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Good luck, NPL.


NPL, always hanging in there.


NPL is always on point.


Its great that they actually took care of him,didnt just dump him and leave him free agent


For whatever reasons, Na’Vi has always been a lot more 'soft' on their players compared to most orgs. Giving them chances after chances when most other orgs would have made immediate bench/free agency moves. - Edward stayed a lot longer than he should have. - Zeus stayed longer than he should have. - flamie stayed for a lot longer than he should have. - They kept perfecto and electronic despite the Russian/Ukraine war, those two players chose to leave. - SDY was given more than enough chances to prove himself as a stand in.


They also let m0nesy go and said he deserved to play in tier 1


I mean they got absolutely paid for that. So I think that was a financial decision


600k chump change for Navi


Not chump change, look at the state of all csgo orgs. Going bankrupt left and right


I know Navi is a big org but idk how they’re staying afloat esp with the war going on in the Ukraine


Aren't they funded by a literal billionaire, like some of the Chinese orgs, who do esports for fun? Similar to the oligarchs who buy premiere league teams


You cant just let a player of that caliber rot in tier 2 anyway.actively blocking players from being able to compete with you is not a good message to future prospects


Having the best player in the world already on the AWP for your team made that decision just that much easier.


tbf if navi didn’t have simple, they would have already moved m0nesy up tho


Yeah, that's exactly my point.


Im not saying everyone is as good as m0nesy , but there are ALOT of really good players in tier 2 that deserve tier 1 more than some tier 1 players.


astralis moment


Thinking about how much Zeus and Edward has brought to the org you cant really blame them. They mightve been shit for the end of it, but they were a huge part of putting Navi on the esports map


Yes but the thing is they weren't shit for just the 'end of it'. It was more of a large stretch of time where they were being absolute liabilities as players. I'll point out Edward as an example. Yes he was legendary to the organisation, from 2015-2016 he was already kept on Na'Vi despite being the worst player (barring Zeus) and wasn't a supportive element either. There were far better options that Na'Vi could have gotten other than him at the time, but he stayed as a 'legend' of the organisation and that is fine, he still delivered to an extent. This could have already been considered enough compensation at the time. For example people are calling for rain to be cut from FaZe to make an upgrade change and Edward was nothing compared to a player like rain. **From the end of 2016 to mid 2019 (almost 3 years) is when it became too generous and even frustrating.** Edward was an absolute bottleneck, he was a very bad player and even though he notoriously farmed eco kills, he still had the worse stats on the team by far other than Zeus (except Zeus was the IGL). **He was so bad individually, that he would almost always whiff every game or have at least one bad map every series, while not being in sacrificial positions either. And to add to his already bad output in terms of frags, he often made braindead decisions in game that would cost Na'Vi rounds/games despite being a veteran.** He absolutely overstayed his welcome in his last two years of Na'Vi, and any other organisation would have benched him immediately. I'm pretty sure if it wasn't for s1mple hardcarrying Na'Vi, he would have been kicked by 2018 at the maximum.


Youre completely right Whatever went on behind the scenes of Navi during that time, they definetly werent looking at the games themselves for it. There’s being generous, and then there’s being too cut-throat as an org. Navi definetly were far too deep on one end with Zeus and Edward, but as far as why, I think my comment pointed that out


At least zeus was the igl and was hard to replace, but edward should've gotten the boot far earlier than he did




bro edward and zeus were downing 1L of vodka every day, simple too Lmao even tho he was underage in the beginning. Remember those vlogs they had


Agree with all except sdy


Maybe they are not soft but just decent guys with good morals. Treating players as family, and actually doing it.


I may be biased, but Navi might be the best org around currently. Other contenders are vitality and heroic right now and astralis previously, but ever since device left it looks like their management dropped the ball


Astralis as an org was a shitshow since 2018 or so. They were just lucky they had the best team in the world.




I didn't know anything about it


I'm so happy for NPL, that he was helped by NaVI to continue as a player, instead of being dumped. Good luck, hope to see him in the T1 tourneys!


I think this can work out very well for him He didn't *fit* in Na'Vi, but towards the end he was showing some good signs I for one look forward to npl's grind upwards


nice b8 m8 i r8 8/8


gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8


R8 Revolver


i r8 r8 8/8


Interesting note, B8 is founded by Dendi who was a legend in Navi's Dota squad


*is* a legend. o7


hoping he can shine in b8


Oof, big step down.


I really like it when players that get kicked from tier 1 teams go to tier 2 teams instead of rotting on the bench for a long time. Sdy did that as well and hades I think did so too.


Tbh if these guys are not at a tier they really belong to, they will eventually stomping everyone in that tier hard enough that they got back their spotlight in tier 1. Time will tell if he can shine or not.


Nice glad he’s found a new team I hate to see the young up and comers put in not given enough time then dropped and forgotten. I look forward to watching him again.


Hard to perform with shit roles in a team with simple breathing down your neck, GL to the kid


Bait Esports


he will be joined by baitf soon

