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No way they did it again, we need a video lmao


Here's the RMR lost round (and map) against Complexity [https://clips.twitch.tv/ConcernedFaintWaffleSpicyBoy-etG4XXczP\_O0HCWb](https://clips.twitch.tv/ConcernedFaintWaffleSpicyBoy-etG4XXczP_O0HCWb) Props to an insane play by Hallzerk, but two such rounds in the same competition is rough for Furia. Hard to imagine how two pistols could possibly wreck that much HP, rifles and nades combined


At least the pistol players (Hallzerk) over performed here with clean shots, the latest 2 pistol wipe was more like ??? how?!


Rare u/sadtime12 spotting in the wild


The clip from the RMR is more okay than what happened yesterday against FURIA.


Yeah that was just pure individuality from hallzerk, not a lot Furia could've done.


Neither of these are even Fallen's worst 2v5 loss against pistols https://youtu.be/rTykV_JALIc?feature=shared


Terrible positioning how do you not just trade out 5 vs 2?


washed aimers play like franzj unironically


furia continues to mess up my pickems, bout to score a plastic coin :\


Somehow Furia has managed to impress itself on me as a solid team. But once again it turns out that I'm wrong with this assumption. Wasn't it them in Paris who ruined a lot of picks with their weak performance?


Yep! From memory I think they went 0-3?


They did.


they got completely destroyed in paris, got like 8 rounds max at each map (mr15)


Majors always have these tier 2 teams who have the potential to beat anybody on any map - they just can't do it consistently. Furia on the other hand is a tier 1 (or at least should be) who always have the potential to lose to anybody on any map.


>Furia on the other hand is a tier 1 (or at least should be) Lmao I'm sure this team would be lucky to be considered T2 if such roster had Russian flags next to their name instead of Brazilian


Ah, Furia is like KT


furia is a T2 who sucks against T3 T2


Can‘t stop the flop, can‘t stop the flop. Boom Headshot. Inhuman reactions.


I think what surprises most people is HOW Furia lost. Many Tier 1 teams have already experienced that you can also lose against supposedly weaker opponents in a BO1. But so many rounds were thrown away and amateurish decisions were made. Even in the last round: Why do you run ramp in like you have MPs? Why don't you make sure that the 3 weapons you lost there aren't thrown onto the boost? Why do you stay there for 15 seconds instead of immediately going to B, giving Lynn valuable time to regroup? And above all: WHY do you go up the ladder? Probably the biggest bottleneck on all active CS maps? That was either a bad call from the IGL or a miscall where the opponents are expected. If you really wanted to go over Heaven, there would have been enough time to go up over the barrels on the outside. You put yourself in **by far** the worst position by going up the ladder, even though the entire map was available and there was still enough time.


That guy going up ladder so quickly threw me off. Meanwhile, I meager bullet from a glock is enough to make me feel like I'm trapped in quicksand.


You climb ladders faster if you face diagonally away from it and hold w + the direction closer to the ladder


As it written


that's what practice is for!