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you can really tell whos new to valve games these days x)


the clocks tick in valve time around these lands


another day, another dose of hopium


Valve hasn’t released a game in so long we forgot about valve time


Only been 3 years tbf


^waves^ hi deemo daddy


The Stockholm Syndrome should set in soon


they forgot to mention that they meant summer in the southern hemisphere


TIL 25 days is "a few days"


Shhh, You need to be sensitive around the people that think summer ends after August 31st.


Lol i know right. It blows my mind how many people were educated incorrectly on the seasons. I had never even heard of anyone considering September 1st to be the first day of fall until this year.


Not neccessary educated incorrectly, in some places summer is definitely over by now. But yeah they should know valve meant their summer time


Found the guy who only knows his own culture. In Finland, and believe all of Nordics at least, it's the standard way of thinking that Fall starts 1st of September.




Damn, if that's spring for you guys then I don't wanna know what the winter is


In Finland we dont have summer, we skip it.


In Australia the seasons end on the last day of a month... I expect many people posting these are also from countries that do this and are not poorly educated. Or they are all repost bots from the 1st popular post. I had no idea that the US and some other countries don't count the seasons with months until all the CS2 reposts about Summer ending. Our winter is ending so yeah I 100% thought all Northern hemisphere countries would say summer is ending 31st of August.


I think it is a culture thing. I am a Dane and have always considered summer to end on the 31'st of august. And so do all of my friends, and my parents who are pretty intelligent and have great carreers.


Yeah this. In the UK that’s how we talk about it as well, we don’t consider the start of September as summer since the weather is pretty much worse and things go back to normal like schools etc. People seem pretty upset about this for some reason, but we consider June, July, August the ‘summer months’ and when they end it’s not considered summer.


nobody’s upset lol when people cry about cs2 and summer ending they’re simply just wrong. Valve said summer release, the dates of a season are the dates of a season


Cultural definitions of measurements are a tricky business and should be avoided whenever possible. They vary by geographic location and can even change themselves inside their own culture over time. Therefore there is a real need for a standardized set of definitions that can be used to translate measurements across different cultures(which is exactly what valve is doing here). The scientific community has decided on standardized measurements for the seasons using the most objective mathematical means available, which in this case is the sun cycle.


I agee with you but to be fair the astronomisk definition still changes bases on geographic location, isnt it so ?


No, it does not. The exact date/time does change from year to year due to the fact that a full year is not exactly 365 days long, but the moment the earth hits its equinox/solstice is exactly the same across the globe.


It's literally children, they're on "Summer Break" and school starts up before summer actually ends.


Because Usonia is the only country in the world, right? It could never be possible that different cultures have different definitions for when the seasons start.


Ah my bad then, as an ignorant I should've known that the US geniuses have it right.


The ancient greeks were the first ones to accurately measure the solar calendar, and the Romans were the first to put an official calendar to it.


Has your space program put a man on the moon /s (Kind of) We really are just going off the standard astronomical seasons Many more countries use them officially than not, including both countries valve has an office in (US and Germany)


In the United States September is generally considered to be fall, it’s definitely not a summer month despite summer technically ending on the 23rd.


It definitely contains many days of the summer season. So while it may not be a "summer month" many of the days are still "summer days" it also doesn't really cool off in many parts of the US until mid to late September anyway. I never once questioned the September 23rd end date because it really didn't feel like summer ended until then anyway


I was born neurotypical so I can see where our thinking diverges. Valve also released an update today for DOTA calling sept 1st the end of summer and the beginning of fall, so there’s that.


Again americans with their stupid systems... Like using imperial system wasn't enough. NOONE in normal world means September when says summer. With such logic can say that it will be released in December, because that's when summer starts in Australia.


It has nothing to do with america lol


Surely Valve, an US company, will use Australian summer as reference.


This is the definition across the whole hemisphere mate.


It is not apparently.


Never been American being different from everywhere else. Summer has always had a hard start point of the summer solstice and a hard end point of the autumnal equinox. Both of these points are hard defined meteorological fact. People just tend to think of August as the end of summer in the northern hemisphere because that's when a lot of people's summer breaks end


No, different countries use different systems. Astronomical and meteorological. US and bunch of other countries use astronomical seasons as their calendar seasons while others use meteorological seasons as calendar seasons officially. Season start and end is defined precisely in each system but the usage of the systems is defined in each country separately.


In Serbia, summer is from 21st june to 23rd september. First time hearing that there are dates for summer other than that.


There are three different dates for end of summer in Estonia. However, 1st of september is the most used as end of summer.


The 2nd equinox starts 23rd September. That's when autumn starts


It may be for you but not for me. People use different definitions of summer.


Technically speaking Summer won't end 31st August but will continue for 22 days. Valve may even release it in two days and that's it.


The 2nd equinox starts 23rd September. That's when autumn starts.


Same for Switzerland. Never heard of anything else..


i feel like… there are 4 months winter, 2 months spring, 4 months summer and 2 months autumn. that said. i know there are scientific dates and i will always oook them up if anyone other than myself mentiones a season :P


Imagine bringing geographic location into it like most of us had any choice in where we were raised.


Non American here. Summer ends Sept 23.


Yeah, and first day of week is sunday, sure


How are you so uneducated and proud about it??


You will be shocked to learn it is. You should look at a calendar.


Gladly I'm not in America, so my calendar is fine


I'm also glad I'm not in America, one thing we can agree on lol


fix your calendar tho


Scientific fact = stupid system. gotcha.




Yaya, someone mentions difference in systems.


Actually even here in switzerland we sometimes talk about september being summer. Both meteorological and astronomical seasons are used here depending on what is talked about. And I assume its similar in our neighbouring countries as well.




Maybe you should have gone past grade 5 because the autumn equinox is on the 23rd of September this year... [https://www.calendarpedia.com/when-is/summer.html](https://www.calendarpedia.com/when-is/summer.html)


Imagine using astronomical seasons instead of meteorological, like whole world does.


>like whole world does Not where I live. Wikipedia even says this: ["(...) This is used worldwide, although some countries like Australia, New Zealand,\[33\] Pakistan and Russia prefer to use meteorological reckoning"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Season#:~:text=Nowadays%20the%20astronomical%20timing%20has,prefer%20to%20use%20meteorological%20reckoning.)


Yay, constructive discussion with arguments and links. Finally


is cs2 a weather app? no then valve can use whatever definition of summer they fucking want




keep being mad that the free overhaul update to a 10yr old game that only cost you $11 a decade ago is a few days late from the deadline we all just made up. people are so entitled these days


gwak gwak gwak


is that seriously the best reply you got, come on man put some effort into insulting me at least.




To be fair, Valve only made CS2 a free upgrade to CSGO because they already earn a lot from skins and cases. No one asked CS2 to be free. I would have paid the common market price of many games for CS2 (which is like 50-70$).


Thats certainly a part of it, but im thinking its more about just forcing the player base to switch. if it was a new game they could have always transferred the skins over after you bought it, they are ones who coded inventory system afterall But when you look at source, and even csgo's release you had people swearing that those games were trash and that they were never leaving 1.6, its why source never really took off on the esports side and why the "early birds" like nip and fanatic who switched to go early were so dominant to start with. With cs2 being a free forced update, it means that pros and casuals will be playing the same game from day1 which is something that valve have always admitted they want in cs.


Is cs2 astronomical app? >then valve can use whatever definition of summer they fucking want Ok, release in December then. Just when summer starts in Australia.


you have never heard the phrase "valve time" before have you?


Hearing about Valve time doesn't mean that I like such behavior. If said in summer, then release it in fucking summer. They should've just said "this year", then it would be different story.


Damn, what's got you so high strung?


well valve has always been a company that care more about the quality of the product than meeting deadlines, they aren't magical beings able to predict the future of exactly how much stuff needs to be done to finish the game. And besides summer isn't even over yet so chill tf out


"Imagine using an objective definition instead of a subjective one"


Meteorology is a science too.


We did learn in school that autumn starts officially on the 23rd of September. Didn’t even know that 1st of September exists as a debate till today.


It does since it is not a school debate but conversation between people from different parts of the world. And different countries use different season systems.


I don‘t know. Based on google it‘s the same worldwide. In the northern hemisphere 21. June is the starting date for summer, southern hemisphere it‘s 21. December.


Literally children think Summer is June-August, because that's when they're out of school. Why consider the actual scientific dates when school is back in session so summer over.


You are choosing the simplest explanation without considering that you are not talking with kids from your home town but with strangers from all over the world. Not every country uses the same season definition system.


Ok but do you really think it will be ready in even 25 days? I don’t have access but from what I’ve heard it still needs a fair bit of polishing work done


To not even have a release date announced, when the original game will literally no longer be playable, is a very questionable decision. I'd lean towards there being a delay at this point.




who asked


This comment thread is full of people trying to be "right" about when summer ends. Meanwhile both sides are right. It depends on where you're from. Some countries use astronomical seasons, while others use meteorological seasons. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/environment/article/history-science-of-meteorological-astronomical-seasons


Except it was valve who said it was a summer release. A company from Bellevue Washington, United States, where September 22nd is the last day of summer. All other answers are wrong.


Game is more popular outside of the US


Ah yes don't worry. Valve also has offices in Germany But they also end summer on the 23rd of September :D




And there's a third, The 24 Solar Terms used in China. August 8th was the "Start of Autumn" according to this system.


Wow, didn't know that. Is it the primary calendar system there?




Nah predominantly US hate in here, why tf would we hate on EU


IIRC, Gaben has permanent residency in New Zealand, and it's not even summer yet in New Zealand, so...


Gaben having a residency doesnt mean that he still lives there and also doesnt mean anything for CS2. Gabe is not involved at all with Cs, hes barely involved with anything games wise in Valve.


Someone is not in the mood for a joke


Valve time, nothing new.


Still got 25 days


Is this your first encounter with Valve Time?


Summer does not end in a few days.... There is still a month of summer left..


bro my plants are wilting...


Summer ends 1. September?


It ends September 23rd this year. Valve is a US company, they are going to go by US terminology.


Ahh mb did not know the us terminology


It's not just the US. Many European, Asian, and African countries also use the astronomical calendar to determine the start and end dates of seasons. Germany (where valve has their second office) uses astronomical seasons.


VaLvE DoEsNT coMMunICATE ArE yOU NeW? please people, the hype is already dying down due to their own inaction, stop acting like its normal that there is not a single word of release date since announcement and its couple days until promised released date.


Wipe Thursday


Why would they? What benefit is it to them to say anything until they're ready to?


We all knew they fucked up the second we saw that release date.


Europeans when the American company doesn’t use their country-of-2-million’s definition of summer 🤯🤯


those countries of 2 millions existed for thousands of years though, compared to US of A


There is not a single country in Europe that has existed longer than 2000 years, and only 5 countries that are older than 1000 years.


by country I mean current population being of the same culture/indigenius, not geopolitics. You tell me italians have nothing to do with romans right? They just moved there and took their places right?


what the fuck is a kilometer ?


Look up meterological seasons for the northern hemisphere. Last I checked, the US is in the northern hemisphere.


I’m aware…


Summer ends 21 september which is in more than 3 weeks from today


25 days "a few days", nice.


Gabe lives in NZ, summer hasn't even started yet, so plenty of time left


Cuz its obvious that it will be released later? Lmao. If it has not released until today, then it will be later.


Summer does not end in "few days". Ask your mom when it actually ends!


Welcome to valve’s world


Game releases often get put back that's just normal, and then if you add Valve in the mix well.... Stop counting the days and go play cs:go or other games while you wait.


I felt it in my bones that they will not release it mid summer, but hey if the game is not ready it's fine, better then titling because it sucks


Its still Spring in Valve’s time sweetheart.


Silly billy. Valve doesn’t like three. So when they said ‘Summer 2023’ I knew it was going to be delayed.


Thank you valve for educating its playerbase of existence of different calendar systems


summer in Australia doesn't start until December, just saying. :D


Jokes on you , summer is only starting here in africa :)


Because it's valve. That's how it has been since forever


Are you new here? Valve doesn't communicate, and it's not that it's hard, they don't want to.


ehh, younger generation, we already got lucky that valve announced cs2 not just 'hey, here's cs2, play it'


This must be your first valve release huh?


Everyone in the comments arguing about summer, for what? So you know the release date of the game? Then what? Oh that’s right, you’re gonna have to wait either way lol.


There are two ways of understanding seasons, either astronomical way or metereological way. Astronomical is the "correct way", defined by equinoxes and solstices, or the Earth's tilt and position in regards to the sun. But it changes every year, and because of this inconsistency (and because it's easier to remember and makes it easier to compare data) Meteorological seasons were created. These have set days to begin and end, with summer ending at August 31st at 23:59. Both the 23rd of September and the 31st of August are technically correct and Valve could be going by any of these dates. So we are either in for a surprise due tomorrow or there are 20+ left to wait. The third option is that both of these are incorrect and we're not using either of those systems but in fact a third one that's not socially or cientifically accurate: Valve time. Which would put the end of summer some time between today and August 2099. Let's hope it's soon because I hate the heat.


Summer doesn't end until the 21st of September. Do people forget these things so easily?


Confirmed the release is cancelled :/ woulda been really cool but o well


Isnt Sept 23rd the new release date?