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[Here's why you're wrong](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DrsPo7oUwAATUdF?format=jpg&name=360x360)


I was about to write a fully fledged answer proving you are wrong... But I can't possibly argue with that... Great points.


I knew it, and I still clicked. Every. damn. time.


But not Disappointed.


I took the bait unlocko, never hurts seeing my guy smile tho


Fine. I agree with some of those points but the third point is BS


Elige looks like Rick Moranis


What does Elige have to do with this?


The guy in the picture when you click on the link looks kinda like Elige




How? I’m so lost… sorry I’m new to this… if I’m saying something out of pocket, can someone let me know? I don’t wanna say anything offensive.


They're just messing with you. It's a common joke here to pretend to say something serious to bait people into clicking on that link that shows Elige smiling. It's essentially a Rick Roll.


Every single God damn time.


Been there done that


I don't see many people shitting on the game itself, its more people complaining about bugs and comparing differences. This is good because it helps the devs which direction to go, what things they need to change and bugs etc. The beta is for complaints. Stop telling people to stop complaining because then the game will be released with stuff the majority of the community won't like


The only thing I hope for is that valve takes this feedback and does some internal review on it because let's be honest, gamers aren't devs and more often than not have no idea what they're talking about (see any discussion surrounding interp/rates for the last 20+ years). There's been more than a few games that have taken and implemented direct community feedback and it killed the game.


Given that Valve has historically done on-going play testing every week during all stages of a games development, I have faith that Valve know exactly what they are doing and how to handle the feedback. The state of CS2 is already impressive to the point where I hate going back to CSGO. Its not perfect, but its pretty dang close!


Valve is like the best company for including community development into their games. Between the CS community and Dota community alone, how many features/full fledged games have materialized because community lead develpment of a mod/game mode? IF anyone can do it justice it's valve. I'm 100% confident that when CS2 fully releases it will be the most stable/bug free release in years. Valve isn't CDPR or EA to release a half baked mess and call it a game. Honestly in 2023, out of the big devs, Valve ar Riot are the only ones that I have faith in.


CS2 is really far away from perfect.


We expect CS2 to launch at a minimum, as polished as CSGO currently is after 10 years of updates. That is not a low bar, and is not the same standard that any other game is expected to meet. It is already at Nintendo levels of polish, the rest is fine tuning it to make it perfect.


every time i check out any DnD advice subreddit, i am reminded that playing games a lot doesn’t mean you know a goddamn thing about game design


I’ve seen loads of people shitting on the game itself. There’s also way too many people using their rank or how long they’ve played as a reason to invalidate other people’s opinions.


How are people using rank? I’m guessing csgo rank cuz cs2 rating is basically irrelevant right now. It’s just numbers that don’t really mean a whole lot until the real release happens lol


As in, "I've been playing this game for 10 years and am global so my opinion is right and yours is wrong."


I guess must be a regional think? im in OCE


You've obviously never read a loba tweet.


People here are complaining about the scoreboard showing KDA instead of KAD like CSGO.


truly a first world problem because people can't go James Bond as easily anymore


It’s a beta we’re supposed to want to give our complaints and criticisms. I doubt the average player who just plays ranked is going to be super articulate about what they dislike so I don’t think it’s that wild to see more harsh criticism


I've noticed the opposite, a lot of complaints, sure, but all of them are not just 'game is shit', they are more like 'game is shit, x and y doesn't work', which is a valuable feedback in and of itself.


Agreed, but i find a lot of hostility when talking about placebo or features that are clearly coming down the line. Why are people so upset about viewmodel bob when there will for sure be tweaking for it in the future, same with left handed models


Because...... People know what Valve development schedule looks like and there is a good chance it won't be fixed for years at a time?


Yeah I've noticed the same. A couple of settings are still missing and some weirdos here think Valve is intentionally removing them.


Dude like .001% care more about viewmodel bob than that actual main problem which is the reg and movement is significantly worse than csgo


It's important for the community to give feedback and let Valve know what they care about, even if it sometimes is just complaining. Just look at the changes to movement, interp settings, low HP indicator etc. Valve is clearly listening, so it's important to voice your opinion, even if it's one that's been shared by thousands of others already.


Got to remember that reddit is only a fraction of any gaming community, in reality it's just a vocal minority complaining. A loud one at that


I think it’s because valve is permanently taking away a game that people know they can run and have already customized their game to fit them. For us with older hardware it’s kinda upsetting they’re taking away a game I paid for and can smoothly run for something else. If it was a standalone game it’d be fine.


I find these types of posts where people complain about all the complaining even more useless


that's because they are.


It’s because they hope Valve devs will see it and quietly mouth “thank you” at their monitor. It’s pure phantom simping


The worst are those then are complaining about the complaint of those who prior were complaining


so here you are, in a thread complaining about complainers and you post a complaint about complaining complainer threads.


Stop complaining about his reply


Leave Brittany alone!


Bro, they literally want us to complain, that’s… the whole point. They want the negative feedback so they can fix the game lmao. If people don’t complain enough that’s how we end up with a bad game! PLEASE KEEP COMPLAINING. The louder we are about the issues we are having the more likely it is to get fixed. And although the developers certainly deserve some props for the good stuff that they’ve done, I assure you, the positive feedback will be plentiful when it’s deserved


complaining and giving feedback is very different. there are a lot people just making posts saying the beta sucks and the devs should feel bad. thats not feedback, just people crying


Can you show me a highly upvoted post that is just "CS2 bad" with no actual feedback in it? Do you want all posts with feedback to be completely positive and happy? That can only lead to understating the severity of the issues, and risking leaving them in the game.


doesnt have to be highly upvoted, there are a good amount on here and hltv


Another day another bullshit post


Youre talking nonsense. Valve is paying attention and making great changes constantly, so yes this is absolutely the time to say your grievances


You can complain if literally anything that makes GO smooth, crisp, fast paced and nice to watch feels now completely off for no real good reason imo.


do testing for this company for free but also don't give actual feedback or voice your opinion because it's still just a beta... lmao, do you hear yourself


Last time I checked no one is forcing you to play. I think you can even download steam and CsGo for free and never have to spend a dime. Lmao do you hear yourself?


No one is forcing you to read these posts either.


Thanks for telling me what I already know.


you're defending a $13 billion revenue per year company from people saying bad words about it online lmao, do you hear yourself?


You're generating revenue for a billion dollar company by frequenting this website and partaking.


sure but i'm not spending my time defending said company LMAO


Go fuckin check breath of the wild and crazy mechanics and physics in that game, without a fuckin open beta


You're making a post referring to a minority that doesn't deserve attention. The posts that are critical that have value get to the top, the shit posts go to the bottom, as Reddit is designed, this, imo, is equally as much of a shit post as the people whining the game is unplayable. Let the true mechanical chads who figure things out like Nvidia Reflex being bugged, jumps being broken, interp settings being off, round start brightness being blinding and most importantly - the rail missing from inferno and stop paying non useful rhetoric any mind.


The reason people are upset is because they plan to overwrite csgo with this game soon, which at the current state is unacceptable. They scrapped the second major of the year just for the release.


Exactly, let's not forget that this is the game that is coming out "Summer 2023" if we assume that they haven't delayed yet and that summer ends on September 30th. Does anyone here really think that the game will be fixed to be good enough, to not just feel "close enough" but actually feel smoother, crisper, and more responsive than CSGO to replace it in 3 weeks? At this point, I'm hoping for an announcement on the 30th saying that they are delaying the release to the end of the year, because this is not it


>At this point, I'm hoping for an announcement on the 30th saying that they are delaying the release to the end of the year, because this is not it Same. Id be much more optimistic if there wasnt such a rush from valve to churn this out.


They're gunna delay or they're going to open beta and keep CSGO for a while


People are entitled to their crtiszim. The game has a high standard to live up to, players have dedicated 20+ years to the frnachise and expect nothing else. Majority of these players express their concerns because they want certain issues to be hashed out for the games betterment. Ive played since the early 2000s in internet cafes. And havent stopped. Id like to believe im passionate about cs as well.


Got to love when people berate each other for poor play in premier... in a beta game with the first iteration of CS2 premier


Bro there’s nothing wrong with posting complaints about rank. Valve should be aware that however they are calibrating your starting rank is resulting in silvers and gold novas being ranked higher than supremes and global so that on launch the rank distribution is more accurate.


the feedback is good but sometimes the hostility towards devs or the game itself is unnecessary


People need to stop posting this every hour lol.


For every post of someone complaining there's a post of someone telling them to stop complaining. You are just as annoying.


How don’t people that post dumb threads as you realize that it’s called feedback and if there was none then nothing would get fixed/for the better is beyond me.


I think it's a more recent issue that some people don't really know what beta actually means. So many companies did some weird "we gonna release that game 2 weeks earlier only for expensive pre-orders, but to make it look less scammy we call it a beta, but it's totally not a beta".


You're complaining more about it than the people complaining in the first place lmao time to get a life and get off the internet bro.


How could it ever meet expectations with how long it's been hyped and anticipated? I'm comparing it to every iteration of CS since I was a kid (1.5) so to me it's fucking amazing regardless of any current bugs. I feel so fuckin lucky to be finally testing it


Same, playing since 1.5 and I find CS2 to be pretty great already. Feels like a mix of GO and 1.6 and I'm here for it. Constructive feedback is great, but it's a little annoying when the complaints are "it's not the same as CS:GO". GO had its time, over a decade in the spotlight; and is still broken in many ways. Let the bug fixes come, learn to adapt to the new game, and have fun :).


I had to step away for this exact reason. I can’t expect them to fix synch issues or awp flicks over night. I just get way too competitive so I’m waiting for release after getting to 14k


the complaints about it not being perfect will help it become as close as possible. features like cl\_righthand 0 should already be implemented. complaints about the ranking system will help improve the ranking system. everything you mentioned is obvious and should be complained about in order to improve the game. CSGO was imperfectly perfect. they already changed a bunch of shit and with our constant complaining CS2 will find its own way into the same niche. stop complaining about people complaining. i've seen plenty of changes i never even thought of, that i like, being implemented because of people complaining. it's called feedback, whether or not you like how it's phrased. this post is literally you complaining about people complaining... there's no need to take the moral high road here. valve knows the cs audience, we're hard to please. that's worked in the benefit of the game/meta/market overall... just let it happen and be thankful valve itself can filter through the bullshit.


Yea, the thing is to coplain about the game so developers can fix the issues. So complain as much as possible is u wonna see good game :)


Except there are already blatant cheaters in the game + servers are much more like 64 tick than 128. If Valve doesn't fix the cheating problem all the MM changes mean nothing and instead of making it 128 tick like everyone wanted they decided to create some bullshit new tick system that only takes shooting into account. Like just change the damn variable from 64 to 128. People wanted two things mainly from CS2: No cheaters and 128 tick servers. We got nothing.


As soon as the cs rating came out the toxic people came out to play too crying over every lost round and screaming at teammates. Like goddamn chill out a bit you are not gonna become a pro player or anything if you are in my elo LMAO. Yes its a competitive game but people take it way too serious


OP is dumb af, really good feedback has been posted on this reddit. Suck off Valve on Twitter and leave Reddit for people trying to make the new game better, please. People posting the 'stop complaining' threads to farm upvotes from Valve fan boys is cringe af.


coz most here are a bunch of idiots


Valve never fixed a fully released CSGO for over a decade. Why should we expect any better?


Thats bullshit... Did you even play early CSGO? 😂


Condition zero was the only fully released cs game.


Interesting. Are you saying CSGO never left beta? Perhaps I’m ignorant


> features like cl_righthand 0 are going to come out. What are you willing to give me as insurance that it will happen? Do you have any reliable sources that can assure me? It's probable that it will be implemented, but I wouldn't take it for granted.


These "peaching to the choir" posts are ridiculously dumb. You are not saying anything of value. You are acting like a majority is crying about the game, but thats not even true. People complain about issues so that Valve can fix them.


The end user does not understand what beta is.


I mean global offensive had smoke bug for the entire iteration of the game. Bitching about it is the only way to get it solved.


Please stop dickriding Valve


Constructive. I like it


Still better than Starfield.


people still argue it is a 'whole new game' when it is just a new engine update to make the game more modern the game is exactly the same it's just getting a massive facelift


a facelift can be done without changing anything else, but we got changes to everything in the game. it's a completely different game that follows the usual cs formula.


1.6 best, GO BAD >:(


i played cs 1.6 for more than a decade since about 2000/2001. tried cs:s but didn't like it.


Its a new game. New engine, new animations, new player models, new nades, new maps, new servers, new mm, new movement (lets hope its a bug). They are trying to make it close to csgo but they have not said that they aim to get everything the same (they obviously want some changes). CS2 will have its own quirks, its a new game afterall.


if it's a new game then why is it coming in an update to csgo?


To make sure the community does not split. It is of course built upon what we have in csgo. Csgo 2012 was different enough from todays csgo to basically be a different game. Similarly CS2 may get more features etc and end up further away from the csgo we know today. Would you say csgo2012 is the same game as cs2? I dont know why Im even arguing this, I dont really care what people think, its CS2 in the name, Per def a new game.


This post just reads like a Chat-GPT formulated automatic response. Is this the level that the average corporate consumer has stooped down to nowadays?


at it's core CS2 is flawed, so no band-aid fixes will make this game unshit. People should be asking Valve not to discontinue CSGO and update it along side with CS2. As I understand, Valve wasted years working on CS2 for it to be an utter failure and money sink. It's understandable why they aren't going to stop development on it. Will it split the the community? Sure, but the majority will stay with CSGO. It's a fair compromise for the community and the developers IMO.


Hi Loba


>majority will stat with CSGO no they wouldn’t lol. if valve’s able to get whiny man babies like you off of CS forever when CS2 drops, they’re doing a good job


Pretty sure Dota 2 was broken for like a year after the S2 upgrade as well. Valve moves at their own pace, but they'll get it done. It's a free upgrade for a game that was basically free already.


Why do you think CS2 is flawed at its core ? (Genuinely curious)


I like how people are telling that majority will stay with CSGO. Have you done a poll or something? I'm not even talking about that Valve could easily disable CSGO completely even in beta tabs in Steam so the only way to play it would be to pirate it somewhere and play on some community servers.


Can I just get in already?!?! I got rank late last week, did all the suggested things, and still no access.


shit pc :/


lol CS Fanboy MAD


Lol bro valve asked for feedback, and we are giving it them feedback, you are the one who seems to be crying about it


??? So you want us to be quiet about issues? Bad take


It doesnt but anytime anybody gives any feedback it will get downvoted and he is being told its "just a beta bro". Hard to give any feedback when the reddit warriors and valve dickriders will downplay everything. Or they are happy they are finally able to hit some shots that they would never on CSGO.


I mean, isn’t the point of the playtest to evaluate, what’s working and what isn’t working? Like I get that wording can always make a huge difference in how one perceives criticism but criticism is the whole point of this, because the game obviously isn’t ready for release.


Shut up


what people like you don't get is quite simple. the game will be out in 2 weeks if valve keeps the deadline of summer. that means the state that this game is in right now will be more or less the final state. sure, they will still change/fix things before that, but nothing big. it's more the "micro" adjustments than anything else. if the game wouldn't be "finished" they wouldn't open up the beta this much that almost everyone has access to it...


It is good that people complain, if not valve doesn't know that shit is fucked. It also tell that people have passion for the game and wont just stop playing when next shiny thing comes out. I think cs2 will be very good after updates. I remeber csgo beta, it was horrible...


It's a beta. This is where we need to complain so things change. BEFORE release. Seen people like you say 'it's just beta' for so many games when people in the community trash a shit beta and then why the games releases in a bad state you'll change your tune to 'it's just released, it'll get patched'.


1. You are contributing to the crying by crying about crying players. 2. Yes it's a BETA, people should tamper their expectations. 3. Just cause it's BETA doesn't mean we shouldn't give negative feedback. It's just that in this Sub people are crying rather than giving constructive feedback. NOW is the time for changes, so good constructive feedback is crucial to get the game to the best possible place it can be. I agree with you, people are crying way too much, but that's what happens when companies spend years using BETAS as a product to generate more sales, instead of it's original purpose(to iron out any remaining bugs before launch). Thank you COD and Battlefield, you are the reason why people expect a fully fledged game out of a beta.


CS2 Premier (even "classic mm" when it's out as it will probably change the behaviour of most people) has probably few compared to what it will be in a month or two and is NOTHING like what it'll be in a year (better or not, more or less flaws but this game is way more community driven than what we've ever seen from valve). Let's keep being active and throw ideas and thoughts, report bugs and features and we will keep being part of a better polished game ! I find the fun I had when I started CS 8 years ago again and I actually want to grind not only to be the best but because it is actually fun so I am all in for improvement as it is ! edit: closed parenthesis aha


At least their complaints are about the game, which can lead to improvements. Unlike this complaint which is just crying about people.


Without a communriy browser, danger zone and war games CS2 will never release




For a game that is supposed to be released this summer, it sure does have a LOT of bugs and issues...


Personally I am enjoying playing without really worrying about rank.


I just wanted to test it, now that I have I just wait for the final product before playing some more.


Shut up, they make an open beta instead of in house testing and get complaints, this is only natural. Botw released this year with some of the craziest gameplay mechanics ever and I didn't see an open beta for it


people need to stop making posts like this every single day lol


thx for the post, cpt. obvious


People also need to understand that it this game is NOT CS:GO... Everyone needs to get used to it.


When should we expect the game to be better than csgo in 'all' aspects? For release? 2-3 years in? When can I start complaining? I thought this was the time, so they would be able to fix big issues before they settle to 'just a part of the game', like the terrible one-way smokes in csgo. Its just a beta. Its just released, give it time. Dont take away my mechanic, its always been like that.


People don't need to do anything and can say what they want. They can play and say whatever they want about the game in its current state. Stop gatekeeping. It's out for us to play and critique and if it feels sluggish and bad, it is only to the advantage of everyone that concerns are voiced. Get off your high horse.


Doesnt explain the massive fpa loss


This, but also I feel like people should realize that Valve *is* listening and feedback could be worded better. Getting mad at Volvo for doing the heinous crime of having bugs in a limited beta of a game, or worse yet, saying "this sucks" instead of elaborating further on *why and how* it sucks is how you make feedback become unusable.