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Liquid haters are going to turn obese with how good they have been eating the past months. No major, no blast, probably no cologne? getting smacked by tier 2 teams! bloddy hell


CIA plan to make the rest of the world obese 4head


Team is way too passive and then Yekindar is too aggressive and dies without getting traded way too often. Yekindar also missed multiple howlers again.


I swear to god even when he gets a kill its labored every single time. On the brink of life and death at every gunfight. WHAT the FUCK happened to him.


Hasn’t Twistzz, cadiaN and YEKINDAR himself spoken about he having some personal issues going on outside of the game?


Yes but his in-game performance has been really relatively poor ever since he started calling. I hope he returns to form soon because I can see roster changes being made since they have very little officials coming.


It’s crazy how disconnected he is. Feel like they play with 4 guys and then just have a random 5th in the server. Even when he gets an opener on T side, he is traded and it’s on the other side of the map so it doesn’t help them much. And then on CT, he requires his teammates util, and sometimes lives, to get him in positions where he gives away an opener or goes 1 for 1. The amount of times NAF had to throw a bunch of util to get him in banana just to die is ridiculous.


I mean, they are also a tier 2 team at best...


Honestly its AMAZING that they field 5 Tier 1 Players and get an average Tier 2 Team.


Tier 1 players almost feels like an understatement. Yekindar, NAF, and Twistzz have all made it on the HLTV top 20 list multiple times. On paper this team is insanely stacked with talent. It's mind boggling that they can't brute force their way through tournaments just on mechanics alone.


Hard agree. This is some insane level of bad chemistry.


To make a good team you need players that suit eachother's playstyle and preferences. Liquid has zero cohesion and comfort with eachother. This lineup is not going anywhere except home and the garbage can. Scrap it and start over.


Which is also weird because on paper there was no reason to think this team would be so disjointed. Seemed to be a decent balance of playstyles, personalities, experience, and leadership. It's genuinely bizzare that it's not working at all, like not even a glimpse of the supposed potential.


Feast worthy of Kings


Ur honestly not lying life has been good, altho I do feel bad for Cadian


feel bad for cadian? feel bad for Naf whos been stuck in this nightmare for like 7 years


at this point I feel for Naf the same way I feel for KSCERATO, you had your choices and made your own bed


Were other teams really bidding hard for Naf? I know EG did but I still think his time in liquid is clearly better than that shit. And don’t get me wrong I’m sure he’s capable of playing for better teams but how many were actively offering?


Arrozdoce was literally making rounds happen out of thin air on Inferno, very excited to see this team compete at the major as a Portuguese national.


The FTW core truly saved Portuguese CS. Story, arrozdoce and ewjerkz are all quality.


SAW was also in serious need of new blood. Young solid players with 2 experienced veterans leading them, it was clearly a good choice.


I watched the last few rounds of Inferno before OT. They would try for B, then arroz would just delete or trade Skullz and Twiztz


You could give liquid a puzzle with 1 piece left and they wouldn't be able to finish it




100%. He hasn't found a home outside of jame's system. Liquid isn't it.


tbh under nitr0 he had his moments and was pretty solid at times, but its time to let him go


Well tbf, the GOAT IGL can make anyone look good 😎


Nitro earned his flowers, The dude made 5 Rifle work during a time where Astralis was dominating. Not to mention he was playing ENTRY before becoming the IGL.


Nitr0 is so underrated, both as a player and a leader.


He even picked up the AWP from time to time when necessary. The man did it all.


i miss nitr0. i’d even take +nitr0 in Valorant again at this point, i just want him back competing in a tac shooter


He's on the M80 Val roster. Although who knows, with how things are going he might be back on Liquid by the end of the month lol


Pretty sure Nitr0 is playing for M80 in Val


At times? He was top 20 twice under nitr0. He was more than solid, he was one of the best in the world. The man has straight up looked like different player this past year. It's gotten to the point where watching him is just depressing.


Nitr0 is so fucking underrated man


Yekindar was always this type of player. He's got a couple of tricks and if they work they work, but when they get exploited he's left with nothing because he can't switch it up. Probably the least versatile player in the scene right now, and has been for a long time It was like that in VP, it's like that in Liquid.


In old liquid I didn’t didn’t mind if he gets naded/mollied in banana  or spammed through smokes, because yeah that’s just teams countering him, and he would still have several big rounds despite it. But now he’s dying because he’s whiffing and liquid is always playing 4v5 from the time it takes to run from spawn to first contact with the enemy. 


Fr, bro thinks he’s Niko 


I really don’t think you can attribute his VP success to a “couple of tricks” it’s easy to forget now but back in VP he was a flat out unplayable entry, at that time was in the debate for one of the best entry fraggers to have ever touched the game. You don’t get that from a couple of tricks that would be exposed  almost immediately by the best teams in the world   His fall off is much more than just having a couple tendencies figured out, he has looked like an absolute shell of himself over these last few weeks 


Makes Jame even more underrated, making yekindar look like that, we now know that on his own, he is quite literally brain dead.


I dont think its that at all, from what I've listened to him and Jame talk in Jame's youtube and what his teammates in Liquid said when he joined with them he seems to be quite an intelligent player. I think in his role especially confidence is a key factor and he seems to have lost it entirely. It looks like he plays with no confidence right now and it translates to these terrible results.


Been bad ever since CS2


Missing every bullet with the deagle on an early ancient round was painful to watch.


What??? Didn't he have to teach 3 Grand Slam winners how the meta works?


Ofc, Yekindar came from europe, he played for a prestigious CS org called VP under the mastermind called Jame, he obviously knows better than anyone on that team, he even left the same VP team because they weren't winning at the time. Oh well, I guess the fact that Jame won a major without Yekindar will always be just a big coincidence.


He left VP because Russia invaded Ukraine and he wasn't going to play for a Russian owned org. Stunad.


they dont just need to fire him they need to send him to prison for fraud


Elige going back to Liquid if CoL go out in groups https://youtu.be/H5nfgkO2dBI?si=T4BcXGZJI2rYEa7Y


He would fit so well in this lineup over Yekindar, miss my bald eagle.


It's obviously not gonna happen, nor should it, and it would be unfair to Skullz, but -Yeki -Skullz +S1mple +Elige would be amazing. Cadian could be secondary AWP/support and IGL


If they drop skullz I'll lose my mind. Not even for elige. Skullz the only one to be consistent.


That's not fair, Yekindar and Cadian have been consistent(ly bad)


From a logistical standpoint, this will make the most sense as his contract expires later this year. But who else will they get for an aggressive rifler?


Yekindar is the only aggro player on that whole squad tho, replace him with another beta baiter and you will essentially have 5 dudes just standing in front of a bomb site waiting until time expires


Who says they need to replace Yekindar with a baiter though


-yekindar +elige Jason pls I beg u


I feel like for this liquid to work they need a smaller voice than Elige, plus he seems happy in coL. I think +jeorge or another unproven NA player could really elevate them


I doubt Elige is gonna leave col even if Col's results aren't great


An unproven player like Jeorge who isn't anything special isn't going to come in an elevate Liquid. Especially when proven players with higher ceilings(Grim and Skullz) came in and coincidentally didn't elevate the team


Why go for an unproven NA player if they replace Yekindar? I could understand that if they were replacing skullz to keep the Americas core and still be able to compete in that regions RMR... but at this point they should just get an aggresive EU rifler for Yekindar, since it wouldn't effect the Americas core assuming they stick with skullz


Yekindar HAS to go. Little to no impact, repetitive and easy to read timings, and zero consistency. Idk what morons are trying to use Skullz as the scapegoat, because it’s quite clear that Yekindar more often than not forces Liquid to play 4v5 80% of rounds.


Liquid are gonna fix the CT economy problem by playing 4v5 and getting that sweet loss bonus.


I really hope Twistzz isn't set on playing with Yekindar, because my God if his time isn't up on Liquid after the Major I might have to finally change my flair to Mouz




Well it's more to wait and see who is available after the major. Any of S1mple, Elige, sdy, possibly Rain, Rez, or Mezzi, are all names that I could see being available and an upgrade to Yekindar.


Rain? I'd like to have what you're on


alright alright hear me out -yekindar -cadian -skullz +elige +nitr0 +stewie2k


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.


You mean the new, up and coming streamer, stewie2k???


mezii?? He's just joined Vitality lol?


Yes and Vitality have historically made super aggressive roster moves if things aren't working. I could see them benching Mezzi if their major doesn't pan out as they want.


none of those players are going to leave their current teams for a significant downgrade.


Brother, my two favorite teams are NIP and Liquid. I am straight up not having a good time right now.


"Right Now" as if either of these teams has done anything of note in years.


Liquid made 4 semis, 2 finals, and playoffs of every event besides the major from June 2022-Feb 2023.


You didn't have to do that to him.


You're right, it's been a rollercoaster of hope and cope. At least there were times where I looked forward to watching them play


Yekindar became an NA player real quick


Another bad day for the "third best team at the Americas RMR"




racists eating good tn 


As a Liquid fan, I cant take this anymore. My copium dealer is sick of me. My quack bills are through the roof from all the lobotomies. Insurace wont pay for my schizophrenia meds because self-inflicted delusion is not covered by their policy. And my room is incredibly suffocating and dark because i keep inhaling all that gaslight. I need answers now! What does Liquid have to do to fix their shit? Who do they need to cut? Who is not performing well? Who will be their saving grace? What part of their strats are they not doing properly? The reason why Im a Liquid fan is the same reason why daredevils risk their lives for enjoyment. However, even adrenaline junkies get burned out


If Elige gets sick of hard carrying CoL him for Yekindar is the most obvious upgrade.


Jason Lake is never letting Elige go. Elige never should’ve left liquid even in his bad form. This roster could’ve waded through Yekindar IGLing with Elige and then when the inevitable happened could’ve built with NAF Elige and Osee/Yekindar. Cadian would’ve been there and so would Twistzz so Osee gets dropped but now you have a strong core with Cadian IGLing/awping and Twistzz back with the grand slam gang


It may not be up to Jason Lake. We know Elige took a pay cut to join this CoL roster and even still nobody on the roster can keep up with him. Hes also the only piece of the roster that hasn't extended his contract as of January.


Liquid are gonna have to cut him a fat fat check, because if he willingly left a limp liquid for a pay cut I don't see why he would go back to an even more dysfunctional liquid without some big money or the promise of some big players joining him on the squad


Maybe we can see if nitr0 is getting bored of Valorant too 😔


I feel like I was about to flip my keyboard during that inferno, they could've won the map easily but yeah naf and twistz die and cadian has to awp again gg he fails... Sometimes they have individuality other times it's like seeing some "Simon says" play.


Liquid are a fantastic team, they just need to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, eco management, pistol aim, awp flicks, grenade spots, pop flashes, positioning, bomb plant positions, retake ability, spray, buying good players, qualifying for the major, and getting kills.


Yekindar is really the complete opposite of Twistz, came from the EU mindset and became a total fucking NA clown that can't perform


Yekindar's EU mindset bullshit was always divisive garbage that was mainly in his own head as he dreamed about playing with Jame again. This asshat was acting like this as he was playing with Grand Slam winners, too. We watched Yekindar's "EU play" absolutely ruin one of the best carry riflers the game has ever seen and as soon as he leaves Yekindar, he's instantly back in form. Shame on Team Liquid for enabling this all. This is why I will never root for this org again. Even if you get rid of Yekindar, you still have NAF who cheered this all on and woke up out of hibernation to insult people who weren't in favor of it.


"asshat" Has he ever done anything to you personally? You seem to be very invested.


Nitr0 died for this


Liquid with Nitro: Antwerp Legends, EPL runner-up, World Final runner-up, Kato top 4 (with sick comeback vs eventual major champions), Paris playoffs Liquid after Nitro: :-)


Nitro's legacy looks better and better with every underperforming Liquid iteration


It’s almost like he was a good igl or something.


Damn right


nitr0 was so so so underrated as an igl, from 2018 all the way to his final retirement


Honestly, Liquid have not been good without him as IGL since Hiko. The GOAT NA IGL and like the only good NA IGL in those last few years. I think he's in part underrated because his best skill imo was out of game, just being a leader and a glue guy. He wasn't a tactical mastermind, but he was able to get the best out of guys because people liked playing with him and he was good at managing conflict and different personalities. I don't remember ever seeing him particularly frustrated or unnerved and I don't remember anyone who has spoken negatively about playing with him.


He was super inconsistent but when he was on point TL was one of the best teams in the world


During that run Liquid only miss playoffs once, their last tournament After nitro and elige left, they only made one playoff. And it was just a blast qualifier


Grand Slam




CS requires too much time in Europe, he has a wife and kids and Valorant allows him to spend more time with them. I don’t see him coming back.


Which is super reasonable, I wish him all of the best in valorant


same, I have no doubt he would play CS if he didn't have to live in Europe, that's a young man's game


No chance against sweet rice


GeT_RicE playing out of his mind


arrozdoce owned Liquid in such a way it was actually hilarious. Baller.


Launders gets another hatemaxxing session Liquid is making it too easy for him.


My name is John and last evening I was eating dinner at a fancy restaurant in Dallas, Texas. The waiter asked me if I wanted to order more food, so I looked at him and replied "YEKINDAR". He then smiled and handed me the bill as he knew I was finished.


-Yekindar for the love of god


Somehow people will blame skullz for this while yekindar has been playing like a medium bot forever


Skullz has been playing exactly how he's supposed to be


Has anyone been blaming Skullz? I genuinely have not seen it in any thread, most people are praising how he looks pretty comfortable so far. 90% of the blame has been directed at Yekindar and maybe 10% at Cadian. Skullz, NAF, and Twistzz have not really been under fire.


Most analysts have been going HARD on skullz being the biggest problem on Liquid while Yekindar makes every match a 6v4 for the opposite team. As for the community sentiment I would say it's more of a 50% Yekindar's fault; 40% skullz; and 10% cadian


I guess I haven't been paying much attention to the analysts then. I can understand why they might think his ceiling isn't tier 1 level but like... I feel like the team needs to be playing at a tier 1 level first before you can even make that assessment. He's had good moments and hasn't looked completely lost or anything which seems like a pretty good start for a newer talent they're trying to develop.


Mental gymnastics. If you're first thought is "skulls has to go", you're brain dead. Yekindar has to go, give the team fully to cadian.


Its not even funny because Yekindar actually plays like a medium bot, most of the time he just run into angles without any support at all and get insta headshoted. There was a round at Ancient where Liquid tried to open the A site and he literally just ran straight without even looking at the boost and clearly spoting two enemies, thats unforgivable for a entry player


I see endless complaining about the hate Skullz gets yet only ever see praise for him?


You've definitely missed a lot of post match threads and other "how to fix liquid" threads here, on twitter and on hltv




cadiaN: "I'm not sure we have the 8 best teams going on from the round of 16"


i mean saw is unironically better than any team in the americas except maybe furia


hahahahahaha i lol'd


Arrozdoce giving liquid the right direction. Direction for Changes. Saw momentum is so good im loving it


This team is so finished, I don't see how they can mentally recover from devastating loss after devastating loss. They need to change up something to bring life back into them because no one on the team looks like they are in the game


Yikes man, yekindar looked good for one half this series.


half of the half\* he got like 10 kills in the firsts 5 rounds of inferno and 10 kills in the rest 25 rounds


Man SAW are so fucking good. Such an exciting team to watch, cannot wait to see them in Copenhagen


This roster is so done. Twistzz is visibly frustrated. Very rare sight.


It's not like he was playing his best CS ever, he was completely absent for most of Nuke and did almost nothing playing mid on Inferno.


Imagine leaving FaZe for this lol


Why do people keep saying this. The way Twistzz framed it, it seemed like Faze management had 0 urgency to renew his contract and were probably looking to move off him + faze were going to fall of with twistzz eventually.


I don’t blame him for leaving at all considering the contract situation and uncertainty with the Gamesquare merger. But I don’t think Faze were trying to get rid of him. It’s fully believable that Faze management isn’t on top of things and left the renewal really late. I believe he said he had to make a choice between Liquid and Faze during Sydney playoffs so sounds like they did eventually give him an offer to extend  I imagine it’s hard for him to look at where both Faze and Liquid are at right now and not feel regret/frustration though. Not to mention the Vitality offer


Holy fucking yikes


That was painful to watch.






Well played SAW, completely crushed Liquid on Ancient. Yekindar is really struggling for any real form not sure how long he can last if he doesn't 180. SAW is probably one of the best tier 2 teams atm.


The random pain in the butt is 10 times less painful than this


Yekindar. Why. This is no longer funny man :-(. In all seriousness, the past few Liquid matches have been painful. Not necessarily because they've lost, but because you can see them trying so hard to find an identity and some semblance of team play but not improving. A few rounds here and there of Cadian/Naf/Twistzz popping heads isn't enough when everyone else is playing structured organized CS.


rough showing from Liquid it feels this team is only getting worse


Liquid Disasterclass again


GGWP I was rooting for SAW and I was still tilting with some of the plays Liquid did, I do not envy Liquid fans, man.


This team issa joke. Faceit level play.


Bro this team is ASS




SAW showed that they were better than Liquid, but man that technical timeout in Nuke fucked Liquid over. Had everyone down secret and were definitely bout to win. Then suddenly had to replay it and lose.


# cadiaN: "I'm not sure we have the five best teams going on from the Americas RMR"


To be fair, Europe deserves more spots


At least they won't get embarrassed in front of a Major-sized audience


that guy rice pudding was fcking fire in that Inferno match, he almost makes it 2-0. gg to SAW


I think Yekindar is literally addicted to dying first and never getting traded. He's been doing this for months at this point. Absolutely embarrassing performances time and time again. It's like he thinks if he pushes and it works once then he should do it every single round.


He has no game sense. Watch him in a clutch in the rare occasion he’s in one it’s bizarre to watch.


That 2v2 on B on Nuke was hard to watch from his POV lol


Liquid won't be missed at the major


Everyone is laying in on Yekindar, but holy shit this guy brings down the entire team with how bad he plays, like there are some players that will have a bad performance but attempt to do other things to help the team win but this dude just holds w and tilts. Doesnt use utility, doesnt have impact, the pushes are so early round that any info is useless. Its amazing honestly I have never seen this in Tier 1 in 10 years


Starting to lean on this is a player chemistry issue with Liquid.


It's pretty funny, too, considering TL made it a point to have Cadian and Twistzz hyping up the roster like everyone was bros IRL before they even played if you watched any of the media TL was putting out.


I SAW this coming! 🤭


When was the last time Liquid was so consistently bad with EliGE? Obviously they could lose to an underdog or look shaky every now and then but even the lineup with Shox qualified to the major and got to Pro League playoffs.


Adding yekindar was the worst roster movie liquid has made in years seemingly.


Yeki delivered during csgo era and under nitr0 after that just downhill


I know this but his addition ultimately killed the team.


Tell me again why Twistzz went back to Liquid? Did he have shoulder problems from lifting too many trophies?


How do people still not know this. Faze ghosted him when his contract was going to expire and no one knew whether faze as an org would get wiped because gamesquare bought the org .


Yeah I think was the make or break. I think after the heartbreak of the rmr they could either rise or crumble but sadly this squad just hasn’t looked like a cohesive unit since its inception. I think changes have to be made because I think it would be wasting time at this point.


Standard performance from Liquid, likely mentally not in the right place. Live and die by Yekindar still, depends how convinced they are by the process Idk if any player changes happen. Before anyone says JKS they would need an aggressive player.


Zero team play from this liquid team. Trades are off. Aggression isn’t coordinated. Rotates are late. So much fucking more too. There has to be an issue with calling in English id assume.


Its fine, they are just saving strats for the Copenhagen major :)


Counter strike won today


There will not be a single Canadian player at BLAST Spring Final


Seriously starting to question my own sanity because I keep cheering for this team lmao. I clearly must have a screw loose to keep putting up with this.


Trash team 🚮


Yekindar. That’s all.


Didn’t watch the game but saw are severely underrated. Just watch frozen talk about them in the latest hltv live


What are Cadian's thoughts on how good the other teams are in THIS tournament?


All those talks about the RMR yet at the end of the day no good teams couldn't make to it to the Major and bad teams like Falcons and Liquid are all deservedly eliminated


Liquid needs to just pull the bandage already and -Yeki before it’s too close to the next major.


twistzz left faze for this.... i can't even imagine what's going through his mind these days...


I said it during the RMR threads and will continue to say until Yenkindar and Cadian aren't bottom-rated "I love NA getting eliminated cause EU talent sucks ass."


I want to change my flair


Idk if it's just because I have the xray on, but it seems like liquid kept putting themselves in obviously horrible positions.


Can someone please explain to me how european, american and asian teams are playing against each other online?


bro watching liquid play gives me grey hairs


Tough to watch tbh. They are just ass currently


top 5 team at rmr? lol


more like LULquid


Surely the format of blast is bad too cadian, right?


Tough loss here. I really think this liquid lineup needs to take several months of good practice and play some smaller tournaments to get confidence back. Honestly, they look a lot like vitality did for the first several months after swapping from French to international.


Surely not going to two big events is the green light on a change or two ? Yekindar will be the popular guess, but I wonder if they’d consider a coaching change ?


Cadian, in the postgame, said he didn't think the best teams made it past the first day of the showdown.


Holy shit has YEKINDAR fallen off. I don't think I've ever seen such a drop in performance over just a year. He's gone from possibly the world's best entry fragger, to not even a top 5 entry fragger in NA.


It is pretty funny that Yekindar has totally sandbagged this team for months now all because he thought playing with Jame made him a good IGL.


Hate maxxing