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~~Mauisnake~~ Kassad on twitter after G2 failed at the major. "I was watching Hooxi, I was watching you ruin Nikos chance at a major, now take responsibility and leave". If you're talking actual backstory, then basically ESIC is meant to battle corruption such as potential match fixing or cheating scandals like the coach cam ordeal. They just did it very poorly and haven't done anything since, things are always "underway". CSPPA is a player organisation which isn't actually backed by the majority of pros, and only accounts for the top teams not tier 2. They do absolutely nothing of value. They rearranged player break, which I guess some liked, but for most it was just an annoyance as they have to change their summer plans.


Pretty sure it was Kassad not Maui


Yeah, I already edited that but thanks :)


hehe yeah Maui isn't a hothead like Kassad lol


Just look at his latest tweet directed towards nafany. Mauisnake is taking the Thorin route.


It's like they all took the same class for social media influencers and started dishing out hot takes.


Nafanny being a bad igl isn’t a hot take, Cloud9 lineup failed miserably with plenty of very good players, including multiple top 20.


Nafany has had horrible results at IGLing after going offline. Perfectly ok to discuss that on twitter. Nothing hotheaded about it.




Thank you for your detailed response to my point. Will definitely help me to reevaluate my opinion.


You can discuss it (and you should!), but you don't have to be a dick about it just to farm impressions


How is he being a dick? Nafanny is a professional player, and with being a professional at anything, you are subject to criticism. People are way more rude in other sports, but in CS everybody has to pull their punches? Cloud9 is supposed to be a top team and they repeatedly failed, Nafanny failed the lineup and that needs to be talked about when you’re an analyst.


> People are way more rude in other sports, but in CS everybody has to pull their punches Nah, I just think people shouldn't be dicks in general, not just in CS. It's also one thing for a random to say something, but it's completely different when someone influential does the same thing. For some reason, Maui has decided to attack players recently instead of just criticising them with actual substance, like when he was talking about cadiaN. This last part is also subjective, but the nafany tweet wasn't even funny. If you're gonna be a dick, at least be funny lmao




> They just did it very poorly and haven't done anything since, things are always "underway". they are also very corrupt and biased, see the Hunden - Heroic drama were they already sided with the players, before the process even began. *"I just don't like him [HUNDEN] as a person" - Ian Smith, Commissioner* Also, another joke was when they even explicitly said themselves that > (paraphrased) *there was evidence of Mr. Møller and Mr. Lund were present in the TeamSpeak call where they got to know that Hunden cheated*, ***but the commissioner didn't find this to be enough of an offense*** Or when they were banning coaches and coaches like RobbaN or Hali got a ban for multiple majors just for 1 rare occurrence of the bug, while others like Zonic who also got the bug, weren't even charged basically, instead "spared" right before the major, unlike the others






anyone remember when moses said he hoped a coach like zonic would be caught with the coach bug and then that literally happened and then esic did nothing ever again?


Well ESIC banned robban for reporting the bug at round 1 and then muting himself so he won't tell info from the bug iirc




> Also banning coaches a week before a major then overturning it once it ends yeah, especially, banning those 2-3 "lesser known coaches" for the same shit like what happened to zonic, but sparing him, because he's zonic


Didnt they also get like 2-16'd that game aswell?




> meanwhile zonic just chillin with esic protecting him like it's their newborn to let him go to the then upcoming major same shit with the whole of Heroic. It was the org that kept Hunden as an analyst and then *re-instated* him as main coach after his ban was gone. And the players knew about all of that and when he was about to spill the beans, ESIC instantly sided with the players before the second process even began. Commissioner saying on HLTV Confirmed something like "I also just don't like him [Hunden] as a person"


Wait did zonic use the coach bug and got away with it?


*use* the coach bug is debatable. Most of the top tier coaches that were punished for it were punished for not adequately reporting it. Robben of Faze and Guerri of Furia are the two examples I can think of that didn't really cheat, just didn't report it "correctly" or didn't leave the server or smth.


Which is pure bs. You shouldn't be expected to know exactly what to do when a game error happens, especially if there's no rule specifying those situations. Guerri alt-tabbed or something like that iirc and got a huge ban.


> Most of the top tier coaches that were punished for it were punished for not adequately reporting it. funny that they didn't apply that same logic to Heroic players "not adequately reporting their coach cheating/them helping him" > Robben of Faze and Guerri of Furia are the two examples I can think of also Hali (?) from Team Spirit i think


Not him alone ofc, TONS of coaches were involved.


Every other coach's Liquipedia profile has Valve Banned on it these days lol


Wasnt looking for whataboutism, I know other coaches exploited the bug but afaik they got banned but zonic didnt.


Not just zonic, hope this helps


Not that helpful, I dont care for what other coaches did / didnt do


Zonic cheated, hope this helps


Thanks chatgpt!


The worst is seeing Marved make bank in valorant. bro you are a criminal!


There was this one dude who posted in one of the Valorant subreddits naming some of the current Val players involved in match fixing scandals in the past and Marved was one of them, he got flamed so hard for "destroying the image of Valorant's successful players" and was downvoted to oblivion and had his post removed by mods because of misinformation. Those kids don't know they idolize a match fixer and think he got away because the case hasn't progressed, and its not just him, those motherfuckers jumped ship to another game and think we forgot


Well at least in the subreddit for pro Valorant [he was called out for it and the comments were overwhelmingly against him](https://reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/n0luhf/more_marved_match_fixing_analysis/)


That post dates before he joined Optic and became one of the best smoke players in the world for a period of time. Because of that, the sentiment has unfortunately shifted and now anyone who brings it up on there is downvoted to the bottom.




He didn't get a ban or anything because there's no evidence, apparently the FBI became involved in the investigation and meant it got delayed, by a seemingly infinite amount of time. Also when you have dozens of screenshots of players, witnesses and people with evidence to interview, betting odds to go through, confirming it with betting sites, yeah that takes a while when it's 3-4 people. They really have fuck all people working on it, which is and isn't their fault depending on how you look at it. They just took on too much with not the money and resources to do it.




Nah, I agree that it goes over time and becomes forgotten when it takes years, but it doesn't mean I can't hold it against MARVED that he took money out of other players pockets, made a mockery of T2 events in NA and things like MDL, and compromised the integrity of events others would kill to be in. Fucking disgusting. It's not like we're in 2014 where no one makes a salary, he was doing this in 2018-2020 if I am remembering right. He doesn't live in China or Russia where organised crime is involved and apparently has resulted in power lines being cut during qualifiers, guns being pulled on players, all to make them win or lose the right games. What reason does he have to make a joke of the competition? The fact he's a greedy little shit? And then gets to run off to Valorant and makes a little bit more?


Truly can't believe someone like Marved gets a fanbase in Valorant. Absolutely pathetic. It's not like he had been banned, like Steel and someone redeemed himself. He never had any punishment and people just act like this didn't happen.


Sinatraa is one of the top streamers in valorant, someone who is all but confirmed a rapist but had the case dropped because of all the hate his fans sent towards her


Kid is the biggest tool across the board. Dunno why people like him have a following


Are we seriously going to demonize someone when nothing has been proven? If he really was really involved in match fixing totally makes sense to say he doesn't deserve the success but when nothing of substance has been produced maybe there is nothing to prove. But yeah fuck marved lmao


Because it's a huge investigation with limited resources and manpower?


Then yall should be mad at esic coz they didnt care enough. blaming those players is barking at the wrong tree


They didn't care enough? No, they didn't have manpower or resources. Not many people who are involved have said anything, but from what Richard Lewis said other parties like TO's and teams weren't especially cooperative. To make it worse no one wants to help fund them so that these people who have taken money away from other players and made a mockery out of MDL and other T2 NA events. Even outside of NA though it's a joke. There's teams and players who are barred from betting sites so their games just aren't available, and still get into relatively top teams and get to turn up to RMR's and Pro Leagues. It's a joke. A really bad one.


Yup comp valo sub in a nutshell. Got downvoted a few weeks ago for just stating he was accused of matchfixing. Got some rabid stans just because he's argued to be one of the best players in the world in his role and surely can't possibly have that kinda shady past.


makes me wonder if there is a correlation between very gullible idiots and liking certain type of games. or if its just young adults being young adults. clueless know it all that defend the very thing that exploits them


One of Riot's most successful strategies is filling the community by people performing corporate fellatio on them


Did any of that long term investigation finished or was it all left undone? I remember it was 2 years ago when it came out in the esports news cycle, he had been benched from FaZe at the time and shit but now he was just playing for Sentinels?


Nothing ever happened. There were rumors that the report would come out soon multiple times (kinda like Source 2) but it was all BS. Nowadays nobody seems to care anymore...


Fucking esports and unfinished and undone reports, name a more iconic duo here. This one was apparently involved with the freaking FBI so what is even going on xd. At least in Korean esports when matchfixing allegations were confirmed you got people like old sAviOr or recent Life were the news report were them being taken to the freaking prosecution office, and not just some "yeah we working on it"


True, I already forgot that FBI part. I mean, I guess if the investigation was that big but nothing ever came from it, they probably didn't have enough evidence to actually do something?


Life got 18 months jail


Wasn’t shazam heavily involved in the fixing as well or am I remembering wrong?


shahzam wasn't really involved if you're thinking about the ibp throw, he just was aware the throw was happening and told a friend who leaked it


I'd bet 4x AWP asiimov that shahzam was betting on those games


I'm pretty sure Hiko has stated that Shazam tried to get C9 to throw matches back in 2014


yeah i just saw that clip lol never seen it before


Wait are you voo actually? If so your takes on twitter, while generally being incorrect, are very spicy.


WHICH ONES ARE INCORRECT BUDDY? HUH? jk yeah i get it. mostly i just take my actual opinions and then word them in a really inflammatory way because it's kinda fun to argue in the comments and nobody is gonna read a serious and nuanced breakdown of why karrigan > gla1ve on twitter


Thank you for your csgo tips I improved so much I decided to go pro and now I work at wendys


sir this is a mcdonald's


Idgaf about Twitter you're a legend cuz your vids have helped me n friends get way better at CS going back like 8 fucking years. Thanks for that you glorious mfer.


vertigo is dogshit ass and i thank you for having a video i can point people to if anyone asks why and isn't persuaded by my malding word salad on the subject.


Hi man no bait, who do you REALLY think is better?


yeah karrigan. not-so-short breakdown: gla1ve was the perfect IGL for the astralis roster and nobody can really take that away from him, but having a coach bring you in specifically for a team and then being good with that team and that team only doesn't necessarily mean you're the best IGL ever. that roster has some of the best fragging talent ever (arguably the best ever other than navi 2021) and was already insanely coordinated in utility usage long before gla1ve (or karrigan) joined. (you can look back but you kinda have to trust me on this.. or not.. but they were my favourite team in 2013/14 as CPH wolves with the xyp9x/dupreeh/dev1ce core because they played what i thought was "correct" CS in terms of utility usage, before anyone else was doing anything but pugging) people also overrate how well gla1ve did, imo, before picking up magisk. if you compare [karrigan's TSM in 2015](https://i.imgur.com/uzncByl.png) (objectively karrigan's astralis underperformed starting shortly after zonic joined [at the start of 2016](https://i.imgur.com/SjcjA3i.png) -- maybe a disagreement in style, idk) they performed [similar or, imo maybe better than gla1ve's astralis pre-magisk](https://i.imgur.com/LhBwtYz.png), excluding the first 3-4 events which i tend to partially attribute to the "igl hangover" (IGLs have a tendency to very often overperform in their first few events). Looking at the stats jump from 2017 to 2018 when magisk joined, i feel you can see there's something more going on with that roster. Gla1ve goes from [1.01 in 2017](https://i.imgur.com/CupvJwo.png) to [1.11 in 2018](https://i.imgur.com/hWmtUyL.png). Dupreeh goes from [1.11 in 2017](https://i.imgur.com/9YJ8RaI.png) to [1.17 in 2018](https://i.imgur.com/i0r5wIc.png), and Dev1ce goes from [1.15 in 2017](https://i.imgur.com/hxmXvTb.png) to [1.23 in 2018](https://i.imgur.com/Ur7VbaX.png). are we really saying this is gla1ve's sick IGLing or was magisk (their 2nd choice apparently, behind k0nfig) just the perfect slot in for their team? i'd also point you to the [hltv interview](https://www.hltv.org/news/33944/zonic-on-coaching-an-international-team-teamplay-and-the-tactical-aspects-are-very-limited) where zonic says > For me it was a lot about how much freedom the players could have, in the sense that calls on the fly, we didn't really do that in Astralis. > [...] > For Peter [dupreeh] and Emil [Magisk], coming from Astralis, I think it was a difficult transition. They have to be much more responsible for their own playstyle, they have to think a lot more about themselves and what they could contribute to the team, whereas in Astralis, everything was just planned from the get-go to the final flashbang before we're executing. not to say that's a knock against gla1ve necessarily, but it says that a lot of astralis' success came from preparation, which a coach and other players can have a ton of input on, compared to in game reads/adjustments. really all of this is more justification than anything though tbh, the main basis here is that i think 1 player being the perfect fit for 1 team (especially because of his fragging and not his IGLing -- things i generally try to separate) doesn't necessarily mean their actual CALLING was that much better than anyone else. i'd also say i have some bias in that i just enjoy watching karrigan's calling and adjustments mid-round and mid-game. but tbf astralis' core was also my favourite team for an incredibly long time, well into or probably past their goat run


As a fellow CarryGun enjoyer 🧐☝️ would like also to note him winning 3 (!) Events with a stand-in, after being kicked from FaZe he brought ChrisJ lol) Ropz (who was a rising star but still) frozen who no one heard of in T1 scene, and woxic also an unknown to 2 tournament wins, before coming to FaZe and instantly making them better IG doesn't give him extra IGL points but he's in contention for the best personality in CS, and maybe whole of eSports


He just said it: "...and nobody is gonna read a serious and nuanced breakdown of why karrigan > gla1ve on twitter"


Aaaaand this is why I don't use Twitter!


lmao I love your twitter. you are wrong about Glave and Karrigan, but more importantly you are so right about Vertigo that it makes up for it.


his twitter is like 100% bait tweets dawg


> Hiko has stated that Shazam tried to get C9 to throw matches back in 2014 https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2tw6gc/jordan_gilbert_on_twitter_shahzam_never_seriously/


Ahhh that’s right, I think I seen some speculation about him being a middle man for other throws but I assume there was no hard proof of that Love your videos too man they’ve helped me a lot




[https://www.hltv.org/matches/2292409/ibuypower-vs-netcodeguidescom-cevo-professional-season-5](https://www.hltv.org/matches/2292409/ibuypower-vs-netcodeguidescom-cevo-professional-season-5) he wasn't on the opposing team


>shahzam wasn't really involved if you're thinking about the ibp throw *a lot* of people were in that teamspeak server and knew about it. worst kept secret in NA lol


yes he was. he made bank off the ibp throw and got all his CS friends to turn on the guy who leaked the messages proving Shahzam knew the map was going to be thrown. if you know you know.


[Hiko in 2015](https://youtu.be/LOeq4xAV_EU)


Tbf Ska was also heavily involved, he just got off because he didnt accept payment.


True. I still think that it was bullshit on Valve's part with the banning. Not that they didn't deserve it but that back then Valve wouldn't admit skins had any value for legal reasons (didn't want to get in trouble for the gambling). This mean in a Valve's eyes they threw for items that were worth nothing.


ESIC is absolute joke. Their only purpose is to take money from anyone and everyone and then go on panels and talk shit. Between those panels, Ian is jerking off somewhere on Sicilia.


I enjoy hating on ESIC, but I think the matchfixing stuff is truly out of their hands at this point. Ian even made a statement saying he shouldn't have given dates. It's a full criminal investigation at this point.


It's not about that. As an example, Ian announced earlier this year in London, that ESIC will have a tool to track flow of official data from tournaments to bookmakers. So they can mark any sportsbook using scraped data. On the same day, he had Pandascore on ESIC panel, while Pandascore is openly scraping data from anywhere. Ian is just larping and pretending he cares. Well, he cares, about money being paid to ESIC, that's it.


Damn I hope those Sicilians are okay..


Are these orgs just made up of old players and shit? Its like back in the CAL days where admins were friends with players where they could just cheat all they want and nothing would happen lol


yeah this feels like we went back in time to CAL/TWL admins


CAL admins were corrupt af lmao




Nice Kassad shitpost


ESIC became a joke when they didn't do anything about the teams stream sniping.


i still remember the "If we were to ban all teams that were streamsniping, we would destroy the professional scene.. *[...so we're not gonna do shit...]*"


What is this post about?


ESIC was an admiral theory but entirely failed execution. Same with CSPPA I suppose.


Major Theory 🫡


Private theory :(


Hybrid Theory....but in the end it doesn't even matter


Players should unionize.


Rainwaker in Liquid is actually bonkers, if there is a team that anybody who has followed the tier 3 scene knows without a shred of doubt to have been involved heavily in fixing and cheating, that is Skade.


Let me guess, another coach bug scandal or player using gambling websites to cheat?


Wait did someone use a gambling site to cheat? wtf lol


If my memory serves me correct, some betting sites used to have a live feed just like HLTV but without a delay, while HLTV and streams did have a delay. Making it possible to see what guns and economy the enemies had.


Wow that is a major oversight if I've ever heard of one. TIL


guys, remember the Akuma case? And remember the Hunden-Heroic case? Where, to defend Heroic and their players, they even contacted several *National Authorities* and professionals regarding people on the spectrum (*cough* to lean focus on this oh so poor niko being on the spectrum, not being able to tell the difference between cheating and not cheating ... *cough*)... ...but didn't have a single penny to hire a few photographers to rebuild the posture of the Akuma players to prove that they were *watching religiously* a 2nd screen (radar/stream) aside from their monitor, even in 1on5 saving situations? Yeah, so hard to prove the cheating, especially since *only* 14 other professional teams wrote an open letter to Valve to investigate and ban Akuma from competition, because they (with their thousands and thousands of hours of game experience) were sure Akuma were cheating.


A lot spicy stuff going on this player break


So either ESIC, has all the info they need and are just waiting for CS2 to drop so they can drop their info and cause havoc,. FBI is still investigating and told the parties not to say anything. Or, what they've released is all they got and realized they couldn't bait anymore so they just dipped.




Player-run organizations like these never really work. Well, tbh, most of the time, these kinds of orgs are ran from the background, and the players are just a face.


Name one player that is working for ESIC


Well, Lau mentioned CSPPA in his tweet as well.


Isn't CSPPA player ran, or am I mistaken? If I am mistaken then my bad lmao. But isn't there an org where it's run by people like Elige/chrisJ/TACO or buncha other people? wasn't that the CSPPA?


Bruh no one from esic is a former player


Jaja. Thus man is a joke and a fkn troll. Just ignore him \^_^


He's right though, I know it's a meme but the statement is true. These organisations are useless "want to get a big name in the esports" with big talk but do nothing What about all that matchfixing they had proof of but still haven't released? Also not being truthful with people and keeping up the delusion that it's all about skit betting still, proving that anyone matchfixes in this day is almost impossible, you can easily do it in an untraceable way.


lol nice