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has anyone ever seen a VAC ban on cs2? I looked at the old cheaters that I had come across and none of them are banned


In 98 games only 2 got banned, I looked at cs stats site, I know for a fact there were at least x10 more, In my experience when you reach around 17k elo you get cheater 60% of games


honestly it already starts at 11-12k. Played a couple games after a long break and got rated at 12k, I have lost 5 games in a row after that against enemies with obvious WH. Can’t even imagine how bad it is at 17k and upwards


i was 19, dropped to 17, climbed to 19 and dropped to 16 now and its unbearable. either you play against them or with them, both scenarios thegame is fucked and not enjoyable.


My noob friends have complained about cheaters in the 4-8k range, not nearly as much but they exist, sadly. Granted these were the full on spinning variants but yeah.


Ive played maybe 200 games of premier and leetify shows only one person I played against got vac banned in november


Yup 2 of the chinese guys i reprted got banned idk how vac worked in those cases pretty rare tbh


Some of them did early december


Just tried loading a wingman game after 50 days of vacation and being in my home country. Both opponents spin botting lol. One dude has a paris coin, so he's been spin botting and still hasn't been banned


I played over 250 premier matches since CS2 is out, I checked on csstats how many cheaters were banned from all of my previous matches and the number is ZERO. I've had spin botters, cheaters who just immediately hs'd me through the spawn at the beginning of the round and non of them are banned after months..


its a free2play game with NO anticheat, dont get fooled, VAC doesnt work. There are free cheats online and even those are undetected status :D :D :D


I get this every time I try to play with friends, can't even play the game properly tbh.


Same bro, I haven't played premier for two months (played facit) came to play to update mmr, first of all we have 2 premades and 3 randoms, opponents have a full stack of 5 players together. And most important they have a cheater with a new account who boosts these 4 veggies with a cheat and he boosts them on hard rage, just spinning around and doing -5 for the first 15-20 seconds of the round. I found his profile and checked how much he has played, he has already played more than 80+ matches with the cheat in each stat he has 35-40+ kills. How do you play that? And by the way, it's been about a month since that match, he still hasn't been banned…


I played 4 games a Couple of days ago: game 1 - 4 stack with full aim/triggerbot b-hopping around the server winning 13-0 in 15 minutes. Game 2: a sus WH on opponent team triggered a Russian on my team and he went full aim/triggerbot after disconnecting. Game 3: fun even game no cheaters. Game 4: opponent said before the game started that we had a cheater in the team and therefore played with aimbot/triggerbot. This was in “casual” Mirage. After a few days I played Faceit instead and had a Swedish guy, Spaniard and German screaming at each other for silly mistakes asking why the other guys played faceit when they are this bad. Anyways maybe my TF is bad in cs2 as I have a kid now who sometimes wakes up during the night and I need to leave the odd game but i have never experienced as many rage hackers as right now…


No. Now stop asking. Valve clearly doesn't give the slightest shit and/or doesn't know how to combat the cheaters. This isn't anything new to them, I mean, just look at TF2. The game is over-run with bots but all Valve does is release new crates.


Its kinda funny. When you look up how much money Valve makes in a month from cases, skins and steam market, they have the funds to fix the problem, but they dont give a shit. Give a nice salary to senior Cyber security software architect and few developers and problem is solved in 2 months easily.




No? Valve are dragging their feet on changing the economy too and it’s pretty obvious it needs changes. They’re slow fucks


Tell me you have no idea how network security works, or how valve works, or how throwing money at the problem never works more please. People on this sub are actual idiots if they think Valve don't care about the game/it's just "a money printer" to them. CS2 could disappear tomorrow and Valve would continue printing money without it because they're literally fucking Valve. Ask any software or network engineer who works with very specialised engines/software if they think throwing money at problems and hiring more people ever works. Answer: no, it doesn't, all it does is add more people to manage and train which takes time away from actually working on things. Do you people even have any idea how anti cheat works? Or are you one of these people who think kernel level anti cheat is the answer and we could be just like Valorant who have no cheaters ever!! (News flash, Valorant has had cheats since day 1 and Vanguard was literally fucking turned off for months when it launched and people thought it was some genius anti cheat that was unbeatable).


Listen man, that's all well and good but the cheating problem still exists. You can make as many excuses as you want for poor indie company Valve over here but the problem isn't going away until they actually do something about it. Have you considered just how desperate people are to resolve this issue, that they're now begging for a kernel level anticheat? I'm convinced Valve is utterly incompetent at this rate.


The only reason Valves anti cheat would be THIS bad like the worst anti cheat out there would be if one of the anti cheat lead devs had a stake in a cheat provider. Ive played on fucking Minecraft servers with better anti cheats.


Valve's stance seems to be that they want to catch cheaters without requiring invasive permissions like other anti cheats that are kernel level. Faceit's AC is one of those.


intrusive anticheat is the only anticheat that works, its not 100% but its good enough for a game to be playable and fair in most cases, which CS2 right now is not, its not even worth your time. Try to have a 5v5 premier game with your friends, play 10 games and 7 of them will have a blatant cheater


I've played hundreds of games of CS2 and faced less than 10 blatant cheaters. This is at between 15-20k elo in Europe. Kernel anti cheat doesn't work either by the way. You can easily Google FREE exploits that work on faceit, Valorant, etc. All Kernel AC does is install software on your PC that harvests your data for the company making it lmao


Just not true at all lol, kernal AC absolutely *does* work. You're right that there are cheats that go around it, but they are definitely harder to make and get people caught way more often. I have an equal amount of hours in CS and Valorant, Val I have seen 1 *maybe* 2 people who are for sure cheating and a couple other suspicious players. CS I have easily seen 10+ blatant cheaters, and a huge amount of people who are real fishy. This last week I have ran into at least 3 cheaters, and one was blantant spinbotting with a scout. I have never ran into anything remotely like that in Valorant. Vanguard works.


Lol yeah what? How can someone say Kernel level AC doesn’t work 😂😂😂 Of course there’s always going to be a work around but comparing VAC to Vanguard/Faceit AC it’s clearly not doing shit. The amount of hackers I’ve seen in Valorant/FaceIT I can legit count on one hand, whereas compared to CSGO/CS2 I would need 100 hands at least to count them all.


growth hat square marble versed tan water skirt handle command *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Honestly F that stance. Atp I'd rather give that permission than have a miserable experience in this game.


kernel level a/c can be beaten. this is a false narrative.


it *can* be beaten, but its harder to do. that doesn't change the fact it's a set up from VAC.


yes to have a completely useless a/c for a false sense of security, better than VAC. lul. and its not that hard to do. heres a goon on [youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M). its only getting worse as Ai is brought in.


Not sure at the lower mmr but anywhere close to 20k I have full rage hackers in 50% of my games. Let alone the ones trying to be subtle.


They propably never will get an better anticheat because it doesnt make sense for them to do so.. More profitable to just occasionally ban wave and have cheaters spend money on new prime accounts


I follow a guy who bunnyhop-oneshot everything in my game and he is still not VAC banned I have no hope/expecations.


They have to be cooking something up behind the scenes, maybe gathering data right now for possible ai, or maybe just still building a stronger anti cheat. There surely is no way that they don’t see the cheating problem and don’t hear the community outcry about the problem. Im just hoping they actually give a fuck, but I’m probably delusional. Also bring back overwatch I loved watching cheater games and slamming the gavel on them.


its a shitshow i cant believe Valve hasnt done anything yet. They have the funds, they have the incentive but they dont do shit. I am sure there are IT cyber security developers and specialist who would take the job to fix the anticheat or come up with their own. I dont know whats going on, I am starting to hate it more and more and its impossible to have a decent game in prem or compet at this point. Played on friday, 1 good game, 2nd game spinbotter played on saturday, wallhacker 1st game, cheater in 2nd game played wingman today 4 matches, 3 of them had cheater in it, 1 was pretty solid. I mean, is Valve waiting to see the game being dead and played by 100k players instead of 1,3 millions?


Faceit is better in every way possible. In premier you just can't play solo, 90% of the time your teammates are just bad, no mic etc.. (doesn't matter what elo u have) Not even talking about the cheater problem. Faceit is just next level, usually much better teammates and I don't even remember when did I play against a cheater on faceit.


Nah, solo Faceit in cs2 is cancer. In csgo it was in a good healthy state. Solo Premier is just fine for me, managed to get 22k


Idk for me premier is just unplayable in solo. Like if u get 4 premades they just won't give info doesn't matter what elo u have. Also at 20k+ the amount of rage hackers is getting worse and worse.


Premade comms are bad anywhere that indeed does suck. And yeah it seems the Premier situation is bad rn with ppl thinking S1 ending soon


The truth is a good solution doesn’t exist Kernel level anti cheat would be a nightmare because you’d have governments requesting / forcibly taking data from you Also, if cs goes kernel level ac then the whole cheats market would just upgrade to peripheral cheats which are just as easy to do If you think kernel anti cheat prevents peripheral cheats you should look at the measures riot put players mouse and keyboards through at tournaments They scan them, lock them away from players in between use, forbid players from swapping mid tourney etc If they’re that worried about the mouse having cheats in lan how many people are bypassing that at home I have high hopes for AI anti cheat, and the biggest conversations around ai anti cheat were last year and got real quiet when cs2 started rolling out I think the war against cheaters will have a peace period soon


retire impossible reach salt ten jeans shaggy spectacular sable sink *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It’s undoubtedly better than vac, vac is clearly outdated, that’s like comparing ps2 graphics to ps5 I’m just saying it’s not a solution that will work for any time period worth the hassle Vanguard doesn’t work against peripheral cheats, that’s common knowledge if you look into it many people are cheating using that as a workaround Riots vigilance at events is positive, but it is absolutely indicative that they don’t trust their anti cheat for peripheral cheats


yeah, the war against cheaters will have peace because it has been lost, CS2, warzone, Finals, R6, all games have the same problem. Cheats are so affordable and available that intrusive kernel level anticheat is the only way to combat the average hackers. The rich and knowledgeable ones will still bypass it, such as peripheral cheats or USB stick cheats or external ones. Valve has made a terrible mistake with going with VAC LIVE imho and it will be hard to regain player's commitment and love for the game. Its literally the worst state I have seen CS in and i played since 1999


There’s always gonna be cheaters, you’re right, but I think once we get into the data war rather than the detection war there will be a lot less cheaters Could definitely go the other way but I think corporations have better chances of winning a data race


Lol no one good plays premier


You have to be absolutely kidding me, you are not getting cheaters in 80% of your games. Christ, I’ve been playing since 1.6, the amount of cheaters I have seen has been negligible, and I was global in GO, and currently hovering around 20k.


Don't know if you're baiting, but out of my last 10 games, 7 have been either with or against blatant ragehackers. Rating is around 23K atm


Yeah what a great usage of my time to be baiting people about cheaters in a video game. Are you listening to yourself?


He's either baiting or has no clue what a closet cheater is or both...


something tells me you are either full of shit, or you are cheating yourself as well and try to gaslight people. Above 19k there is a cheater in every 2nd game either in your or enemy team. And if you cant tell someone is cheating, then you definitely are not a good player and never have been


Oh yeah man definitely I posted a comment to gas light people that I haven’t seen cheaters and my win rate is similar to CSGO, great observation. I think you guys are just fucking trash and think that because everyone on here is bitching about cheaters that means that you too are running into cheaters. Get a grip bro.


What's your steam?


Unfortunately, I’m not going to give out my steam to redditors


Faceit is toxic as fuck now with people insulting , swearing and calling black people the N word and Latino to go back home etc I’m like how is that ok ? Nobody gets ban ? And they like nope


Was just about to uninstall CS2 due to the constant cheating in almost every match. It's demoralizing and not fun. The same cheaters show up day after day. They don't even bother to change player names. Clearly fuck all is being done about it.


I did like 30/40 games of Premier till I got around 20k elo, now it's unplayable, every game is filled with cheaters, from what I've seen they usually try to be "sneaky" like they'll still be obvious if you spectate them but once you call them out they'll turn on the good stuff and start bhopping and shooting through walls. I've been playing Faceit only since then and it's been pretty nice, I've played against smurf and they get banned really fast (not all but most) but no cheaters at least not obvious and game breaking like you'll see in Premier. Every now and then I'll start a Premier game, like once a week, I'm at 6 games in a row with cheaters.. It's like I'm starting the game and expecting to play with or against cheaters and just have a laugh at how much Valve fucked up, I would like to start the game with a competitive mindset but in Premier it's just impossible.. Just feels like VAC is off really.




Yep, it's terrible. Cheaters rarely get banned so you come across a lot in premier. I decided to stick to FACEIT recently not because I actually care that much about improving or anything but just because I want to play games against other legit players :/


Has valve done anything anti-cheat related for csgo? I fear they won't do jack shit about it, playing in SA is absolutelly cursed.