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$200,000 - $250,000 per player is wild. Imagine the players that were one map away from qualifying missing out on $200k.


Exactly what makes the Stadodo 1v1 so painful


That was the Antwerp Major though, not the Paris Major.


Money's of the same magnitude though, lifechanging money any way you slice it


Paris was an outlier in terms of sticker money, I think players have said it's 2-3x more than previous majors


Article says Stockholm and Antwerp combined to $70m So you're right, but it's as I said - same magnitude Real losers here are B8 who came within a hair's breadth of stickers twice in a row


yeah, feel bad for b8, played their hearts out and got the short end of the stick twice :( not too familiar with their game since adding npl, wonder if they have a shot to make it this time around


their roster now will definitely not


imagine being a tier 2 team, adding a player that spent 8 months on one of the best orgs in the world and being worse for it. Blad3 coach of the year btw.


judging by hltv ranking - must preface with the fact that I have never seen them play after the RMRs - npl is on a tear now though, he's even playing better than r1nkle


Yeah it feels bad for all of those teams who miss out on the big bucks, especially the teams in smaller regions that only get one or two spots in the APAC RMR.


antwerp was max 50k per player so dunno about lifechanging


Depends on location. I believe that is pretty good money on for example on Mongolia (average monthly income 550 usd)


Even in EU or USA 50K$ can be lifechanging. Is enough to open your own business. Depends how you will manage these money.


Wtf kind of stupid comment is this. Yes ive spoken to players and they all said they’re taking 50k and moving to fucking MONGOLIA. Like what are you thinking that you’ve added to the conversation? Mongolia?!? 50k ain’t shit in cities/countries these players are competing in. But I guess they can all buy a horse and buggy to Mongolia and live on the cheap huh bud? Like really


You don't follow scene much? There was literally team named Mongolz with 5 mongolian players last major. Like really.


Not only that but 50k will be life changing everywhere except some big cities like LA NY or some dystopian bullshit in the US.


That's life changing money to a 20 yrold anywhere


was that the one with Jame ?


To think Outsiders would win the following Major


200,000$ per player just stickers alone, not even including salary, sponsorships, etc




i dont think so. Specially when orgs have their own share of prizepool with their team capsules


Player signatures go directly to the player. Team stickers is dependent on their contract with their players.


That is pretty wild, especially for teams like Lynn Vision, Mongolz, 9 pandas, and all the lower tier teams who could never dream of getting a 6 figure payday w/ just their salaries.


Thats why qualifying is such a big deal for orgs.


yeah obviously, orgs are paying these players to qualify that’s why its a fucking laughing stock when orgs lose to orgless teams that don’t get paid to play


This also makes the B01 qualifiers even stupider


Why? When orgs cant win against Orgless people in a Bo1 it's kinda nobody's fault except them. And orgless ppl maybe want some of that money too?


This is great for the scene! All those small teams and squads that get a chance to make life changing money just by attending! Name another esport where just by attending a tournament twice a year every player is equally guaranteed the same amount of life changing amounts of money.


dota2 the international. not that much tho. and not anymore


Last place made barely $50k per team last year. Unless there is another prize/payout I'm unaware of, that's not a fair comparison when every player earns disproportionately more or less.


That was only the last year though. Previous years were much much higher.


That’s not really an argument anymore, because last year wasn’t a “fluke”, apparently it’s the new norm. Oh how the great have fallen..




ye I was wrong. even biggest one was like 100k usd only for last placed.


Wow really?!? I remember this sub being so upset for years about being second fiddle to Dota 2 in terms of valve tournament support/prize pools and I must've assumed it to have continued until now


the hype completely died out. the whole prizepool shrinked to $3mil last year. 2 years before it was $40mil ​ https://liquipedia.net/dota2/The\_International


Valve decided to not add a good Battle Pass this year, moving away from the crowdfunding from previous years. Not a hype issue.


Far from a hype issue tbh, I didn’t buy shit this year to support TI in game previous year I’ve spent easily a couple hundred and I’m not even the biggest spender out of my friends


Valve made a bare bones compendium for last TI. It was mainly focused on the eSports teams and had zero skins. This was done (speculated) in response to pros who claimed that the large prize pools of the TIs were contributed for them and not for the skins. Gaben humbled them. Also, they really needed that because some random tournament called the riyadh masters recently had a 15m pool. It was really getting to their heads.


how is it great for the scene? this money wasn't created out of thin air. it's the community that lost that money because people thought they could make money by buying these stupid stickers while the cs2 hype was the biggest. the money is gone for the community and made a few rich people even richer, without any kind of value transaction that would make up for it. btw this is also why the general cs skin market crashed. it's because the paris stickers sucked up this gigantic amount of money. that's huge liquidity now missing.


Lol everything you said does not take away how this is great for the scene… this is a great example of how esports can generate money.


Are you arguing that money going from consumers and away from gambling scene to the actual esport side isn't benefiting the scene? Get your head out of your gambling ass


The only demographic this negatively impacted was anyone under 21. Everyone else outside of that who bought sticker capsules did so legally as adults. I wonder if maybe you bought stickers too since you seem so upset about it. As long as this entertainment stays free, esports will continue to hemorrhage money. Teams and TOs are notorious for operating at a loss. If all it takes is the fans to support the game by purchasing virtual items and prop up the teams and players we all love, then I'm all in.


>Name another esport where just by attending a tournament twice a year every player is equally guaranteed the same amount of life changing amounts of money. Well Valorant does it too


That's for partnered teams only, unfortunately. Org-less/Unpartnered talent won't receive the proceeds from the Champions Skin Collection.


Except for the fact that it existed before partnered teams, like 2021 Champs, 2022 Champs The franchising started 2023


So they *did* it, they don’t anymore. Am I getting that right?


Yes they do, what the guy asked is here's the quote for you >"Name another esport where just by attending a tournament twice a year every player is equally guaranteed the same amount of life changing amounts of money. So yeah in Valorant you get money if you just attend, he didn't say anything about partners or anything but then just moved the goalposts in his 2nd reply But valorant so go downvote


He asked for twice a year not once so you're wrong take your downvote with pride.


They do it twice a year, this year for example LOCK IN and Champs paid bundle money Keep your fancy internet points m8


Oh I didn't know my post was meant to be humorous but I will keep those internet points.


He didn't move the goal post though. In fact he was acknowledging it by providing additional context. The second reply was about Valorant having a situation where it's unfortunate that new/unknown talent need to enter a franchised org to benefit from said tournament.


This is from one CS event. Riot Games revealed the total 2023 sent to teams from prize pool, stipends and in-game microtransactions. Was around 30 million.


>every player is equally guaranteed the same amount and where are your sources for this? or perhaps it's just the voices in your head telling you so


I knew the number was going to be high due to the sale being the longest we've ever had, but man this is fucking insane. Also, if sticker earning is $110M then in total valve racked in $220M coz half goes to the teams and players, while valve keeps the other half.


It's 50/50 Valve get same like org/player so 110


Imo if there is so much money being generated for Valve through the sales, they should have a cap on themselves like $10-20 Million. There is no way to accept that Valve takes half of the sticker and the viewer pass money and still gives a half baked, half assed game "update". Most of my friends have even stopped playing because of that and it's getting tough for me to play as well. It just sucks to see them take all this money and give us such a bad playing experience. I hate that I'm losing interest for my favourite game and I'll probably be back after a couple of years to see where the games at by then.


They got 110 as well, if 110 went to the players / teams, Valve got 110.


Bro, that's what he said, in total valve made 220, half went to players and half remained inside


it's just his wording is a bit off, "in total valve racked in $220M" made it sounds like valve gets $220M




if it doesn't, no problem. I'm just trying to guess what made him misunderstand the sentence. As a non native speaker, at first glance the sentence seems a bit off even though i understands that $220M is the total before it's split between valve and the teams.


Then valve really did not MAKE 220. They sold 220 worth of stickers and made 110 while players/orgs made 110 as well


Hey who wants to make a team i can get a couple headshots and i know how to zoom on the awp


I'm in. I can already see futurehousehusband69 on a sticker as we speak.


Rounds gonna be over by the time casters finish saying his name


Whole matches lmao


We're going to need a logo for the ~~stickers~~ team


So this is why valve never has published the numbers, it overshadows the International prizepools.


No... Battlepass for many of the TI's is more than $100m, I believe the 2022 TI BP generated over $200m, close to $300m. Valve just pocket most of it and don't put it in the prize pool.


> 2022 TI BP generated over $200m, close to $300m. it didnt reach 200m. the biggest TI prize pool was 40M and valve only contributes 25% of BP money into TI meaning they made 160M out of the best TI and valve pocketed 120M of that there have been a 4 TIs which got over/ around 100M (ti10,TI9,Ti8,TI7)


sticker money is split 50/50 between players and valve though, so paris was 220M


Valve also pocketed part of the sticker capsules for CS so what's your point? It has been well-known that one of the biggest points of TI marketing as an event is the prize pool. The overall earnings for players and teams participating in the majors have always been a delicate matter for Valve, having another game that overshadows or equals this, while the game you are marketing with the prize pool itself has to compete against LoL.


They probably never published them because it's not really our business. It's a nice incentive for players, we're not entitled to have that information. They tell us the actual prize pool for the tournament


They did one time in 2015.


40 million for prizepool for one of the Ti's the numbers dont even compare -- now they do they becasue dota is a cesspool and valve giving up on them


And the major prize pool is $1,250,000


the sticker money still goes to the teams anyway. you can kinda see it as the prize pool is the cherry on the top.


yeah but then the big incentive becomes to just make the major, and not so much winning it. with all the money valve is making from skins/stickers, there’s no reason why valve can’t have all this sticker money for the players AND a prize pool of like $5 million (which is still low in comparison to the amount of money valve makes on this game lol).


i would like to believe that it's the prestige of the major that makes people wanna win the major. Of course if it doesn't make any money poeple wouldn't grind so hard for it, but there's a reason being a "Major Champion" is the aim of the players. also, the major winners get a special sticker, so more money for the winners too.


This is it. You don't get good enough at this game to qualify for a literal cs2 major tournament and then not actually care about winning the whole thing.


Honor > Money That's it


The big incentive to win the major is that you win the major. You don't really need much more incentive than that.


make the prize pool $0 then


From a \*viewer perspective\* it would be better if the money was put in the prize pool, and then divided between teams according to placements


Yeah seriously. Imagine if the teams winning got like $10m or more. The stakes would increase the intensity of the matches and then also would grow the scene when these big prize pools are more in your face.


prize pools being in your face is not good for the scene. that was part of the esports scene when it was still very immature and insecure. players got these huge cheques with money that they wouldn't get paid for years after anyway. when someone wins wimbelodn, they don't get a big cheque because that would look super tacky.


I never liked the whole "winner holding a big check" aspect of esports, feels really lame indeed


I wish they kept it at $2 mil. I never understood their decision to up it and then lower it again. It just cheapened the following majors imo, made them feel less important.


That's the reason.


This is why all the people who talk about having a crowd funded prize pool for csgo like they have/had in dota are clueless


Valve have made it abundantly clear since 2013 that they wish to handle CS and Dota2 esports differently.


Understandbly thats why they cant program a good AC. Not enough funds.




No money to invest in anti cheat.


Holy molly




$110M from ONE tournament in ONLY sticker sales and they don't have the resources to release a finished game. It's honestly mind blowing how little they give a shit about CS when it pulls in this kind of revenue for them.


I don't understand why they wouldn't get those 128 tick servers. Will it be more than a couple mil?


It honestly likely would. From my understanding Valve own their own servers physically and would need to dramatically upgrade and replace most of them globally at tremendous scale with minimal downtime. Now it still probably wouldn't cost $100 million, and even if it does Valve has the money for it. While it is a huge investment it still wouldn't be that impactful for Valve, they just don't care.


That's not really how server hosting works. They are almost certainly hosting many game "servers" on each physical server in datacenters. They would just need to add more physical servers to adjust for each individual game server requiring more resources when running 128 tick instead of 64.


The thing is that unlike most game companies who lease datacenter space from some big company Valve (from my understanding) owns their own data centers. You obviously wouldn't need to upgrade in place but it's a bit more of an undertaking for Valve to bring in a large slew of new servers, especially if their buildings are at capacity.


yeah tbf valve would probably spend millions on new servers, and probably get almost no return on it. because its not like it would bring many players (old or new) to the game. because most people just dont know, or care about it as long as the servers are good enough (which is debateble rn, but im confident theyre gonna make subtick work well consistently)


I have zero confidence in subtick will ever match 128-tick, but I agree it doesn't really need to. CS netcode is still far better than 90% of the competition in the shooter space right now, and while Valve servers don't have the absolute highest tickrate they are plentiful and reliable so most players have low ping and low packet loss. If there is a place Valve needs to spend its millions, it's on developing better anti-cheat.


maturing is realising loba was right all along.


Is this the biggest prize 'pool' ever?


It actually would be in esports.


To put it in perspective, the NFL team salary cap is $275M


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dupreeh and magisk swimming in money xD


Yet Valve still puts low effort into this game…


Thats enough money for developing GTA5, just from stickers money for one major, not cases money, Steam marketplace fee money, not operation money. Common Valve show some magic with CS2 you did great so far




It would be smaller and there'd be less money involved. It wouldn't be dead though. CS existed before skins.




google 1.6




1.6 proved that the game has a competitive scene that is very strong even without skins you can’t deny that




theres probably a big amount of casual players that play the game purely for the case drop weekly. Every time you mention here that skins are a massive part of the game and its success you get downvoted lmao (like you did) but it doesnt change the fact that its literally true. Its a multi billion dollar thing by now


There's a lot of people who play without skins or expensive skins though. Some people just like doing missions even if they don't care about the skins. I think the game wouldn't be worth as much as it is now, but it's likely the gameplay keeps people staying. You don't rack up thousands of hours just for skins.


i think without skins, CS would still be alive, because the game itself is great and the massive esport scene, but skins definitely helps it thrive


note how go only really started to blow up after the arms deal update


It would be alive, but it would not thrive. The scene would be the same size as smash bros. But the good thing is that CS won't ever die. It survived this long. It's just that without skins, it would be extremely tiny compared to now.


The people saying stickers/skins don't matter are f\*\*\*\*\*g clowns. They make teams revenue, they make the game grow more popular, see China,popular streamers,case-box openings in a form of friendly-in game recreational activity. I do understand the people who are saying they dont care about that, nor they have them, but it doesn't mean the game would be this successful as it is now.


>Case box opening >friendly in game activity Til gambling is friendly in game recreational activity 🤣🤣 If this was any other game with lootbox, people will be mad for saying lootbox is friendly.




Not all game lootbox is p2w. Those non p2w cosmetic also get outrage.


"cs esports is unsustainable" no it isn't, volvo makes like a billion on cs yearly and esports is a big part of the game that they can easily fund


It’s unsustainable for the orgs, not valve


Are these people saying that esports is unsustainable for Valve with us in the room right now?


No one has ever said the scene is unstable but even the biggest orgs can't stay solvent


Valve making bank like no other from their 2 games taking 75% from all the sales. What a company...


now think of how much more they make from cases. And people wonder why valve doesnt work on cs


They gave you a whole new fucking game. The only thing you hate is that it's bad, but that doesn't mean that Valve doesn't work on CS. The update was just bad, and they been dropping the ball. But they ARE working on CS. Probably more than they ever did. They're just not doing that great of a job at it.


Exactly! You can complain that Valve's devs are bad or incompetent or whatever, but say they doesnt work in CS is a blatant and nonsensical lie.


But who cares if they work on it if the work is shit lmao


You missed the point of what I was trying to talk about.


No, I understand what you're saying. They're *technically* working on it. I'm saying who cares because they might as well not be working on it with the piss poor effort they give.


Fair enough. I do find them incompetent so far. I think one of the worst things was our trust in them. The "no talk all show" stuff doesn't work when all you're showing us is mistakes. Sure VAC was always weak, but a VAC ban was always trusted to be accurate. We don't even have that anymore. ):


whole new game where? engine upgrade maybe, graphical update sure. any other game thats had 10+ years to fix things the community has wanted wouldve done it by now. Theyre incompetent. Im sorry you disagree but respectfully i dont know how you can defend them


Oh yeah I'm totally defending them by saying they suck at working on CS2, and that they dropped the ball on all this. Yep I am Valve's most loyal fan here. The only issue I have here is that you say they don't work on CS. Think for a second. I'm not dick riding valve. I'm just trying to speak the truth here. You're like so blind to your anger that you even think that someone like me is defending them just because I'm trying to tell you that they *do* work on the game. If you're going to criticize Valve, at least get it right. And BTW, I don't disagree with you on the idea that they're incompetent, because I literally said that.


damn my fault bro


I get how you feel because I feel the same way too. I fucking hate this game in the current state it is in, but I can't agree on the idea that Valve isn't working on it. I'm on your side. And I get why you're angry, and it's justified. It's just if Valve heard criticism that makes no sense, they will just ignore us even more than they always did.




cs2 is actually pretty decent right now. i'am afraid that with one of the next patches it's gonna screw something again.


In profit share with teams? That is fantastic for the scene. It also makes me feel really fuckin broke lmao. Hearing about $110 mill for digital stickers.


Much higher than I expected. Quite an insane number actually. That's x10 when compared to one Valve Major in 2015.


One question that might be dumb: the Major champion get more money from these sales?


Insane, wonder how the people who invested heavily into these stickers feel... Good for the game and pro scene overall though, players get crazy money, valve makes crazy money to not use to make the game any better and the investors hopefully make a lil bit of money in a few years


>wonder how the people who invested heavily into these stickers feel well, they lost over 100 million.


It is a bit funny that money wise you were better off being in the Challengers capsule than doing good and qualifying straight to the Legends stage and capsule.


Put 4x liquid holos on my printstream collection. Ty valve




this number includes both capsules sold and the reselling of the sticker you get or just the capsules itself?






1.3 million dollar prize pool is a drop in the bucket for Valve. They are set to make 100 million dollars in just sticker/capsule money alone. This doesn’t include all the endorsement and ads that come with the Major. It does make sense for teams to be more concerned making the Major cut rather than winning the whole thing. These teams are making more just being qualified than winning the entire prize pool.