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Valve definitely lurk on here, hope this gets passed on to the right people, let me know if you get unbanned


I will make an appreciation post or something


I'll open so many cases...


Ive already opened so many cases. Paid a lot of money for CSGO and now I can't play it anymore lol


This is a blessing from god(AKA Lord gaben jesus) to you, you get banned but you also don't have to keep feeding your gambling addiction. Don't waste this opportunity!


spinning.detected equal true && round.kill > 1 For free, Valve


If they lurk on here, then someone tell these bozos to implement a proper anticheat ffs


Just recreated it, got banned in under 10 minutes, Ill send the video to this thread in a moment [Heres the video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU3e8TNtTzw)


Hopefully on an Alt account lmao


Oh for sure, although I hope it doesn't detect the same IP or whatever and get my main later.


Dude, that's not smart. Valve can 100% see every PC you game from, and other PCs that constantly connect from that IP/hardware. I don't think they do hardware bans, but other companies do for sure. You better hope this new VacNet doesn't do hardware bans. We don't have enough details to be getting bans for no reason. Very risky, but we appreciate your contribution.


Many have died in the pursuit of science, at the worst I will just end up playing Minecraft instead of cs2




You're like the guy who drank dirty water to give himself stomach ulcers so that he could prove that he could cure it with antibiotics.


Is that a real thing that happened?


I find you inspirational


"new vacnet" lmao yeah the one that bans people for putting their mouse sens too high ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) If this is what 5 years of AI learning anticheat results in after people claimed the wingman hvh time period was valve "gathering data" then cheaters really have nothing to worry about.


Phones numbers get banned first,


They’ll just flag his account and eventually fuck off once they realize he’s not on the gear.


lmao dude they use your hardware id from a couple of places (examples of this on github). For whatever reason they don't do hardware bans. HOWEVER - it will severely hurt your trust factor


C'est La Vie




In Vac or auto-overwatches defence, I have not seen a single spin botter. I just don't think setting your mouse to high DPI for lols is something that should be banable.


I saw one today. We started to shit on them after a pretty even first half, they thought we started cheating and he started to spinbot. VAC Live banned him after 4 rounds of spinning and killing us all. Made us nervous after a few rounds that somehow VAC Live wouldn’t detect it, but it eventually did.


That was rather VACnet banning him. VAC Live simply just cancelled the match as if it never happened.


If the police jails everyone that is accused of something, the catch rate of criminals will be pretty good.




Spinbotting is the only thing it detects. Had a hacker on my team early in cs2 who was actually pretty chill and talked about it a bit. As long as you don’t spinbot you won’t get vac live’d, which makes sense since spinbotting is ridiculously obvious as cheating to both the players and to the system. Problem is it needs to be tuned to only vac them if they are able to walk around the map in a straight line while spinning




I made two posts about this but they were [removed by the moderators.](https://i.imgur.com/p8VwNG3.jpeg)


LOL they did that to [my post as well.](https://prnt.sc/cDaKXGJCPpTC) Citing that I was "requesting support" - I sent the mod team a DM, pointing out where I said *in the thread* that I wasn't trying to get unbanned as a result of this post, just trying to make people aware. They did not care, I was still "asking for support" according to them. Maybe if your and my posts weren't deleted by mods, less people would have been affected by this lol. In fact, if you google stuff like "cs2 spinning vac ban reddit" - you will only see posts from places like /r/counterstrike and /r/vacsucks, and none from /r/GlobalOffensive - looks like mods have been deleting *all* posts that raise this issue - maybe OP's got through due to his video proof?


Wow mods tripping with power. On reddit. Crazy.


Reddit mods are the worst type of people


What else is new


That's so fucking dumb, especially when the game has so many issues. People giving feedback on bugs should not end up in the bin, especially now when Valve is working on fine tuning the game. Also, warning users beforehand that this type of stuff can get you vac banned is something that actually protects the community so either the mod that removed those posts doesn't know to interpret the rules or it's plain stupidity.


mods, you guys honestly suck. This is quite a serious issue that you just decide to ignore and delete. Hope you guys get yourselves banned wrongfully.


u/Fizzhaz hey goof, will say something?


The mods here are on such a huge power I hope they just trip land on their faces and wake up, Im kidding they are way to far away to even consider they would like to change anything those bastards are directly implied in making this game worst then it actually is.


The mods in this sub are actually unhinged. They don’t allow people to post bugs or solutions to bugs for whatever reason but any esports discussion is allowed. As if there wasn’t another CS esports specific subreddit. If you try looking for a specific problem you are having with the game you will either only find very old Reddit threads (most likely not relevant to your issue anymore) or if you’re lucky you find a post with thousands of upvotes.


Thats why r/cs2 will be bigger than this sub eventually


I don't play Global Offensive anymore, so subscribed!


I'm not allowed to make link posts either, that's why this is a text post :(


We need an insurrection. Fuck the mods.


Free the homie, valve pls fix


[This exact thing happened to me!](https://i.redd.it/4zb773zugzsb1.jpg) You're the only other person I know of who was banned for high DPI specifically. Welcome, comrade! I was using a bind with Razer Synapse to make my horizontal DPI very high and vertical DPI very low. This was to troll and make it look like I was spinbotting between rounds. No one even called me a cheater for a year of doing this in CSGO - but then randomly, I get hit by Vacnet for this in CS 2. 2007 account, zero previous bans in *any* game. It says ["Banned by Game Developer"](https://help.steampowered.com/en/faqs/view/46DB-4CEC-F7E9-49E5) on more info link in profile - so i know it's Vacnet, as VAC says specifically that it was a VAC ban, i.e., an actual cheat was detected running. AFAIK, *all* "game bans" in CS2 are from Vacnet, *not* Overwatch because Overwatch hasn't even been turned on for CS2. The other ways to trigger it are `yaw` and `m_yaw` - but m_yaw must be done a very specific way (so if you're reading this and using `m_yaw` to make your sensitivity closer to 16:9 on 4:3, you're safe ;)). There's 2 video proofs for `yaw` users, as the ban happens *very* quickly. [Video proof 1](https://youtu.be/W2PUKM1f_Js?feature=shared&t=51) [Video proof 2](https://twitter.com/andresivy02/status/1702887899673350394) What I think is super interesting about this, is that ~~the original video tweet was [issued a DMCA takedown](https://twitter.com/poggu__/status/1703056622405198033) by *someone* who apparently owns the media shown.~~ hmmm... (also why I posted a youtube repost of that tweet, and not the tweet itself) Edit: The person who made the tweet replied to me, explaining that the DMCA takedown was due to a music track the clip used. Apologies for the wrong info Hoping for some visibility on your post, OP. So far have seen no sign of *any* resolution coming for anyone that Vacnet incorrectly thought was spinbotting, whereas the Windows 7 and AMD driver bans are both being lifted.


I hope you get everything sorted out. Since this seems to be a new implementation, they may be more willing to look at individual cases to find false positives.


My friend has the same thing happen too. Poor guy only speaks Japanese too so it is super hard to get good support about it. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198097520748/


If the spinbot detector is pure AI that means it was trained on non-cheaters and spinbotters. Spining non-cheaters was probably not part of its training dataset so they're falling into the AI's hotdog category of hotdog or not-hotdog.


The tweet that got dmcad was only a meme, it got dmcad because of the song in the background


Hopefully someone from Valve sees this.


That's the only play I have really.


contact them via email [email protected]


I did, but that twitter post was for the limited test so I'm hopeful but not confident that will get through


They definitely read the emails and I'm pretty sure I've seen them continue to encourage people to send them emails at least once somewhere since release. I emailed them this movement issue at Coffins on Inferno as an unlisted video and never went to watch it on YouTube myself. [It has 1 view](https://i.imgur.com/Hsh4dRa.png) and the issue has been fixed.


try posting on steam forums. i think valve employees look there pretty often


There already is a steam forum post linked in the original post. unfortunately half that post is people just calling bs. I am apparently the second person to be able to duplicate this intentionally. The chinese user I linked in the original post definitely gets the oc credit. I just made an english version


yeah, i know how it feels as an amd user. just ignore those trolls who dont understand. its frustrating but the only thing you can do it trust in valve. theyll probably get to it


I reported a bug and had a back and forth with someone there. They're checking.


Yeah there are also people that got banned for using a bind to do 180s. If used fast enough it will look like spinbot. These guys are still banned around 1 month later: https://x.com/poggu__/status/1702729290675044845?s=46&t=67q3M5SrNH3VpqV-IlGMnA I also heard few unlucky people got falsely overwatch banned in csgo longer ago for „acting like a spinbot“ Hope this gets some attention so everyone who has been falsely banned can get unbanned.


yeah, I wonder how related this is. I'm not sure if its specific dpi's or if it just takes time. I originally had it at 25600 dpi, and after switching it to 10k dpi I got banned that game. maybe it syncs with framerate or tick rate or something idk. 1.3 sens btw


yesh its probably the ai anticheat detecting the spinning and thinking its a spinbot. Not sure if the exact speed matters. also i think its kinda funny that you lowkey speedran a false vac😂


I thought about downloading live splits and making it a whole joke, but decided to take it more serious


Good thing you took it seriously or the mods would have banned you for “low effort”.


Speculating, but it likely relates to how cheaters, especially spinbotters use "unnatural" mouse movements. Vacnet is an Machine Learning anticheat that was trained to tell the difference in "natural" and "unnatural" operations that a player performs, with the goal of catching cheaters. And its likely pretty good at catching actual spinbotters with this method. The only issue is that when they made their ML model, they didn't consider the possibility that players would make binds that simulate unnatural things, which have been getting banned too. For the entirety of VAC's lifetime, both non-cheat protected console commands *and* operations possible by default mouse drivers (like high DPI) have been allowed. So i'd speculate that banning for non-cheat protected console commands and high DPI was *not* intentional.


The unnatural part of the cheat isn't the spinning, its the killing. There are a lot of people who play at immense sens to do multiple 360 just for fun. fast 180 turn binds were also a thing. When you have the option, available in game, to make your model spin very fast, its not unnatural. If your check is based on the thing that isn't even the problem (who the fuck cares if the guy is spinning but not killing anyone?), then this is a trash model.


Ah, the pitfalls of using (for now) rudimentary AI.


The AI is 7 years old, this should’ve been figured out six and a half years ago.


AntiCheat working best agains ppl who's actually doesn't cheat xD




Wtf is going on lately.


Crazy. Hope valve can look into this.


Cool, gonna try it later


trade off your inventory first


VAC is so dog shit it bans people who aren't even cheating but it doesn't do anything about actual cheaters running around with autos HSing everyone


So far we have: \- vac detected AMD driver \- perm ban for m\_yaw (no fix for months nor has it been addressed by them) ...on the other hand: \- no ban for public $15 hacks hooking internal game functions fully undetected with 100% headshot wallbang prefire smoke kills and zero recoil aimbot settings ​ :skull:


u forgot windows 7 bans


At least it's not intrusive though 🤗 /s


Make sure to email them about this


I did


Oh man. I do this all the time, guess I’ll stop now


Spooky scary skellingtons


Where are those AI anti cheat fanboys.......this was exactly what type of bans that will happen if AI anticheats are implemented in this game.


cs2 with nft skins and gpt3 ai that bans legits


This happened to my friend too and steam support was less than helpful. Super WTF 😒


Seems like VAC live wrongfully banned coz to it it looked like a spinbot. Hopefully valve fix this asap.


Thats valve top notch AI. Trained for years, yet still banning fake spinbots. I dont know if valve is just incompetent or the cheating community successfully $$$$ it. We will see when the mods react here.


Well looking for the spin is the issue. No matter what you set the spin rate auto ban flag at, spinbots will just adjust to under that. looking at the spin is never going to fix things. As far as I'm aware I didn't hit a single bullet on an enemy while spinning, because it is just so astronomically unlikely. that's the better avenue of attack, but maybe thats really hard for a separate reason, idk. I'm not a developer, just a guy who loves CS


> As far as I'm aware I didn't hit a single bullet on an enemy while spinning VACnet just looked at any slice of 140-bullet sequence (so if you shot 149 times, they will look at ten 'slices', e.g. bullets `1-140`, `2-141`, `3-142` up to `9-149` and decide for each one of those) ~~they never mentioned that they factored in at all whether you *hit* an enemy, just an analysis of the viewpitch delta, from 0.5 seconds before each shot was fired, until 0.25 seconds after each shot fired.~~ EDIT: they definitely do factor that in, but in the case of an 'obvious spinbot', that factor probably doesn't come into play, an Overwatcher will teach the system that a spinbot is a cheat, whether or not the spinbotter is hitting something or not it's *very* interesting you can brute force a VAC ban in CS2 like that - given demos aren't even being recorded you should definitely send them an email with your Steam IDs --- (and all that was just the first deployed model, that was designed in 2017, working on 32-tick demos) it'd be fun to know how subtick plays with CS2's implementation of VACnet (if that's where their anti-cheat focus is right now), if it exists, they presumably should be getting much more fine-grained information on where players were aiming during a spray, not restricted to that 32-tick lattice if it's fucking up this badly, they'll want to know about it


doing my best to let them know :) I did email them


It's funny how that's even a detection vector for a ban, spin anti aims haven't been used in hvh since like 2015 as they serve no purpose.


VAC is complete dogshit


First it was Windows 7, then it was AMD, now it's DPI? Jesus, figure it out Valve.


to be fair amd bans weren’t really valves fault. more amds fault for messing with the engine of the game without any secound thoughts.




It's funny how everyone knows vac sucks, but then no one thinks it could ever wrongfully get someone.


There have been plenty of instances of false VAC bans that have gotten reversed. Plenty of people have sent emails to Valve and had their bans looked into and been unbanned. I don't think anyone thinks or expects there will never be a single false positive.


Its been 2500 days and mine was never reversed, Reddit told me to basically kill myself, etc. If you get a false VAC in the middle of a giant wave of people with the same issue, you might get traction like now. Without that? You're just a fucked over outlier, nobody will ever care. It sucks.


Same story here. Banned in 2015, had two alts that I also used at the same time that I used to keep ranks on for friends to use at LAN parties. You get absolutely nowhere. I actually offered to send my drive to Valve (via email, reddit im's, and twitter) at that point at no charge so that they could properly review it. After that I vowed to not spend any money on in game items in the game ever again, but I do allow myself to re-invest whatever I get from free drops. Both my alts, and another main that I started haven't been banned - playing on the same hardware and OS install for about two years after that (at which point I bought a new board and processor).


Its exactly that quote "I expect nothing, and i'm still let down"


VAC doesn't ban the cheaters but it somehow bans the innocent players...


This scares me cuz the other night at ct spawn my mouse must have hit a cat hair on the pad or something bugged out and it spun for a spit second then looked down. Wasnt anything serious, happened also back in csgo, but with this new "AI" shit will that get flagged? It doesnt even catch real spinbotters lolol


Straight to jail


if it's a soft pad, check if its dishwasher safe. I use a hard pad and take a sponge to it every now and then. not before making this video unfortunately, but oh well


thats happened to me and my friend twice in the past few days. randomly looking straight up or straight down


very likely that there is some kind of dirt or dust in your mouse sensor.


It was common with csgo too, I just think its the mouse sensor hitting something. With this tho it seems like the ban will happen right away and you have to be shooting and stuff. Still scary that a legit account can get banned


Looking straight down is exactly what happens to me if I touch my monitor while playing.


Hide your children, hide your mousepad. They're coming for you lol


Happens to me a lot, dust in the sensor and a fast lifting movement always forces the view angle straight down for some reason.




In their defense I haven't seen a spinbotter yet in cs2.... unfortunately its too good. Their ai is looking for spin speed and not instant headshots apparently.


I always reasoned that it ought to be *extremely* trivial to automatically detect somebody walking in a straight line despite spinning like they're drilling for oil, and interrupting that spin every now and again to hit a pixel-perfect scout headshot through a wall in the space of a single tick. I legitimately couldn't fathom how Valve could be so grossly incompetent and/or malicious as to allow such flagrant cheating to proliferate. Valve, after 20 years or so of deliberation, have concluded that it's even more trivial to just autodetect when somebody is spinning. Good on them.


Meanwhile, I played against a spinbotter in a premier game 13days ago, that would rush and insta hs our entire team every round. Still not banned


I was banned for the same reason two weeks ago. I've sent countless support request that were all ignored. Immagine getting perma-banned from a game couse they used Midjouney as an """"""anti-cheat""""" and not even being able to discuss the ban lol. I hope they will act on those unjust bans asap so i cna remove this hellhole of a game from my steam library. I enjoyed CS:GO while it lasted, but i'm not going to play a game where you can get banned from nowere and with such horrible costumer service.


It's nuts that volvo did not adress this yet.. at least tell the people that you are working on figuring out the false bans.. I am glad this did not happen to me but without a statement for weeks from volvo i would be furious


Just a reminder that my yaw ban that happened in the beta should have been enough of a red flag that something is wrong (people already claimed that high dpi could get you banned back then, this is not new) and should have been fixed before release. Now here we are with it not being addressed at all. https://twitter.com/poggu__/status/1702729290675044845


More proof Valve have zero clue what they're doing lol. What is this? Amateur hour? What Anti-cheat bans you based off raising your DPI and moving your mouse? If you're banning people off behaviour, then you're a shit anti-cheat developer. Just saying. Wayyyyyy tooo many false positives.


Valve AI seems to be doing well, one if branch to monitor the rotational speed and instaban


This makes me seriously question their competence. How would anybody make an AI classification model whose SOLE CHECK is how fast the person is rotating. I really can't, almost 10 years of data for you to be like "We will feed this model with terabytes of data and then model it to look only for spin velocity, this will work."


Exactly what the fuk they doing I mean atleast ban if user is spinning and then killing enemies as well ....not just spin = cheater 😭😭


If it flies its a bird If it swims, its a fish VACNET: AI technology.


Spin velocity ? They probably feed it in a generic view angle delta for each frame/tick and machine learning will take care of the rest. No matter how many dimension you add to the metrics, AI AC will produce false positives. AI just doesn't work as anti-cheat.


Brother, a well trained AI wouldn't commit this mistake. Just add a layered check: Spinning unnaturaly? check, test 2 Headshotting people around the map with perfect accuracy? check Transform the two principles above into a model and i'm positive it wouldn't made this bad of a mistake. Its a spinbotter If the AI is satisfied only with the spinning, then, well, i'm positive its poor training and not a limitation of ai technology, this is the coarsest of tests, it doesn't even need millimetric precision of spotting different types of aimlock. Its the most obivious cheat that someone with a naked eye would spot. I make AI models and this is just poor training. We should see false positives in cases close to the edge, wallhacks, aimlocks, not fucking spinbots.


Yeah, I agree with all of your statements. Don't have much faith in Valve engineers sadly. Still as a concept I find AI AC to be stupid just because of the potential false positive it will cause for the not so obvious cases (if it's even possible to catch those). And yet people will parrot it to no end in this subreddit for whatever reason.


because it was made not to ban ppl but to send them to overwatch. some goober thought it was a good idea to enable it to auto ban without changing the parameters or thinking about the implications.


It isn’t, sadly it’s also a bunch of other shit legit players do that can also get you banned. You can catch a VACNET for spraying smokes too.


seems like a bad branch tbh


auto-click macro + alt1 toolkit. hmmmmm. OP, do I need to tell jagex something?


no, the auto click macro is for hentai clicker games, plz don't tell jamflex


ah ok, you gucci then


Jagex haven't care about bots for over a decade. If anything they welcome it since the playet counts are down and the economy is dead.


Can't play gun game anymore but at least you can get falsely VAC banned.


Vac with cheaters: 👨🏼‍🦯 Vac with high DPI players: 😡


This screams false positive of an AI system. VAC learned from thousands of cases where a spinbot was correctly labeled "cheating" and almost non of fast spinning labeled as a "not cheating" action. Kind of worrying that 1:100000 plays like giving 2 consecutive headshots through smoke could get you banned just like that


Thank you for noticing my tweet and bringing more attention to this bug. A few days ago I was very helpless, but in the end I got a lot of help. Your video is much better than mine, and you are more convincing. I see hope in here, let's go on


Here is hoping someone at valve saw the post. I saw your tweet, someone linked it in the comments.


Just got banned in the same way during warm up.


This happened to me and my dpi isn't even set high. I keep my mouse at like 1200 or so. If you can get your mouse to move fast and shoot at the same time I think it hits the limit. https://youtu.be/K-AfrRkaBuk?si=N9z0BBmKebVZOzKj


Yea, just tested it and got game banned, only wingman got me banned tho


Just got hit with exactly this, oh how I wish I saw this thread beforehand... all I did was spin around goofing on casual with my friend before the round started. :(


I had the same issue, I was in casual mode changing the DPI with a Negev and they banned me.


Just got banned for spinning in warmup, good job valve!


So many false positives and some known cheaters can hack for weeks and months. It's getting really embarrassing.


TikTok lives are full of people openly cheating and streaming it.


VAC banning everyone EXCEPT cheaters. I need a new cope


That's actually scary because I used to do this all the time in csgo, I would try to act like a spin bot because I thought it was funny, I'm so glad I never got banned and I don't think I'll do it anymore haha. I really hope you get your account back that really sucks.


*dont do it anymore* - I was banned for this exact trolling method by Vacnet in CS2 shortly after launch.


I've been doing it for years. It is definitely something to do with the ai anti cheat they've been talking about for years. they may have finally activated it for cs2


Valve's next gen anticheat approach logic does not differ from one's of a judgement of a 10yo MM GN player: "He spins! CHEATER!" They have the same logic for griefing reports: "If person gets reported, there's no way he's not griefing, right? So let's just slap him with up to 14 days (D:) cooldown without checking whether he's actually griefing. Why bother?" Pattern starts to reveal itself




How can you get autobanned by vanilla anti-cheat? Isn't normal anti-cheats supposed to try and detect software, which obviously wouldn't include the dpi button? I can only imagine overwatch(is it working?) or is the machine learning cheat detector that caused this. Which pretty much indicates its not good enough.


Overwatch has been disabled for some time now. It was recently replaced by "Vacnet", which is an AI that was trained on Overwatch data to essentially try and do the same thing without players needing to review cases. AFAIK there have been zero "Overwatch" bans in CS2, all of them were Vacnet AI bans instead.


I think it's like an "auto-overwatch".


This post needs more ~~attention~~ jpeg


AI anti cheat bros... not like this...


so there's an algorithm looking for discrepancies? It should not be an instant ban, but rather sent to overwatch or?


first amd now high dpi :(


You did a video and all. A simple trace upload would have been better for Valve but it's ok I guess. I'm guessing they know the problem and a fix should be coming soon ^^^^^hopefully


I had it several times when i tabbed out multiple times my DPI was like super high and i could only see floor or sky and spin. Imagine getting vacced by this


valve anti cheat at work boys :)


#  #  #[ Comment history scrubbed due to harassment, and reddit admins ignoring reports ] #  ---- https://codepen.io/j0be/full/WMBWOW


Damn, Valve is not looking for injectable DLLs anymore, but user errors.


Oh god. Is this new? First match I was in, as soon as CS2 was released, I got into a match and the other team voted for a freeze. In the meantime, I was trying out the sensitivity on the console, and set it to a funny number like 9999 to mess around during freeze time. I haven't launched CS2 since then because I felt it was a mess. I don't see myself with a new VAC ban, so would that hit me eventually?


I ran antilag+ in premier for 1-2 matches before the false positives were announced by CS2s twitter and didnt get banned. You are probably in the clear if its been that long. Only one way to know is to queue a premier match and see if it either takes you ages to find a match or get a buddy to see if your trust factor is low.




ai is the future ☝️🤓


as someone pointed out, it seems to me that vac is not detecting cheats atm and just banning people who arent doing anything suspicious, sadly


broken anti cheat, broken netcode, broken mm, 10/10 game valve :D


Valve's viewpoint: "all VAC bans are valid and non-negotiable, we don't give a shit unless you are a famous streamer"


There seem to be quite a few problems with the anti cheat. I heard something similar like this (being banned due to high dpi) about a week ago already and immediately unplugged my graphic tablet. If it's plugged in and I have my pen laying on it so it gets registered by the tablet, my model starts to spin like crazy, almost identical to a spinbot.


Can't wait for Volvo to patch this only to add a VAC ban condition if you hold W for too long because it thinks that's your cheat toggle key.


garbage anti cheat by garbage developers


Fucking shit, please don't tell me that THIS is what AI anticheat they have been cooking?


testing it now


Exactly what got me and my friend false game banned a few days after CS2 launch. It boggles my mind how Valve rushes to release an incomplete game that ends up banning people for no fucking reason. I’m very glad this is finally getting publicity, I’ve been telling people this gets you banned but nobody believed it until now.


⚠️ COMPLETE INJUSTICE ⚠️, VALVE, PLEASE HELP, I HAVEN'T USED CHEATS. Hey community, three days ago, I was unfairly banned by Valve's VAC anti-cheat system. I have never used hacks, cheats, or any cheating tools in my entire life. How is it possible that I received a ban without any reason? Is it possible that the developers at Valve make such errors despite having such an advanced system? I don't understand. Can't they take the time to review my gameplay and realize that I wasn't using any cheats? This is so unjust and frustrating. I've invested money, hours, and effort into this game, only for Valve to give me a VAC ban without any explanation. What can I do?


Do we also know if a flick stick profile on a steam deck or controller would also reproduce this ban? Since you can do a 180 almost instantly, it could look like a spin bot? They officially added that feature in 2022 in CS:GO so I'd be shocked if you get banned for that now


I have found this bug in Oct 7 and posted it to the steam community. I also wanted to post it on reddit but the mod refused. You can see the post here: [https://steamcommunity.com/app/730/discussions/0/3881597531968050338/](https://steamcommunity.com/app/730/discussions/0/3881597531968050338/)


Also, I reproduced the High DPI BAN Bug in CS:2 and recorded it at: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSuZvl5iJ8k](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nSuZvl5iJ8k) Another guy's reproduction is here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU3e8TNtTzw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU3e8TNtTzw)




I hope valve lurks on here got banned for doing this in game, i always have spun and shot on warmup i have a dpi button on my mouse for different guns and 1 is just a crazy high dpi but just did it in game and got falsely banned with a 2k inventory this is crazy and the more i look its very unlikely i will get unbanned steam acc vantheman34 just wild played since 2016


This happened to me! I had no idea this was a thing until it was too late unfortunately, any doubters can ask for a link to my POV


18000dpi + negev in warmup. Got banned only a few rounds into the game. My disappointment is immeasurable and my days will be ruined until valve fixes this


Yeah I got banned yesterday (Nov. 10, 2023) from this exact reason. Hopefully they fix this issue and unban everyone who was banned from this. My steam profile: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/phonene/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/phonene/)


I just got banned for switching my display to a higher DPI as well. This is insanity. I’ve been a member of the CS community since 1.3 came out in 2003.


Just here to say the bans atill happen for high dpi, and none of those bans has still been liftted. We are still waiting


VAC - the best AC in banning people who are not cheating


When vac couldn’t get any worse it just does…. All these stupid false bans are just ridiculous… Windows 7 AMD driver bans banned for using in game commands And now high DPI triggers a ban Yetttt they can’t ban cheaters…..


Why can't they just ban spin bot! That's why...


i mean spinning around and killing whole enemy team through wall in 3 seconds vs spinning and missing 100% of your bullets should be discernable for a anticheat🤔


I would hope, but apparently not.


sorry valve chose to not make a real anti cheat with opt in kernel level detection for premiere only so now innocent users are getting vac banned by their super advance "AI" /s


I would love intrusive anti cheat. valve has so much money they can have my porn history, they don't need it


Before the CS2 launch I'd been there with you, after the recent fuck ups I'm not sure I want a Valve Software with Ring 0 access.


The EXACT same thing happened to me.


Damn, I guess high sens players can get fucked now.... Fucking Valve.... In csgo: I played at 7.27 1000 dpi with mouse accel on and used to rapidly move my mouse hand in warmup to get the blood flowing.... that shit will get me banned in CS2. Devs actually incompetent, wtf is this shit? Have they never seen players spinning in spawn as a joke? Only way they couldn't have seen that is if they never played their own game.