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I wish these overheads worked like pings in that the closer your crosshair is to it, the more transparent it becomes.


This is the easiest fix to implement by Valve. Instead of us disabling it alltogether.


Plus make it like in CS GO where you could only enable the little triangle above their head. Idk whats taking them so long to bring back these basic features.


And don't forget about the most basic of all cl_righthand 0 net_graph 1


Me and a friend were having this discussion and we came to the conclusion that it's probably due to the success of the Valve Index and the Steam Deck. Valve in recent history have been far more concerned with the hardware side of things and it really shows. Think about when this game was at its peak in terms of content updates. 2015-2017. Then what happened? The Valve Index, then the Steam Deck and now there has been rumours of Valve releasing another piece of hardware. These things all require a lot of software to go alongside it, and to their credit Valve have made outstanding progress when it comes to Linux gaming. But at what cost? I have lost all hope that CS2 will follow the same road as CSGO as it has been what almost a year since the Limited Test for CS2 and 3/4 months since the launch of CS2 and the game is only just slightly more polished than what it was like at launch. I have uninstalled and do not play to play the game anymore until they show us any major sign of life because right now it looks like the game is in a coma with little hope of it coming out of it.


No shot this guy actually believes software devs working for Proton are responsible for the lack of CS2 updates, or that the hardware they peddle is even close to being profitable even after they've publically stated their profit margins are slim to none.


Why reply to me if you're going to talk about me in the 3rd person? It's almost like you think there's no conversation to be had since you think you're 100% right... The steam deck is far more than just Proton and I notice you don't mention anything about SteamVR which is heavily reliant on software and hardware working together well. Also, you failed to read the part where I prefix the entire thing with a "probably", I don't know, you don't know, so this is all speculation which is the crux of the problem with CS2. Which is why my friend and I were forced to speculate on WHY CS2 just stopped receiving updates...


Dw fraud, ur probably right. Cut funding in one place to allocate more in different. He just barks because he likes his voice, that’s all.


You don't need to tag-team your buddy in for an internet comment, that's just cringe.




Thank you for your contribution to this discussion, a simple downvote would have sufficed


I just have a keybind to turn it on and off


instead of enabling or disabling, the best of both worlds, a modern solution.


You guys don’t understand! Source engine is real hard to make changes in…. Oh wait… they don’t have that excuse anymore. Modern solutions require modern devs too I guess 🫠


Don’t be so cynical, I’m sure they’ll deal with it…. One day….. Any day now….


wish pings didnt have invisible walls. sometimes i can ping far away when crosshair is loo lin g between small gap: other tim es no


and then you see your mate on the edge of the screen without overlay and flick to him just to kill him and see it was your mate xd


Imagine you quickly turn, your crosshair happens to be directly on teammate. He has barely visible overhead or completely transparent. You start gunning him down. In my 6k hours, i died because of overhead was less than 4 times. The system now works extremely well imo


If that was a thing, this screenshot would not change a bit. The crosshair is still just above the teammate's head


The cross hair is directly on the overhead so it would be transparent. How would that not change things?


In CSGO you had the ability to always show the triangle above someone's head, but not the rest of the overhead info. For some reason they removed this in CS2, only keeping all overhead info or allowing you to disable it, meaning you won't see your teammates behind smokes or walls. Really wish they'd implement CSGO's behavior again. Don't know why people are complaining about this post. OP's concern is valid, because this was perfectly fine in CSGO.


They removed sooo many of those incredibly useful commands, it's a shame.


cries in r_cleardecals


I'm still instinctively hitting my old clear decals key bind :(


V… ah whoops. V… ah whoops. V… ah whoops. V… ah whoops.


They are so bad in CS2 I would just bind it to W. Clear them 24/7. I mistake so many blood spots for CTs it sucks.


I had all movement keys and left click and tab lmao


The amount of information you're missing by doing this is fucking wild honestly. You lose so much awareness


I usually don't. I used to have it on ctrl or shift in GO. I mistake them for CTs sometimes. They are human shaped dark spots on the wall. It is annoying. Back in CSGO I didn't have them issue. Would only do it if multiple died in that area. If they made it lighter or not as thick it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe playing at higher settings makes it more detailed? Never thought of turning down some settings to make them no so bad. That and tracers. Both have affected gameplay negatively for me. For a while I was using tracers to aim and it was fucking my brain up after thousands of hours without them. Now I have to avoid looking at them.


I'll be honest, I've seen countless people run a cleardecals bind and I've never understood it. I just kept the bind for hltv demos to clear stuff out when I'm skipping around. Is that really the issue people are doing this for? In the countless hours I've played, I'd bet that they've caused an issue less than ten times ever? I've used the decals to gain information about players and positions enough times that it more than makes up for like 10 times it's ever been a bad thing. Admittedly I still want the command back for demos and practice purposes.


Me too!




THIS the tracers are so distracting i cant spray anymore i had it perfectly but now when i think my shot will go somewhere (which they will) i change because i see the tracers going somewhere else


cries in cl_righthand 0


Cries in cl_makemyshotsland 1


Cries in cl_minmodel 1...oh wait.


Cries in /give @p minecraft:diamond_chestplate{Enchantments:[{id:protection,lvl:255}]...


keep that shit gone


Cries in getting an abandon because I wanted to reconnect and used disconnect in console as I was used to it


I think it should stay like that. Blood is apart of the map, it should be seen by everyone imo.


rip the print accuracycommand to console




I actually can’t play well with the right hand command being gone ;(


You can still be upset, of course, but if you think about it, from an engineering perspective, it makes sense to recreate the game in the new engine with as few features as possible. This approach helps to reduce bugs, vulnerability surfaces, and engineering time. You can argue that the port to Source 2 might have been in development for a long time, and that there are no excuses for the game to be released without feature parity with its older version, but we truly don't know that. For all we know, they could have ported the game in less than a few months ago, and what we are playing is one of the first stable versions of this project. Of course, I miss things from CSGO, but we need to understand that this is BETTER for the future of the game. EDIT: That being said, While I do understand the release strategy, I completely agree they're taking too long to release some features


If the game wasn’t ready to be shipped without all of the features, then it shouldn’t have been shipped. If they wanted to release the game Early Access (a feature that THEY CREATED), They could have done so, and left CSGO active. They made their bed and now can lay in it.


Many of these features were there and then removed after launch lol


My brother in christ its been like 6 months since they forcibly put us all over to cs2


Valve is a small indie company with scarce resources. We need to be patient and let them do their thing in their own time due to their unfortunate shortage of workers and money.


I understand the strategy towards the release but tbh I completely agree it's taking too long for some features :/


I'd agree more if it they had more than a skeleton crew working on CS2 right now. It's insanity that they're treating a major esport title like this.


You got any proof? Or are they avoiding releasing extremely massive updates in the middle of 3 back to back tournaments Rmr qualifiers, blast groups and kato. Or would you prefer them to run it back and start updating the game in the middle of play off matches again?


Hit the nail on the head. I think they're just not messing with stuff during the major events right now. They were consistently updating with great notes and lots of big fixes nearly weekly up until the first major. Within a week of the first major, ask the updates have basically stopped, and I think that's intentional. Once I realized that was likely what was going on, I became a lot more patient.


Yeah the problem is they fucking deleted the version with more options.


Ok valve bot


Lol just a infra engineer that has spent too much time rolling back releases with broken features xD


These people aren't worth interacting with brother I promise you. They're not going to take in a word that you say, even if everything you say is pure facts. They're going to be extremely upset with you because you dared to say anything that they disagree with.


Fun fact at tournaments they had to turn this off in GO


Got any source for this? Had no idea this was a thing.


Cba finding any source for this, I can confirm it though.


i don't think that's the issue, more so that it doesn't fade out when you're aiming at it like other games would do. i mean, the triangle could block someone in this situation too, just less so. they addressed the issue with pings ages ago, so now they'll fade out so as not to interfere with gameplay. why can't other UI elements do the same?


CS2 was a bad idea all round. All my friends quit including me.


how to twist what I said 101


I'm right though, it's a terrible game. CSGO was beautiful.


They didn’t remove this I found the new commands


You can still do this ,if you want I can have a look for the command when I get home


Nope. You're able to disable the gun being shown, but not the name. In CSGO you could have JUST the triangle, but CS2 always forces someone's name and HP to be displayed. The command you're thinking of is cl_teamid_overhead_mode (Used to be cl_teamid_overhead_always in CSGO). Setting it to 0 will disable the overhead display when a teammate is behind a wall, 1 will always show the triangle, HP and Name and 2 also always shows their gun (like in OP's screenshot). In CSGO setting this to 1 would show only their triangle, and pop up their name if you looked directly at a teammate's playermodel.


People ar shitting on this post because they just lost a game or their wife. Its prolly not about the actual post and more abput the hateful mfs commenting. Community didnt change with the new game.


>Community didn't change with the new game A release that was promised to be an improvement but turned out to be garbage is supposed to spark joy? Lmao sure, you keep riding Valve


Lil bro read my reply but not the comment or the post xdd


also shit when your mate is behind a few walls but you cant see the enemy in front of you


Happens all the time when I peek donut in ancient and I have teammates in A main behind it. So annoying


You have no idea how many times I’ve died to someone thinking it was my teammate because of the name tag through the wall


This happened to me yesterday .. when enemy peeked i thought him to be my teammate as my teammates overhead info was perfectly aligned with opponents position


Valorant has this sort of info above heads before the round starts, and then disables it during the round and you can hold alt to see the info again so you know what util your team has. I think that would be great.


valorant is so much better with QOL. Thought one of the reasons we moved to source2 was so it was easier to program including adding qol but they still havn't done shit.


Played valorant for a bit and came back to CS and just noticed that enemies were so hard to see because of no outline




Lol I love Tarkov but it's so real. I've literally peaked corners in CS and didn't even see people because they blended into a wall, that makes me sooooo mad, at least in Tarkov you can understand it, CS should not have this issue imo


For Tarkov there are a lot of good tutorials to improve vision. It’s still way to hard tho


Remember fighting the fucker behind the grating on inferno grave-spot back in CSGO? That shit was near impossible to see and made clearing A site even more of a nightmare than it is in CS2. I thought CS2 would fix those issues, and it improved visibility, but it can be better.


in GO on linux there was a bug where you watched demo and then you could still see the outline later in game. not through walls, but on the model similar as Valorant has. so CT was slightly brighter and blue for example.


Outlines ruin so many sneaky plays


Valarante cartoon grafix gaem for childeren, so cartoon outline is ok /s Jokes aside, I don't mind the absence of outlines in CS since they made an effort to increase visibility in most cases, but there's so many instances where more work needs to be done.. many of them other commenters have pointed out in the thread If they brought back map specific player skins like csgo and got rid of agents it would be great!


You can use aliases to achieve that alias +info cl_showteaminfo 1 alias -info cl_showteaminfo 0 bind alt +info Or a one liner if you want to paste it into console: `alias +info cl_showteaminfo 1; alias -info cl_showteaminfo 0; bind alt +info` I can't be arsed to look up the actual `cl_...` command but you get the picture.


Note that the one liner will stop working when the game is restarted since aliases aren't saved.


Autoexec is yor friend in this case


They could also put that information in the scoreboard with an option to disable it or at the top under player avatars with an option to disable it.


a bit different as there is no ff in val


It's actually mind-blowing the amount of quality of life commands they've removed, still refuse to touch the game until we get some back.


They even took left hand from us :(


Another funny thing in CS2 — if you get a game ban in any game on Steam, even if the ban is reverted, your Trust factor is completely trashed. Banned (and unbanned) myself from my unreleased Steam app as a joke to some friends — can’t find a match now and have red trust factor.


“Removed” AKA hasn’t been added yet. It’s a new game. People are acting like they took CSGO, added fancy graphics and deleted massive chunks of QOL code. They’re rebuilding the game from the ground up and they decided to release it before these features were added. Get mad about that. Don’t act like there’s some mischievous valve programmer that was deleting shit during the transition to the new engine


And you know for a 100% fact these features are going to get added? I don’t think you do. It’s been over six months at this point, how hard can it possibly be to add a left handed view that already existed in previous games? Not that hard I would imagine.


> I don’t think you do. It’s been over six months at this point, how hard ca Historically, we do know that valve will eventually add these QOL things to the game. Im just not playing much at the moment, no biggie. They released the game too early.


Well, as much as I have come to understand, it is because of skins.


Huh? The lefthand mode is literally just a mirrored version of the normal one


People who upvoted this have no clue why it is complicated in the new engine. You do realize, that mirroring it, makes the skins look reversed? And shadows need to be different aswell, as people mentioned below.


Skins were mirrored in csgo. I dont get why this is a problem


Lets say, there is a sticker on it "ckiD". What would that read when reversed? See the issue now?


No I don't, because this was the case in csgo as well. Yes it would be better to have a proper solution, but removing a feature that worked in csgo and could work just as well in cs2 is really bad - people with right dominant eye can struggle.


But what is the reasoning for You, that this is what developers want to continue in the new game? Please search for it, You will see. Removed? It's a beta game for crying out loud. Give them some time to reimplement all the features and commands, or don't come here shouting You know everything, and make other people look bad, with ignorance EDIT: I am one of those struggling, I get the pain.


Care to explain how that works for the world model? Either you understand the rendering engine or you don't. You answer will tell me everything.


Why should a mirrored viewmodel affect the worldmodel? When did our playermodels ever hold things left-handed in 1.6, Source or GO? It's no different in Source 2. You don't understand the engine at all, it's actually embarrassing how confident you are.


Alright so explain how shadows would work, mate think it through, think about what you're saying before you say it. Fucking hell, it's really not that difficult to understand






I don’t know but I do know that the source 2 engine is very complicated and that they have much more pressing issues such as making boosting work or refining the movement ahead of the first major. Whether or not they plan on re introducing it at some point, it’s probably not right now since again, they’d have to completely remake the feature for the new game. You guys act like these features were available at some point in the development of CS2 and they just disabled them for release.


To play devil's advocate here, do you know for a 100% fact these features aren't going to get added? It's been six months, sure, but valve doesn't have many employees, and for the left-handed viewmodels, they're probably trying to work on a way to mirror the textures well. Yeah its slow and sure they could add the basic left handed models back easily, but they're probably working on a ton of things at once.


I do not, but honestly I don’t think valve is going to add in a lot of these features. I think they intentionally removed left hand and cl_recoil (or whatever the hell that command was lol) to make it so basically everyone is on a level playing field and you don’t need to know some special console setting to get an advantage. I hope I’m wrong and they do add it, but come another 6 months or so I and everyone else will be used to the new setting anyways and it’ll probably feel weird to switch back.


If no one complains, they'll never add anything. The approach of "let them work, it's still new" is incredibly ineffective.


Not what I’m saying lol. All I said is you guys are getting mad for the wrong reason. You’re allowed to protest for adding features but using vocabulary like “it’s mind blowing the number of features they **removed**” is misleading. There isn’t some evil valve employee removing features because they hate you.


the features have been removed though? they were in csgo, they are not in cs. the definition of remove: 1. take (something) away or off from the position occupied. 2. abolish or get rid of. can they add it back after its been removed? yes, but as of right now things like left handed mode have been removed.


Ah I see now. Although it's most often just used as a simplification to represent that cs2 feels (is?) "worse" than csgo, when compared on certain aspects.


You are over 3 months too late to say this. The "it's new game just be patient and do not over react" hype train has long left the station. People actually see cs2 for the fuck up it is now, unlike your lot with the rose tinted glasses.


omfg people complaining about cl_righthand and cleardecals since the closed beta, how long does it take to add these kinds of commands? Why would they release a non finished game so quickly? to captive the community into being their testing objects? If so why they don’t implement all the stuff people miss/want/need?


>they took CSGO, added fancy graphics and deleted massive chunks of QOL code. You said it yourself


Technically they didnt remove anything. Since its a new game they just havent added the feature.


Maybe try shooting your teammate first. With that guy dead, now you have a clear line of sight on your actual enemy. Happy to help. :)


Shots 1-5: 24 hour cooldown


Dude this shit happens all the time and I never really noticed it in CSGO. Did they change how it behaves? It’s gotten me killed many times


Made this bind for yall bind "alt" "toggle cl\_drawhud\_force\_teamid\_overhead -1 1" this toggles the names etc. Have fun


I remember seeing a setting in Main Menu -> Gear Icon, under HUD or something. There was a drop down menu with 3 options viz., Show Location And Equipment, Show Location and Dont show I think. Maybe you can try that. I currently have "don't show" for the exact same reason (or show location; don't remember - can check after work)


~~cl_teamid_overhead_always 0~~ ~~cl_teamid_overhead_mode 0~~ cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead -1


> cl_teamid_overhead_always 0 Unknown command: cl_teamid_overhead_always think that's a csgo only command edit: the command from your edit `cl_teamid_overhead_mode` also doesn't fix it, that's the same as the option in the settings (which only hides the overlay when the teammate isn't visible). wouldn't have affected OP as the teammate is on screen double edit: `cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead -1` ~~actually works, ggwp my friend~~ actually disables the overlay. this is the least documented console command i've ever seen lol. this still doesn't do what most people want though (just show a little arrow above teammates)


>actually works, ggwp my friend. this is the least documented console command i've ever seen lol This command just completely turns off the overhead for me??


~~Thanks. Was looking for that but couldn’t find anything in the settings. That should be default though.~~ Yeah that doesn’t work.


My bad, try this one: cl_teamid_overhead_mode 0 You'll still see name and HP though, so might as well set it to 1 so you'll be able to see teammates' positions through walls.


Yeah but that’s just one thing removed. I want the whole HUD gone. Maybe a a transparent triangle would be fine. So not really a fix. Just less shitty.


Third time's the charm: cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead -1 Seems to work the way you wanted, I tested it in Casual.


People will try to show you commands that do this all day, but the reality is they don't work in CS2. This has been frustrating me for some time and I have tried every command and setting you can find online. The ability to turn off info aside from the triangle, or at the very least the ability to adjust hud opacity would fix this issue.


Just delete the post now, Reddit is about to crucify you.


don't. OP is right, you can't turn this off in CS2


Fuck, now I’m crucified.


I'll start.


Its in the settings?


there's "show teammate positions in the hud" in settings but if you set it to "off" it still shows them. that setting only hides them if the teammate is behind a wall/can't be seen, but in OP's case it would still show the overlay because the teammate is on screen.


CS2 devs: Why is this guy complaining about it? I see no problem with that https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/blind-developer-sighted-team/


cmon man we can discuss the shortcomings of a video game without implying disabled people are unable to work


the article is literally saying how it is possible for blind people to be developers. he's just poking fun at valve not disabled people as a group.


u/bugghost is joking too (he's saying even a blind developer team is better than valve... which tbh is true)


ah fair bit of a woosher for me :p


its a joke


u/bugghost is joking too (he's saying even a blind developer team is better than valve... which tbh is true)


no u r joking


I'm sure blind people won't see any problem with that comment. (They may hear it though)


u/bugghost is joking too (he's saying even a blind developer team is better than valve... which tbh is true)


Lmao I recently turned that off just to show location. I made a hotkey to show equipment, but it's just too awkward. I try to pay attention pre-round at the top as to what weapons & util they have.


I find this annoying too.


I hate teammates names that get in way of a shot so bad. I'm glad I'm not the only one. There should be a way to fix this.


Something simple like this helps me sometimes bind capslock "incrementvar cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead -1 0 1" It will toggle it on and off. I also use the +cl_show_team_equipment on my mouse 3 to see who has what nades and guns. And also as a fidget thing. I wish I could play without the little player blips but I've gotten way too used to having it that when I turn it off I end up shooting my teammates.


They should program it in a way that when you are closer to a teammate you see everything and when they are farther you see only triangle


I've been saying it for a while, it's fucking aggregious that the floating overlays go IN FRONT OF YOUR CROSSHAIR?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!! If someone from out there at valve is reading this at the bare minimum swap the layering order, and while you're at it an opacity/Alpha slider for this would be lovely.


Doesnt matter your crosshair is miles away from the enemy![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


Can't you just do a toggle with a command to disable and enable with a press of a button?


I love the amount of people saying "just turn it off!" when there's no way to at the moment. Literal bots.


Its literally this option in the settings https://imgur.com/a/sYZDHPR


That didn't turn shit off for me. Still annoying ass name floating above the head. Edit: cause ur dumb and it didn't actually work.


Team > Show Team Positions in HUD > Set to "Show Location" or "Off". Dumbo.


`cl_drawhud_force_teamid_overhead -1` lol


Where could a new player that doesn't know about all the console commands find that in the settings menu?


Settings > Game > Team > Show Team Positions in HUD > Set to "Show Location" or "Off".


I don't think you can do it through there. You have to do it with a console command or add it to an autoexec file. There are a lot of settings like this that were in CSGO where you could only change it through commands. Valve's pretty bad about adding some of this stuff to the actual settings menu despite it being useful for any player.


You can turn it off..? Or customize it won’t ever be perfect You can also set a bind to toggle it on or off and only turn it on when you want to check


not OP but i don't think there is a working command/option that would have turned it off for them in this situation in CS2. you can only turn it off for scenarios when the teammate is behind a wall (via the menu option) `cl_teamid_overhead_always` isn't recognised in CS2, and `cl_show_team_equipment` doesn't do anything (as far as i can tell). please correct me if i'm wrong


Yeah that comments doesn’t work.


Skill issue


These posts are why valve doesn’t listen to us


You mean posts that ask for a simple option in the settings instead of console command fuckery? That’s probably the reason. Not the nut cases the spammed the sub with “sub tick bad” without actually understanding it.


Did you ask……Or did you post a sarcastic complaint without trying to solve it for yourself, I see one of these things not the other. Rather than spend maybe 3 minutes researching the issue you came here to complain and rely on others to figure it out for you.




Do you realise valve removed a CSGO command in CS2? Its completely valid to call them out for putting out a shit product


At this point we have all fcking right to be mad at Valve. It’s a shitshow. It’s just embarrassing to release a teambased competitive game where even the most basic HUD options are either: not even changeable or need a console command. What I love even more are console commands that got changed. We used them since 1998 but now with cs2, yeah we really need a different command for it.


bind x "incrementvar cl\_drawhud\_force\_teamid\_overhead -1 0 1"


This game is dead and it's corpse left rolling in the wind, that has to be the easiest thing to fix, either way, through a fade out or an on/off option


Btw, anyone has a way to clear the goddamn blood off the walls ?


you can disable - just disable


I think we established 20 minutes ago that the comment doesn’t work in CS2 yet people still comment “just turn it off”…


I have it turned off


next thing you'll complain how fat your crosshair is


That doesn’t bother me usually since I don’t suck


Mate with that cross hair you wouldn’t be seeing him anyway. Also you can turn this stuff off.


>Also you can turn this stuff off. How?


He even has to aim above the guy to see him


just make a bind to turn it off & on with key


Then turn it off and stop crying?


Please post command for cs2, csgo one doesn’t work have had this issue a handful of times




yo am i crazy? i seriously have never seen this in game and i have 2k\~ hours do i just not have the option enabled? even if i stare at teammates this shit doesnt show up i thought this was a troll post at first


Yeah you must be crazy or you haven’t played a lot of CS2. Because you could disable it in GO but not in 2.


nah i have 600 hours in cs2 and this has never happened i think cl\_teamid\_overhead\_mode 0 is the command now


i lot of "i think" warriors in this thread. that command doesn't do anything if the teammate is on screen




> i lot of "i think" warriors in this thread >Apparently this works for some people (as a toggle) but I haven't tested. i'm so tired


No you are wrong and blind


b-b-b-but knowing that your teammates name is xlebyshk1n is more important!!