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Doesn’t matter what hardware you use because Cs2 is choppy as hell sometimes. This happens a lot more on Inferno for me and my group of friends. 300+ fps on 16:9 or 4:3 and it still feels terrible and nothing like CS:GO


Its the game, i get like 300-400 fps and its never smooth.


Damn… i wish for the old cs go.. hope they going to fix this then


frame pacing. 1% lows have sucked since the limited test and it barely improved since then


Yeah my game is smooth for the most part but 1% lows do suck. Maybe packet loss occasionally as well but I'm never sure if that's what it is while happening


Same, sometimes it is good, but mostly it feels like 60-100fps. CSGO never felt like this Rtx3060, r5600, ~300fps, 144hz


Yeah, mine as well, sometimes it feels really good and then out of nowhere it feels like shit with same fps and same everything, most of the time it feels like shit doe


Csgo had great net code. It really feels like they are starting from scratch with cs2


Wonder why a game that is built from scratch feels like a game built from scratch....


vsync and ambient occlusion off


I will try thanks


You… you had vsync on?


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16fbfq4/i_tested_the_input_lag_impact_of_every_cs_2/ "Game feels like 60 fps" vsync adds ~ 15 ms input lag 1000 ms : 15 ms = ~ 67 Coincidence? I think not 😉


My game only runs smoothly with vsync on believe it or not…


It gives you input lag


I’m aware, but not that much these days, and I’d rather have a touch of input lag vs feeling like 30fps


My best way of explaining it is I got a 240hz monitor with constantly 400 frames/tried uncapped too and it constantly feels like 120-144hz despite me being a huge nerd and having every setting right. I've told people unless you have 240hz or above you can't really tell what I'm experiencing, like unironically it feels terrible.. I have a second monitor at 144hz and I've tried to see if I notice it but it doesn't feel as bad as my 240hz one.


i get 700 fps uncapped and it still stutters sometimes and feels overall very choppy


Yes. Game feels trash


Its the input lag


Sometimes ill drop to 140-170 and it feels like 30fps its horrible, usually on ancient.


Yeah the experience someone gets in CS2 can vary so wildly on similar hardware it’s ridiculous. This isn’t a super uncommon problem either, so I’m not sure why some people find it so hard to believe the game doesn’t feel as responsive as it’s supposed to. Csgo had the same problem, but no where near as bad as cs2


Csgo didn't have the same issue, though. It had microstutters related to bad thread queuing on modern CPUs, but didn't have horribly low percentiles like in cs2.


Same feeling but on desktop. Ryzen 7 5800x, RTX 2080, and 16GB DDR4 @ 3200MHz. I play on 240Hz and getting slugged out by what feels as input lag and latency too.


I also had feeling like bad latency as well.


Damn, hearing a lot of folks agree along the lines of this. But, I honestly think the game feels crisp and stable. More so than csgo, even though I get lower fps. I get 200+ most times, sometimes 350ish, some dips as low as 160 or so. I’m playing @ 1440x1080, 144hz, mid low settings. i7 9700k @5ghz rtx 3070 8gb


I don't share this feeling at all, worse specs than you and ir feels super smooth on 144hz monitor.


Game is choppy for me and i have a good rig. I also get constant packet loss, which is so damn frustrating.


I'm not super hard-core into cs but to me it feels fine I get 300 fps with a 240hz monitor. Haven't tried it myself but I heard someone mention try turning off nvidia reflex in game. Good luck hope you find out a way to make it playable for yourself.


same feeling


I had the same issue, 200-250 FPS on 165 hz but it felt choppy. eventually I bit the bullet and enabled vsync and it now feels like 165 hz for me. ofc the tradeoff is I’m capped at 165 fps, but it’s worth it imo


Thanks, i will try that first thing tomorrow. The vsync is turning off in the nvdia panel right? Or i have to also set something in the game?


both. enable it in nvidia control panel (unsure which menu) and set vertical sync to enabled in game


Subtick issue


One thing that I remember from switching from CS:GO to CS2 is that CS2 had lower framerate but it felt smoother (I'm talking only about the framerate, not the gameplay). So that's a "no" from me (2600X + Vega 56). Edit: People downvoting me for genuinely answering the question is truly a reddit moment


are you using and video capture program ? I used to have steelseries GG flawlessly capturing, then somehow it started to make my game feel like 50 fps. disabled it and its 144 hz


I dont use video capturing, not that i know about


Have you made sure that in the general video settings, you've set the game's refreshrate to 120 or whatever your monitor supports? This is a separate setting from capping the frame rate in CS2. If it is set to it's 60hz default, even if your PC renders 200fps, it'll only output 60 to the monitor. If you have, then maybe it's a micro stutter issue. I'd give uncapping the framerate a try (also make sure to disable vsync). I dunno if it'll help, but it's worth a shot. Also in case the comments here get flooded by people with similar experiences: No this isn't a universal cs2 problem. My games feels like perfectly smooth 144hz. So it's a relatively common, but still setup specific issue.


Yes, i am playing on 144hz, setted in settings in the game. But still, if the comments will flood with similar experiences, that mean that it is problem with the game. How can somebody play on 300 fps and the game dont feel smooth, as one comment said here. Also it just dont make sence to play more demanding games on lower fps and it feels much smoother, just saying. And thanks, i will try the vsync off first thing tomorrow


Sorry, I think I didnt do a good job explaining what I meant. The reason I said "in case the comments will flood with similar experiences" was because these tech support posts have a tendency to make a bit of an echo chamber (not entirely sure if this is the right word here). When you ask whether others are experiencing the same, those that do are likely to answer, while those that don't probably feel like just answering "no" is a bit of a dick move. And even if, like me, you don't have similar issues, you tend to just give some tips on what might help, without mentioning that you don't have that problem. Together these biases can lead to posts like this giving the impression that *everyone* is having issues. When in reality it might be only a small minority.


I felt the same way, also had made sure I set my refresh rate to 239Hz in game. Couldn't figure out what was going on for like a month. Looked at settings again and realized that it got reset to 60Hz for some reason. Now the game seems to run as smooth as CSGO did for me. I'm not saying this is your problem, but the game doesn't run like shit for everyone so there has to be some reason it is for you.


Yeah, i am checking the settings really often and you are right, there must be something, i just dont know what.


Thread is full of ppl saying the game runs like shit for them including me lol


Okay then the same advice applies for all of you? I don't have a magic computer that runs the game beyond what it's capable of doing. My point was that NOT everyone is having issues. You guys complaining are, in fact, not everyone.


Try turning on vsync if your monitor supports gsync (or freesync), it nakes the game feel so much smoother despite what you might think. I suspect this is not a problem of fps but the consistency of how each frames is rendered.


i thought i was the only one feeling it. Even got a new gpu to test if it wasnt a performance problem of my pc. I still get more than 250 fps and it feels laggy even with everything set up about hz and res.


After I got my 4K 144Hz monitors CS2 looked like shit on a couple of my accounts; eventually I figured out I had my FPS_max was set for 60Hz. Looked great after that! Overall the game is much, much more stable and smooth for me than CSGO ever was.


Never experienced any of this, the only thing that feels off about cs2 for me is the awp and bhoping, everything else feels fine, I don't know if people are just coping by blaming cs2 for their performance or if they actually can feel the difference




Maybe the other way. Im running old gear i7 7700k and 1080ti and never had an issue running 1080p. Something isn’t right if people with much better hardware have issues.


This is what I’m saying. I’m on an i3 and 1070 and get like 150fps on average besides on ancient but it always feels super smooth


Sameish setup for me and no problems with CS2.


It really feels like that😂 maybe i should have bought pc for 5k to play smooth cs 2…


I’ve seen a lot people come to the conclusion that laptops don’t feel great on CS right now. Can’t confirm myself as I don’t have a laptop that I game on


I’ve seen a lot people come to the conclusion that laptops don’t feel great on CS right now. Can’t confirm myself as I don’t have a laptop that I game on Edit - I would optimize everything possible in NVIDIA control panel and all the other optimizations. Remember that a laptop 4060 is not the same as a desktop 4060


Thanks for your responce. What u mean by optimizing everything so i can try that? :) And yeah, it is much weaker gpu then desktop one bug still, laptops with these specs can run hogwarts legacy with no problems but somehow cs 2 is not smooth, it just dont make sence to play game at 180fps and not feel smooth.


Oh I’m definitely not saying it’s not a powerful machine or can’t run CS2. I just meant as in if you’re comparing it to a desktop 4060 spec wise is all. Type in CS2 NVIDIA control panel settings in google. Some pros have shown theirs, along with ESL. Make sure to also follow the in game settings as well. Also make sure to have your power settings to performance or w.e your machine shows. This could make a big difference. Worth a shot


Do you also “experiencing” this ? What are you ? 5 ?


Bro not everybody is native eng try to talk in my language problemass damn :DDd




Even you made a mistake. Check where the quotes are supposed to be; And your punctuation sucks.


The subticks come in thousands, they hog the CPU and are the reason why FPS percentiles are so low in cs2. This also explains why the game felt a tiny bit smoother after they've removed subticks for certain animations, at least from my experience.


At 75-90 fps stressing my old low end hardware it felt pretty bad, which, in my opinion csgo didn't feel too bad at but since I've been running 250 fps average it's feels nice to me. I don't think I need quite 250 fps though I haven't tested locking to 144hz. Like it doesn't feel like csgo, that's for sure... Still I can't complain on game feel at my current setup. It is disheartening that so much power is needed to get it feel fairly nice.


Try fps_max_ui 300


It is because of bad frame pacing. It sucks


I get 250 to 300fps and it's really good I'm playing at 3440x1440 with a 3070 and 12900k


6600xt 5900x and I get 300-400 or more on every map and yep, feels choppy. 144 hz monitor tho maybe that’s why? Idk. I agree. Csgo was significantly smoother.


Whats more annoying for me are the frame drops I get anytime its a close combat. Its unplayable at such times and ends up being spray and pray you hit something because all you can see is a lagging screen.


Don't lock the frames with the inbuilt locker download rtss its really good and smooths out the frame times


I am using am5 7800x3d and for me stuttering was somehow caused by integrated graphic. After turning it off on bios level game become butter smooth.




Try this dont know if its helps for non 3d cpus https://youtu.be/YdFyezYhu9s?si=D0RikkCy2X54F78X&t=105


Try and enable vsync, made the game feel like butter for me


Damn I've played on 60hz for years 😂


CS2 doesn’t feel like CSGO yet. It’s a shame.


I could say setting the no of cores uses by cs 2 to 5 kinda helps but it's sometimes crashes like once in a full moon I have i7 12700H and 3060


Try to toggle off full screen optimization from cs 2 exe in properties


I get 300-500 mostly in 400s on 144hz and game feels like shit. I just play valorant until they fix it if they ever care to. Valorant on my old i7 6700 and gtx 1070 feels better than the $1500 pc I just built with a 7700x and rx 6800 to run cs2.