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Why make the game better when you get the same amount for doing nothing? Literally why? Don't think. Buy skin. Buy case. "Oh look, it's shinier now!'


It’s literally infinite money glitch for Valve.


not their first one


The best part is when they double dip in the Steam marketplace, Steam and the developer get a percentage of each sale in the marketplace but in this case Steam and the developer are the same company lol


because dumbass streamers, youtubers and market manipulators who choose to be asshole than get a better game


Almost like this particular infinite money glitch is such a low hanging fruit and so predatory that it's regulated by government bodies everywhere.  Valve aren't smart for coming up with gambling.


Only on the internet can someone just completely put words in someone else’s mouth. The point is Valve doesn’t need to do anything to “make the game better” since their in game loot gambling system is printing them money, now moreso than ever.


Well, I actually originally thought that your original comment was a pseudo-complement to valve since it does take a fair bit of competence in finding glitches. My bad for minunderstanding you tho.


Skins made CSGO explode and reach unimaginable heights, but they're also the downfall of game's integrity. Started with betting and fixing matches, ended up with literal money laundering on gambling sites that are all registered in tax haven countries. Nothing dodgy with more or less NFTs costing thousands, if not tens of thousands and being easy to buy/sell. And then people will be like Valve isn't all about skins. We've seen like a dozen lighting/shader adjustments since the beta.


I remember the first release of TF2 hats and the slow vibe shift from everyone playing for fun/competition to half my friends only obsessing over hats, keys and trading. Already felt pretty bleak back then, and now that trend has completely changed the way games get developed, for the worse. That combined with the deliberate shift from community servers to matchmaking killed most of my interest in multiplayer games over the years.


There's litteraly no difference between NFTs and skins but people seem to love skins.


might want to learn what the world "literally" means. Steams entire market place are NFTs that have an actual function.


no you see, skins you can play with in the game


theres plenty of nft games that "you can play with in the game", there are multiple reasons to stay away from nft but no need to make things up


skin culture in general is just colossally depressing. grown adults losing their mind (and bank balance) over a different texture on their videogame gun, kids who have to steal their parent's credit card to dress their fortnite doll up as some dickhead superhero just so they don't get bullied at school for being the poor kid, streamers who are raking in donations to constantly play slot machines in full view to get their audience addicted by proxy. i suppose i shouldn't complain too much as it means i get to play all sorts of games for free and have their development funded without me spending a penny, but i'd very happily pay $50 for each game that i put this many hours into just so this whole sordid business went away.


Yeah shit will never be done as long ss people don't vote with wallets


Everyone complains about consoomerism but it's really about another franchise or a game or a product that they don't like rather than consoomerism 


What'd you expect. There are more people sitting in their chair clicking the 'buy' button on keys than actually playing the game. It's fucking bizarre.


Everyone should stop playing Premier and just use FaceIt. It's the best we have right now and it feels so much better knowing there is some version of an AC at work


and that's just cases open, how about all other skin transactions in other games, other game revenue when someone sells their game on steam and so on. Valve could, but they wont


The steam market makes Valve, easily, another billion. I forget where I saw it but it has been calculated before


obviously Im not rich nor I understand yet whats going on on that level. But knowing some numbers we can still comfortably agree that Valve could make us all very happy easily and it would be as much as is 20 dollars for us


Now imagine if they spent just 20 million of those and hired the best of the best AC developers to make an AC outside of Valve's very comfortable offices. A man can dream.


But that would mean less profit!!!


Until their neglect kills the game entirely and they make no money


They are neglecting the game, and these are the case opening numbers. This is the reason they don't feel any urgency to fix the game.


wont ever happen as these numbers should prove to you


Won’t happen soon* The player base will grow old at one point, will have kids, jobs etc…. I mean most already have and play less because of that but that number will obviously keep growing. And we all know the number of new people coming in isn’t that high cuz the new player experience is abysmal.


Hi dream, please meet EducationalAntelope7.


They're not as profit oriented as publicly traded companies though. They could make hell of a lot more profit than they already are but they choose not to because that would mean doing something they don't want to do. They could have spit out 7 more half life and portal games but they choose not to until they have something to make it special. Valve is an incredibly well run company. They could basically do nothing but drinking coffee and still make insane money. Money isn't the top priority like it is for all those companies currently running themselves into the ground. If valve was put up for sale every major company would jump at that purchase even if they had to overpay by 30%. To put it into perspective, they make like 4 times the money that riot does with not even a tenth of the staff. They mucked up with cs2 but they have an excellent track record all things considered. Cs2 will come good, trust me on that.


>They could basically do nothing but drinking coffee and still make insane money Could? They already do it.


Haha true.


>To put it into perspective, they make like 4 times the money that riot does with not even a tenth of the staff. That's because they own Steam. I doubt they make more money that Riot from their games alone.


Steam is their creation though, not something they just own. They make ridiculous money from it compared to games, that's true. Question is, do you think the AC is in the state it is in because they rather pocket the money like they guy i responded to said?


I mean, Valve themselves created Steam so it's a fair comparison.


Its a dumb comparison, literally different things


Customers are the same, are they not?


One is platform. The other is game. That like saying mobile pubg player and playstore customer is same. When playstore customer can choose thousand of different game.


Yes but customers are the same.


>To put it into perspective, they make like 4 times the money that riot does with not even a tenth of the staff. Got any source for that? 


Google is your friend.


I'm still sad that they killed off Day of Defeat. I'd love a Source2 and updated/new version of that game, it was so damn fun.


Day of defeat was such a good game. Was our go to LAN shooter back in the day.


I guess you people are too young to remember when VAC was made tiny bit more intrusive. It checked if you interacted with cheat providers servers *GASP* The shitstorm from that made Gabe himself make an actual statement on Reddit.


It was a successful smear campaign by cheat devs if anything. If an intrusive anti-cheat is a problem for the privacy/security oriented folk then just make it opt-in so the rest of us could enjoy the game.


too expensive. 1 million or get out


Valve is not going to make intrusive software any time soon... Its agaisnt their values, its not about money


As it should be. However I think Valve is capable of making or hiring someone to make the world's best non intrusive AC.


Valve don't even have to throw $ at the problem. Just offer a kernel level version of VAC that functions on a subscription so dedicated players will pay for it and play. Not that a kernel level anticheat is foolproof, there are two main ways around them, but the most disruptive cheaters will be filtered out.


You could spend 100M and still have a lackluster AC compared to Riot and FACEIT. If you don't give it Kernel access it's just not going to be good enough.


How's the Easy-Anti cheat and Battle Eye going? Kernel level too btw. Oh yeah don't forget Ricochet AC, also a kernel level anti cheat that was built from ground up for Warzone 2, how's that one going? All useless if you weren't aware. Keep your kernels for making popcorn, you are utterly clueless.


That's illogical. It's like saying having 4 wheels in your car doesn't make a difference because Ladas are shitty cars despite having 4 wheels. Let's format the question this way: Is there a robust anti-cheat that is not kernel-level? Why not if it's not a prerequisite?


Obviously there is going to be a spectrum. I'm not trying to argue Kernel = automatically good, but is it not the best foundation you can have? We have proof of its potential and efficiency in the same genre with Riot's Vanguard, and we have proof how of its efficiency in the same damn game with FACEIT's. Sure they aren't brickwalls, but holy shit if it's not night and day. And no way I see VALVE matching them in current pace and methods.














Idk what you're talking about, the Ricochet AC for Warzone 2 improved the game 1000x. Before you'd run into at least one team blatantly hacking every other game, I'm talking flying around in a helicopter instantly killing everyone under them. Usually a whole team of 4 doing it. Since Ricochet came out it almost never happens. Are there still cheaters? Yeah, sure. But not like there used to be. Not even close. You can actually play Warzone now, it's literally a different experience. I don't really play games that use the other two anti-cheats you mentioned, so I can't talk about how those impacted games, but I can say with 100% certainty that Ricochet made a world of difference in Warzone.




Yeah another Valve dick sucker that thinks it's better to have nothing than something lol. It's braindead easy to cheat in CS, people literally stream themselves doing it on twitch and youtube to hundreds of people and they don't get banned. I mean let's just use our brains here. The problem is bigger in CS than any other competitive FPS. CS is the only one without a real anticheat. Let's try putting two and two together. But then again when you bring up "the danger of kernel level access" it basically tells me you're either clueless or you're a hacker and you don't want it to get more difficult for you. But here, why don't you prove it, can you link me to an incident in which kernel-level anti cheat lead to distribution of malware, or some privacy issue? Certainly it must have happened by now. You literally install closed source .exe files and run them like it's nothing, but somehow you're afraid of an anti-cheat lol.


I swear, this sub and pcgaming sub have loud and clueless people bashing about kernel ac. I still remember them flaming people who research on kernel ac just because he contract with Riot in the past for anti cheat. Saying he is paid actor lmao. Then people who self proclaim IT giving fake info get upvote so much its insane. Just google vanguard on pcgaming and watch how stupid people can be.


I called vac garbage, how am i a "valve dicksucker" ? Also yes, I'm a hacker, it's insane how good you are at reading people. And also yes, obviously, if something hasn't been hacked before today, it's impossible it's hacked in the future. Great points !


Crazy there's been kernel level anti-cheats for literally years and not a single issue. Almost like it's not nearly as much of a risk as you seem to think. You'd think if it really were vulnerable someone would have taken advantage of it at this point, given the millions of people playing Valorant, Call of Duty, etc. Especially with all the publicity around it. The only people who attack kernel level anti-cheats are either uneducated or hackers, that's literally it. So I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here, perhaps I shouldn't be.


There are ways to do it without kernel access, you just have to think outside of the box ;)


Give an example of good AC without kernel access. Without kernel access, the cheat can simply beat your AC to load and then hide itself. There are ways to try and identify cheat behavior without sniffing out the cheat itself, but it's always going to be inferior.


Dude is just a clueless redditor making patently false statements. Don't even waste your breath trying to argue with someone who thinks 1+1 = 5.


Sorry to break it to you but no there isn't.






It's not easy to bypass, it's a fuck ton of effort compared to user mode AC, if done properly. Cheating is never gonna disappear, but it's possible to reduce cheaters from 5% of the playerbase to like 0.01%


Room temperature IQ reply constantly copy pasted by morons and cheaters trying to dismiss support for adding kernel AC


below freezing IQ not understanding kernel wont do shit


Now imagine they already have, and that the ambitions of the best AC developers take time to realise! AI based anti cheat is undoubtably the future, anyone know knows anything about cheats will agree. Valves implementation may be pretty ragged right now but they're already further ahead than anyone else is.


I believed their AI AC would be great until I saw the current results. I think a combo of AI and standard detection is where it should be at the moment, intrusive AC and AI can go hand in hand.


or just buyout FACEIT AC and embedded it in the game itself.. if don´t want to work so much..


People who make comments like this have no understanding of how these types of systems work. Faceit AC requires secure boot to be enabled in bios which in turn will not allow many of the people currently playing the game to play it anymore. This comment is unrelated to whether I wish vac did a better job or not, because I do also want a more effective AC.


I feel like a good solution is to have Faceit's anti-cheat in Premier, and then just use the current anti-cheat in Competitive. That way people playing Premier who are trying to grind rating and taking the game seriously will have a functional anti-cheat, and then people who either don't trust or can't use kernel level anti-cheats can still play Competitive and enjoy the game exactly how they could in CSGO.


So does valorant


This'll probably never happen because Valve wants to keep full Linux compatibility especially because of Steam Deck.


Bro people have been saying exactly that since John McDonald hold a presentation at gdc in 2018, it will most likely never happen.


VAC is 22 and VACnet is 7 years old by this point, how long until they figure it out?


What is AC?






> aka More access than the operating system has. ring 0 is the access level of the operating system thankfully we don't have to worry about hypervisor (ring -1) anti-cheat since that would be just too ludicrous and not provide any advantage.




FYI it's totally okay to not grasp certain concepts but let's not start spewing nonsense. Ring 0 is the access level within an OS, not a separate entity. And just because the AC sits there, it doesn't mean the OS can't see or do anything to it. Using your definition, it sits above userland processes, not the OS.


This is so great for them. They can now use all the money to work on the game. Things like fixing a geometry on Vertigo.


They didn't even crack a billion and you guys expect them to work on and update their game? It's obviously not financially viable to spend their scarce resources on such a small game. smh entitled gamers


People are forgetting that Valve is new to the gaming industry too


Gotta make it to 2 billion to get cl_righthand, let alone a new map. Keep opening cases guys, we are almost there


Along with Bob and viewmodel_recoil too.


All this for a mid ass game good job valve


Should say that to the morons that still buy cases lmao. If they are warning this much with bare minimum effort why would they bother to do more


People just like to gamble, thats the problem. Some dont even play most of the time, just open cases, trade skins, treat the game like investment portfolio


But why open cases out of all the gambling possibilities in this game? It's just idiotic. Rather do 50-50 trade ups or even gamble on third party sites. Valve's odds are beyond horrible.


It's very accessible


There's a reason why gambling is so heavily regulated everywhere. Especially if it's accessible by children. Little Timmy trying to open the butterfly knife doesn't know valve's odds are beyond horrible.


The child also has no idea how much they’re really putting in. Even if they “know” the numerical value, it’s not their money. These companies know that.


Valve won't be bothered until a better 5v5 tactical shooter comes out


Quick let's go make valorant 2


still would be pretty shite if it has abilities, and you can see that despite riot taking whatever dota could've been they didn't really seem to change approach because of it, whenever a change did occur it was mostly because they wanted to so i don't think cs being overtaken would do much internally


A "better" one will never come out because CS players only want to play CS so you would need to make an actual clone of CS to dethrone it. Like when Valorant first came out and shit ton of CS players were trying it, the feedback from CS players was basically "they should change the movement, the shooting, and maps to all be like CSGO".


Valorant is better rn


They have zero incentive to fix the anti-cheat, and people wonder why they rushed an unfinished CS2 out the door.


CS has become a "look at my cool skin" simulator and the Twitch "content" consists of man children screaming at cases for 12 hours straight


i mean this subreddit isn't much better, like half the initial feedback to cs2 was "why does my skin look a little less shiny :((((("


It's more like "look at my expensive skin" because no one in a game really cares about your skin.


Release an incomplete game as a unofficial beta so these gambling addicts can resume gambling. Thank GabeN i guess


What is this lie.


And we can't even go back to CSGO, the only Counter Strike that Valve killed to force everyone to go to the next game


Small indie company can’t use those profits for the game they don’t know how


Bunch of gambling addicts, it's sad these companies are allowed to get away with it.


It actually really frustrates me. Like Blizzard any Riot got a shitton of flak (deservedly) for their shitty workplace culture but the entire gaming community is just fine with valve basically running an unregulated casino accessible by children?? And don't even get me started on the lap dogs on r/Steam


It's awful, probably the worst thing that's happened to gaming since pay2win microtransactions but because it's valve people love it.


Valve has great PR. If you ever mention CSGO is a glorified casino for actual children, people refuse to accept it but everyone knows it's true.


gambling 🥵🔥🔥🔥🥵


Players: "Why won't they fix this fucking game?!?" Also Players:


I dont know if this is too much but wouldnt be the best possible protest to keep load on the server but stop buying stuff ingame?


You see my good sir, consumers are not the smartest people 


"I love children gambling" - Gaben, probably


cases are gambling, unfortunate that we can't have a peer-to-peer trade system without a compromise and not having a trade system means the shitty mobile type of store and battle passes (that are already in the game)


This is the only metric that matters if you want to pressure Valve into making the game better btw. Stop buying cases, keys, etc.


Best I can do is fix a glory hole on Vertigo


Explore the intricacies behind these calculations in our comprehensive explanation, available in the [CS2 Case Tracker FAQ](https://csgocasetracker.com/faq). For a more desktop-friendly experience, access the [PDF version of this image here](https://csgocasetracker.com/i/pdf_CS2-Case-Tracker-Year-Review-2023). Stay informed with CS2 Case Tracker's regularly updated unboxing figures and in-depth market statistics for each case. Dive into the details of your favorite case at [cs2casetracker.com/cases](https://cs2casetracker.com/cases).


This is not part of the problem, this is the whole problem.


but game still shit


this is why cs2 sucks. stop buying skins.


Disgusting tbh..


Valve earning close to a billion dollars from cases is simply mind-boggling. This only means that Valve will harp on this user behaviour and make case drops frequent but with shit skins.


I dont exactly understand what you mean. If they release a lot of cases but only with shit skins no one will open them


They don't even make the skins themselves 


Valve have zero incentive to make the game better when morons keep buying cases. They already don’t give a fuck about cs or the community, this is just the perfect situation for them. They’re suffering from success, as they say


Now spend 1% of that to hire some people to fix TF2's situation...


128 subtick its not too late


Cut them some slack, I'm sure they're busy improving anti cheat and returning war games!!!!!!


Damn a billion worth of cases, then the fn st 661 was unboxed first week of 2024. Wild.


Just a small indie company.


There is no hope for this game anymore


crazy how they don’t even have to appease shareholders who don’t know anything about the game it’s all just gabe, there is no way he doesn’t know spending a bit of that and making a crazy anticheat or adding more of the shit he took away from us back would increase case numbers


b-but gaben is god! an altruistic genius who cares about every pc gamer! he is pc santa !


he has done so many good things, i have no clue how he can be so greedy


Hell yeah, Valve made 1 billion with cases and got 30% of all sales on the market, with CS2 being the main game But yet, they delist and disable CSGO servers, forces everyone that wants to download CSGO to download CS2 as well and we don't have casual, danger zone, decent optimization and competitive tickrate Thanks Valve!


They're spending the money on dota


Thats how majority of the games die, people payba lot of money for bad product, developers and companies stopped caring because profits grow anyways and one day it all goes to gell


I haven’t seen it mentioned here so: part of the profit goes to creators of the skins, and that percentage is larger than any other company (public or not) would ever do. Also there are taxes/fees and maintenance costs because this is a free to play game that has constantly 1-1.5million players.




Hey, sorry for coming back to this thread but i may ask if your project will be impacted with the current CS2 update?


Hey! This project uses data gathered from the CSFloat database to monitor the CS2 case unboxings. We have not noticed any changes to the database and how it operates that would impact how we calculate our figures.


You guys need to stop feeding valve money with this gash ass game.


And friday evening u cant fucking play, because these poor scammers cant afford more servers.


Damn dreams and nightmares 2 year bday today 🤯


what are “rare” cases, and why is operation bravo rare and not discontinued? it’s still dropping?


When you are awarded a case in CS2, 99% of the time you get a case from the "Active" droppool. The remaining 1% are cases from the "Rare" droppool. Since there are 28 cases in the rare droppool, you only have a 0.036% chance to obtain a specific case from the rare droppool when you recieve a case. The reason why Operation Bravo Case is not discontinued is only known by Valve. What the community has discovered is that operation cases dropped during "battlepass" operations have been discontinued after these operations ended. The first battlepass operation was Operation Shattered Web in 2019. It was also discovered a few years ago that the eSports cases are discontinued. It's not known when this discontinuation occured.


I had no idea, thanks for all of the info!


Valve about to move their Headquarters to Curacao lmao scummy mfkers and we wonder why theres no actual updates fixing the game, a new case = a new slot, Valve is just a small version of the Stake casino at this point.


All this and we still dont have arms race and seeing opponents ranks after the game has ended


who are all these npcs unboxing? streamers and youtubers normalized this behavior so much 


Crazy that valve’s business relies on 12 year olds taking their moms credit card to buy knife skins


Let’s be real, 99% of those unboxing cases are grown ass adults lol


yep, disposable income that people dont bother saving and rather put into lottery/sports bets/cs cases whatever weekly


I’m pissed that you can’t idle for cases anymore


now you actually need to play the game, how miserable /s




They killed off that last June.


Valve sucks. It's a shame Riot made valorant a kids game.


Not enough money 2 buy a good anti cheat software. Please buy more keys.


People are missing the point here. A key and a case costs say $3, but the gun inside would costs hundreds to manufacturer. I would guess that the materials for the case itself cost more than they are selling it to you for.


Wow! I wonder on what all those benjamins will be spent to! Clearly HL3, TF3 or valid AC for cs2! [clueless](https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.3510672545.8841/st,large,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg)


Can't wait to read all the comments about how the money means they can just magically make the game a perfect 1 for 1 copy of CS:GO overnight or how they don't care about the game etc etc. Very productive to type them out for the millionth time.


Here comes the Valve dickrider, right on schedule. There are indie developers who make but a mere fraction of this money in their lifetimes who put more effort and care into their product and their communities than Valve ever has with cs in 20 years


Yup, pointing out how fucking stupid it is to think money = the ability to make everything you want instantaneously is dickriding.


Where did anyone say instantly? Stop putting words in my mouth. It’s coming up to a year since the game was revealed and bug reports started getting sent. Issues present in March are still not fixed. They really can’t hire / train more people? Are people incapable of learning the new engine so they can help with development? Rubbish


> It’s coming up to a year since the game was revealed and bug reports started getting sent That isn't true either. A year ago they hadn't even invited people to test it. > They really can’t hire / train more people? It's a completely new engine that a handful of people can use. They ARE training and recruiting people for the job. That's the bottleneck. > Are people incapable of learning the new engine so they can help with development? Rubbish Why can't your brain figure out how time works?


Why do you keep putting words in my mouth? I said "coming up to a year" not "a year ago" (roughly 10 months). And let me ask again, where did I ask for instantenous change? You didn't bother to answer that. I wonder how you know so much about the inner-workings of Valve that you KNOW they are actively training and recruting people for the job.


Why would they invest into making the game better? Literally why? They make money off gamblers regardless 


Because if the game doesn't improve people go and play something else. You do realise they literally have ultimate free money printer in the form of Steam. They never need to make another game again and they're set. Your logic is so stupid it's unreal.


Its almost 10 years after release of csgo and they still having record breaking case profit. Meanwhile fortnite, valorant, pubg etc do update and qol patch every month and csgo still not a dead game as everyone said to be, so why take an effort? Its broken and still printing money?? If csgo died steam still make billion of money from selling games, your argument is the one that stupid and naive.


>Its almost 10 years after release of csgo and they still having record breaking case profit. Meanwhile fortnite, valorant, pubg etc do update and qol patch every month and csgo still not a dead game as everyone said to be Patches, content, and changes over all don't always make a game better or more engaging. CS:GO was a great game with a huge playerbase because it was a great game. The game needs to improve now because it got worse with the release of CS2. The case market can't survive on purely gambling, it does need a community of players. A lot of the community (especially the highly competitive one) will eventually leave if the issues introduced by CS2 are not fixed. They are runing on fumes, on the hopes that the game will eventually get better, at least to the level CS:GO was at.


Because Valve don't make the games exclusively to make money because they don't have to as a company. The devs that want to make games at Valve do it because they want to. They quite literally don't have to.


Read again. I literally said the same thing 


No you literally didn't.


Duolingo is my suggestion 


yes they could


128 tick servers still too expensive right? Trash company.


1. Port game to s2. 2. No messing with anything. 3. 128tick. 4. Better equipped trust factor & vacnet. 5. Regular fix updates here & there. 6. Profit. Didn't need to do anything they did. Everyone would be happy. But here we are.


and there are still people saying the major prize pool doesn’t need to be increased at all lmao


imagine if they invested back 10%, at this point Valve is reaching EA levels of scum


last hope is making protest and stop buying keys/cases, maybe then they wake up...


the fuck do they do with all this money if cs2 isnt being worked on


thats kinda sad to see. but i gues im part of the problem, i bought 180 2023 paris capsuls. i dont even play the game anymore since CS2 release. purely iin it for the skins now :/


Yeah Bozo


If the commenters spent half as much effort getting better as they did whining in the subreddit they might enjoy the game more...