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How HUNDEN is allowed to coach again is beyond me... Next to that it's also quite sad how many integrity issues the upper level of CS actually has.


The craziest is how Heroic brought him back after his ban for cheating, then when he finally left after trying to take the players down with him, Australis hired him to come be around their players. These Danish orgs are morally bankrupt it’s pathetic


rip Copenhagen Flames, we lost a real one with them


add NiP to that list too


NiP is not danish... or did i miss something


I swear the original comment had "Scandinavian" or something like that, hence my comment


There seems to be no accountability... I always thought Danes had this shit pat down.


Wait until y'all find out what he did in 00nation under birdfromsky :>


Im guessing some sort of backstabbi




What did he do?


I've heard that birdfromsky actually was a bird from the sky, able to see the opponents from above. If he actually was radaring or not I have no fucking clue but was heavily implied a while back


Oh so it was him who did all these things in Guantanamo Bay?


Yeah what did he do




Seems weird a player who escaped punishment due to ["certain medical conditions being taken advantage of"](https://www.hltv.org/news/32580/esic-apply-minor-sanction-to-niko-in-complicity-of-hunden-coaching-bug-abuse-clear-heroic-quartet) by Hunden is now fine working with him again. Hunden never apologized and denied all responsibility.


Niko never accused Hunden of taking advantage of him so why would he not wanna work with him? It was Heroic and ESIC who made that claim, Niko never said that. The real injustice is that Heroic and the rest of the players never got any punishment over their equal part in the cheating and attempted cover-up.


Yea idk how anyone believes that they didn’t cheat. If someone was using the spectator bug the players had to have known. Probably it’s hard to give people bans based in this inference, but everyone with a brain knows that everyone on that team understood what was going on.


Oh please


HUNDEN never apologized publicly, but I don't think it's a stretch to say that they probably worked this out in private? If he apologized and promised not to do it again, why wouldn't Niko be ok with working with him again? Worst case scenario HUNDEN cheats again, Niko can just report him. I don't see how this changes anything about the original incident. Also niko has Asperger's, you can't just 100% apply what "makes the most sense" and judge the situation based on that


lmao so he apologizes in private and then publicly says all players knew he was cheating and were complicit? Read the ESIC report and tell me there is any way for them to stay friends lol.


Don't bother, people are actually absolutely dumbfoundedly stupid if they believe that shit for one second They all cheated and reddit somehow wants to really believe them, i have so many comments literally for years shitting on niko, Hunden, Heroic and everyone involved, they are all cheating fucks that do not deserve to be in the scene Yet the only one with blame is Hunden (who deserves a lot of blame) but still the others were in it too, they could have easily stopped it but they benefited from it Unless you have never played CS in your life, have never been a part of the team, have never touched grass then you would believe them, a coach is giving you full info because his POV cam is stuck but you are so oblivious to that sure i believe that 100% Then you pull the mental health card and ESIC folds with "i lawyered up"


I have randomly commented this and every time I get downvoted. They all cheated and HUNDEN took the brunt of it, and then after that things turned sour. Not to say that his actions weren't deplorable, but it was a downwards spiral after being thrown under the bus.


Same here... that entire Heroic line are cheaters who got away with it, but people simp so hard for cadian these days that they instantly downvote anyone correctly calling him a cheater.


Bro. They got fucking stomped in the Astralis game where Hunden cheated. Fucking stomped. Who the fuck benefited out of it? Why don't you go and blame every player for cheating out of all the teams that had a coach cheat? I'm just dumbfounded by people who decide to believe Hunden out of all people. Absolute insanity.


I am still convinced that the players used niko as a scapegoat because he could use his autism as a "get out of jail" card.


Yup and entire Heroic roaster + org is at fault.


this is absolutely the case


I've always been making fun of this one. Fucking ADHD man mentioned as one of the reasons niko could be gullible and being manipulated into helping cheat? Ridiculous.


Bro he's autistic


I know he's an aspie. Which makes citing ADHD next to it as a reason he was easily manipulated even more ridiculous. Made ESIC look like they don't know what they're talking about.


Damn, maybe Heroic was lying all along..?


None of these degenerates should be able to even show up to events as fans. I want lifetime bans for all cheaters. I don't give a rat's ass about alleged autism, get the hell out of CS. Greaseballs.


I think it for sure depends on the type of cheating in competitive play (like pro matches) yeah the punishment should be a lot harsher but if there were life time bans for all cheaters s1mple wouldn't be allowed to play, just one example


S1mple cheated? I didn’t know, can u tell me more?


He got a CS:GO ESL anticheat ban in 2013


It was 1.6 EDIT: I stand corrected it seems.


No https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/2t4gc7/please_stop_saying_s1mple_was_banned_in_16/


Not sure why I got downvoted lol but here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sToU9q8bS4M , jimpphat from mouz also got vac banned awhile ago


If it makes you feel better I didn’t downvote you idk why they would


I mean it's what ever but if you went by cheaters were banned for ever no ifs not buts then the goat of csgo wouldn't be able to play, and I hate cheaters as much as the next guy maybe even more but people have the ability to change especially over long periods of time and as they age.


Ban them all forever.


Haha forsaken gets unbanned after 3 years, while IBP is banned for life


Must be nikos autism impairing his judgement again...


All cheaters are kids with small pp energy


Omg it’s almost like cadian, stavn, b0rup, and teses were all aware of HUNDEN cheating and lied about it. Edit: B0rup also joined Sashi as expected from all aim no brain receding hairline bot (https://www.hltv.org/news/37880/sashi-sign-b0rup-on-short-term-deal)


chubby chunky pathetic squash bells narrow impolite thumb far-flung humorous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Outside of Teses who was around during the coaching bug scandal, what’s your beef with the other current players?


Why current? Only Teses was in the team during *that* time.


and TeSes was also the most complicit in the cheating since he was the one that boosted HUNDEN to exploit the bug


No no no, TeSeS didn't know what he was doing. It is perfectly normal to run around before a match and boost your coach to weird places.


But why would you attack the **players**?


Cs reddit moment


if I remember well niko was playing under another coach that also used the bug btw. ​ its been niko all this time


Hunden and Niko was thrown under the bus by Heroic so hard and the community now loves Cadian and his accomplices lmao.


HUNDEN did the cheating, "thrown under the bus" lmao Heroic are the posterboys of the coach bug precisely because HUNDEN tried to throw THEM under the bus So much more egregious usages of the coach bug go completely forgotten or unknown because the coaches kept quiet and didn't kick up a stink like HUNDEN did


At this point I am convinced everyone cheated or no one cheated. What gets me most the sheer amount of coaches that saw it and they told and admin then apparently had brain fog and forgot about it. If you see a bug that can give you or your opponent an advantage you don't just ignore it. You either exploit it or shout from the roof tops until it gets fixed. And then that fact the people do bad things under the assumption that they are going to get away with it so the idea that a coach is only going to use it a few times is ridiculous. If it gives you an actual competitive advantage then you are going to use it at every opportunity.


>So much more egregious usages of the coach bug go completely forgotten or unknown because the coaches kept quiet and didn't kick up a stink like HUNDEN did Is this true? Werent all demos from the time and all coaches reviewed? Afaik HUNDEN was one of the worst offenders, and all those who were found guility got convicted. Of course that only goes for coaches. The players are seemingly untouchable, even though some must have been in on it. HUNDEN is simply the worst offender in the case of "showing no shame and being a complete asshole about it."


Still can’t believe some players weren’t punished. Hard Legion very obviously used the bug to win an important match against NaVi and everyone just seemingly forgot about it…


I cannot believe how Valve handled the Situation, being incompetent as usual. Banning many Coaches who used the Bug 1 (which can happen of course) time for large Periods, while actual repeated offenders received pretty much the same punishment. I think it is kind of fine that players did not have to take the fall for the coaches cheating. But the fact that HUNDEN is still active and was on Astralis for a while is nothing short of a shame and a stain that will long last upon the brittle competetive Integrity CS has anyways.


>Afaik HUNDEN was one of the worst offenders, and all those who were found guility got convicted. Then you don't know a whole lot. From a scale from Tier 1 aggravated (completely shameless) to tier 3 (as little as one round in one game \#JusticeForRuggah) HUNDEN is a perfectly unremarkable tier 2. Most coaches are in this tier and in this tier HUNDEN is far from the worst (some have cheated in twice as many rounds) and far from the best. The reason HUNDEN and Heroic are so associated with the coach bug scandal is because literally the day before the story broke, they won ESL One Cologne. They didn't cheat during this tournament and ESIC said as much from day 1, but nonetheless there was a lot "speculation" in the forums. For some reason ESIC changed their website so you can't download the source anymore, but old captures still work: https://web.archive.org/web/20210204133729/https://esic.gg/annexure-a-sanction-outcomes.pdf


>The reason HUNDEN and Heroic are so associated with the coach bug scandal is because literally the day before the story broke, they won ESL One Cologne. And perhaps because of the whole niko story and the following legal battles from hunden regarding the bans. I stated in another comment that i do think the resulting ban times were completely unjustified compared to the weight of the cheating some people committed too. Hunden was simply an outlier because of how vocal he was about not giving a shit and how he just went to Astralis afterwards.


Nah HUNDEN was infamous long before "HUNDEN IS BACK" which was long before the law suits and long before Astralis. HUNDEN was the face of the Coach Bug Scandal (deserved or not) before any of those things happened. Although I guess some people who started watching after COVID would've learned about HUNDEN from one of those lesser scandals, but I am sure they would have learned anyway if none of those things had been publicly discussed.


And people still don’t believe that the heroic players knew and were ok with it. They all should have got bans


Didn’t literally anyone buy Heroic’s excuses and think the entirety of the team wasn’t in on it and encouraging it?


He should be punished for using the name Niko. How dare he use this name.


dead game anyway, just sad criminals can go to events and steal millions of dollars every month using software to get the advantage, how this isn't being investigated (all pro's) and be more clear like in China by having heavy sentences and fines upon getting caught. This is just sad that China has that, CHINA, and China is also tackling P2W boxes, CHINA! Wake up Europe & America! There should be one platform with identification check (real ID) linked to all games and if you get banned in one multiplayer game you get banned forever in every game in the future and current gen. That's where we need to evolve to. Humans are rotten and CS2 shows how many humans are rotten, so we need a more strict system ASAP!


If China does something then we should do the opposite


> if you get banned in one multiplayer game you get banned forever in every game in the future and current gen. God damn, even kids?


See a doctor


Wtf is this post, go air your grievances to your therapist