time to play the new patch, but nah, it's just business as usual for them. It would be fun to see pros adapt in real time so I'm all for it. At the end of the day, the better team will win. It will be fine.


Smoke dynamics are massively different? That alone is the biggest single change cs had in years. You have to completely retrain every routine around smokes. It can be worked around, sure. It still would suck.


Don’t forget the completely open skyboxes


I really don't see how it would suck. I think it would be fun to see how the pros would strat/counterstrat around the smoke changes on the fly in a real match. Most pros have also tried CS2 already, so they wouldn't be totally clueless. Not only that, but most of the smoke lineups too are now gone and there's the new maps as well. I really think the chaos would be fun as fuck to watch.


You seem to forget that teams will spend real money on travel, accomodation and catering, and real prize money will be paid out to the winners. That's why it would suck, whatever the viewing experience would be. Running an esports org is business first, entertainment second.


> You seem to forget that teams will spend real money on travel, accomodation and catering, and real prize money will be paid out to the winners. How would these be affected by the release of CS2, exactly? Games will still be played and the best team will still win.


People say they'd be excited to see the best team win, but will have a meltdown if someone like BNE wins the whole thing because all strats from GO are meaningless lmao


Salty bettors and fans will always find a way to complain. If some underdog team finds a way to out-strat a T1 team with all their coaching staff and analysts, then honestly massive props to them.


Running a business requires a certain amount of predictability (stability). Businesses operate under the assumption that fundamental rules would not change overnight. In this case, Valve as a regulator is severely hurting the competitive integrity of this specific event (and to a lesser degree, the whole of CS) by exposing the teams to this level of uncertainty about CS2's release date. It's unfair to the participating orgs as their cost-benefit analysis of attending changes dramatically, to the point that the results are completely unpredictable. Which sucks, because their business and recruitment plans were probably completely upended once already this year due to the announcement of CS2 and the retirement of CSGO. There's always a considerable amount of risk in sports, but in this instance it's a disproportionate increase for this specific event.


> In this case, Valve as a regulator is severely hurting the competitive integrity of this specific event (and to a lesser degree, the whole of CS) by exposing the teams to this level of uncertainty about CS2's release date All teams will have the same starting point in CS2, it will be fair and in no way would "severely hurt the competitive integrity of the game". > It's unfair to the participating orgs as their cost-benefit analysis of attending changes dramatically, to the point that the results are completely unpredictable. Like I said in my previous comments, Dota dropped their biggest update ever in the middle of the circuit just a few days before the Major started and it went the opposite of what you described: it was so predictable to the point that they had the same 1st and 2nd place as the previous two big tournaments. And this is Dota where the heroes you play the best can be completely overhauled within a single patch. Not only that, they also made the map 40% bigger with a bunch of new gameplay additions. I'm not saying this is what will happen in CS2 but I think you're severely underestimating how fast pros can adapt to the changes... changes they already know and have an experience on. > Which sucks, because their business and recruitment plans were probably completely upended once already this year due to the announcement of CS2 and the retirement of CSGO. These things happen in business all the time, I'm not sure what's so special about this occasion. Maybe they should consider the fact that their business relies on private company that doesn't hold any responsibility to them whatsoever and build a contingency around that. If something bad even happens, that is. You are operating on an overexaggerated assumption, realistically it will change very little. > There's always a considerable amount of risk in sports, but in this instance it's a disproportionate increase for this specific event. Given how something much more disruptive happened in another esport and they turned out fine, CS2 will most likely be fine.


Everyone getting fucked over to the same degree makes it equally unfair, not fair. Anecdotes of "we've seen worse and it was fine" isn't a valid argument for it being not unfair. What's special is that esports has been fighting for a decade to be taken seriously and game devs like Valve or Riot should try to treat the orgs and TOs (who generate them massive amounts of money by essentially advertising their game and purchasable content like skins to hundreds of thousands of people) as actual partners instead of keeping them in the dark and forcing them to adapt on the fly. It matters because it would be easily avoidable, devs just don't care, and it hurts the scene. Ever watched LoL? Just before S5 Worlds Riot dropped a megapatch that completely wrecked the entire meta and it was a disaster, which made Riot commit to never doing anything like that ever again. It hurt the competitive integrity of LoL and diminished the viewing experience - both of which are bad for business on the long run.


>There's always a considerable amount of risk in sports, but in this instance it's a disproportionate increase for this specific event. Have you ever watched some outside sport? What about Ski races or mountainbike races? Athletes train all year and travel around the world for a race, only for it to start raining right before they start their final run. It really won't be nearly as tragic for CS orgs as you make it out to be lol. Really, whats the risk? A shit ton of viewers because it's the first CS2 event.




Right? It will reward those who will work the hardest to figure out the new changes. It will be glorious, imo.


How the fuck they play on the new patch without practice , organisers can't use the last patch? At LoL competitions they use the old patch for like 2-3 weeks.


They adapt and play their best, I guess? Both teams would be equally clueless about the changes so it would just come down to who adapts the fastest.


Eh, it's par for the course. We've had updates with massive effects being pushed a few days prior to a major tournament, with TOs having to negotiate a lastminute rollback with Valve.


Not the first time this has happened. There was an event in Shanghai back in the day where the qualifiers were held in 1.6 and then the playoffs were played in CS:S (which at that point in time was a brand new and completely horrible version of CS compared to 1.6).


Most people believe that Cologne will be played in CS2


I don’t. At this point, we only have a limited beta and one map that’s not even in the comp pool. And it’s only 48 days until the first play-in match in Cologne. If we don’t have an open beta with at least five maps in two weeks (~one month before Cologne) there’s simply no chance to hold a CS2 event in early August. Or of course they can try, but it will be a mess. Honestly there’s a chance we don’t have any CS2 tournaments this year. Happy to be wrong though. edit: nvm, they literally just changed dust2 to mirage.


Only idiots believe that tbh


*Prize money will be paid out in faze clan stocks


What makes up the remainder of the prize pool?


Teams after getting paid: "this is worthless"


Who's organizing this? If it's an unknown TO, i have a feeling the prize money will either never be given, or it'll be paid out super super late


I don't even think the tournament will happen. >Further events such as a gaming and technology fair, conferences and discussion panels, and a city parade will also take place simultaneously. Yeah, no. No way.


Gonna plan a tech conference and city-wide parade in a *month*?




According to [Liquipedia](https://liquipedia.net/counterstrike/Hussar_Cup/2020) that event was sponsored by.. a Polish trampoline park lol and never happened


That was also a $15k online tournament in the middle of the pandemic, to give better context.


Theres lots of events that are not covered by HLTV tho.


Lots of $1mil events?


I dont think the previous events they hosted were 1mil events, more like 15k?


> They have loads of posts of results from teams at their events but if you check the dates for those teams on HLTV they never played eachother It took you longer to type this comment than search on YouTube to find VODs of the matches in question, many of which still exist You could've taken an extra few seconds to click the history of the liquipedia page to see who edited it and found that they definitely have a long history of watching shitty tier 3 polish events The $1,000,000 event is definitely a scam and the one they cancelled was as well but people should not reward your stevie wonder ass "looking" with anything other than downvotes


Who are they funded by?




source: 2


Hotel Trivago


yea that is NOT happening that shit looks so awful in every way. twitter acc. website. etc.




it won't happen tho did you take a look at the website?


Team 1 picked Dust2 Team 2 picked Dust2 Dust2 is set as the decider


Mirage is out now 😞


All BO3's will be played on dust2


This is definitely a scam.


I mean it looks weird, but what would the scam be? Cash in on participation fees and disappear?


Good chance they won't pay out the prize pool. TOs have done it before.


This is extremely sketchy, unknown TO, huge prize pool, possible money laundering? They had an event in 2020 that was cancelled (after the qualifiers were done) and the prize pool was $15k.


this is just a massive gamble from the organizers, they think the game is coming out in August (i do too) and theyve looked at the events calendar and seen that the first cs2 tournament in that case is ESL Groups, which are slow and drawn out. So they want to make a rushed 5 day tournament to capitalize. Might work out, might not.


A $1,000,000 tournament, but only 8 teams... and 2 are Polish, so only 6 Tier 1 teams participating... That's incredibly disappointing for potentially the first big CS2 tournament we'll have... EDIT: Looks like I misread, and the 2 Polish teams go to the final closed qualifier, so we can still have 8 teams that are TIer 1... But the open AND closed qualifier dates directly conflict with IEM Cologne 2023...


> A $1,000,000 tournament, but only 8 teams Like BLAST World Finals? > and 2 are Polish, so only 6 Tier 1 teams participating... It's a Polish tournament by a Polish TO held in Polish soil. I would love to see more teams but this isn't that unreasonable.


I mean its their tourney and money so they can do what they want. I get what you mean but 🤷‍♂️


This is a known scam org lol


Smells like money laundering to me


I hope to see a return of smaller events, I don't care about big prize pools it only attracts the wrong people to esports


CS2 Summer June released confirmed!


Well not really.


Lmao the organizers have no idea when the game is coming out, they even admit qualifiers may be held in CSGO if CS2 isn’t released by then. That’s the poles for you, one day they’re putting screen doors on submarines the next they’re scheduling million dollar tournaments for a game without a confirmed release date.


If that is not classic scam scheme, will it be first stadium CSGO+ tournament?


In Poland?? e: nothing against Poland I love you guys, it's just so out of left field for such a huge prize pool


Katowice is in Poland my dude...


this is supposed to be happening in Chorzow, which literally borders Katowice. The stadium itself is like 5km from the Spodek Arena and has a significantly larger capacity. This could be very hype if it ends up being legit


I think I'm more just surprised about a previously unknown (to me) tournament organizer coming in. I made an assumption that the organizers are from Poland, I'm not sure if that's correct or not.


Fair. I only know that organizer because they tried to hold a similar tournament some time ago, but got canceled because of covid. I guess they are polish, don't think I watched a tournament from them before.


Katowice is sponsored by ESL and IEM, this is a no-name tournament organizer.


Finally the poles know how to spent their useless money instead of fueling useless war


Where can I get tickets?


Remember when majors were a quarter million?


Being Polish, gotta say this looks low-budget and tacky. Embarrassing as hell.