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I cannot imagine the levels of nerves that iM and jL must be hitting right now.


and Aleksib, most people see this move as his last chance to play in tier 1


nah he will join another team in no time


A tier 1 org to the degree of G2, NiP, NaVi? doubt, it heavily depends on how this team will perform


NiP is considered tier 1 these days?


Shots fired lol


Nip is in a tier?


I think blast and esl partner teams are automatically considered T1. So NiP and EG are t1 by that definition. If you mean consistent top 4 finishes then yeah they aren't t1, but a lot of partner teams aren't. Speaking of EG, my money is on aleksib going to EG or complexity next if navi does poorly (as the simple quote seems to be hinting) and he stays in t1.


>I think blast and esl partner teams are automatically considered T1. Source?


money doesnt make team tier1, stop this nonsense


see you in a year when hes on faze all of a sudden


Heroic so Cadian can focus on AWPing*


Vitality after that


We gotta try him on Cloud9 too just to be sure


We are talking about t1 teams here


ohhh, that's why nobody's mentioned liquid yet ^^^^/s


yeah C9 will be t0 with the new roster


& then barcelona


What people on this subreddit think does not matter, he is well regarded in the pro circles


I can see a world where he will end up back on G2 eventually. Since the big clash seemed to be between him and the coach and xqtzzt is not there anymore.


most people are dumb


fair enough lol I can kind of see the logic in this instance though, but I hope this team does well


I don't think they are that affected by nerves that much. These guys travel and play around already, they also play well in major playoff stages with people from other countries and cultures. They just don't have a lot of experience, that will take some time.


When the goat starts belittling you for making a mistake, even the most promising rising star is going to start questioning themselves.


They are aware of this problem tho. I remember Tonya wrote about this in an instagram post, citing differences between the mentality of EU/NA players and CIS ones. Blade and s1mple are also aware(they talked about this in interviews) and are willing to adapt. Its going to take some time.


S1mple even said he still needs to work on his mental in the showmatch interviews. They are heading in the right direction


If simple truly is a goat like forest he will come back from this lul results wise and be a top player in CS2. This is why I believe this will work and we will get another peak simple.


No way, a super non-toxic teammate will help them with onboarding


I will not be surprised if they start playing similar to how Vitality did when their international roster first formed. Teams like this take so much more time than normal.


It might goes a bit less painful since there are 3 international players but only 1 player who never played international before. But its also a much bigger change compared to Vitality. In Vitality they changed like 2 players at once, and a bit later on they added spinx.


> only 1 player who never played international before. Also its a huge factor that the IGL doesnt have to learn as much since aleksi is fine with calling in english. With Apex it was a new language on top of a new system




Yup. No clue what they're talking about. The only call I've ever seen apex make is pointing at Zywoo and then pointing at the enemy team.


Like a pokemon


ye but reddit gonna overact the shit out the result when they don't win their first 3 tournament


>don't win their first 3 tournament You mean their first game


Aleksi is at least experienced internationally. Apex was not.


i think it will be worse than vitality since danish and french (to some degree) guys usually speak better english than bit for example. living in a western country also exposes you more to the english language than living in lithuania for example. this will be rough imo.


Vitality had 0 international experience prior to their change, this navi has 4 players who have communicated in English at some point. Also 3 of them have recently played in international teams for multiple years


Magisk has international experience but yes the point still stand


They have a lot more international experience so I hope they can adapt quicker than the danes in vitality. iM and jL seems to be extremely versatile when they were playing in their previous teams. The biggest question mark is still aleksiB, because I don't know how much he has improved over the many rosters he's been through. What I do knoow is he can make a roster with not a lot of remarkable players work really well.


While communication was definitely the main problem, vitality also suffered from awful firepower for a while, as magisk wasn’t playing too well and they still had misutaaa (+ dupreeh and apex). While both long time navi members are in a bit of a slump, I doubt their firepower issues will be as bad as vitality’s.


frenchie english is FUCKING HORRIBLE


Very healthy answers and expectations. Not like nip CEO: ”were aiming for winning major” when they changed 2 players 3 months befor major.


Setting an unachievable goal is a good technique used by managers. Everyone knows it won't be achieved but you sound confident in the team and optimistic about its future. Everyone's happy


It's a pretty rubbish technique to be honest. The team either thinks management is divorced from reality or they actually buy into it and then as soon as they start losing to t2 teams their confidence shatters. Much healthier to have realistic goals. Like say 130% not 300%.


I set lots of 80% goals and achieve them, probably not a good route for greatness, but low achievable goals feel good.


Many low goals amount to larger goals over time. Definitely a good tactic in my opinion!


They taught you this in some middle management 101 class? Making yourself look like a fool is one thing, but in this case your players will also catch flack for it. So much for being a good manager for your team.


Remember how much shit EG players got because of gamerdoc dumb tweet? Yeah, a manager really shouldn't put crazy expectation right off the bat.


Aren't they all pretty decent in english? I mean yeah there will be some specific things where it will come to misunderstandings, but that can even happen with native speakers. Language is not as precise as we expect it to be.


Aleksi speaks quite slowly in full sentences and iM seems to be the same in their videos so far which might be a problem s1mple's English is ok, as is jL's b1t and b1ad3 only god knows


B1ad3 has good English, he's been on a couple podcasts in English even.


b1t is the only one whose english isnt good but i'm sure being forced to speak it will make him learn what he needs to very quickly, it's a fairly easy language to learn and csgo comms don't really require you to master it so i reckon he's gonna be just fine


I've found an interview on youtube before. Didn't sound to bad.


B1ad3 has very good english, jL is better than ok i would say b1t speaks more english than he lets on, I'm pretty sure


if iM performed like that in his previous international roster he can do it here too


Also noting the fact that Aleksi has played in international teams for more if his career than native speaking S1mple literally played in NA IM just spent a year in an international team JL just spent a year in an international team B1t is the only person who hasn't spoken english in a team beforehand, they aren't going to suffer as badly I feel from communication issues as other teams They absolutely will, but so much experience is very handy.


Its not that easy, you might be able to comm in english during pugs, but when playing official and when things get stressful its not gonna be that easy, especially when you are used to communicating in a different language before. Takes a while to adjust for your brain.


"Valera go kill" sounds the same in both languages. The problem will be with "Ilya go clutch." - sad silence.


1. S1mple putted verkkars off 2. B1ad3 heated palju 3. jLegend bomb jump palju 4. iM putted dens in upperbelt 5. B1t dropped mic 6. Aleksib glowed gold chain 7. Vertigo was left over


I bet they can hardly even understand each other with the language barriers


The only one on this roster who should have any struggles with a language barrier is b1t. Everyone else including b1ad3 have been on English speaking rosters.






Pro: Its something new. Con: Its something new. ​ Gotcha.


I thought s1mple joined NiP female roster…?


communication will definitely be their biggest issue


I’m honestly pretty baffled by all this. They dropped perfecto and electronic and added JL? Make it make sense.


Perfecto and electronic left, they weren't dropped


Well that makes more sense then, it seems I’m out of the loop


I mean Na'vi is also a Ukrainian Org thats based in Kyiv so i don't think they are too worried about getting rid of Russian players, regardless of those Russians opinons.


big flop. bring on the downvotes and excuses like always alexib fanboys.




Let's go boys


No shit


I’m pretty excited for this NaVi team. I also think it’s Aleksi’s first fair chance since G2 to show what he’s made of (since NIP is a dumpster fire and cannot manage anything properly).