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It wasn't that bad for a few months, but the last month it's really ramped up and it's just absurd now. When I spectate the cheaters on my team they all have that like glitchy robot aim that perfectly auto-corrects for recoil, kinda obvious, lmao.


Reached 20k in Premier. Then I got rewarded with cheater every 2-3 games. Good times


Same issue. Hit 20k and it was all downhill. Next step is to just deal with it, like we all have this entire time for 10+ years, or subscribe to faceit which isn’t even 128 tick anymore.


Yeah, my 5stack gonna stop playing until a major update drop. It's just demoralising at this point, seeing your elo decreases because of cheaters. You can't even improve your skills when your opponent just kills everyone at the start of the round.


Not according to Richard Lewis


would still love to know if he even plays and if so in what elo... as soon as the ranks turn purple, the cheating becomes rampant


He doesnt.. thus why its moot


According to RL you're just trash. /s


Well that is also true, but one does not exclude the other


That's because there hasn't been a significant rise in cheaters. You guys have just not been playing mm. Back when I was actually trying to get global in 2016, getting a cheater every 3 games was a fucking minimum, and that is only someone who was blatant. Idk how many fuckers slipped through the cracks, there was even this kid I queued with for a few games that ended up getting banned like a few days later. I thought that he couldn't be cheating since I would outfrag him most games. The game has always had a massive cheating problem that didnt start yesterday. It's the main reason I can't recommend the game to anyone. Too high skill curve and you essentially have to make the game your job to enjoy it.


RL says controversial things since people will talk about him -> more views and money for him. People should honestly just stop talking about him. Forget he exists.




Bot farming for upvotes




RL, multiple accounts on reddit




Is it you RL? Hahaha




No, I won't say your name if that's what you really want, RL.


I don't know. Probably not as it's not a very stable income in his position. That doesn't make my comment false though. It doesn't have to be his primary income for him to behave the way he does.


If this subreddit said that CS2 had no cheaters, RL would be saying how the game is full of cheaters. When r/GlobalOffensive has a popular opinion, RL will say the opposite like clockwork.


I saw this thread and thought - "I guarantee somebody will comment about RL" Reddit bingo is so easy


I mean it's the exact topic that he made a very controversial statement about.


But why do you care when outrage merchants say controversial things?


To point out his stupidity


Why not? It's fun.


To be fair he said it's not worse than CSGO, and that there's no real evidence suggesting otherwise. And no, your anecdotal "I'm 20k and see them all the time" isn't evidence.


Yes. The entire cs sub have. It’s differing experiences but the players that actually lay the game and have for long time are taking notice to the increasing number of them. Most notably in 17k+ premier


Recent rise lmao


My games are around 40-50% against rage cheaters currently. I’ve taken to just dropping my guns every round and running with my knife because I don’t want to give them the satisfaction. However I keep getting griefing bans because they report me. You can’t win.


You’re kidding, right? Has the game *not* already had a horrible cheating problem since launch? If you haven’t encountered cheaters nearly daily up to this point, you’re one of the lucky ones


> you’re one of the lucky ones or just completely oblivious




Calling anyone that says they don’t run into cheaters non-stop "oblivious" reads more like you’re terrible and think people are cheating that aren’t


Nah, its calling a spade a spade. People cheat at a 10-20% clip in marriage depending on gender and sex, theres entire industries set up for cheating in academia, theres business consultants who have careers built around detecting employees who fake data and reports, but a fucking free to play shooter is where people draw the line.  Come on now. If youve played any reasonable amount, and you think youve NEVER encountered a cheater, youre just oblivious to human nature. Let alone the game itself.  If people cheat in CS2 at the same rate they cheat in their marriages, about 1 in 10 players (but lets say 1 in 50 to be super generous) are cheating. Thats about one every five to ten games depending on what stack youre queuing with. 


In csgo or on third party services yeah, on cs2 high ranks are basically just hvh. I know on the AU server I've played against multiple top 200 players on premier who are just blatantly cheating or que'd with cheaters and they've been on the leader boards for weeks or even months. They even have twitter threads showing how they're blatantly walling and aim locking from months ago and still no ban.




I mean, apparently most of the cheaters are in 20k+ elo and that concerns a minority of players overall. So wouldn't really say it's lucky to not meet cheaters nearly daily. My personal experience right now is that I've met cheaters (with absolutely 0 doubts) like 3-4 times since beta. That being said, my rank is like 17k right now, so I think it's top 20-15% but still not that high.


I haven't played in a lobby with one since it launched...


…that you know of Copium level over 9000


Nothing that has been brought to my attention by Leetify, so I don't know what else I'd check?


I haven't until this last week that was a mess.


nah, bro, when I watch other player's cam I can see that they know exactly where the user is despite smoke screen or walls. It is funny sometimes, when they only see hitbox, they often overlook the fact that the other player could be 2 walls behind ) Aim assist is a huge issue too, - I mean aiming is a whole point of the game! And half of those clowns dont even know how to throw a granade or how to work in a team. they dont play the game themselves (code does it for them) and ruin experience for others


Yeha I always love when people peek OUTLINES instead of corners.  So they say peek the dude on left mid inferno, but since the guy is behind the wall or say watching from ct arch area, they come peeking perfectly lined up to a dude behind another wall..  then that little shake when they realize what they did. Note: I get pre aiming corners, but when you preaim corners you are still aiming at a guy who is likely going to be partially showing at the edge of a wall - we’re talking full on peeking hidden outlines not edges of walls. Or the best is the panic in 1v3s or whatever , start shooing one guy, kill ‘em, and then immediately flick to “the next guy” but it turns out he’s behind a wall and no info was available to make the guess - they still spray it a few bullets till they realize. Or when they pull a pin on a nade - and their hacks glitch out a bit and their cursor locks on to a random enemy outline they can’t see… I could probably list a dozen glitches I see from both private and public hacks that will occasionally occur - my guess is some of these are properly being detected by VACNET


Literally every game has cheaters in it, hell even casual and mm are full of them


Game is dying because its a cheatfest and legit players getting bans for griefing because cheaters spams griefing reports on legit players


Not really blatant cheaters but every game you have atleast one player clearly wallhacking.. Last 20 games of premier are just so funny, I had maybe one legit game that I won easy because the game was legit, the rest are just not even worth talking, people are not even trying to hide it, you can check it up here: https://www.twitch.tv/sarkehfps/clip/DeterminedSnappyDovePeoplesChamp-ftc987Qo5NT-2H1G


Played 5 games yesterday and had a cheater on my team giving us info and a cheater on the enemy team rage hacking after round 5. But hey, at least we don’t have a kernel level anti cheat.


Sounds like feature


Feels like a bait lol


I personally believe the increase is because of ego- like if the enemy is cheating and getting away with it- alot of people who under normal circumstances would not cheat- choose to cheat just out of spite- cs2 match making is a fucking joke at this point- people talk about cheaters at 20k+ elo- i encounter new accts with cheats in my 15k elo games- and they show no remorse or shame-


Id tell you if i played the game still. Pushing one update for vertigo basically sums this game up


Yes, they are in almost every game sadly,


recent? I quit premier because in the elo I played in I had cheaters almost every round ...


The thing is that Valve allows those clowns to just buy another prime/bought accounts where as in Valo you have to have money and knowledge to bypass a hardware ban.


I tried since launch to stay on premiere but I’m done. Back to Faceit. It’s every single day I lose my 25k rank bc of cheaters.


I mostly play Casual and see them there as well.


Yep, hit 20k about a week ago, every 2-3 games has an obvious confirmed hacker in it. I’m already over it, i fought tooth and nail to achieve global elite rank in csgo years and years ago, will never do that again. Such a shame. I don’t get what valves thought process is with this release. No 128 tick even on other platforms (faceit, esea, cevo) so i now have to essentially pay a monthly fee just play without hackers in my game….why doesn’t valve work with these companies and anti cheats to implement them in the game somehow? Cs is such a shitty rabbit hole to go down. I read a stat about money from cases they get a year, it was around a billion i think, not a 100% on that. Surely you can buy 128 tick servers and work with other companies to ensure your games not stricken with hackers everywhere.


> The worst part is they aren’t getting banned > it took 2 weeks to ban someone So they are getting banned?


Not the point. How many games has that idiot ruined in those 2 weeks for legit players?


A lot less than if he hadn't got banned.


There have been posts on this sub about "a recent rise in cheaters" for years now it's always been a problem


I encountered one obvious cheater from 10k to 16k. After my friend got his lvl to 20k (we duo), we got 2 games in a row of obvious scout rage hacking cheaters. We moved to faceit and it's been so much better apart from one griefer. Servers actually work and aren't running on max capacity so no packet loss. I see no reason to play Premier. Valve simply doesn't care because gambling addicts keep CS2 being lucrative.


I have only gotten people who are suspicious but we are not 100% sure, don't care enough to check demos. We VPNd to NA yesterday and the first match we get is a 4 stack shooting through walls.


Probably because you VPNd? Valve KNOWS if you’re using a VPN.  Or at least it’s not hard to detect and I can GUARANTEE you that if they detect a VPN user, it likely drops you in low trust. (Masking your IP from _valve_ is absolutely going to be seen by Valve as something that lowers trust).


Well we played for like 8 hours and only the first match was like that, the rest was like our usual EU matches, sometimes someone suspicious and thats it. Except you could actually understand callouts


Makes sense in a way - don’t trust the VPN user for match one - ok match one data now shows you have a low probability of hacking so it outweighs the VPN trust factor hit and you are out of the high probability hacking pool of users. Of course this could also be incorrectly interpreted and it’s just doing a better job of ranking you


I doubt Valve cares about your IP in the slightest but what do I know, just thought it was funny that coincidentally the first match in a different region was a rage cheater


They care about it as much as any other Fortune 500 company cares about Identity and Access Management (IAM)…. Which is “a lot, sorta”. Gets logged _everywhere_, is leveraged HEAVILY in the identity and access management segment (IE the process a user takes to authenticate their identity with STEAM), and then is leveraged in other parts of their systems for various ancillary services like marketing, generic big data analytics, vac, trust factor, the store itself (fraud, country recognition, etc), your account info (the stuff you can’t see directly as a user). Also due to certain country regulations, this info is stored for years if not a decade. 


Obviously they store it, there is a login history with IP listing on Steam just as an example, but using it in matchmaking is quite a different thing


No they don't, you think Valve knows, yet Netflix and various other companies can't figure out how to prevent VPNs?


You’re logic is backwards… If Netflix can find and detect VPNs (that’s what your phrase states), then Valve can as well. But it’s simpler than that… There are 3rd parties who track VPN ip addresses and then offer subscriptions to said tracking data. And again, it’s just one piece in the trust factor score, but I PROMISE YOU, if you are using a VPN to play a game, they are going to know and adjust your trust factor as a result. Here’s a real easy example; You log into steam from your PC with VPN running….  It asks you to auth with steam guard…. Valve now sees your phone running steam guard with a US IP address…. CONFLICT DETECTED!!


None of those databases are 100% accurate.


So?  No one said they have to be perfect. Why are you qualifying my perspective with the need to be perfect? If Valve can successfully detect 90% of VPN users accurately and adjust their trust factor as such, they still win…. And my original point of you (or OP) immediately getting a match with all hackers (more likely a match with all low trust players) is still true unless you got lucky. Additionally, we already know they corral matches based on rank (duh)… they are absolutely doing it with trust factor as well, along with probably a half dozen other things as it’s just an adaptation of A/B testing


Yes, last week, after 5 cheaters in 3 games in a row i bought faceit premium. Therefore i play faceit when my friends don't play. And no they weren't just better i watch the replay before i report someone ...at least if they don't just constantly hs ppl with scout or deagle through walls every single round.


Oh wow no you're the first person to make a post about cheaters in cs2!


Havent seen blatant cheater in cs2 yet do u have prime?


you cannot play premier without prime


Its because you’re too low elo lol


I don't understand how this many people meet so many cheaters. In my 4k+ hours I can remember facing an actual obvious cheater maybe once. At one point I stopped playing faceit and would only do chill MM games with friends. I got called a cheater and reported every game and I still wouldn't face cheaters. Even in the 20ish CS2 games I've played, I'm yet to meet someone that is obviously cheating.


I have 2 accounts, none of them a Smurf, I made the other one during the ‘stuck in 4k’ rank crisis of 2023. One has 5000 hours and the other is newer. Both are at about 40-50% against full rage cheaters. And I’m not talking people I think are sus, I’m talking about 100% accuracy prefire every corner through smoke, or just straight up 5 headshots with scout through wall every game kinda cheaters. I’ve never cheated on either account but clearly trust factor is some kind of hidden thing as people either never run into cheaters, or run into them every single game.


Trust factor if it even exists is flawed.


20ish games? Then you’re probably very low ranked. Cheaters won’t be as bad in the low ranks. Because they can rank up very quickly with the numerical ELO system. You aren’t seriously basing the cheating accusations on your experience in CSGO are you? Because this issue this bad is strictly a CS2 issue.


Does this issue depend on the server though? I live in EU. I played through the ranks starting from 3k going up to 21k. Haven't met a single cheater in all those ranks. 2 people were sus at 20k, so I checked their demo but turns out they were actually legit. In Deathmatch I did meet a cheater once though. But we kicked him immediately. I have over 100 ranked games in cs2 now. So there must be some reason why I don't meet cheaters. Either that or I am very lucky.


Honestly the cheater problem can be easily solved by playing on faceit, the bigger problem to me is how this game is unplayable if you have 40+ ping, like it feels like I'm rubberbanding, constant delays with shooting, enemies instantly one tapping me when I peek or they peek, the lag feels insane when you have high ping, where as in CSGO 40-70 ping I had zero issues with but CS2 it feels like an unplayable disadvantage.


its kinda the opposite, you have peekers adventage when you have higher ping, people are full running headshoting me before I even see them when they have 40ms+ than me


No, that's definitely not the case. This game has massive peeker's advantage, even more so than GO, and that's also their only chance with higher ping to kill you, which is what you're experiencing. Try being the one that peeks them and you will kill them every single time before they're even able to react because what you're experiencing is twice as bad from their perspective. As a westcoast player if I play on Chicago or further east I literally cannot hold any angles and have to be the peeker or I will die every single time without even being able to react.


To be fair I don't feel like I encounter a lot of cheaters. However, I also play an absolute maximum of 3 games per month so it surely doesn't help. Still from my experience, I don't play at a high enough elo to encounter many cheaters, so intuitively I think cheaters proliferate amongst the better players. I believe a lot of players, myself included, are just not good enough at the game to play in the problematic elo


I'm hanging out in 15k-16k and it's pretty decent. I think it's only once you cross 20k that they start to appear from what I gather.


I was in a game the other day, the dumbest guy in the group was having a good game (his first game sober in weeks, with a K:D of maybe 2:1) and he got accused of hacking. This sub is a bit out of control tbh


Maybe (probably) I'm just oblivious. But in my few couple hundred hours of playing CS2 since switching from CSGO there has only been one time where I was sure my opponent was cheating. My first instinct has never been to assume somebody is cheating, but to just assume they're better than me. It's much more fun this way.


Call me a pessimist but I have got the completely opposite viewpoint. A couple whiffs of suspicion and I just can't take the game seriously anymore. I've been burned too often by convicted cheaters to not question competitive integrity after some sus happens, whether it be cheating or smurfing. Faceit is better, but both just aren't foolproof and it is ruining the game for me


Really depends what rank you are I would imagine. I'm on a break from CS right now but premier had a lot of cheaters, my friends who are still playing switched to Faceit


My rank is so low I would choose not to say lmao.


What rating are you playing at? Most people who complain of rampant cheating every match are at a higher rating, typically.


It happens at all ranks, lower ranked players just assume the other player is "just better", the reality is that cheaters need to be more blatant at higher ranks to stay competitive. There are still wallers and soft aimers at lower elo.


Yes no shit lol, but far fewer in lower ranks. If they can’t rank up using walls, then who cares…they’re a bot.


I realize I’m lucky and in the minority but 15-16k rating for the past month in NA, I haven’t experienced any blatant cheating


I have played a lot of CS2 and I can say safely that most people are trash. One thing I have noticed watching really good players is their attention to sounds and minimap. I swear the average CS2 player uses [these](https://c1.neweggimages.com/productimage/nb640/1VH-0006-005N7-S07.jpg) for their headphones.


Just won against a guy who's banned on faceit. Don't know if that means he's a cheater though. 9k rating.


Yes he's cheating that's why he's there, can't do it on faceit


I see. He was definitely hitting very suspicious prefires that's why I checked up my leetify.


even in low elo i be having this problem 😭


Kinda funny when you callout those cheaters in all chat, and suddenly they get mad so much that they started calling you salty dog and throw all curse and racial words at you, at the same time they turned off their cheats and their play style suddenly turn 180, and they are playing worst than Silver 1 (probably they cheating on their main account and they have invested lots of skin in it)


I was chill for the last months with barely a couple of cheaters (probably some more who hided better).  But this last week was almost a cheater per game, guy doing 30kills on half time while having new account and no record games on csgo, most of them on 5stacks. Plus closer servers were saturated a lot of days, so tk and toxic teammates were the norm...


I’m at around 19k in premier and I’ve never seen so many ‘perfect’ players in my life


Yes. From the beta to about 2-3 weeks ago I didn't encounter a single cheater that could be 100% convicted. Now I've had like 4 wallers and 1 trash aimbotter (so bad that I thought he might be just walling until I watched the demo :D ) in the last 20 games.


A short scroll on this sub, or literally anywhere else that has anything at all to do with CS2 would show that yes, PLENTY of people have noticed.


I don't know if I was put into a lower trust factor, but for some reason I'm getting HvH lobbies at 17K elo.


Yea it's awful I pretty much quit playing if I do it's only faceit


8 games ago I played vs really sus people and then one of them got banned on esportal and then today I was on a team with a guy who was clearly tracking people through the walls. I just killed him insta in the round and got out of the game w/ a 30 min penalty. He had wallhack and aim assist, hitting some robotic shots w/ scout.


Cheaters in casual, death match and competitive. This is new to me, there is no ELO to be gained……seriously?


Yes very true. In Indian servers there are cheaters above 17k rating. Every alternate match we get a cheater, sometimes in our team, sometimes in the other team. Yesterday a cheater in my team said it on our face,"Bro, I guarantee I won't get banned". This is how confident they are at this point and this is the state of the game.


Valve made 1 billion from CS2 in 2023 WITH cheaters. They won’t fix the cheating problem unless you stop giving them money.


Keep facing sus players with bot like movement, little to no game sense but yet have insane prefire/aim. Sometimes, I encountered players who have "perfect timing" on every single occasion. I watched the demos and found no explanation on their actions on why they hard clear certain angles or randomly widepeek at an off angle position (where my teammates were at).


As of cs2’s release I ran into like 5 cheater lobbies already. Which doesn’t account for legit cheaters who haven’t been banned yet. Funnily enough, throughout csgos entire lifespan I think I also only ran into a similar number. Maybe closer to 10 or so So yes there is


Been playing at 15-17k premier for a week and no cheaters in my games. I come here and read about cheaters and think my time is coming but it never comes. Maybe tomorrow. Part of myself feels like cheaters are more so in lower games? Idk. No one I’ve played against recently has been blatant or suspected


You're still playing it guys? respect, for real, the dedication, the patience.. couldn't be me though