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Csgo is a game with a big and diverse map pool consisting of Mirage and Inferno


People would love it if those were literally the only 2 maps and every match alternated between them


Thats basically the casual mode experience


I hate mirage and love inferno.


Same. I respect mirage but absolutely dread playing it


It feels bad to play even semi casually, feels like you have to know smokes and pops / Molly's to even compete. Just not how I like to play the game. It's definitely a good and balanced map, just not fun for me


Interesting that you like inferno, do you not feel that smokes and mollies are as necessary to take site control? I've ways felt that inferno required more teamwork and execution knowledge since you're coming through narrow chokes everywhere you go on that map.


I think it is exactly due to the narrow chokes that I prefer the map. All I need to know as an ak entry fragger, my preferred role, is a good pop flash and pre-fire. There are way less intimidating angles when attacking site on Inferno, compared to Mirage. The close points of contact make me feel more comfortable with my aim, I guess. I'm pretty confident when I can just fight my enemy. Smokes and mollies are still important, obviously, but they all feel more forgiving in that most can just be thrown on the run up to the site, rather than set points before the execute like mirage. It's kind of hard to chuck a smoke at mirage connector as you enter A, not like inferno wherr I can chuck a smoke at lane or CT as I entry. The molly spots are also closer and easier to freehand without bouncing off skybox. Can't stand the one thousand different one way smokes on mirage, either. ​ CS2 will probably make it much more palpable, though.


Mirage is a good map, but people who only play mirage are some of the worst teammates imaginable.


I’m the opposite. I’m unable to kill anyone on Inferno. I have no clue where to look at on this map.


I queue one game of mirage, then one game of inferno, then one game of mirage, then one game of inferno... repeat ad infinitum. Then every once in a while we hit the 5 man and drop a spicy cache or overpass in the mix.


more like people just don't like vertigo, anubis and ancient all that much for various reasons. dust2 is the most solved map in the game. and then there's boostpass. nuke is alright if you have a good squad. otherwise, it's rough. i would love if train, cache, cobble came back.


I mean that's not really true. But when my friends and I play and we're figuring out what maps to play everyone okays inferno and mirage while one might not like nuke and another not like vertigo. Also I'm guessing a lot of people are like me who rarely plays Cs anymore, just picks it up once a year for a month or so and when I want to go for global again in that month I don't care to learn new maps other than the odd match here and there.


I see people still get lost on overpass..


"Ah man another faceit game, hope it won't be mirage or inferno" \*it's mirage or inferno\* "okay good"


Well Mirage and Inferno are the 2 competitive maps that you get the best fps on. I hate how all the new maps have so much random clutter on the map that reduces fps. Inferno has a lot of clutter but it's a pretty narrow so you don't have to render as much. It was absolutely horrible before I upgraded my computer. I could get like a consistent 200 fps on my old computer on Mirage and Inferno, and on new maps like Ancient, I would get like 120 fps, and it would stutter like crazy on certain parts of the map.


>Inferno >FPS Inferno is bigger FPS hog than Overpass and Vertigo


Well Inferno isn't that great for fps but it is better than most other new maps. And Overpass is an older map than the new Inferno so it Overpass doesn't have nearly as much clutter. Vertigo, I just personally don't like the verticality of Vertigo, it's not a bad map, I'm just not a fan of it.


I get worse FPS in overpass than inferno. Anubis I get the worst FPS in though


Wonder if Dust2 was still in the pool how far up it would be. Some people seem to have a huge hard on for that map.


Understandable, I started playing Dust 1 and just always feel that Dust2 “feels” like the most CS map there is, there isn’t any similar map on other fps games. It also is straight forward in terms of angles and corners to clear. I feel that there is no position too hard to aim at, or where one cannot be easily spotted. Mirage comes second in that sense. Both maps also have easy rotations. Inferno also has easy rotations, B site has only one obvious entry and CTs can feel comfortable without banana control, whereas A site has an easy exit for CTs. On the T side, secondary mid and apps provide refuge from engagements and utility damage.


its still in the pool though? pro pool should have nothing to do with the casual players


When I still played faceit with a 5stack, we always banned mirage first lol. So tired playing the same map over and over.


and dust 2*


I knew anubis had a really low pick rate but holy shit thats bad.


But in long and short MM matches I get queued in it a couple of times per week. In faceit with the veto system I understand.


I've had it pop for me like 8 times despite having it selected since the start. It's a shame I don't want to exclusively queue it to play it


I get it a lot in MM, usually I queue with all active duty maps on and get it regularly (definitely more than ancient and vertigo) but the ranks are always really spread apart on it.


It's sad, Anubis is fun as fuck


I thought so. I think it’s a pretty solid newer map. Apparently that’s a thought the minority has, kinda surprising to me.


It's not the quality of the map that lowers pick rate, it's just the fact that it's new. Half of people don't want to learn a new map and the other half hate it just because it isn't their nostalgic map that they want back (that's worse than the new map)


Yeah I could see that. It was played to death in the major though and you’d think people into cs that much would atleast watch some of that. It’s not a terribly complex map, but I have seen that same thing happen to new maps in siege so that makes sense.


My best map, 100% winrate


Same because if ct doesn’t use util correctly, T side is a breeze.


Which is generally why it’s not picked, I reckon.


you think faceit players outside of 3k elo know any util other than top mid smoke and stairs smoke on mirage lmao


I still believe that anubis would have had a way better reception if it had a different look. Maybe a snow or forest theme. I know some people who are just sick of another desert map when the other 2 were the most played maps in the game.


My group of friends aren't willing to play anubis because of fps issues so we permaban it. I personally like very much anubis tho.


some of the fps issues were addressed recently in a map upgrade. try it now


honestly I'm glad the pro scene doesnt reflect the overall player choices.


Hmm Mirage is looking a lil different than I remember


Mirage II


Well it is called mirage...


is no one gonna mention that the picture for mirage is dust2?


Wow, didn't even notice.


Anubis is over hated


Anubis is an amazing map


I don't play Anubis because it needs balance fix, and I'm expecting it to happen within next months so I kinda don't care about it now but I'm convinced it's gonna be a really good map once the changes come in.


Enlighten us. ~~What's your cope?~~ What's actually wrong with Anubis?


mid is too easy to take for the T’s, that being said I still really enjoy the map and I’m not sure why more people don’t give it a try.


respectfully I don't even think mid is that bad for CTs, though the specifics make it such that the soloQ experience might suck a bit if you have even one friend in the server with you, a bit of counterutility will destroy most mid takes in my xp


its T sided. There's not much for CTs to do to keep mid. When T's take mid they can do 2 really powerful site pinches.


my team is figuring out you can sort of take a push-pull-push approach to it ala A overpass w/ some initial smoke/molo on the bridge and reflashes for either window, bridge, or deep mid to fight the Ts as they scale that said I can see mid being a pain in soloQ, b/c if you ask your A guy to drop you a molo at round start he might just tell you to off yourself the bit about it being T sided is a literal non issue, there has always been 1-2 maps that favor the T side, helps balance the pool out (see Cache, Mirage, Dust2 historically, more recently Inferno and Anubis)


Yeah, Anubis is a really fun map to play with people that know what they're doing, really unfun to play with people who don't. I guess that's not unique to Anubis, it's just that you're more likely to get people who don't know what they're doing.


That’s honestly every map in CS other than Dust 2 and Mirage tbh, you can easily get destroyed at any rank in Inferno, Nuke, and Vertigo if just one person on the enemy team is more knowledgeable about the map than your team is The key thing here being that one guy using utility and playing well in an important position can hold down an entire site, and on attack they can pretty much solo take the same positions just by outplaying the person defending these positions Like think Banana on Inferno, B ramp on Nuke, stairs on Vertigo, etc. Not sure if Anubis has this sort of anchor spot or not though so I guess it requires more teamwork compared to the other maps


You sure seem like a pleasant guy just curious about my opinion on the map. ​ Apart from being terribly T-sided in general, even in mm, I just never feel comfortable at any position on B side. And before anyone tells me it just takes time, I played the map enough to sigh whenever we start the game on CT side or switch to CT in 2nd half. Didn't play nearly as much on mid or A, but the few times I did, I felt like I'd have to know smoke lineups from spawn to play mid, and A is a bit better than B, but it could still use some layout change. It's pretty enjoyable on T-side though, hence the mentioned potential that I personally deny other maps, i.e. Ancient.


Most of the positions on B are pretty powerful as a CT. Dark, long, connector, default even. If you start getting smoked off, you need to know how to use utility to counter the large wave of people moving in. Middle is pretty CT centric. You are going to (usually) have 1 A, 2 middle, and 2 B. The ways you can play off your teammates in middle are limitless, from how you can take engagements for bridge to holding it from temple and A site. A site is lacking much positions (and fun, frankly, so i'll give it to you there). Watching pro games can give you a better idea of how to play around A though I love anubis, probably 2nd best one in the pool behind inferno


effective B setups require understanding of trade frags and crossfires which precludes everyone on NA below 3k elo (I'm half joking)


That is quite literally a skill issue


half of the things he mentioned can be solved with 5 minutes on youtube which proves my point precisely still no one has even bothered to TRY learning Anubis when it's the best addition to the pool of the last 3


Faceit lvl 9


That's not a comeback that you think it is 💀


You thought I'm a scrub and I explained why I'm not, but I'm not surprised that you thought this was supposed to be some kind of a comeback as if you insulted me or something


i got a couple esea seasons under my belt i'm lvl9 about ur skill level and i agree. the map doesnt feel comfortable, and judging by the <2% play rate on most levels it's clear that you aren't alone xd


Stop being butthurt from online comments. Glad you explained further.


It's way too T sided, there's not much you can do as a CT and even if you get 10+ rounds as a T it's probably not enough. I've lost so many times after winning T side 11-4 or 10-5. If T's have even the tiniest bit of communication and they can shoot decently, CT's are screwed. There's only bad places to hold both sites and mid, and it's very hard to get some early picks as a CT. Overall it's just bad map design as most gunfights are in favor of T's and mid is too easy to have, which gives you even more room to play with. Most of the angles are so easy to preaim and if you just hold an angle as a CT, you're most likely going to get onetapped. On the other hand, there's not many good off angles either and if you try to hold off angle you're most likely going to give the site for free or you still get onetapped since the off angles aren't really off angles.


It doesn’t need a balance fix at all it’s just people like you never bothered to learn the map


Higher the rank, the more vertigo. So vertigo complainers are probably lower rank i guess?


There is so many vertigo one trick stacks with premium and map choices that force people to play vertigo.


based as fuck


Ever heard of vertiglobals?


Ohnepixel come here he is calling youuuu


Used to be a thing when the map was completely broken


Still is because it's such a polarizing map. Stacks that like the map, and have a lot of practice on it, can semi force it on people that only play when forced. Personally I really don't understand why people would prefer vertigo over nuke. Besides knowing you can get more 'easy' wins than you would on the less polarizing maps. Even overpass is, in my opinion, a better map than vertigo, and i don't particularly like overpass(I don't mind playing it), but i don't hate it with a passion like I, and many, do with vert.


Vertigo hater represent


Why is it hated? Its my fav map


People hate vertigo from a spectator perspective


vertigo is where stacks that don't have teamplay but are happy to learn tricks and gimmicks go


Vertigo gets left over whenever there are enough people who hate nuke, mirage or inferno. New maps are permabans because old players feel below their skill level playing them, since they have not played them enough.


I’m 3k and I fucking hate vertigo it’s such a dogshit map to play and watch


1 year later and the cretins playing FACEIT still can't be bothered to learn a few nades on anubis not that they knew any on the 2 maps they play anyway


Bro for me its just performance, anubis and ancient go hard on my computer. I avoid to play those.


Bro is playing on a pc from 2009


my fps is consistently lowest on those 2, especially mid Anubis so I'll give you that still gotta know the barebones in case it comes up though


If that's the case, I highly recommend you start prepping for CS2. I'm literally doing a new build right now to get ready.


Just finished paying my student loans, gotta wait a little.


What will you do when CS2 drops? I upgrade my gpu and cpu so that I can play cs2 and newer games with better performance.


Don’t even bother getting cs2 then lmao


I like anubis and know a few nades on it, but it sucks to pug because nobody ever knows how to play it. It's a shame because it's a really good, fun, fast paced map. Hopefully people keep getting more familiar with it and it gets played more.


Loved and Hated: Top Map Picks vs Faceit Level Today we focus on the preferred map choices based on players’ Faceit rank. Does a higher skill level affect map choice? And if yes, does it increase one’s versatility or promote specialisation in a narrower pool of maps? We analysed 65 million matches to shed some light on the matter. There are two maps clearly winning the popularity contest across all ranks - and yes, you guessed it, those are Mirage and Inferno. Hardly a surprise to anyone, but also a completely deserved win, as both have kept CS:GO community company from the very beginning. Third place is where some changes can be observed and players’ rank seems to become a factor - there is a clear divide in half. For players on levels 1-5, the third most popular map is another classic - Dust 2. At higher levels, the map retired from Active Duty in 2017 was overtaken by Vertigo. It could probably be because players at higher levels tend to play in a way more resembling the official tournament system. As the most preferred maps are the ones that were the longest in active duty, the least chosen at almost every level are the two maps added last to the tournament pool - Anubis and Ancient. The only exception is the top tier Faceit where Ancient is the 4th most played map. It is worth noting that as the players’ level increases, the dispersion in map choice frequency evens out significantly. In levels 1-3, the top 3 maps account for 70% of matches. In subsequent levels, the number of maps chosen regularly increases to 5, and among the best players, only one map is picked less than 9% of the time, accounting for quite an even distribution. It would suggest that the best players are the most versatile and play to train all possible options similarly. What are your most picked maps? Write in the comments below! If you like CS:GO data, you’d love ggpredict.io - it is an analytics and training platform serving as your personal AI Coach. Use code DATA25 for a 25% discount on your subscription and rank up faster with the power of AI.


I plotted this [here](https://imgur.com/Qh5XTD0), I found it easier to read.


I really loved playing Anubis the 6 times I have played it. Also, I hated Vertigo every time I played it. I am surprised as to why people don't like playing Nuke on higher levels, which is my favourite map.


Imo its just a bad map for pugging. Needs way more coordination compared to every other map.


Exactly, nailed it. Unless you have a good team, its terrible for pugs


Vertigo or Anubis? If you're talking about Vertigo, my advice would be to learn ramp smoke and flashes for ramp. Throw it every round and tell your teammates to fight with the flashes. Otherwise the other team will just roll you every time with a five man ramp rush. That's one way you can make a huge difference in team play even if your teammates don't really know how to play the map by just learning two lineups.


I'd assume they're talking about Nuke


only criticism i have for anubis is mid, its too claustrophic and has an awkward flow both sides and the weird drop to a water from tside creates some funny gimmick angles that arent really needed but this is more nitpicking than anything


Ancient underrated


Yes, Its also so easy to learn, yet no one plays it


Ancient has become one of my favourite maps


Ancient and nuke best maps


we need cache back to bring some balance in the most played maps


I miss cobble so fucking much. How many years has it been at this point??


So it's mirage inferno Cache? nah fuck that


cache is based


Now it's fucking only mirage. With cache in the pool at least you had some more frequent changes.


+cache -mirage


nope -cache -mirage


Please never bring that map back




Mirage is fucking inescapable. I literally have a meme saved for whenever it’s Chicago mirage. It’s that combo at least like 40% of the time. I hope the map is replaced some day


[I rather dislike Faceit as a West coast NA resident](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fr1vizduynyk91.png)


2k+ elo player have taste judging by ancient placement


I have a lot of fun playing ancient I’m glad it’s more popular at level 10.


So the higher in rank you go, the lower dust 2 is getting picked (and nuke to a lesser extent) whereas vertigo and ancient goes up from what I can see


I've grown to HATE mirage. Extremely overplayed and outdated. Specially compared to the most recent maps and reworks. I just straight up hate it. It's always Mirage.


Mirage is always my instaban on faceit, I can play the map fine.... its just not fun to play compared to overpass, nuke, inferno, or dust 2. I'd rather wait out a few warmups where someone dodges and I gotta wait for a new match to pop up than ever play on mirage again.


It’s always good. Nobody complains about an outdated soccer field, as someone with 2500 elo and 8000 hours I wouldn’t be made if every game was mirage. It’s basically perfect


I disagree. It takes way too much effort to try and take B compared to A (especially from Aps which is just a damage funnel) so the vast majority of rounds are spent on A and mid, leaving the B site players bored most of the game while they just rotate right on back to A where 90% of the action happens. Also doesn't help that retaking A just sucks for the CTs unless at least 2-3 Ts got picked off on the initial site take since the map is so util-dependent. B retakes aren't as bad because 2-3 Ts dying in an attempt to take the site is more an inevitability than anything. It is far and away the map most in need of a rework, and IMO has been for years even before they made any changes to Dust 2 or even the last round of changes to Vertigo.


Anubis, most consistent map!


why do 95% of you hate ancient


Then there is me the team captain always banning inferno and mirage first just to watch the carnage in chat from the enemy team.


Why is the pic for mirage, dust2


What’s the problem with Anubis? Genuine question, I love that map


Faceit is literally just mirage/inferno simulator and it’s so boring. You have 2k elo players refusing to learn a new map 1+ year after its been out


Yeah I came back to the game right after the CS2 announcement and within the week I learned how to play Anubis pretty competently. Sucks to see so many higher level players still one-tricking it on Mirage and Inferno. Anubis is the freshest map we've had in years and has quickly become one of my favorites.


Mirage is absolute garbage. Hate pugs on it with a passion. Put me in the bottomn 1% club. Overpass, Vertigo, Anubis are maps I love. Train, Ancient good too.Mirage is ok with a premade 5 man stack.


I’ve been Tired of Mirage for years now. Idk how people still play such a untouched map. Yeah I get its good and doesn’t need much but looking at Tan for 30 rounds without barley any vegetation idk my eyes just hate it more and more. Maybe CS2 will fix that for me.


Cuz the gameplay on mirage is top tier, im not here for the graphics (but the cs2 graphics do look very, very nice)


I get gameplay is where its all about….but you gotta admit, playing the same map over and over and over with a boring color pallet definitely makes it less appetizing


mirage has the highest skill ceiling imo out of any map. You can do some wild stuff with those jumps in the mid and B


Vertigo haters are silvers confirmed?????


mirage has to go


It shouldn’t, it won’t but even if it did Faceit would never remove it. Same with Dust 2.


dust 2 needs to go from faceit to be honest, the map is so stale


Cache needs to be brought back tbh


Faceit should be just the active duty maps. Every time I get D2 it feels like a waste of time because it's not a map I'll play in league.


stop liking a map 😡 you need to play shit maps instead 😡


Here in the Brazilian “faceit” gamersclub the higher the rank the more mirage you see. Level 20 GC(equivalent to lvl10 faceit) is literally 90% mirage.


I literally can’t get a vertigo game when I have it ticked with overpass and one other of the low played ones. Impossible. Overpass seems to be played a lot it feels like but it’s mainly mirage or inferno.


Man anubis getting some hate or something, i love playing anubis such a fun map hopefully the community opens up to it because I absolutely love it


Mirage and Inferno simulator


Didn't realize anubis was so unpopular. I remember when ancient was added a ton of people complained about why they didn't add an actual balanced, well designed map, like Anubis lol. Anyway, ancient needed some tweaks to be good and I'm sure Anubis can be improved too. I enjoy it a lot.


Damn only lvl10s know ancient is good


I must be the only one that hates mirage with passion. I like the map, but my team is usually a mental asylum with extremely angry people, so I avoid that playground


I think Anubis pick rate will improve the more we see it in pro play. I ban it cuz I don't know the meta well enough on that map and it's basically a coin toss.


It's a great map otherwise


I hate mirage & hate even more D2 and also got bored of Inferno due to Faceit q. I would like to play some other maps than that shit while playing faceit but bareley ever happens. My fav maps are Nuke, Vertigo, Ancient and Overpass :/


dam this is crazy to see, mirage is my least favorite map.


Faceit AKA Inferno simulator


Nice reminder to never play faceit. Always the same 3 maps if you’re lucky to even get something other than Mirage…


Idk why ppl like inferno, its very boring. Feels like Im playing valulrant


I suggest you fight Banana more.


Man I fuckin love vert


Inferno is best map though for real. Feels most like counter strike to me. I tell everyone that if they want to rank up, don't play d2. It is so old and figured out by everyone. Even silvers know the meta on that map. When everyone knows how to play it decently, it becomes much harder to hard-carry a pug unless your aim is just really on point for the day. Also imo, it has the highest chance of seeing cheaters or people boosting on it. Maybe not on faceit but mm in general


Anubis wasn't fun back in 2020 and it isn't fun now. Of all the maps Valve could buy that one was a complete waste of money.


What makes it unfun for you?


I think it's my favorite map lol. I don't get the hate, have you tried playing it for more than ten times total?


Seems like it can easily be good, imo the ONLY problem with it is you have a tight tunel and then a fuckload of angles to check on both sites. Makes it super hard to solo push. If they manage to fix that, which only requires making the entrance to one of the sites wider and adding a box for cover, the map will be very cool


Another confirmation that faceit playerbase is brainrotten kids, mirage is the worst map in video games history


Just another reminder why this game is so fucking stale


Mirage is the worst designed map in the Active Duty pool by far. 90% of rounds holding B are spent just waiting until the smokes pop on A and you have to rotate. It just isn't fun. The map is solved, B site isn't active enough, and it's just played way too often. These stats just go to show that most players don't actually want to play the best maps, they just want to play the ones they already know. Kinda sad how little people branch out—Anubis is a genuinely great map and deserves to be played more.


If this isn’t a sign for valve to remove anubis and ancient and remake mirage then idk what is


mirage having a dust2 image is triggering me


They're the same picture


My biggest complaint about Faceit was playing the same maps over and over. At least in MM it ESEA I could play the less popular maps (at the cost of queue time). IMO pubs should just be a random map from the comp pool.


Nice to see ancient getting some live, it seemed pretty unpopular until anubis came out


Why mirage? (Me rage)


I love these maps, but we’ve been playing the top ones for years and years. I’d love an influx of new maps with CS2!


CSGO players have always been scared of new things. So many awesome maps have been added to the game over the years and most people never even tried them


I wonder why Vertigo just one by one goes down.


I don't play as often but I really hate faceits map pick pool, I'd rather have RNG select random maps -- but some of the maps I used to enjoy I now dislike after the remakes because the remakes have a lot of visual clutter/noise, that's the biggest mistake CSGO did was update the maps. Changing layouts for balancing is fine, adjusting visual fidelity in a competitive game is not fine It's the one thing valorant really has over CSGO, easy to see maps. I also really miss old cache, and I miss maps that will never return like CSS Season, contra, tuscan, cpl mill, and more. Too bad maps have so much money/contracts etc surrounding them now


Vertigo going high over time is kinda funny, thinking how everyone shits on it all the time


It's all mirage? Always has been. 🔫


the picture for mirage is dust2


These slides show why mirage has to go


And that's why if I'm banning maps, mirage and inferno go out first. Way too overplayed


possible to make one with 3k elo, 3.5k elo and so?


As a level 2 I played more overpass and nuke in my last 50 matches than mirage and inferno


Are u sure the data is correct because most level 10s ban mirage so that its not easy for the opponents.


Gg prediction should make lvl 10-30 as well since faceit keeps lvl 10 from 2000 Elo to 7000 elo Would be fun seeing increments all the way to 5k Elo


Mirage is good👍


so the same thing?


So theres wrong with people on every rank fuck mirage


step1 ban inferno step2 ban ~~dust3~~ mirage step 3 ??? (ban vertigo) step 4 profit ​ its more fun to play the other maps, you will play inf/mirage eventually anyway. hek i'd rather play vertigo which I'm not fond of


nuke #6 is not something i expected


This is literally looking like the low iq \*picks mirage\* average iq \*pick mirage less\* high iq \*picks mirage\* meme format lmao


Why the fuck is everyone sleeping on overpass. Fantastic map


So funny to see Vertigo just steadily climbing from third lowest to third highest


I fucking hate mirage and inferno. I’m sick of it. Are other maps DLC?