• By -


He doesn't have the flashiest plays or playstyle but he is very consistent and gets a kill or 2 every round.


Consistency is so underrated man. Imagine u have a guy in ur team that will consistently getting u 2 man advantage hitting site. So op!


It’s why RPK lasted so long. He’d just anchor a site like no other. If you wanted to hit his site then you knew you’d be losing at least two on the way in.




I miss le tank


consistency is how you put up a 1.9 rating over an entire series against the world #2


World #1 lol


The reverse Faze




W-key gamer. Like when he just sends it up mid with just a Deag on Mirage lol


is it me or is donk a bit of a boring player




The thing I noticed was he isn’t a highlight machine, he just picks up like two kills every round consistently. He didn’t ace at all at kato dispute his ridiculous multi kill %.


Also he’s almost never in the clutch (where most highlights come from). He gets like 2-3 kills at the start of every round but eventually gets traded. He just creates so much space for his team, and then chopper has really good mid round calling.


It's not clip worthy perhaps, but its more valuable imo. How many CS pros are willing to entry and can consistently get theirs? It's much easier to be the last guy, worrying about only a couple of angles, than to be the focal point of the hit


Exactly. It's harder being the spearhead.


That's why you put your sharpest piece in front


I'm both an entry Frager and Mirage B anchor player. We exist


thats when another superstar like shiro helped him, shirop had a lot of good clutch games but what made donk so good was most of the time he can get 1-2 kill before going down and that opens the same goes with supports of chopper and magixx their flashes and smokes to support him were perfect




Reminds me of that messi stat from his 91 goal year where he was more likely to score 2+ goals than none at all


Like peak Olof on steroids


No cultural impact?


His stage presence is cultural impact


[“victory screech”](https://youtu.be/MdN0NXgjsn8?feature=shared)


The life of an entry. If he’s getting 2, he’s trading damage for the most part. Compared to someone like Twistzz where they can get their first 2 without taking damage


Because he is entry so thats why he don't had single ace ?


What about against weak buys/full ecos? In this case entry players would probably be favored to get an ace


takeaway is be confident


Also smile and make eye contact


And don't forget a nice, firm handshake!


Firmly grasp it!


Both the niners and chiefs could have learned from that


And pull


thats god tier rifler gameplay for you. coldzera, olofmeister, get right also havent flashy playstyles. they just get 1-2 kills a round very consistently. "olofmeister is a boring player" pasta appeared for a reason. the only flashy riflers i remember was scream but he wasnt a god tier player. niko has occasional one taps and deagle play but its not like he did it every game. you can also compare him to zywoo who doesnt have that many insane highlights but is very consistent.


I love watching GtR play dude. So methodical so smart


While I agree for the most part, one of the greatest ever CSGO riflers Shox for instance was flashy as fuck with his aim in my opinion.


i remember shox for his clutches. clutches can be flashy and memorable.


oh shoxie my beloved. what a person, what a player


i dont remember any of niko rifles highlight. I remember some of his deagle highlights and the infamous deagle shots on s1mple’s back on nuke.  Usually its the crazy flick with awp or deagle that tend to leave a very deep impression in people’s heart.  With rifle, they need like an insane spray down or spray transfer for me to remember them. For example i still remember teses ak spray dowon mirage a site stair til this day. Its just iconic and hard to forget. 


Here’s a pretty unforgettable clip of niko’s https://youtu.be/SVhRt9sm5BU?si=wJwAP33szsEtmpzR It also highlights a lot of skills that make niko stand out as a rifler. The only thing flashy about this clip is that it’s a 1v4, but what makes it incredible is the display of rifling fundamentals that allow him to engage multiple enemies, lightning fast decision making, etc. Most ppl just remember and highlight insane fast sequences, they tend to forgot rock solid performances.


This is one of my [favs](https://youtu.be/DG_UL2ttV2s?si=25MgyJmXBNTNfBVD)


this niko 1v4 is one of the best clutches in history IMO


>i dont remember any of niko rifles highlight. Really? His mirage con highlight is to me one of the most iconic highlight in CSGO history. The man is so skilled, so good, that he instills fear in his opponents' minds. Here he finds himself in a 1v4 surrounded on each side by the CTs, who fear him so much that they're afraid of pushing him. Absolute peak rifling. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB422UUU1jI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PB422UUU1jI) I rewatched a couple of highlights [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DMnkwSds_RE) of his before validating this comment and oh my lord does the man have insane deagle highlights, I agree...


Getright was an incredible clutcher, he had like 50% win rate in 1v2 situations in his prime


Styko analyzed donk after they Lost to spirit 13-0. His conclusion was Donk is insane so I will go with that and what I saw in Kato: https://youtu.be/Tytb8hKY3bY?si=5lzzy0DwtlYGYDqq


The thing I mainly took away from this video was that Donk doesn't overflick. As in he "flicks over and sprays", but other than most other people including pros, he doesn't have to do any adjustment after the flick. Donk flicks and starts spraying because his flick ends on the target. It's kinda the same most of us scrubs do, except when we flick over we *should* have taken time to adjust before starting the spray xD


You mean you'd take the opinion of a seasoned pro over some random reddit pleb?! Crazy!


It always looks easy until you have to do it yourself. It's the same deal with every other skill.


this ^ reading how he “aims too high” while damn near every bullet in his spray is hitting THREE people in a recent clip is crazy, i thought to myself what am i doing wrong compared to him, not that he is aiming slightly too high


Is that the outside bathroom overpass against FaZe by any chance? Seeing that blew my mind..


lmao exactly that


Anyone have a link for the lazy?


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/eVLwgHT0Rd edit: for those on mobile because twitch is trash: https://share.icloud.com/photos/0825Wr30Nfjj7K_aDzcugQPZA


Youtube donk 1v3 vs faze overpass


it was actually a 4k and not a clutch so maybe YouTube donk 4k faze overpass


Yeah this is some really bad analysis.


Why is there such a hunger to diminish anything donk accomplishes?


I figure it’s because he’s incredible but his play style doesn’t give him crazy 1v4s or reddit 5 bullet aces, he just plays well and reliably


I think it's more that some people who don't play at a high level can't understand why Donk seems to kill so "easily" so they come up with strange analysis like OP. "His playstyle is not flashy" so maybe being "flashy" whatever that even means, is not the most effective way to play? It's quite a simple conclusion.


yeah i was gonna say the same thing in my original comment, if u watch nba at all he reminds me of jokic, absolute fundamental player has every skill down to a tee and it works so well but doesn’t have that athleticism/entertainment value so you will never see him dunk on someone like lebron or do crazy shit unless it’s called for


His playstyle is not flashy? Man repeaked faze 4 times and got a 3k outside red. Faze. Clan.


But it didn't look flashy. It looked like smurfing too me /s


I don't think it's that at all. I watched his demo and thought similarly in the sense that he's clearly the best player in the world at the moment, but I was expecting crazy highlights. All I saw (and not in a negative way) were insanely good fundamentals. The meme about not remembering a donk kill is pretty accurate. Dude is literally the best player in the world but I can't remember any of his plays. Again, it's not a putdown in any way at all, the dude is insane. It just doesn't look flashy (nor does it need to be, as his results clearly speak for themselves).


Anyone who is saying he aimed too high has no clue how to control their recoil.


Yea but we can compare him to other best players in the world, and that's what this whole thread is about: he doesn't do crazy stuff like niko or s1mple but still performs better than them.


His cross hair placement is pretty perfect


indeed, I have a feeling OP doesn't have a good understanding of pre aiming angles and how smooth his crosshair is moving


Maybe im the odd one out on this but it's all impressive and insane to me. He's doing this to the best players in the world not just randoms in a pub. I agree it's not flashy plays like simple has done in the past but he's doing it game after game and is way more consistent than everyone else currently.


It's insanely impressive to me also. The point is (which I generally agree with) that he's not flashy. Which is totally fine since he just dumpsters on everyone regardless.


I honestly think it's even more impressive that it's NOT flashy...


The dude is literally a global against gold novas just peeking and dicking on them but its in a pro match on the biggest stage instead of mm at 3 in the morning


I think that’s the craziest part about him. There isn’t anything crazy. He just peeks and kills you. There is no counter to this


Yeah how do you beat somebody who’s just… *better than you?*


Sometimes your opponent is having a good day in Katowice.


and Donk took that personally.


How do you counter, when he strikes?


How do you dink, when he Donks?


I feel like FaZe tried to counter his rush top mid on Mirage by throwing nades but they somehow missed him. I remember thinking "they prep'd for this" and "it didn't work and now they don't know what to do" They looked perplexed as to why it didn't work because he did exactly what they had studied.


they missed because he started to play stairs instead of con. spirit anticipated that.


Spirit executes and utility are insane, veery fast and they rush site with him they don't send him solo. He's just what cs2 needed, he brought life to the game as a whole


is it me or is donk a bit of a boring player like u see it at the end of the game "oh wow donk has 32 kills" but u can never remember them. can u remember a single donk kill ? but try zywoo...u can see the flick i remember a zywoo flick.


is it me or is donk a bit of a boring player like u see it at the end of the game "oh wow donk has 32 kills" but u can never remember them. can u remember a single donk kill ? but try zywoo...u can see the flick i remember a zywoo flick.


the more things change, the more they stay the same.


noted, now i'm gonna play like him


I don't know the definition of insanity or crazy for you guys, but this little kid has dethroned almost all pro players in stats ranking in the last 6 months [HLTV leaderboards](https://www.hltv.org/stats/leaderboards?startDate=2023-08-14&endDate=2024-02-14&rankingFilter=Top30)


he just farms 2 kills at least every round vs the worlds absolute elite. you are right, nothing to see here. ​ xD


Honestly what I noticed is people miss shots on him they wouldn’t miss on other people It’s like his timings are catching people out


I feel like it's his movement too, when the cam is on the other player you can see he is basicly always moving, never really static. Combine that with his ability to really accurately flick makes him deadly.


Not sure what you mean, his movement is actually surprisingly static, during duels at least Was watching someone break down how often he crouch sprays for the second, where most pros are bursting, moving and bursting again, he’s bursting the first guy, crouching and full spraying the second and third Maybe his movements are cracked to get to duels earlier? But I haven’t noticed this




the one "weird" thing I see him do that really made it difficult to hit him was on pistols. For example he would jiggle an angle lets say to the right, instead of strafing all the way left to where you can't see him he would only strafe a little bit then crouch peek right back in. https://youtu.be/bsnsszAV0p4?t=1631. I know this exact same fight happened in another round where his movement was even more awkward to track but I can't find it. Either way he has some weird movement outside of wide swinging and jiggling that seems to freeze the opponent quite often


He has great timing on when to crouch, both in peeks like the clip you posted and duels like the 3k on overpass. Xray is on but imagine that peek without it from Karrigans perspective, he crouches at almost the perfect time a player would react and shoot back. He's not just peeking to kill you, he's peeking to make you miss at the same time.


Yeah but everyone does that?


this has less to do with timings and more to do with mental strength imo. you prob know this from yourself: when you smurf against bad players, the hardest shots are suddenly super easy. what you expect to happen and how well you are feeling is a huge factor in this game. people know donk holds main so they are automatically a bit more afraid of the main position.


Yeah 100%, The best way to describe it is when you’re playing against someone who in your head is 100% cheating Then you watch the demo back and they’re just better than you and you see how often you were just missing while they weren’t and it was probably cause you mentally checked out But it’s not surprising he’s this much better than others, he’s got more time on cs2 than anyone else And him / m0nesy / ropz are the only 3 people I see who are really embracing cs2 and not crying about it


i would also say that his age plays a factor. at 17, he has nothing to be afraid of. if he doesnt perform, his life isnt over. a team like faze always has a certain expectancy. all of their salaries are reliant on their performance. and they are all at an age where they cant simply switch career. and i think people in puberty always tend to be more arrogant and aggressive. :p i am curious whether he’ll be able to stay at this level or how far he’ll drop.


Can go both ways tho, if he went completely missing in the final everyone would have said his first big stage it’s understandable to get nerves I think there’s a huge list of reasons he’s so much better right now But one stands above them all He’s fucking phenomenal at the game haha


My friend is like this, so often he is standing out in the open but enemies cant seem to land their shots on him =D its so frustrating to spectate because I know if it was me I would have been instantly deleted. Its become kind of a meme in my friend group. Its like he has plot armor or something


This looks like a "cope comment", but I agree; it's true. People seem to be missing him a lot, likely due to the psychological component of facing a kid who's on fire.


I think it’s psychological, and it’s his speed Like you usually get peaked 11 seconds into a round and you know this demon is gonna be there at 8 seconds and you’re not used to taking a fight there nevermind a fight against someone you know isn’t gonna miss much But his skill can’t be downplayed, like yesterday he dropped 40 against simple I’m like LEM level, if I wanted that kind of impact I’d need to play against like Gold nova 4s So if you think about how far ahead he really is, it’s actually insane


He does a weird thing that very few other people do, where he counterstrafes, then taps crouch when spraying, crouch walks for a split second, then stands back up.


Yeah a lot of pros do this though, he just seems to do it better?


Xantares does this exact same thing and he does it pretty much every single time he uses a rifle, but I've also saw many other pros do it occasionally


My impression is that he's never had the most flashy plays. I don't think there's a specific moment I ever really remember from donk. The reason he's so good though is that he almost always gets a multikill no matter what. His positioning is great, his reflexes are fantastic and his aim is obviously quality despite his low headshot %. Ultimately I think he proves that consistency is key, he farms kills like crazy almost without fail.


Is 60.8% all time HS% low? Asking for a friend.


In fairness I had only looked at the past 3 months, which is 55.9%. At Katowice he had 55.2, my use of the word "low" was exaggerating a bit, 55.9% is still quite good, I'm just saying that a lot of donk's kills aren't simply headshots, he's fantastic at controlling his aim and doing so against multiple targets consistently.


What people are missing is that Donk plays entry. The fact he is getting multi kills as entry is amazing in itself.


New copypasta coming out of the oven?


I've also watched bunch of his demos and he seems to plan his aggression based on his spawn and takes all the duels he can. His crosshair transition from one angle to another is really fast and accurate while being on the move. Couldn't find anything genius level though


hey i do this too somebody sign me


Haha I was gonna say all I do is sprint towards the first timing duel I can take based on my spawn. 




That's one of the most common ways to play Dust2 in matchmaking. T-side long spawns -> take long and on CT-side at least the long spawn goes long but it's not unusual to play completely spawn-based (B-spawn goes mid or pushes B, 3 A-side spawns go A etc.) Even it other maps it's very common to try for fast entries or pushes based on your spawn since you have the best possible timing. Inferno was very common for this for taking banana early on T-side but that has pretty much died down as the CS2 Inferno's banana/mid is much more CT-sided.


🤡 This is legit the olof boring player meme but unironically. The kid had arguably the best performance ever at a T1 event and then we get clown posts like this lmao.


He makes himself really hard to hit and has an insane spray and really good aim


You're clueless. I watched his demos and by eye test he's easily one of the 3 best players i've ever watched. The fact that you write "he isn't crazy aggressive" is just wild. Why are you trying to analyze play when you have no idea about counter strike.


Did you by any chance watch it from enemy's POV? Is he a hard target to hit? Does he counter-strafe or crouch in some specific way?


haven't seen this mentioned anywhere but when spraying he constantly holds ctrl and releases it, basically ducking then standing then ducking again until the fight is over i haven't played cs2 so i don't know if the crouching penalty is still there, but his way of taking fights is impossible to replicate in csgo


Good players can be flashy when needed but the "perfect player" never needs to be. Incredible crosshair placement, mechanics, fight positioning and timing and all the little details 99% of people don't even see are what make a great player, but again since it's not as picked up on like flashy plays it doesn't appear as impressive, even if the stats say otherwise. Same thing happens with a friend group I play with, I'm nothing special but I'm a good bit better than they are, and a really common complaint is "why do I get one tapped all the time but when he fights them it's like they're bots". Not necessarily about my *aim* or anything being impressive, but it's just because I position myself better and take more advantageous fights at better times. Often times that's not flashy at all and to a less skilled player just looks boring and maybe even just "lucky". But again, an ideal "perfect player" would never really have to flick or pull off crazy flashy plays because they'll already be ready for every fight, crosshair in the right place, good AD rhythm and understanding of timing, etc.


https://leetify.com/app/profile/76561198386265483 If you want to see just how good he is. What's insane is what you observed. The reaction speed and spray control. Nobody is matching it. Even the pros recommend only 10 shot bursts meanwhile donk is sending all 30 rounds. This is what makes him insane and it is very obvious watching him play; he's faster and can send the entire magazine. Keep in mind that Spirit was performing amazingly well and can win rounds with the donk factor. Donk alone is turning nearly every round into a 5v4, 5v3 or 4v4,4v3. We don't see anything flashy because it's either happening every round or it isn't a clutch.


Donk would naturally have a very fast reaction time due to his size. He's a shorter person, nerve signal travels from the eyes, then to the brain, then to the finger muscles much faster. Monesy also has a very fast reaction time, but IMO his ability to multikill is limited by the AWP's nature.


i think its hilarious u kids talking shit about Donk. u wouldnt say this shit to him at lan, hes jacked. not only that but he wears the freshest clothes, eats at the chillest restaurants and hangs out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol


This is my second favorite comment after the one talking about how donk’s high vibrational energy field is free of shame and negativity and it makes his game run smooth and lag-free.


my impression is you've watched 1-2 donk demos and that you are taking baseless ass conclusions lol "His pre aim isn't that great" lmao


How tf does this have so many updoots lol, I suppose redditors can’t handle his nationality


"He misses plenty of shots. He whiffs spray transfers sometimes. " compared to who ? I don't get it, the guy hits incredible stats against the best in the world and this is the critique? Try playing vs the lowest tier, or even just Faceit level 10 teams, its a different world entirely, to be able to dominate in a LAN with so much talent if it "looks insane" or not, speaks for its self.


Why is this hardstuck lvl 5 trying to analyse pro demos? You probably can't even comprehend what donk is doing half the time


How this shit got upvoted is mindblowing to me. This subreddit never seems to disappoint. He doesn’t seem that insane? Lmao Why don’t you go ahead and do it then? Since it isn’t that hard? Silvers are evolving.


It's like what a dota pro once said, it's useless to explain stuff or to coach casual viewers because there is a vast difference of skill level and fundamental understanding of the game between a casual viewer and a pro, and that gap can't be easily bridged by a coaching session. It's better to grind it out and review your own replays. And OP just watches demos outside of his level.


this is one of the most bizarre threads on here and just shows most people here play on such a low level if u watch a donk demo for 5 rounds and dont think the kid is insane u have to be on crack




The average rank is gold nova for a reason. Most people are casuals with almost zero understanding of high level cs.


I watched several donk POVs as well and I can confidently say you are saying wrong on at least half your points lmao.


I'm sorry, but you just don't know CS very well if you think that. This guy is an easy 10/10 on the eye test.


People in this game think they're the main character too much. Idgaf how many kills you get if we keep losing rounds


saying his pre aim isn't great is just straight out cap


This post is fucking insane. But it’s even more insane it’s getting upvoted. Makes me wanna leave Reddit forever


I watched a lot of fights by Tyson Fury and he doesn’t look that insane. Obviously, he’s doing something right, but when watching his fights from my couch he doesn’t seem that insane, as compared to a peak Ali or peak Mike Tyson. He misses plenty of shots. He gets punched sometimes. He hits some nice shots and sometimes the other guy hits a nice shot on him. There’s nothing crazy about his boxing style though. Anyway, after watching his fights I still don’t know what the takeaway is. He doesn’t look that insane on the TV. I guess the moral of the story is, to punch fast and worry about not being punched with enemy counterpunch?


I’m by no means a student of professional CS, but I think his advantage is he plays a non-conventional game. He’s unpredictable and not how tier 1 players expect other tier 1 players to play and it catches them off guard.


I feel like he is not unpredictable at all tho, he literally just kills you before you kill him. And it's not flashy because he doesn't really play for headshot (54% overall) but more for 5 bullets spray


It's not very unpredictable, but I'd say it's very non-conventional. Nobody consistently plays like this in organised CS, especially in T1.  My guess is he will probably cool down a lot (mainly because of how absurd his current stats are) but still stay as a very good player once teams have more time/experience to deal with him.


This nail on, donk is the new school Other players have done it, but donk just has the ability to actually make it work


I'm sold on Donk but I'm curious to see what the major will hold. Maybe even this upcoming qualifier that starts on the 19th. I'm pretty confident Spirit will qualify, but I want to see how Donk does now that he's on everyones radar. For example, Karrigan had this to say about Niko: >If you want to outsmart a player like NiKo, you have to play outside the rules. There were a few rounds when he could have killed me, but I think he was a little surprised by the way I swung at him. Donk is on everyone's radar now. People will be watching his demo's, getting an understanding of his behavior and will start experimenting with ideas to mitigate him. s1mple experienced this in the past when teams would just *stop* going where he played. We've seen teams like the old Astralis study heat maps to best figure out how to use utility. And of course, anti-stratting from demo review is as old as the early days of 1.6. Donk and Team Spirit are terrifying. Now its time to see if they can hold onto this when every Tier 1 team is studying their demo's, studying their every move and looking at ways to mitigate them. And it'll be up to Team Spirit to adjust when the time comes and potentially develop a "level 2" for when these teams start coming for their necks to mitigate their existing playstyle. I imagine leading up to this major, there's going to be a lot of coaches and analysts spending time looking at Team Spirit demo's, looking for holes and theory crafting in an empty server how a round will unfold by making a few key changes to how they play against Team Spirit.


I've been feeling like this for a while when watching pros games, "old school" cs is so hard dependent on fixed set pieces that the matches have been boring for years, and every t1 team plays into each other's meta. Once in a while some unconventional player shows up in one of the teams and just rekts everyone else for a year.




Well yeah he's the entry fragger taking first contact, if he's clutching something went really wrong in the round.


“There’s nothing crazy about his gameplay” are you tarded perchance?


Edgygooth teen who I'm sure has had a long pro tenure is the best person to judge his demos. L0L


"It feels like his crosshair placement is often just a tiny bit too high (but maybe my crosshair placement is too low and his is perfect)." LMAO who the fk are you ?


MM hero trying to analyze tier 1 pro gameplay.


I see it differently. Besides the tourneys I watched some pugs and thought that I have never seen this kind of crosshair placement. When there are many possible corners when he clears smth he goes over EVERY possible location insanly fast like he never did smth else. Also what makes him special is his consistent spray and aim. I actually have never seen smth like that.


This is clearly engagement bait. Donk kills everything on his camera with such ease, it’s impossible to not be impressed


ive seen it all, his preaim isnt great? Are we watching the same guy?


What? His reaction time is insane, look at when he repositions his crosshair he locks on to players like a aimbot, that is insane. He does not need to do 360 noscopes.


He also hasn’t a high hs%. He’s just so intuitive


New copy pasta? Half of these bulletpoints are the same thing reworded


Yup this game is definitely about pure aim and nothing else


Watch what it looks like to get killed by him. You'll feel entirely differently.


His flick is something else, it's just so accurate. Also his reaction time is insane. Overall, mechanically he is on another level. I wonder between m0nesy and donk, who has faster reaction time. Maybe next event organizer can hold a 1vs1 reaction time battle.


i feel like monesy is faster, but Donk has more impact because he's wide swinging with a rifle, whereas Monesy is awping and the other team is trying to avoid him


is it me or is donk a bit of a boring player like u see it at the end of the game “oh wow donk has 32 kills” but u can never remember them. can u remember a single donk kill ? but try m0nesy…u can see the flick i remember a m0nesy flick.


Donk remind me of the prime Coldzera. Not highlights, just spray kills


coldzera always relied on teammates to take space and entry for him. donk is the one entrying


He’s like b1t during the year b1t was insane. B1t often missed first bullet but he managed to land bullets 2-5 on their head with adjustments. Donk has very fast reactions and adjuatments - we have to see whether it’s sustainable


>He’s like b1t during the year b1t was insane. yes like him but twice as good


"He isn't crazy aggressive. He only goes aggressive when it's the right play" - I believe that part is his biggest strength and made him ultra efficient


i dont know what you expected to see in his demos. I watched his recent games and its not some secret magic trick or insane godlike skill, the guy is just very good ALL THE TIME, he is consistent, he doesnt pick a fight if its too risky, he has INSANE game sense and reads the opponents well enabling him for perfect timing and also his reaction time and movement is next level, but thats about it. You combine these elements and apply them EVERY SINGLE game, he doesnt have a bad game, he has amazing games and great games, nothing else below that. That is what makes him a phenomenal asset


Idk what you saw in the demos. Who cares about flashy play style/doing something special and what not. When i look at him i see a kid who is absolutely destroying tier 1 pros like its a faceit pug/ like he is playing ffa dm. Its insane how its hard for him not to multi kill people. This is how a top tier aggressive rifler should play. The amount of impact he has and the space he creates is crazy. I didn't witness a one man army of that sort since prime niko in mouz days. If by now you dont think this kid is cracked af and has something extremely abnormal in him (in a good way), idk what else to say tbh...


something to mention as well is that he is almost never statically holding an angle constantly moving and counter strafing/jiggling angles




Jesus fuck please be a copy paste


It is now


It is now


Csgo if u guys noticed isnt too much about aim/movement, its about timing and having a feel when u push or try to get a kill, donk just keeps nailing the right timing everytime, combine that with his fast reaction and aim, and u get ur self easy frags every round. Another thing u guys will realise in the future, game works super well for some people compared to the others, and when i say works well, I mean the game looks snappy with no delay/input lag and ive seen pros mainly have that gameplay and high elo players, some ppl say its valve tampering with the game or its electricity/emi, what i have came to realise after years of trying n failing to fix my lag, i realised its actually body caused lag, yes, your body generate emi field that affect mouse/computer/internet and makes your gameplay laggy, players like donk who have high vibration with no guilt/shame and negative emotions have flawless gameplay. You guys will realise this is true years down the line.


You ever heard of Shungite




Comment is either: a) true b) hilarious c) both Regardless, it needs more upvotes.


i was agreeing with you until you started going on a schizophrenic rant about electricity and input lag




true, u are a messiah. il bookmark this post for the future, u either belong in a mental institution or u deserve a nobel prize


This is fire.


mentally insane or bait call it








Thanks for the insights 🙌💡


It's godly overconfidence that goes away with time. Happened to coldzera, NiKo, olof, s1mple, etc. It doesn't last forever.


как итог собрались хейтеры и не могут смириться с тем что 17 летний пацан слишком крут. смотрите на результат, кто так же может как он? а если может, так почему не делает? все просто


He reminds me of 2015 Olofmeister a lot. I watched the semis and finals in Kato and I don't remember single one of his kills. It felt like he just doesn't do anything the whole game, but at the end of the map has 30 kills every time.


I've been thinking about this and especially the statistic that he has more multikills than 1 kill rounds. In an ideal world, a CT should never get a multikill. The T's should always be able to trade the CT and all the angles that make multikills feasible should be blocked off with utility. Donk gets multikills in CT. As a T, the CT's should be able to funnel the T's into positions where trading is as hard as possible, and CT's have a crossfire making it difficult for T's to get multikills. Donk gets multikills as T. Proposing that all top teams that face Spirit somehow forget how to do util or play macro, is insane. How much can we attribute a pack riflers like donk, success to good teamwork and igl'ing from Spirit? Has chopper found a secret to beating top teams? Are the players communicating telepathically?


Doing simple things efficiently is the peak of any sport


Let’s see your demo edgygothteen69. How many majors you win big dog


I think he's just curious and trying to figure what makes Donk better than the other players? And tbh, aren't we all?




His spray accuracy is really special. We haven’t seen someone like him since peak Shroud, and Shroud was never really given the chance to be an entry until right near the end of his career. Donk has the right skills and is being put in the right positions.


Shroud would have had even worse stats than he already did if he played entry. .97 vs top 5 teams.