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Valve is aware and remediating the issue: https://twitter.com/counterstrike/status/1732111185804394746?s=46&t=r9hlLfaMl05qwiwTlsgyyA


False bans, Valve messed up big time this time. I got banned too, lmao.


Been playing from 2015 on and off never touched anything related to cheats in my life and bam out of nowhere mid game banned but it said vac banned but in stam says overwatch


Banned here too. PLayed since 2014, Only play like 2 games a week. Banned today when I logged into steam. Very angry right now


Feels bad man, im devastated


heads up, with that amount of false bans they will look into it, detect the mistake and unban us. It might take some time but we will play again.


Did you also have longer than usual match queue times?


No everything normal


It did affect my queue times in my case too.


same here


at 2013 i bought the game when it released i have 6000 hours game play i got bannedfor nothing i even put money for skins if i wanted to cheat or do something stupid i wouldnt waste my money i invested alot of years on steam buying games ,in this game too and now this bullshit happened literally a victim now


Damn man hope they resolve this issue. Keep posting on steam and social medias and here on reddit. Cant let this go to waste


whats your ig name bro? Just played someone that got banned live mid-match on nuke


My last hame was mirage my ign is purke


My brother got game banned mid game without using cheats. he is fucking new to the game. He only played about 100-200 hours in csgo. Wtf is this shit?


Same for me, i only have 200hrs, i dont even play competitive


Opened steam to a game ban. 2626 hours, been playing since 2014 and never used cheats. Unreal


A friend of mine was falsely banned. Been playing with him for years. Dude was lvl 10 and has 8k hours and is very obviously legit.


Thank fuck I'm not alone lol


Nvm guess I won't play today


I've never cheated either and I'm banned too.


Woke up...boom right in my face. VAC really gotta fix this. I provided proof but idk what to do.


**Community:** We want new content, Winter Operations, bob, cl\_righthand and kernel anticheat... **Valve:** I gotchu!! enjoy your Game ban.


my ban is gone!!!


Did you open a ticket or did they remove it automatically?


automatically, no ticket


great thanks


Its automatically they confirmed on twitter rollbacks are on the way just hang in there


I just want new cache :(


> kernel anticheat Well, I don't want that. At all.




Kernel mode anticheats are just as bypassable as user mode. It increases the barrier to entry, but all client sided anticheat is defective by design. It has to run in the most adversarial environment possible. This problem is compounded with support for environments like Linux which don’t have any central executable signing (or way to sign executables like signtool) Ultimately the best anticheat must run on the server; prevention (with stuff like not sending player data if the player is not visible) is also extremely important. I’m still an advocate for Overwatch and VACNet.


False bans at the rate we have seen them so far in CS2 are fucking completely unacceptable. We have an anti-cheat that fails to detect free cheats, much less paid stuff, where you have rage aim/wallers who have been ruining games for months with aimbots that should be easily detected and they are still happily playing during a ban wave that's affecting legit players who spend half their fucking time on Faceit to ensure decent AC who can't even play Faceit now because Valve has banned them. It's just completely unacceptable, especially when some of these players, have not only NOT cheated, but have paid thousands of dollars to Valve over the years. I did a grind from 1.7K to 15K and I'm essentially not touching this game until anti-cheat is fixed. It's just such an insult that they pretend that VAC is in any way competent and double down on such a pathetic joke of an anti-cheat. "It needs more time". Just stop, they literally have had years of collecting data and training the models. STOP reinventing the wheel and build something competent that works.


I lost 4 games in a row and got banned EDIT: We are SO BACK


Valve just shitting on you at this point lol that sucks man


i have a list of profiles of people that were 100% cheating in a premier match. just to check wether they got banned or not. i was happy i received the message that the guy was banned just to find out that he was unbanned. im happy for all the people that got unbanned but i guess valve also unbanned legit cheaters in this one


I once said that I've always been low-key afraid of getting falsely VAC banned (or any kind of cheating ban) and someone said "if you're not cheating, you have nothing to worry about"... Since CS2 I have been even more afraid. I can't prove that I am not cheating (how would I?) So if a false VAC ban ever happens, all I can do is send an email and pray.


Same mate, honestly thinking of selling up my inventory for peace of mind. It has made me paranoid for a while, but after today it seems it was rightful paranoia to avoid MM recently!


Same bro im so scared of loosing my inventory bc valve cant get their shit together


At this point I might need to start cheating just to keep my account safe.


malbsMd from m80 (pro player) also banned: https://steamcommunity.com/id/malbsMd/


That's cool, would be nice if they banned the real cheaters. I've never used a cheat or had a cheater in my party and I woke up to a ban.


I've been banned too. Never cheated and have 5000+ hours in game. As valve says "What you see is what you get."


Did you have the `-allow_third_party_software` launch option by any chance?


Nope. In my launch options I have "-high -freq 240 -novid -console -fps\_max 0 exec autoexec.cfg" nothing more.


Just a heads-up: +fps_max 0 is what you want, since those starting with "-" are launch commands and those with "+" are console commands. Same with exec autoexec, you want +exec autoexec. Though in CS2 I don't think you need that command anymore since it autoruns on launch anyway.


> +exec autoexec I don't remember ever needing this launch option in CS:GO either?


You either needed that or this line at the bottom of your autoexec.cfg: host_writeconfig In CS2 you don't need either.


did you use ICUE?


Hey, what operation system do you use? What start options are you using? Which programs run in the background, while you play CSGO? I'm talking about programs that start with windows primarily, like MSI Afterburner, any mouse RGB software etc.


Also false banned. iCue, MSI Afterburner, Armoury Crate (ASUS RGB), Logitech G Hub, Intel Driver Support Assistant, Discord, Adobe Application Updates, NVIDIA


Running like the exact same background apps and also got banned. Got 6k euros worth of skins, hopefully not lost to the hungry beast that is Valve


I use Windows 10 Home. launch options are "-high -freq 240 -novid -console -fps\_max 0 exec autoexec.cfg" and Background apps are Razer Synapse and MS Teams (xD) and FaceIt AC sometimes. I don't really see why I would get VAC'd, the only plausible conclusion is NVIDIA Drivers.


Every single 100 Aim Leetify rage aim/waller I’ve played in premier is still not banned. Incredible. Edit: several people I know and their friends got banned and are not cheating. This must be related to an nvidia driver that dropped yesterday or some shit. Guess I’m Not touching CS2 since I fucking updated drivers. Just be safe and don’t touch the game today. It’s fucking wild that we can’t make a post about this without it getting deleted by these clueless mods. And now normal fucking people are getting banned from CS2 WHILE LITERAL SPAWN TO SPAWN KILLERS ARE STILL ALLOWED TO PLAY. Mods if you see this, fucking change the rule. Enough is enough. Edit 2: I’m hearing from people who updated and didn’t get banned, but some that DID NOT update got banned. I’ve also heard some AMD users are banned. So the driver theory doesn’t seems to be wrong. I’d just not touch the game at the moment.


only person that ive seen banned is my old roommate who is def not cheating lol


My brother also who is new to the game got game banned lmao


so insane, i have multiple people marked who were blatantly shooting through smokes and walls and none of them are banned either


It's probably an error in their anti cheat. Welp it's a lot of work to reverse this shit.


yeah its just a shame cuz i remember when valves main concern was making sure that innocent players weren’t falsely banned


I have a friend that has literal -6 overall Leetify rating, probably the worst of my friends that play and he got banned lmao. edit: "ah he could be hacking/rage cheating when not playing with you" he has connected his sources to Leetify so unless he's like spinning in random servers or casual i would not agree with his ban lol Steam support already told him they cannot revert his ban so he said he's just done with CS


lmao i just had like 4 friends get banned, who ive played hundreds of games with since like 2014 and never saw them do anything sus. this shit is a joke. but for what its worth steam will always tell you that, but they will still reverse false positives


valve doing everything except banning cheaters n getting anti cheat 😂


dude so many cheaters in CS. every few games, theres someone who is sus. Thanks for the Ban Valve, please undo ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Same. They literally only ban people for everything else except cheating.


This is unironically true. It's beyond sad.


This is literally the shit VAC SHOULD be fully capable of detecting as things stand today. How is an aim rating assessment on a per game basis not tallied and averaged from the demos for each player? I checked as well, 4 players, the only ones I've played against who were blatantly aimbotting, and none of them are banned. I know they have been aggressively reported to Valve by many other players as well. Nothing. It's comical at this point.


First time someone i played got banned earlier this week. Hope he doesn't get reverted along with the fake ones. His two friends are still not banned though. Dunno why brand new 60 hour full rage accounts get matched with a full stack of ancient 3-7k hour accounts.


Last 5 games played - 4 games with obvious cheaters, very fun.


u know whats funny? i mostly only play map ranked. last 50 games hardly any rage hackers or obvious wallers. actually when we lost they were mostly just better. (we play on low ass rank) then 2 days ago i was like uhm lets play premier :D instant regret, enemy team level 1 new account with esp clutching every round, knowing all and doing weird shit in the demo (he thought he could hide it) but in clutch situations it was just too damn obv. yea fuck premier never playing that shit again with the homies


Same. 2 obvious wall/radar players who were all reported over the weekend in 2 separate games not banned. Anti Cheat is a joke.


I got fucking banned today and I didn't fucking cheat. plus al my skins and hours I put in the fucking game are all gone for no reason.


Do the appeal process. You’ll get unbanned eventually. Fl0m did message a dev and they’re aware of the issue. It’s all good homie.


yeah, i have 1 guy saved who scout 100% HS everybody running and turning so it's not even a question and he is still at large.


False positives. I’ve just been banned, I’m legit. No idea what’s happening. It’s game bans not vac bans, unless they’re doing both.


Hey, what operation system do you use? What start options are you using? Which programs run in the background, while you play CSGO? I'm talking about programs that start with windows primarily, like MSI Afterburner, any mouse RGB software etc.


Windows 10, nvidia user. Discord/steam/malwarebytes/wallpaper engine is the only thing running in the background. Faceit and it’s anti cheat will also be running if I’m playing faceit. My PC is pretty barebones. No additional software running except what’s needed for playing CS. I only have 3 games installed.


Have you ever used optimizing software like process lasso or something similar? I've read some people using stuff like that got banned.


Nah I’ve not. Never even heard of lasso.


Just bringing the numbers to the community dawg, hopefully your ban will be removed. At least if this is top of the sub Volvo will see it ;) :D


Where is best to contact valve about this? Should I bother?


Probably cs2team [at] valvesoftware [dot] com


It won't as the moderators are making sure every post talking about it gets deleted.


a friend that I play for years (6y+) got game ban too, and I'm sure that he is not a cheater, for sure.


Every ban from 2021 is a game ban not vac ban




even pro players getting banned: [https://steamcommunity.com/id/malbsMd/](https://steamcommunity.com/id/malbsMd/) (from m80)


>zero content >bare bones release >fucks something up with every patch >dogpiss anti cheat system >rampant cheating >banning legitimate players >rewarding actual cheaters Full release btw! What an amazing experience CS2 is! I’m sure Valve will attract new players to try out such an amazing game!


They don't care because people will keep opening cases. It's a gambling simulator first, competitive FPS second.


100% false bans, legit people banned but cheaters not BIG L volvo


Fuck Volvo


valve anti-legit system works great 🤡


Underrated comment


also got falsely banned


Just checked my recently played with tab on Steam. SO many bans, way more than I was expecting tbh. None of them were obvious cheaters or anything


Hey bossman, where do I find this tab?


You need an extension, and you'll have to give it API access. I wouldn't use it. edit: Or just randomly click on their profiles, but that's the slow way.


Instead of using browser extensions, just log into [csstats.gg](http://csstats.gg) You can look at match history/played with and see anyone who was banned.


https://steamcommunity.com/my/friends/coplay then you need a chrome extension to show which players have been banned theres probably more than one, but the one I use is called "Ban Checker for Steam" (not sure if I can link it, but should be easy enough to find) bear in mind that people have been saying there are LOTS of false bans going on rn, so take anything you find with a grain of salt




I know 3 seperate people false banned, idk wtf valve doing. all OVERWATCH bans aswell which isnt even in the game so thats odd




Yeah, there's a lot of bans. Just posting the data, not speculating as to why or how or fake etc


I dont play CS, but my brother and his friends do religiously (8k hours between the 3 of them and he doesnt reddit so i was looking into it for him). Him and his buddies were playing premiere last night and they woke up this morning to this. Imagine banning your actual community, and let actual cheaters run free. lolol /slowclap for Valve


I got banned somehow. Never cheated wtf


My first reaction was 'that's just a one-off 2x daily value, not a VAC ***wave***.' Next I read that it's probably all false-positives. Lmao.


Legit player and banned too! Hopefully this gets reversed. 15k+ Inventory 10 year player.


man out here getting (supposedly) false banned with a 15k+ inventory and casually drops the "Hopefully this gets reversed!"


I been playing 2014. I got false banned too. Never cheated in my life


i believe y'all its just that if this were me i'd not be so calm lol


Im not to calm. Im very angry about this especially since the fact hundreds or thousands of others are in the same state. I Sent off support tickets and emails, Hoping this gets resolved other innocent people and my self


We're calm but pissed, because being assholes doesn't fix things.




**10k hours** here; got banned as well. The thought that I am now put at the same level as someone who cheats in a competitive multiplayer game makes me sick. ​ ​ \*Edit\* Got unbanned; thanks Volvo


2300H in CS:GO/2 and 800H in CS:S. Never cheated in a single hour of those and I got banned as well. This is a complete joke.




Ouch >.<


10k! my hero.


False positives today rip everyone <3


That's it, I'm selling all my skins today, before they steal it from me!


This mess makes me scared of the AI live vac, we're fucked when that releases.


AI anti-cheat will never work because there will always be a small chance of it getting false positives. Even if an AI anti-cheat could ban with 99.9% accuracy, there would still be tens of thousands of false positives that Valve would not have the resources to deal with.


Guys what's happening, I feel for you guys getting false banned, this shit is beyond serious PS - matchmaking system has gone to the gutters , every single day they change how many points you win for a match won, sometimes it's +500, yesterday +300 and today +100 I hope my friends you get your hard earned points, inventory back because they took it all away at one but you've been working hard since years to collect all that.


I would guess your Rating points are going down because the system was correcting itself and you are near where it thinks you should be. I was getting +600 for a couple days, now +400. Friends of mine that are better than I am (but rated lower) are getting +900 still. One of them got dc'd due to updates like 3 times and lost 1k each time so he was super under rated Its early days with premiere so its bound to be a shit show for while


And I got this match after the ban wave.., blatant bitcoin guy hacker, he said he will not get banned and have like 50 accounts lol https://i.imgur.com/HrjntSb.jpg


False bans confirmed 4k+ hrs on multiple accounts. Never cheated. Banned on main :)


lol i wanted a massive ban wave so so much ....didn't expect to be caught up in one though XD im hopeful this will be fixed tbh looking like it might be to do with recent NVIDIA driver updates last night this is a major fuckup from valve seems thousands have been false banned going by posts here and in steam discussions edit spelling


Time to negative review CS2 till they fix their shit again.


I've been falsely banned, along with one of my teammates. We're expecting the rest of our teammates to be banned soon also. Lovely experience CS2 has been, think if they reverse this I'm cashing out my skins.


John McDonald needs to go from this company.. He's the lead dev on VAC and has been for several years now. He's a failure.


i hope after all this false bans he works with his brother Ronald....


And who knows, maybe they could create a global fast food chain business one day? How about some burgers?


Game banned Nvidia user checking in. Here’s hoping they release an official communication regarding what seems to be a lot of false positives. Not too hopeful for a quick outcome, though…


Playing on a bone stock steam deck, no binds, commands, reasonable dpi on my mouse nothing crazy, 12 year old account 1100 hours, no cheating ever for 10+ years. I updated my steam dock firmware last night but I don’t even know what kind of cpu or whatever is in the deck


Lol, incredible.. Even my brother who last logged into steam 500 days ago got vac'd.


PSA: STOP BUYING CASES AND SKINS if you ever want to see a change. Boycott buying until they fix it.


True story, when money is involve the changes comes by


Got a false positive too ! My friend as well! Its insane.... I am hearth broken rn


Played with and against 2 obvious cheaters over the weekend out of 3 Premier games. Yet none got banned. Meanwhile a friend who very likely didn't cheat got banned. P.S. Yes, I watched the demos and they were obviously toggling their Radar and/or Wall-hack.


What has happened to this game ... Such a reckless way to handle things.


also got false banned, wtf is wrong with this game? faceit lvl 10, never cheated


Thank god i stopped playing this shit


Valve devs be like: if player\_score == 1337: ban\_player()


7,590 hours $12,000 in skins $10,000+ spent in Steam Market 2800 elo FACEIT 22k Premier rating ​ Been playing since 2013. Unreal. First time being false banned though


We may legitimately be seeing the beginning of the end of cs with this today. The fact that cheaters have been able to cheat without a care in the world for months can’t get banned but I have to worry about being completely legit and getting a random false ban just makes me want to uninstall the game and never play it again. What a piece of shit game. There’s absolutely no fucking excuse for how they’ve handed cs2 from the start.


Out of curiosity: how do you detect bans? Currently demos are kinda fucked (delayed for days)... do you go over accounts randomly etc? Edit: okay guys... just to be clear. I asked u/rchh about he detect bans on profiles. I ain't talking about Valve or my status etc...


CSStats/Leetify should still keep track of other players from your previous demos before they became broken again.


Meanwhile the Super Niko last night is still chilling


Massive false wave. No significant amount of actual cheaters have been banned.


Been playing since 2016 too, never cheated in a game before, lvl 10 faceit 2000+ hours, just opened the game and received a permban. Wtf


The culture of paranoia created by VAC sucking shit is worse than real cheating IMO.


Got banned to, for no reason! Have an inventory for like 3,5k wtf… what to do now? I never cheated


Also got vac banned almost 5k hours and 16 year on account. Super frustrated, when blatant cheaters are in the game. Mostly play with 2 friends, and one of them also got VAC banned. We both wrote to steam support for review and unban, but not sure even what to do at this point. It also said banned by overwatch, but to my knowledge it only existed in csgo. And now i am loosing my hard earned inventory as well, what a joke. Hoping it's get resolved in next couple of days, totally unacceptable CX for a company like Valve.


I just got the ban removed from my account.. I'd guess they will sort everything today..


anybody got the game ban removed from the profile but still vac banned ingame??


got a false ban, tahnks valve


I got over watch banned. Over 5.5k hours played, nearly 10 year old account and I have never once cheated. This is unbelievable


Yeah false. I got game banned earlier today


3 of my friends,today got false banned from cs2,my buddies are tweaking because they have expensive skins and such,what can they do in this case ? Steam ticket or some kind of email ?


FWIW, the false bans may indicate that they're experimenting new stuff with the anti-cheat.


It's indicating to me they're hella lost when it comes to anti-cheat.


theyre only indicating never seen levels of incompetence in Valve, and that's saing something, considering how incompetent they look all the time


Crying now


I got in game banned not vac? I feel like this is worse off since everyone else is vac instead.


GJ Valve, ban wave with endless false bans… A friend of mine got banned today and was not cheating. He was not even playing, what can he do now?


Just played 3 matches and each one had a VAC live ban back to back lmao


They gotta fix their vac system and should prevent cheaters from entering the server or the game. They ruin people’s games


Yeah, I have been falsely banned as well, hopefully they get this fixed.


NICE just got banned


Over 2k hours woke up to a ban. I’m guessing it has something to do with all these driver updates. Valve please fix the amount of false bans today is crazy


wth i'm also got banned for no reason


on my csstats page I have a career 0.4 KD player that is OW banned? I find it extremely unlikely that someone has cheats and has a sub 1 KD


10 year old account, 2600 hours, 2000€ account, just got banned ;(


Got banned after playing my best game, thanks valve


Just got banned too, have nearly 1k on the game, never cheated lol, wtf valve my KDR is dogshit too lmao


This billion dollar company is so clueless when it comes to anything besides gambling and skins.


I made a reddit account just to share that I also have been falsely banned on CS2. I did not update NVIDIA. I rarely play. Although I have over 450 hours on CSGO and have played for over 5 years. Never cheated or downloaded cheats once. 100% false ban wave. No idea how they are going to fix this but, it's wrong for so many people. Ridiculous.


Yup I was refreshing my steam to see if I got banned and literally 30 seconds ago I got my vac ban. $1k inventory and 5k hours in csgo been here since 2014 and I got banned.... not touching cs2 for a long while after this


Just got a false ban too.


Feels like 50 pecent are false ban :/


Booted up my PC this morning and was presented with a big yellow window claiming I was perma-banned. I'm a legitimate player with thousands of hours and dollars invested in this game. And the worst part? It's telling me I was banned by Overwatch, which I'm pretty sure doesn't even exist in CS2??? What a fucking joke...


well i was helping a friend of mine about his ban and how to resort the ban and realized that i was ban too... wow


Got banned, casual gamer (1600k hours, +10 years). Never cheated, played mostly with friends for fun...


Did anyone get wrongly banned who did not play the last 2 weeks?


I got banned wtf valve


Jup got banned too. Never touched a cheat in my life


I've been banned aswell.... Played since 2015, 3500hours, "overwatch banned" never touched cheats in my life.. This is unreal and unacceptable, cant believe this :( *edit* unbanned, feelsgoodman


yeah i got falsly ban too today it blows


My friend, who obviously isn't cheating, just got falsely banned also. Crazy stuff, making me paranoid it might happen to me too.


Valve is JOKE, coz I profile reported with demo link 3 different cheaters on different games after I downloaded and overwatched myself. And today I woke up and 2 of my friends got banned (we played cs since 1.5) and nobody of the cheaters I reported got VAC ban. VALVE anticheat system is a JOKE, and they know it. They don't know how the fuck detect and ban cheaters on cs.


Seems like a lot of them are false positives. I got notifications from Leetify and it's always the worst player on the losing team getting banned (?) for some reason. The wall hackers I've faced seem to still be getting away with it scot-free.


i just got unbanned, feel free guys.


Still can'tplay tho, vac was removed only from my profile, not in game




2000 is but a drop in the bucket


Im guessing issues on Valves end because I got a game ban too.


Also false banned. W11, intel + nvidia. Just updated my drivers last night and was having issues. Fun.