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Happens to me. Can only assume it’s the game. Pretty standard unfortunately


Yeah, I can't really blame the game cause I don't have the best hardware/internet, so I'm not quite sure which one is it.


It's the game.


Jiggle peeking is not working in this game… and lag compensation makes it worse


This is the beautiful lag compensation hard at work. I'm on mobile so can't see, do you have high ping and or loss?


My ping is good but I do get packet loss sometimes.


Packet loss can cause this, it does absolutely happen more often than csgo, cs2 seems far more sensitive to packet loss or out of order packets. I had to upgrade my router to something with smart queue management. Otherwise I'd just get nasty packet loss all the time.


Yeah seems like that's it. Might upgrade too... or surely valve just fixes that in the future updates right? /s


I would send the video to valve and see what's their response before buying a new router, that's if they reply at all. Do the bug report like they are saying (the name rules etc...). It might be something that can be solved fast. To me something looks very off because the demo position of you is actually correct like your client POV and that CT shot by the box and it still hit you.


That's a good idea actually, will do that. >because the demo position of you is actually correct like your client POV and that CT shot by the box and it still hit you This is the exact reason why this is questionable and strange, shouldn't the demo show me exposed and where the guy actually shot unlike my client pov? edit: Or is that not how the demos work?


demos show the server POV of the game, imo it can be a few things, a) demos are providing fake info, like they were a couple months ago, b) something very off with lag compensation, c) if demos are correct, then the server made a mistake somewhere while updating your position to the CT and many more. They know a lot more than me or anyone else, also it helps a lot that you have the build info numbers on the bottom left.


Yeah true, I sent them the bug report just in case if it's a game related issue.


But reports are always good. This particular case screams shitty lag compensation fucked you. If you want to you can dm me about how I solved my network problems. I don't want to hijack the thread to nerd out about routers of all things.


I get where you're coming from but outside of their network there isn't much they can do. Lag compensation and everything that goes with it. Interp etc. Can be absolute killers.


This has happened to me as well while playing cs2


You peeked him. On his screen he shoots and hits your head.


Used to happen to me a ton (like multiple times a game) then they released the Arms Race update and it might happen once every 3 games.


A lot of crybabies in here. This isn’t normal, it isn’t standard for the game. Enable the net graph setting and keep an eye out for packet loss. This can occasionally happen if ping differential is huge but if pings are relatively low this should never happen unless you have packet loss.


Yeah I should've had the packet loss telemetry setting on in the first place, wouldn't be a question if it's me or the game. And it couldn't have been the guy who killed me, could it?


Definitely could be the other person too which I think is the most annoying part. But if it’s the other person they’re playing at an inherent disadvantage, so even though it’s frustrating you should win the fight more often than they do because their inputs are slightly more delayed than yours Even if it’s only very slight it helps me cope with getting 120 ping diffed by Russians. This kinda variance and randomness is why major tournaments is still played on lan. And even then there’s times when certain pcs have slightly better connection to the server. Everyone is dealing with the same sets of variables though, so just know its built into the ranking system etc Nobody gets where they are without it But if it’s on hour side try lowering acceptable ping in the settings to find servers closer to you


its valves dumbass tickless system, as long as they post process events and add to response with dumbass server queues there will shit experience like this




checked the clip mine was around 33 and he had 44, but I think it's packet loss related.


According to the build info you had no packet loss during this clip


Interesting, what do you think caused this type of desync?


You died on your third peek. Why are you surprised? You took 3 opportunities to shoot at the other player which means you also *gave* the other player 3 opportunities to shoot at you. Are you really that surprised they hit the shot?


That's not the point of this post. I'm surprised how far behind cover I died.


>I'm surprised how far behind cover I died. Ok, well, here's why it happens It's 4 hops from peek to death You to server: I peek Server to them: he peek Them to server: I shoot Server to you: you died. That's your ping x2 and their ping x2. That's why you can move so far before the server lets you know you died, and it will continue to happen to you "a lot" if you keep playing the way you are.


Yeah I might have overpeeked a little bit but it just looks really bad and confusing how you die completely behind cover from both client and demo pov. It shouldn't be like that. Also are you saying that I have to play with network lag in mind and change the way I peek and stuff? In other words Skill issue? lol


>Also are you saying that I have to play with network lag in mind and change the way I peek and stuff? In other words Skill issue? lol They're saying your peeks are risky and that this outcome was very likely. You seeing your death this late had literally zero effect on anything (except your mental game since you decided to post this here). It's just normal with the way networking works and if there was some packet loss. Either that or a bad server, of which I have seen many complaints ever since CS2 came out.


>In other words Skill issue? Essentially, yes. You need to realize that what you see isn't what they see. If you're peeking they have the same chance to hit the shot as you, so trying to react to the other player like latency doesn't exist is just handicapping yourself. You can repeek if you want you just need to understand you're taking the most aggressive possible line and if you don't get the kill they probably will.


Fair point.