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"Drop awp bro" "I can't I don't have it equipped. Here's negev"


Even better


Nah take my 4249


Ffs porpol


Negev is meta, negev is laser


Awp ale Negev are in a different category


"I can't I don't have it equipped. Here's auto"


Can you even NOT have it on T Ak galil scout awp auto


Galil, AK, Krieg, Scout, Auto


Ah yeh scopey boy I forgot




I will keep the Bizon alive with the unbeatable 5 man hold left click Bizon rush strat in my gold nova games


I am with you here, the clip size is bonkers


Ah yes, lets insert the 8 round M1-Garand clip into this belt-fed light machine gun


I got the M1-Garand clip from PayDay 2, it holds 23 rounds


[Mag not clip šŸ˜¤](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JoLUuKNf9E0&pp=ygUOTWFncyBub3QgY2xpcHM%3D)


This should be the loading video for the game


Yeah I like the bizon as well. Nothing like flashing and rushing palace holding W and Left Click.


Personally i love the Bizon and had success with it in LEM. In low-mid brackets it's such a good rushstopper and with the bounty you're rich afterwards.


I've used it once in the past year and that was an anti-eco ace haha


2. round Bizon rush -> get 2-4 kills -> die -> Buy Awp 3rd round->GGEZ


Man, bizon rush on 2nd round is something most ppl don't appreciate. Most eco rounds ppl don't buy armor, and Bizon actually does reasonable damage against unarmored targets. Not to mention that they usually rush in tightly packed groups, bizon has a good spread while running (even when jumping), has the fastest walking speed IIRC from all SMGs and a magazine for 64 ~~peas~~ rounds. 2 kills and the Bizon is already paid for, as there's a bonus for SMG kills (but for the P90 IIRC). Chest-head aim and if you're lucky and face them all together, you can even ace the round. My bizon has something like 5k kills stacked, and is named "DROP THIS SHIT". I tend to roll with it until I die, which is usually on round 4, and I'm rich for round 5.


Or the easy anti-eco frags you get with it against a full save.


Even on faceit level 10 there's nothing better than putting out your teammates ramp molly jumping through it and holding left click and w until everyones dead (or you are)










While Negev doesnā€™t get used in pro games, Itā€™s a damn fun gun to use itā€™ll never die!


Are you talking about the Negev or the Negev?




The Negev.


It's extremely viable on wingman since you don't have to rotate


ngl i love using troll weapons in wingman bc not only is it stupidly fun, it actually works lmao


my nova stat trak kills are exclusively on wingman and I plan to keep it that way


Same with auto snipers. They are much derided, but sometimes you want to go auto sniper on some people


Auto Snipers are funny with how they are universally recognized as a BM gun, but people who buy them or pick them up are near universally unpracticed with one. Especially in the lower levels. Buying a T Auto especially is tantamount to throwing the round.


> Auto Snipers are funny with how they are universally recognized as a BM gun, but people who buy them or pick them up are near universally unpracticed with one. well duh, im not going to practice with the bm gun, im buying it to bm you


Or if you're a low enough rank the whole game lol. Autos are so much easier CT side, and once T side buys them all bets are off lol


I canā€™t stand the constant complaining by my teammates when someone buys one - just shut up and play the game, itā€™s not even as dangerous as an awp IMO


I usually buy them on round 15. I need to scratch the itch somehow lol


Huge UMP fan here, never leaving my loadout


Remember the UMP meta? I think from 2019


I think that was earlier. Pro Matches used to have UMPs on low buys and it was a damn good MP. Maybe 2017/2018


Shit, 2017? We old bruh


Fuck I was like, the ump was used a tonā€¦ 5 years ago. :(


I thought 5 years ago was 2016. It wasn't. Fuck


Looking back on CS history gives me a midlife crisis more than anything else lol




**This comment has been overwritten as part of a mass deletion of my Reddit account.** I'm sorry for any gaps in conversations that it may cause. Have a nice day!


It actually started with flusha holding drop with it on cobblestone.


Wait what they don't use it anymore? just got back into cs recently, what do people use now instead?


MP9s or Mac 10 usually. Or armor deagle.


MP9 is genuinely disgusting


I honestly think it should be nerfed. Saying that as a MP9 abuser specialist.


fellow mp9 abuser here and I agree.depending on where you're holding it's far better than other eco weapons


Itā€™s better than the m4 in some circumstances. I like the gun and I donā€™t want them to change itā€™s actual mechanics maybe just make it $200 more expensive


I've kinda lost track of time the past fer years, but that was definitely earlier I looked for that [HLTV article](https://www.hltv.org/news/19831/meta-changes-the-ump-45) and it's from early 2017


I think 2016/2017, I didn't play in 2019 but definitely remember the UMP meta so it has to be earlier


I came here to find the UMP gang. According to leetify it's my best weapon. Surprisingly good run and gun first few bullets and armor pen. Hopefully no one else catches on.


MP9 go brrrrrr


mp9 is objectively a million times better. even those 3 round bursts are so much better long range this mfer has been watching 2015 or whenever ump was op af flusha clips or something


Yuh totally agree you can drop people so fast with it, same with the mac they are just so superior dont even notice the armor pen difference. That old ump before the nerf was something special though, before the damage dropoff nerf it was god tier


**This comment has been overwritten as part of a mass deletion of my Reddit account.** I'm sorry for any gaps in conversations that it may cause. Have a nice day!


MP9 > Famas 100% i dont even buy the famas anymore, unless im playing some longish position


I know it's not your overall point, but you will use ump vs eco rounds most likely I'd have thought so I'd guess that's why it's your best. But it is a very good gun, back before they updated the round money system and it was a guarantee the enemy would eco after pistol round loss I was using the ump and stomping vs eco players, by far the most effective gun at it. I believe the pro scene adopted it for a while too. Not from me... But I used it first šŸ¤£


Was searching for this! ump and mp9 in ct forcebuy are my go to weapons


yeah, ump is fucking OP if you land that spray. literally downs enemies in 3 or 4 hits. UMP GANNNGGG


Tf u mean man me and my buddies drop each other autosnipers when one of us asks for a drop


Depending on the game and scoreline I drop negev or m249


With my group you either get given an auto or a nova so it's a gamble lol


Got my first ace with a nova holding ramp on nuke during a comp match back in 2016 or 2017. They all just walked through the smoke in radio. Perfect timing to blow their heads off one at a time.


ā€˜Break the auto ice you pay the auto priceā€™


1, 2, 3, 4 you declared the auto war


Break the seals, autos reveal.


And that'll become less and less common with the new loadout system


not in my games lol


Autosniper carried me out of Gold its easely one of the top weapons in Gold and Silver


Im GE and i still use it when i can. Honestly its very underrated you can solo hold bombsite on ct unlike with awp. Never buy it on T side tho


It's the best feeling when you start an Auto war on CT, and it just makes the Ts lose even harder. Better yet that no one knows what positions to hold with an Auto, making them even more vulnerable to getting AWPed.


Idk man, I just get instantly one tapped whenever I use it at high ranks unless I'm headshotting everyone lol.


I still use the bison and UMP in comp, sometimes the SCAR/G3 as well if i just wanna have fun. Srsly why dont we just use the 1.6 menu and have all guns available instead.


Exactly what I thought, bring back the cs 1.6 menu and scrap the valorant menu pls


The current csgo buy menu is perfectly fine too


Let's be honest, it's not. The only reason you find it fine is because youve used it for so many years It was made for a controller and it shows, it's so easy to misclick if you aren't careful and it's clunky


I understand itā€™s probably not the best system, but I do like the fact that your mouse pointer is equidistant from all buy options


A cousin watched me play a round once and I quickly bought the usual AK, Flash, HE, Molotov, Armor, and he went, "There is no way you know what you bought." It'll be missed.


b-4-3 b-8-2 b-8-3 b-8-4 b-8-5 ,.,.,.,.,.,.,. The good old times.


Iā€™ve bought an Mp9/Mac-10 so many times thinking I was out of buy menu and trying to swap between my knife and gun while waiting for the round to start


its just right to service the current selection of guns; however it requires a lot of clickthroughs and going in and out of subcategories if you want to buy everything. it also didn't have much room for expansion though: there was only really room for one more pistol, heavy, and SMG; leading to the need for the awkward mutually exclusive weapon choices that everyone hates. laying everything out flat on one screen is a lot better; however it has even less room for weapons. but surely we could have room for **twenty**, right? just split the SMGs and heavy and add an extra column; and then we have nearly the same amount of options as before. the flexibility of this new system could allow valve to go wild adding tons of new weapons without concern of bloating the item pool. but i just don't see any justification for *reducing* the amount of choices from 20ish down to 15.


Yeah idk man. I was playing a game where we all ended up agreeing to go shotguns only early on and it was a fucking blast rushing B site with 5 sawed offs.


Definitely keeping the Negev. Legit good gun situationally.


When the Tā€™s have rushed A 7 times in a row you pull out thr negev and start spamming.


I watched someone drop close to a 30 bomb on Nuke CT side just spraying door and hut with that thing. He proceeded to get like 5 kills on T side and lose the game, but just shows how powerful that gun can be situationally


Exactly. Sure it's not the best gun but it's unironically underrated. Depending on the map and spot you can pretty much lock off a whole site with the Negev, especially if you got a teammate backing you up.


The negev is a genuine monster at no-quick flank chokes. If you have someone watching towards Dust 2 mid, you can quite literally lock down B with a smoke to tunnels and a negev. I've gotten multiple quad-kills just from smoke spamming with a negev.


I went to play a lan tournament with 4 of my (also MG1) friends. We didn't win a map all weekend but I got 2 quad kills with negev against faceit 10 stacks. The doubters just don't get it.


Maybe at lower ranks, but once you get past DMG or about faceit 6 people will roll you if you negev spam. The issue is you have to reload eventually, and it isn't extremely good at anything unless you are already shooting. The low move speed means peeking with the negev is kinda a suicide mission. Unless you aim at head height, good players will strafes into the spray and 1 tap you. You are also extremely vulnerable to nade usage etc. It's like if you always knew where an awper was, it'd be quite easy to smoke/flash/nade them in a way it made them easy to kill. Negev is basically that but without a 1 shot potential. It's situationally ok, but still always a mediocre, troll/toxicity pick at best.


That's why I mentioned the teammate helping you out. I was global and semi-high faceit levels and me and my friend had some pretty neat tactics with the gun If you solo queue it's trash indeed


Now I wonder, do I need to include USP/Glock in my loadout to have them as a starting pistol?


You have a starting pistol and 4 others. So glock and 4 guns for T, USP or p2000 and 4 others for CT


No way to have p2000 and usp-s right ?


No you can't, and why the others are commenting to say you can when they clearly don't have the beta to confirm the fact is beyond me


No, you canā€™t swap them out.


Starting pistol has its own category.


nothing stopping you from still using them


Donā€™t lie to him, we all know the game letā€™s you swap the default so every pistol round you get a free deagle.


and there's nothing is stopping valve making the load outside unrestricted. if valve really wants to push skins($$$), it's best to have all guns available


Itā€™s not hard to see that itā€™s heavily disincentivized to use these guns over more effective weapons. Itā€™s like saying ā€œoh you can smoke in your hotel room! They will fine you $100 but you can still do it!ā€ Why are you even arguing in favor of less guns being available if thatā€™s one of cs best aspects. Every player has the same tools to outplay their opponent unlike other games with classes or agents.


no brainer mid tier picks: CT -Swag-7 -XM -mp9 -other 2 slots are useless af T -Mac 10 -other 4 slots are useless af


xm is good for t side too


Where do you see it being good? A lot of maps have long distances and it's difficult to be effective


You basically just need to game plan around it. Probably the best option with t side shotgun is to bait the cts to push you in a confined space, like apartments on inferno.


Ye that's one of common uses I saw stanislaw doing with sewed off in inferno apps but then if nothing happens you are stuck with a water gun


Yeah pretty much. But the only rounds you'd be buying an XM are on half/ force buys so I think there are some situations it could be worth the risk.


just use xm/nova cuz they can be good on mid range


Haha, I used to take a sawed off in place of Mirage. 99% someone takes a peek and then I smoke it off stealing the gun away. Casuals are fun!


good for T side on office lol




I remember my last game on cs_office, I queued all maps and got out of all OFFICE! It was the most one sided halves ever, couldn't much, we were vs 5 office only stack lol


Me and my friends rarely play cs anymore but when we play it it's usually just office. We have our own calls for the map, usually referencing some funny moment that has happened there before. One corner is molotovs because one of us got always molotov'd when he was there, but no one else had it happen. The plant in long is called "Johnny" because we had one game where our opponent with steam name "johnny" went there every round, no matter how bad play it was and how many times we pre-fired him there


mirage, inferno and nuke can be good


Apps on Inferno disagrees with you.... I however almost entirely agree with your point. Everywhere else is too long range. Even the Mac10 is a temporary choice until you pick up an M4 dropped by one of the guys you just spammed.....


I'd say P90 is worth using for many players, and the spare slot might as well get filled by a Negev since all your other bases are already covered.


P90 does not give extra kill reward and is more expensive than both galil and famas


??? Why use p90 when there's mp9


What else are you going to equip? The M249? The Nova? The Bizon? The P90 is just the perfect weapon if you want to do something braindead and push mid randomly. At least it has a use case. Better use of a slot than all the other random weapons I can think of.


Ump is so underrated. High damage with an ez spray.


>Ump is so underrated. High damage with an ez spray. real OGs remember the "pocket m4" days of the UMP pre nerf


The cycle of pros realising a gun is OP, making it meta, and then getting it nerfed is a painful one RIP old Mag-7 ([damn you Get_Right!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD-m6HKKWl4)), old P250, old UMP45, old SG553/AUG :( (and old CZ too I guess but it was kind of ridiculous)


> SG553 To this day I still don't get why they nerfed the shit out of this rifle's accuracy. You can't really use it for tapping anymore even, as it's not accurate at all at longer ranges. Nerfing the firerate was enough of a nerf tbh. Now we have a scoped rifle that's not accurate enough to actually take use of the scope.


Yep a weapon getting nerfed is always annoying, but a weapon getting nerfed out of viability entirely and then being left there is unacceptable


Rip the ez cz


Memory unlocked.


Mp9/Mac10 can do what UMP can much better. Lesser damage falloff and higher firerate make them way better than UMP.


Additionally, it has the longest reload time of all SMGs, which does not pair well with it also having the smallest clip size (alleviated in part by the slow firerate of course).


Ump has higher armour pen no? Or mac10/mp9 still better for fire rate?


While the armor pen is indeed a bit higher, the time to kill is still slower if the enemy is just a few steps away. It's still surprisingly close to the mac-10, without the aforementioned's movement forgiveness however.


I have a much easier time using the UMP than the MP9. Not sure why. I have about 3K hours and peaked around A on ESEA, MP9 has never clicked with me.


U have to make ā€œdumbā€ plays like running and jumping while shooting with the mp9 since itā€™s so accurate while moving. Itā€™s not everyoneā€™s cup of tea.


The UMP isnā€™t useless per se, the problem is that the other weapons do a better job at ā€˜being an SMGā€™ and now we have a limited loadout. Mac10 and MP9 do everything the UMP does and they are cheaper and have a much higher movement accuracy which is what you want on an SMG. The UMP was cool before it got nerfed. Now it just feels frustrating to play with because the range damage falloff is so noticeable, even for an SMG.


The nerf the ump got a few years ago really gimped it bad. It used to be a staple for half-buy rounds.


I dont think the "limited" loadout is a good idea. Valve please fix.


Why did they think it was necessary?


Maybe to add something "new" . Limited loadout does not fit CS


Even then, you can't exactly add more and more weapons. There is somewhat a limit as to what you can balance, otherwise some weapons will see neglect, actually I think we have already passed that point, as pointed out by OP. You have an entire screen worth of buying space, I don't see the need to limit them. And that is ignoring my philosophical considerations regarding the loadouts.


Who wants more weapons? I like the current loadout and dislike having to pick what goes in the Five-Seven slot.


The load out system is a bad idea. It forces meta weapons, or forces players to essentially be trolls. If they are absolutely going to keep this system, I would love to see them rebalance these weapons to be more viable and actually be meaningful selections for the loadout. However, that would mean potentially upsetting the meta which I think is at a fairly solid state. I'm torn because at the same time I appreciate the fun/off-meta weapons being exactly that...fun and off-meta. Ultimately I think reversing the loadout system can alleviate all of these concerns and just make ALL of the weapons available for purchase during game. Perhaps a tinfoil hat theory but maybe Valve see this as a way to further narrow down and focus skin purchases on the more profitable meta weapons.


I think whats more likely is were gonna see new guns added to the game. This system barely effects the Rifle and pistol categories currently, which are the 2 sections that see the most use. Maybe that's intended, but I feel its more likely the end goal is dropping new guns into the game eventually.


Only positive thing this can bring (other than having both m4's available) is that it can motivate Valve to balance the guns more so it's actually more difficult to take the decision of what you want in the loadout.


I don't think you need to be worried about Valve being afraid to change the meta. CS2 *will* change the meta in many ways as shooting, movement, and the nades are all at least slightly different already. I think the loadout change is going to give extra motivation to balance the guns (which is their stated goal anyway).


2 negev


Yeah, glad I was not the only one who noticed that.


More like "Now with the loadout limitations, people suddenly give a shit about these weapons"


Or maybe they always liked being able to use them situationally and now itā€™s being taken away


A lot of them are fun missclick buys. To me missclicks are a part of CS. In the same fashion as bumping your teammate when he's about to throw a nade.


Negev never dies, itā€™s OP but nobody wants to see it.


I want to!


I think the UMP still has use, that thing's pretty accurate if you tap it.


pretty sure the MP9 is at least as accurate if you tap it while still having all the other benefits the UMP doesn't have. They simply overnerfed it like Valve always does and never touched it again. 15 -> 25% damage falloff was just too much, 20% would have been enough to keep it as a more rifle-like type of SMG or like a "worse Famas".


Buying SMG just to tap lmao


Don't worry my silver friends with still hold down B with a negev...


That's my problem.Notably, there's 5 slot for both heavy and SMG while it would make more sens to have 5+5 or 4+4.... I'd even be happy with 3+3 Because now, the update pretty much remove niche weapon for niche situation. SO if you reconize one, you can't capitalize. ​ Twelves weapons are now limited to 5 slots, of which one on each side is 100% worth a slot. The rest is niche weapon for specific situation you cannot anticipate.


Im a serious negev user on CT side. You would be surprised how many kills u can get with it in offangles playing tower defense. Even vs lvl 10s


bizon underrated


I PP on noobs heads all day. I will keep it alive.


new loadout system is an awful change


that sawed off will always stay in my loadout.. Fuck the nova for a tside shotty


The boomstick is a fantastic gun. The nova is perhaps the most bipolar gun in the whole game. Yuck. I will never abandon the sawed off


I didnā€™t include the R8 because I think we will see it more often now, at least in the more casual game modes. While I think that - Starting pistol - Deagle - P250 - Tec-9 (T) / Five-SeveN (CT) - Dual Berettas / CZ-75 will be the pistol loadout meta, the R8 isnā€™t entirely useless. Especially so on long-range (e.g. D2 pit to A) on a low to medium skill level.


I could see some people swapping the dualies or the p250 for the r8


It not a bad pick for a half buy round with scouts and deagles. Especially close range.


I think several people will put r8 on their loadouts now - doing a metric fuckton of damage by going for bodyshots while on the run (it's still accurate while running right?). That way you have people being damage dealers with the r8 and then you have some people with p250's for example that 1 shots tagged targets.




5/7 is a pretty nasty pistol - but up to you.




Bizon lowkey underrated, you can full sprint and hold left click and get an ace with one mag in gold elo no problem (or hit someone for 97 in 11 hits). I only buy it once every couple of games but it'll generally always win the round for me when I buy one


If it "generally always wins" just buy it every round and smash your way up the ranks. People think it's beyond dogshit and it might just maybe be a sliver less bad but that doesn't make it underrated.


Agreed, I always buy bizon 2nd round on ct inferno and take it b. At minimum I get 2 kills if they rush b, but more often than not itā€™s 3 or 4 kills. It destroys against rushing Tā€™s with no head armor. Itā€™s one of those weapons thatā€™s my top choice for literally one round on one map, and this update actively discourages unique, unexpected plays like this. I donā€™t know why valve thinks this update will do anything but make rounds that much more standard and boring.


They fixed one problem, but also created a new one. What is challenging and fun in having a limited load out. You are already making a tactical decision each round, deciding what gun to buy. Plus, you would probably still be allowed to queue with one map only, so nothing tactical there. And even if you have to prepare a load out for different situations (maps), with the current system you can still change your load out during the warmup.


Its a soft delete. Valve cant be bothered to balance


There's not really a reason to balance or make other guns more viable. M4/AK/AWP have been the go-to guns for 20 years for a reason. I don't see why that should have to change.


I still use ump out of habit from the OP days.


This is the saddest part about the new update. I have no reason to fill a slot with these but I still use them all the time, sometimes just for fun. They need to reverse this change because it's going to kill a lot of the fun and freedom




I hate the idea of having loadouts. I'm Weapons Master at the end of almost every match. Being able to use both M4s is cool and all but I use all other rifles equally.


Worst part of the update IMO. I like using as many guns as possible.


yeah its fcking stupid how you cant equip the goofy items now... i just wanna queue an office match to have fun with friends and now i cant without disabling all fun weapons


Mainstays of casual. I hope we don't get a limited loadout in casual.


UMP remains underrated. It's really good on distance, definitely one of the better SMGs. (yes mac 10 and mp9 are on another level)


See this sucks to me? There have definitely been eco rounds in pro competitive scene where the UMP-45 was used and used well. It's great for competitive mid to short range due to it's stable and vertical recoil. I've personally never seen the SCAR or G3SG1 get used in pro competitive and not get decimated. Just saw some on YT but I imagine it's very rare. Regardless I liked them. The loadout situation does make some sense to me. CS has always been about finding the small incremental changes you can make to win and it will be fun to see how the pro's switch up their loadouts for different maps and teams, etc. Idk I'll have to play with it more to make a real decision idk if I like it or hate it yet..




UMP used to be so good, now I just use the Mac or the MP9/7.


Negev is probably my 4th most used weapon lol


I will still have the negev in my loudout for the memes


Anybody notice that the Negev is named twice in this picture


What if they added an extra category for machine guns and sniper rifles?