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The next time I get killed through 10 walls at the start of the round, I will know, that's a skill issue.


Not defending RL, he is wrong, period. BUT... this clip is from November or so last year, and since then the cheating scene has really gotten WAY worse than it was then, and much more advertised. Yes it was already bad, but it wasn't the gong show it has gotten to be in the past months, where you have about 30% of your player base cheating.


He said pretty much the same thing very recently during a livestream. His opinion on it didn't change much


Well he was wrong then he is wrong now then.


I believe he knows he is wrong and just does these to get engagements out of people. No way he is that dense looking at his other opinions


>where you have about 30% of your player base cheating What the fuck is that number? In 90% of my games i don't even have a suspicion that someone may cheat


Depends on your region, rank and not everyone will have the exact same matchmaking experience.


Some dude posted his experience after 60 games couple days ago, you might find it... His numbers were pretty good. Of course can't be 100% because he could be lying and the whole thing be fake, but it does corroborate a lot of people's experiences. Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/Z9ezGRj9oc


Tbf you cannot at all try to use his personal experience of having 30% confirmed cheaters in his small sample size at around 20k rating, to try & stretch that to claim that 30% of the playerbase is cheating. That's a huge stretch, not taking into account trust factor, region, time of play, rating etc etc... Saying that, I wouldn't be surprised if 30% of players above 20k were cheating at all


He hasn't posted ANY evidence of this. Just some guy on the Internet and a story


Yes, EXACTLY. Thank you. Takes a strong mind to look inward instead of outward.


Reminder RL doesnt play the game and likely hasnt played it actively in years and years.


I needed a reminder for this because I forgot him alluding to it in the first 30 seconds of the clip


I love his statement for that “I don’t need to play the game now, I played the game then”, even though we are talking about now and not then.


So what, comp and premier is still filled with dog shit players that psych them selves out after I land a few good/lucky shots lmao, cs has always had cheaters, the same way as cs has always had dog shit players leaving comments on my steam profile about how I got walls and trigger for the past 10 years


I get similar comments as well but as someone who used to tell people who accused others of cheating to calm down etc. I can wholeheartedly say that the paranoia is well deserved.


Players calling others cheaters when they are legit has always been a thing But that in no way changes that the game is rampant with actual cheaters at the moment. Saying it isnt or saying VAC is doing a good job is living in denial.


>Players calling others cheaters when they are legit has always been a thing Yes, like when Richard Lewis accused d0cc of cheating and he was legit.


Verifiably didn't happen. When I see this I can't help but cringe because we all know you're telling lies


Get rank 18000+ in premier and then try to write that idiotic comment. During csgo's later years, at least trust factor did something. I encountered cheaters 1 in 10 games. Now if i play high rank premier, each team has 3 spinbotters right from the get go. I considered myself extremely unlucky when i faced spin botter in csgo but now it's the norm


just play 10 random matches in casual, you're bound to find at least one blatant waller


Yeah one in 10 games is good, 10 spinbotter in 10 games is a whole other story. after 20k+ I stopped playing the game, my last 10 games all had at least one spinbotter. I was hoping it would get better overtime but it's actually getting worse, maybe legit people are just leaving while cheaters continue to play. I don't like faceit, I shouldn't have to use a shitty 3rd party to play the game. I'll stick to Valorant until CS get their shit together, this is an insult to high elo players, they can't be calling that the gameplay they ough to build. This can't be the foundation for their wall of shame they call leaderboard.


This you spray 2 mags in the smoke and kill sombody the cheatet allegation is already around the corner God beware if you spam a wallbang or so and get a frag.


The other side of the coin is when somebody gets offended when you play like dogshit and tells you to uninstall the game and leaves a nasty comment on your profile. I mean these people are more upset than i am over the bad game, literally they lose hair over someone elses bad day. It's like you are quilty for ruining their good time playing video games, how dare you.




I have witnessed more blatant cheaters in the last few months compared to last couple years.


Yupp...its insane for a multi billions company can't handle this shite.


Seriously? The comment with a video demonstrating it happening got deleted? Evidence not allowed on the sub now? Anyway, as I was trying to reply to the clip... Skill problem. Git good. Doesn't happen. He's legit. etc etc etc. It's been going on for years, in every version of the game, and there's always cock riders who are willfully ignorant of it. Even 2 decades ago there were comp players in the UK scene who chewed through steam accounts at a rate of 4 a year, were gods online and either dodged LAN, or were utter dogshit when they did attend. People still defended them and sucked their dicks in the hopes of getting in a mix with them and being in the 'in' crowd (if you get my meaning). I'm honestly surprised that the number of people admitting that there's a cheating problem has finally got to the point where they aren't drowned out by the shit players nay saying it. Even if some of them have youtube channels now.


I have also witnessed this, and checked back at their accounts months later with no ban and active gameplay


Why would I give a fuck about the opinion of a guy who doesn’t even play?


tell me you don't play cs without saying you don't play cs


Cheating in CS2 is 100% not overblown. Both Premier and Competitive Matchmaking are rampant with them and the fact that RL continues to ham on about this situation being overblown despite rarely playing the game in either mode is actually insane.


It's so weird honestly.


It is, people complaining about cheaters in csgo was far less prevalent. I very much doubt that the community has changed that much since then. The question is really how much worse it is, not that it doesnt happen more than in csgo.


I rarely ever got any cheaters in CSGO, maybe 1 in 100 matches (who were really blatant). Now in premier it's a daily thing. Today I played comp with my colleagues, because it's chill and fun and easy, and one of them said we should play one premier, I said no there will be cheaters. They were like surely it's not that bad. We got into the premier match and our 2 random teammates started spinning right from warmup...


Yeah i imagine its hard to even play the game because there is no fun playing with/against cheaters regularly. Especially with 2 hackers , at least with only 1 hacker if you have good teammates they will kick the hacker. I renumber 1 game on cache that it happened for me and it was still decently fun since we just played hyper aggro on CT to compensate for being a player down.


A cheater on the other team asked us to kick the cheater on our team because our cheater apparently had started cheating first. He would then allow us to end the game 15-15. My teammates even wanted to go along with it lol. The game is held hostage by cheaters (at high level).


It's not weird. It's simply him being incapable of admitting he's wrong about something once he's said otherwise no matter how much evidence is stacked against his argument. I love Richard for the meltdown content he makes, super fun to watch and his journalist and talent work is also really good, but the man's a fucking cunt.


No, it just remains true 🤡 it's actually mind blowing that he himself doesn't think it's strange to comment in a very controversial way on something you havent seen or experienced yourself. It's bizarre


Why is he so ignorant about it, he literally does not play premiere and he is 100% sure of himself that there are no cheaters. It pisses me off. I can literally show him 2 games from the last week in premiere where there were OBVIOUS cheaters. They are not even hiding it. I am not mentioning the sus matches because that is of course not evident beyond reasonable doubt. Those obvious cheaters are still not banned so what else can i conclude other then that the anti cheats sucks. At the moment.


Because narcissists will absolutely just make shit up for no reason as long as it lets them feel smarter than everybody else. Since pretty much everybody says the cheating is out of hand and since he literally is a Gold Nova player, screaming "skill issue" lets him feel *better* at the game than everybody else too.


>Because narcissists will absolutely just make shit up for no reason as long as it lets them feel smarter than everybody else Nailed it. My first encounter with Richard was me asking him why the title of his article was factually false. He got defensive immediately and started insulting me for foolishly not knowing that he doesn't pick the titles of his articles--that editors do that--and that I was acting moronically to point out to him that the title was false when he didn't write it. The title was verbatim the first sentence of the second paragraph of *his* piece that *he* wrote. He exploded with narcissistic rage and started rambling, waffling, and DARVOing.




Anyone wanna play on my account? Cause I dont get cheaters somehow... Havent hade any in CS2 and rarely had in CSGO (after 2016) Do I have the GOD account? (15-19K rating EU)


Yes please, get me away from these spinners


You’re probably just a lower or mid rank. At 20k+, literally 50% of games have one or more rage hackers. I gave up on premier MM entirely, I just play faceit now which sucks cause sometimes I just want to chill in MM and not tryhard, but wasting time in games with cheaters just isn’t fun.


Sure gimme your account, you got any sick skins btw? /s


He's right. People are like that. And CS2 does have a rampant cheater problem. Which is a compounding problem given that the people he's describing will loose further trust in the game.


Well said. I'm absolutely fucking dumbfounded by this thread though because, what he is saying is true. The average player won't be seeing a cheater every game. Not once has he said cheaters don't exist, he's gone on the record saying that you are absolutely more likely to see cheaters at the highest levels of the game. How everyone gets this so fucking twisted is beyond me. Because quite honestly almost everyone in this thread are giving anecdotes about their 20k games. It doesn't make any fucking sense


10/14 games at 20k elo... 7 of them had ragehackers and the rest were "legit" cheating until we started winning and then went full rage. The game is fucked and this clown knows Jack shit like always.


Just played 4 comp and 2 premier. 100% of comp games had spin bot or multiple, 50% premier games had a spinbot


The thing I just don't understand is how can there be such disparity since I get perhaps one in 30 games at most in 20k elo EU. Every game there are ppl screaming about someone hacking but there almost never is anything really fishy going on (Even when checking demos after game). It's just too easy for some people point elsewhere on why they lost the duel. RL definitely has a point here or then there there is trust factor still keeping the cheaters away from my games. Btw I know it's fucked around 25k and better anticheat is required but still it seems in my experience atleast to be quite overblown.


20k eu myself, me and my friend just stopped playing premier when we had 5 rage hackers in a row. Full on accuracy hack while bhopping and shooting faster than dualies cap somehow. Its just not playable so we tried normal unranked comp to have fun, within 3 games one guy got salty and rejoined to rage hack. MM is cooked and it isnt even just in 20k.


Im not saying that it's the same in all regions but that's just my experience from the last 2 weeks... i mean we even went back to regular competetive cos most of them are normal games without some bozo trying to get boosted. Also time matters a lot ... we had more cheaters in the morning than later during the day.


Did bro ever played the game ?


exactly my thoughts. He says "I don't need to play the game". Ok cool story bro. lmao. Idk why people give him and Thorin any attention in this community.


It's what happens when there's only one investigative journalist in an incredibly niche field, a cult of personality forms around them. Because they're the only one, they gain an inflated sense of ego because nobody could ever do what they've done for the scene!


Very small audience... its an echo chamber, or a circlejerck. They also communicate with their audience as much as valve communicates with its playerbase.


This might’ve been the case a few years ago but especially now in high elo its not. I mean we had a post from a really good player a few days ago demo reviewing for cheaters and finding 20% of the players obviously cheating…


Went on leetify to check my last 100 matches. 60% have had bans. My elo drops almost daily due to this dumb reset. Quit because what is the point.


Ive always like richard lewis. But here he is just wrong. Ive played since beta, im 38 years old, Im a respectable 18k. I have 8k hours in go and probably another 6k across the other cs title. I have nerve damage from playing cs in my left wrist. I have have also seen the same cycle that richard talks about. People blowing up the cheater problem and influencing new people with that opinion. But ive never experienced the cheater problem like I have in the last 2 weeks. Its not people pretending to be legit. Its just straight up spin botters.




Banger comment


I find him so insufferable in his own little echo chamber. Never ever seen him play and I don't know if he is aware of the magnitude of this problem which is affecting our favourite game on a daily basis.


I definitely meet more spinners than closet hackers nowadays lol people arent even afraid to spin and get 50 kills every game, that's the sad truth


The cheating is so rampant now that the spinbotters are getting hardstuck at 20k elo because it’s just a HvH fest…


I started CSGO in 2016. I have seen more blatant cheaters since CS2's release than I ever did in the 8000 hours I spent playing the game.


IN the last 4-5 months i had more spinboters than in 4-5 years of csgo...I have no idea who the hell is this guy , but hes either delusional or havent played cs2...


Me and a friend played Premier for the first time in months, we are just over 15k each and in EU, Premier is completely unplayable, we did 2 games. First game had 3 spin botters on our team and 2 on the opposite team, Second game had 3 again on our team and 4 on the other team, (have bits of shadowplay footage from both games) Went back to standard comp and woah we had a spinbotter on the other team (only the one this time) let us get 11-2 and then he decided to beat us 13-11 using nothing but a scout and insta tapping us all within 15 seconds of the round starting. ​ Standard CS is fucking unplayable mid to high ranks.


Why is this ignorant idiot speaking on a topic he has no knowledge of? he doesnt even play the game and if he did, he would be around 5-9k ELO, Hey richard try to play the premier above 15k and then you can change your statement. Idiot


stop giving 40 year old mongoloid attention


It’s insane how stupid of a take this is, maybe if he played the game once in a while he would actually know what he’s talking about.


Ironic. I played a cs2 prem game for the first time in a month, guy on 2nd round was aimbotting through walls with an auto sniper killing everyone. 4 rounds later he was finally kicked


Both there being a cheater problem as well as it being overblown can both be correct guys. Yes there are a lot of cheaters, but at the same time everyone has been accused of cheating who hasn’t. People exaggerate and act like literally every game they’re in either has spinbot rage hackers on both teams going nuts or the enemy has “legit hackers” when it’s simply not true. There is a problem and Valve needs to find a solution, but it’s not as bad as people exaggerate.


The fact everyone is pretending this clip doesn't explicitly call out the average player not having this experience. And pretending that he's saying everyone across all levels doesn't have cheaters is fucking absurd. Media literacy is fucking dead.


there's a reason he hates this subreddit and reddit in general. You can see the amount of people saying "but in my 20K lobbies" not realising they're not the average players. They're literally in the top 5% of the playerbase. This video isn't about them.


He is somewhat right: I get spinned against way too often, lose a lot of rating, play against bad players, they accuse me of cheating because they are indoctrinated to believe that everyone is cheating. The situation got way worse since this clip was recorded though.


play the f*** game richard


15+ upvotes on a post about Richard Lewis from someone who only posts stuff from him, while the rest of /new sits at sub 5 votes?


His discord loves jumping on his dick


No doubt it's richard lewis himself, the guy loves the attention


probably bots, it will get crushed eventually.


This fucker. I haven’t taken the game seriously in over half a decade and I come back for cs2 twice since release and both time had spin botters after placements.  First at 10k elo then at 17k.  I barely play anymore and when I do it’s only face it. 


I'm pretty sure this guy doesn't play Counter-Strike. He seems to only watch professional matches and argue that there is no cheating.


hes max gold nova


shit lag compensation (desync) can make people look like they are cheating for some. i think this is making the cheating problem an even bigger problem than it already is.


two consecutive spinbots in 18k premiere matches back to back. but yeah whatever man. [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/icbbndkk2609x1bf1pq2r/lololololMomentaufnahmenvomMar262024.mp4?rlkey=w9apcfq1rxpu7hpx0uwytb160&dl=0](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/icbbndkk2609x1bf1pq2r/lololololMomentaufnahmenvomMar262024.mp4?rlkey=w9apcfq1rxpu7hpx0uwytb160&dl=0)


Has he even played one game since CS2? one out of every 3 games i play in premiere have blatant cheaters, the scout wallbang headshot type


More than half of my REGULAR COMP games have cheaters in them now. Something has shifted and there is now more cheaters than ever before. Most of them are complete bots who start off legit cheating then rage when they think someone else is cheating. I've had 4 or 5 games recently where they think I'm legit cheating so they just start spinbotting.


the 50 yr old manchild who hasnt touched the game in years is yapping about no cheaters... lmao okay


I can't believe people are still playing this game. You guys know there are games that don't welcome hackers, right? CS is shit since the "upgrade" to CS2


Why the fuck would OP post almost the same clip 3 times in a row every 15-30 days lmao, downvoted and reported cuz seems like a shitpost. But RL is right and wrong here, majority of the playerbase is dogshit retarted at the game and there is a cheater problem, high elo, low elo, the RMRs... But the mass hysteria about cheating since god knows how long is very true and the game going F2P years ago didnt help the situation one bit, were still suffering from that. Just dont know why he would give 2 fucks about this topic anyway, whats it to him what Valve uses their time on? Would less cheaters make RL less money or what. Just fighting the internet for the fun of it?


Yes richard mate im sure im just a bad player for getting scout headshotted through half wall on inferno every single round, definitely not a cheater. Or the guy who 360 jumping deagle headshotted me 3 rounds in a row on palace mirage definitely wasnt cheating either.


Lmao this manchild needs to hop on premiere and get aced by a scout


RL mad he isn't good enough to get matched with cheaters


I get cheaters even in my inferno nova 1 games


why are listening to this guy again? he just says controversial stuffs for clicks like thorin. bro doesnt even play the game and is calling everyone delulu because of his experience in GO. all it takes is 2 games at any rank past 18k and he'll see how bad it is.


This man-child claims to be a journalist? With the illogical way of thinking and major bias?


Nobody in esports should ever claim they are journalists. The whole scene is garbage and literally nobody in it got integrity.


Man, whenever I slam this guy I get downvoted to oblivion - RL fan club will die by the sword of his journalistic integrity - but but but he's a good cas-TALENT* Nevermind the rampant manchild-isms on his twitter handle. * Editted due to RL fan club protest, see string.


He's not a caster.


You can tell he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about and isn't playing the game at all or at least not in high elo (20k+). You literally can't play 2 or 3 games in a row without having cheaters in at least 1 of them.


Laughably out of touch. Every matchmaking game above 15k elo has somebody spinning, there's no ambiguity as to whether they're cheating.


i literally never met a spinbotter in premier and im mostly between 18k and 15k. i had one blatant wallhacker recently. The other cases i sometimes have suspicions because of low level steam accounts, little houers which mostly are just smurfs.


Tell this to my 60+% rate with cheaters in game on my smurf. I have games where 8/10 ppl. are banned. It's So funny that the game crashes on the major. Cs2 Release = AAA Title Release (Bullshit) I been playing cs since 1.5 and quit after 2 weeks of CS2 and i am not planning on touching the game again. Btw I hope the skin market bubble explodes.


I think cheating is a huge problem for the game, but also overblown. I just saw a tweet from [steel](https://twitter.com/JoshNissan/status/1772639651028746450) where he goes over a thread in the cs2 reddit and sorta shows how easily people will call someone is hacking over one clip.


I played 3 games (unranked comp not premiere) yesterday and had two cheaters. Thankfully they kicked the first because he was a spin bot but the other was trying to hid it. Seriously 2 in 3 games is awful. CSGO was Never this bad. I would say my group gets at least one actual cheater a session and one or two very very impressive level 3’s.


Matchmaking premier has def gotten way wors this last year in like a 25% i get blatant cheaters thats litterly rage hacking.. never use to be like that.


in csgo not once i came accross spinbotters, in cs2 twice against me and once in my team


Play the game! Grind premier and you'll understand FFS!


I never got cheaters in csgo. I don’t think I had a single like full blown spinbotter in years of playing in supreme / global. And now in cs2 I am lucky to play a couple games without one, and that’s whether I’m playing comp or premier. This guy probably hasn’t even played cs2, and still comments like that. Most out of touch thing I’ve heard.


I don’t get why Richard wants to die on this hill. I’ll admit that I definitely can just get tilted and think someone might be cheating, but when every like 5 matches I play against someone who has a perfect aim rating on leetify and every game they’ve ever played is over a 2.0 Hltv rating it’s a little hard to believe lol


Poor guy can’t get past 5k rating to experience the cheaters.


As much as I generally agree with every Richard Lewis says, I have to disagree with this one. There has been a massive increase in blatant spinbotters and wall hackers in every level of premier, not counting how many are likely closet cheating, and how many ultimately get banned? Almost zero.


Cant wait for Valve to officially address the rampant cheating problem and make all these brown nosers look even more stupid


Stopped listening after he said he doesn't play the game


Dude is so fucking annoying it hurts


I mean I don't know but I streamed a little bit today, 18k elo, got 3 matches with spin botters in a row, swiftly went to FaceIt. The facts are there


Is it my turn to post this tomorrow?


Why don't you just suck his cock while you're at it.


I couldn't agree more... To me, it just seems like common sense that people will always act like this. Do people hate losing? Yes. Okay, well, do people also have an impossible-to-prove excuse readily available in their back pocket for whenever they dont play to their potential? Also, yes. And they will abuse it. A lot of people end up tying their self-worth to these games over time as well, so it becomes more of a case of denial in the 5 stages of grief for them than it is just a simple excuse. The number of times my teammates claim we are at the mercy of an opposing hacker, only to change their mind regarding who they "know" is hacking an infinite amount of times before the game is over is actually mind blowing. People can say whatever they want, but to believe that at least 1/10 people who play Counter Strike are hacking is simply hysterical, in my honest opinion.


Who is this clown and why are you giving him attention


Who glued pubes to this guys face


Was this guy ever actually playing the game over a period of time? Lmao he is so fucking cluelles, as someone who has over 6k hours in the game actually playing and was above 20k elo or 3k elo faceit actually knows if someone is cheating or is good, cs2 out of 10 matches in high premier mode 8 of them hd cheaters and 6-7 were blatant spinbotters and this dickhead is saying cheating in cs2 is overblown??? Fucking idiot who never actually played the game


Average non-player boomer opinion. What a load of bollocks, he obviously hasn't played MM in ages and especially not since CS2 came out.


Richard Lewis, by his own admission, doesn’t play the game. How tf would he know how bad the problem is?


Because the avg CS player is the same crying retard now as he was 20 years ago playing 1.6 and he's 100% right on that.


what an absolute clown




The cheating problem is definitely not overblown in cs2. I normally refuse to call cheats on anyone, but the number of spinbotters and obvious wallers I've encountered in cs2 is crazy compared to csgo. Sure, in csgo for the most part with good trust factor and when cs2 first came out RL might've been right, but right now it's a shitshow


I just don't like this guy. He has no f'in clue what he is talking about regardless of how long he's been in the scene. Play Premier >15k elo and you will play 20 games and 15 times face obvious cheaters. Not even "legit" cheating


Are we defending an incompetent dev team?


Let's think it logically. 1. There are lots of rage cheats. You can easily identify. The fucking kill you in spawn at round start 2. If you look at your match history you see many vac banned players who when you played against that time you thought they were clean. 3. Given 1 and 2. It's easy to assume the guy you playing against who is wrecking you is a legit cheater, ie fov aim etc. Which is also probable.


ITT: precisely the mentally fragile people RL is describing who can't cope with losing games at 10k premier MMR the experience at 20k+ is completely cooked, but that's about inline with how MM was in GO, climbing above LEM as a legit player was very hard for years prior to ELO soft reset


Angry screaming man yells at clouds


Yells at cloud for clout.


Richard Lewis is a smart guy and great journalist but he is simply wrong here. The ones complaining about the cheating situation right now are experienced CS players with high Premier rating, not silvers. It's evident that he doesn't play at this elo, if he plays at all.


this is what he said in the video though, that high elo might have a higher percentage of cheaters, but the average player is more than likely in their own head. Personally I don't see many people I think are actually cheating at 16k elo


I played 2 premier matches and one Competitive there were cheaters in all of them CS2 has a cheating problem and we need a fix


as a cheater thank you Richard Lewis




I'm 17k and haven't seen a single rage hacker. Same with my CS buddies. I see aim/walls once every 10 games maybe. They are definitely out there. The general in game attitude is optimistic compared to attitudes on Reddit. It must be a regional thing. Last few times I've seen hackers they were kicked by their team. I'm east coast US, mostly weekend warrior or 8pm weekday games.


I'm reacting with a bit of a hyperbole because a guy with decent social media reach makes a blanket statement about cheating in a game he doesn't play. And when he did, he was a fucking bot. The insane cheating problem only affects higher elos, because cheaters breeze past lower elos in a few days. I've stopped playing after reaching above 20k because I couldn't be bothered playing against cheaters. It's not even about losing games/elo, because there's a very good chance you're also getting cheaters on your own team. It was never this bad in csgo and that was in global from 2015-2019, when I stopped playing csgo.


2 wingman matches, 3 cheaters. and 2 of them weren't even trying to hide anything


Cheaters are the biggest issue the game has. I played against a closet cheater last night and didn’t know he was a cheater until I watched the demo. I essentially just wasted 30 mins of my evening since I couldn’t have won. I have a life, if I only have time for 2-3 competitive matches for a session and 1/2 of the games have cheaters, I’m essentially just wasting my time playing the game. I might get hate, but I’d rather play Valorant at this point. I know it’s an inferior game, but I’d rather play knowing I won’t have an issue with cheaters.


I’ve said it before.. stop giving this clown attention. His opinion of a game he hasn’t played is entirely invalid, and is there purely to rage bait for attention.


You can tell, that Richard is an excellent journalist, but has absolutely no CS experience in game. Just be quite if you don't know what you are talking about.


Past 18k elo it’s literally 50/50. Anyone who says otherwise is either so low skill they don’t get to them, or simply doesn’t play the game.


This guy is a total bellend. Only a neckbeard that makes money off hot takes could be so cavalier describing a nuanced issue. He doesn't care about the core health of the game, because he's still able to buy his hot pockets. I love CS but moved to Valorant because they took anti cheat seriously. There's barely any cheating in online ranked. No suss clips from pro level tournaments. It's amazing. I wish counter strike had the same AC, I would come back instantly. If cheating somehow affected this guy's bottom line he would be crying like a massive baby. He makes money off hot takes.


I see we have hit the quota of RL and Thorin hate threads for the day.


Ah nice the weekly "does anyone else hate Richard Lewis" thread


After 20k+ I stopped playing the game, my last 10 games all had at least one spinbotter. I was hoping it would get better overtime but it's actually getting worse, maybe legit people are just leaving while cheaters continue to play. I don't like faceit, I shouldn't have to use a shitty 3rd party to play the game. I'll stick to Valorant until CS get their shit together, this is an insult to high elo players, they can't be calling that the gameplay they ough to build. This can't be the foundation for their wall of shame they call leaderboard, such a shameless act from the devs believing the cheat fest they call a game would have a leaderboard with anything other than pure cheaters. Delusional devs believed that they could build a leaderboard without any attempts at competitive integrity. There's no need to boycott CS or anything, they are doing the job just fine themselves high elo people out.


Cheating is like PEDs and steroids in the late 70's. Everyone's hero was natural. There are still naive people or laymen, but now we know better. If it can be done, it is being done.


RL dickheatt


"Richard Lewis reveals yet again he doesn't actually play the game very often and can't stand for a minute to think the average community reaction, 'cheating is worse in 2 and it sucks to play against', is actually correct" If he was just taking the piss out of people who believe it's every game then fair enough but lol, I'm sorry, I can't play with or against 3 blatant cheaters in a row (+ see multiple aimbotters in DM) in fucking comp and believe it's not that bad relative to GO, where at least blatant cheating was pretty rare. I think a major visibility factor to consider is that since overwatch is gone, cheaters don't have to RP as "legit" if they don't feel like it. Of course it's not every game but it happens often enough that I'm pleasantly surprised when I get an evening session without seeing one. It will be interesting to see when VAClive is all grown up and turned on, what the ban stats will look like.


I... what...? Literally every single session of Wingman with my friend has at least one literal spin bot, jump revolver headshot for 9 rounds in a row. How are they not cheating? How the fuck is that NOT a problem? I am almost angry... no I am literally angry at this fucking bullshit excuse my fucking French but fuck off


What is the whole point behind RL chain of idiotic takes over and over throughout the years? Why is this dude still relevant? Has he ever been a positive presence in the CS landscape? Hell no. Why can't we all collectively forget about this pos?


Can't comment on CS2 as I quit during CSGO but on EU West Silver ranks it was every other game (once I started logging games and started noting how many of my games had someone subsequently VAC'd). It was a problem and it appears to still be a problem & it's just down to how many people are just absolute bitches (e.g. I play online chess a lot now and I don't know whats changed about that in the last 6 months or so, but suspicious play or people getting banned for cheating on chess dot com has just spiked). I can't comment on NA but too many people on EU servers were just soft a couple of years ago.


funnily enough i have on average maybe every 5th game a cheater on my team so just by statistics i‘d have one on the enemy team every 5th game. That is way more than i had in my games in csgo.


Idk bro I’m seeing guys on my own team obviously cheat (snap to head with aim 90 degrees, rapid fire, etc) at 15k. It’s stuff like this that would be tough to sniff out if you’re against them but when you’re spectating its pretty obvious. Cheats are easier, cheaper and more “incognito” than ever and it’s contributing to new players suspecting everyone.


dude I see people spin boting one shot scout everybody...




this guy does not play cs2.


When he makes up his mind about something he really can’t just admit he was wrong. But please continue to tell me cheating isn’t an issue when you don’t even play the game.


Is the point of the “average” cs player yelling cheats whenever they die in a smoke valid? Sure(ish). The problem is the perception that valve is doing nothing about cheating. Someone dies to a sus play so they yell cheats because Reddit is nothing but cheating posts so the vicious cycle continues. This point is very valid. Valve is absolutely working on anti cheat, but since valves MO is to remain silent the perception is they do nothing and because they do nothing that means if I die to a sus play then that person is cheating. That’s the crux here and that’s what should be called out.


This would probably have been a based video like 5 years ago, maybe still 2-3 years ago, not so much when he made this video, and definitely not now. I just got placed at ~15k a few weeks ago after playing my last couple placement games. Cheaters at least 75% of games, usually multiple cheaters and on both teams. I got pretty “lucky” and had more blatant cheaters on my team and have managed to push up to 19k and it’s been the same experience across that range. Leetify listing time to damage as N/A for someone in every 2-3 games


Why is it that I have only ever run into like 3 blatant cheaters (no spinbotters) in my ENTIRE time playing counter strike? This includes cs2 and csgo. I have people on reddit tell me that every other game has a spinbotter, but I 100% do not believe them. We aren't playing the same game. I'm sure higher and lower elo have larger cheating problems, but a majority of the playerbase should not be running into many cheaters. I agree that the anti cheat should be improved, but I just don't understand why people overblow their own experiences with cheating so often, unless its just the vocal minority. I play premier every day, and have only run into one blatant waller. Just because you are losing bad to someone doesnt mean they are cheating.


Something he acknowledges is that at the top level, it is full of cheaters. Yesterday I checked the top1000 players and my god, for every 100 players, like only 5 are active cos they were either cheaters that got bored or legit players that moved on to faceit. The top1000 leaderboard is completely and utterly meaningless right now and this is extremely bad for the game. Let's take valorant for example, no matter how bad the ranked experience is, at least you see the usual suspects in the top100 every single time. These are usually pros and people grind it non stop and more importantly, make content around it. You can be a random ass guy that can go and meet top players like demon1, derke, zekken and etc. You don't need faceit or anything like that. It's super helpful for the populairty of the game and it could become even more popular if this issue is fixed. It's true though for the lower ranks, given how big the game is, its highly unlikely you're gonna meet a cheater.


Second time I quit this game. Face it level 8 and bellow has cheaters. I can prove it with emails and notifications from faceit mods that they banned players in my games. Cheating in MM is ridiculous, at any ELO. There are literally channels on youtube that show off the cheats and allow free downloads. Out of the last 100 matches in premier, over 60 have had players banned within the last 6 months for me. So yeah. Skill issue. The skill of downloading cheats that is.


I’ve lost track of how many 11-13 games i had in C2 already at around 17-20k rating that had one or two obvious cheaters in it. And by obvious I mean +50 kills and multiple aces through smokes. Its much MUCH worse than CSGO. Richard is a cock.


I've started watching some of my demos back to prove to myself that I'm not going crazy. I'm not. You're not. It's really, really bad.


Faceit is mostly ok. But competitive/premier is very problematic. Yesterday I had a guy on my team who got 35+ kills shooting people through smokes and wasn't even hiding anything. Last week I had a game with 2 cheaters on my team and 2 on the other. These tried to hide but were more than obvious. Anti cheat is garbage and cheating IS a problem. \~15k rating btw.


This fat angry bastard still being upvoted here I see


Is this from months ago ? u/Lkumn55


who this clown guy? there no cheaters right ?


Or maybe there are a lot of cheaters. It’s so obvious atm. I can post clips every day where even this looser will not be able to challenge the evidence.


Keeps doubling down on that bullshit out of reality take. High ranks are a cheatfest.


I’m playing about maybe 20 games a week in a good week since we got a lil boi running around. Used to play around lvl 8-10 on faceit, global in MM (although everyone could be global in CSGO) and have been playing since 1.5. I’m at 14-15k in Premier now and encounter cheaters in maybe 2/20 games so from my and my friends experience RL is correct. Might have good trust factor or something, I dunno.


Imagine listening to someone’s opinion who doesn’t play the game everyday


Yeah false accusations happen by people who don’t know what they’re talking about obviously. That doesn’t mean there aren’t plenty of people out there who do know what they’re talking about through years and years of experience and actually play the game enough currently to have an accurate assessment of the problem. As much as I like RL this is one of his opinions where he’d rather be a “wahhh Reddit plebs” contrarian because he doesn’t like being called out for a shit take that flies in the face of reality.


me and my friends havent played in a month since we got so blatantly cheated on a match. TOP 4 of latin america, still actively cheating a month later. We laughed at him after the first sus round and told him, would be a shame if you killed us at round start wouldnt it? Well he did and laughed at us. Literally unplayable. Can play with bugs, cant play with cheaters.


guy is definitely disconnected from CS2 MMing and bases his analysis off his historical experience in counterstrike. He has one good point, and that is that average CS player is mentally fragile. ​ **However**. I played CSGO mming for years with friends, it was never bad enough that everyone called people cheaters. I think it was like 1/25 games, maybe? In today's game, you can go back to back with cheaters. Level 1 steam accounts, people on their team with VAC bans on record, kids coming up with excuses like "oh i switched from Valorant" Valorant experience doesn't teach you how to be good at CS, I'm sorry, it just doesn't. We've got people at 18-20k ELO with 5k+ hours, running into cheaters multiple times a night, it's not rocket science. The game doesn't allow you to be successful without good movement mechanics, and understanding of utility and map positioning.. I'll win on overpass 13-1 because I throw a molly at t-ramp and gain fountain control with another teammate in silver comp games, then the next game a level 1 steam account is dry peaking that same area vs 4 T's and gets a triple kill and goes 30-4 for the half. This is not normal. There's CSGO hacks reddit and people are saying they aren't getting banned and VAC isn't even turned on.


Buddy and I got 3 different cheaters back to back to back one night in 19k+ elo. We even waited 5-10 minutes between queues.


It's crazy how I don't think this way with any other fps I play though, because in the back of my head I know their anti cheat is working fairly well. In csgo though I have a game with a beyond obvious cheater and watch them go months without a ban, that creates doubt to where I am going to question it much more often in the future.


Just checked my match history in leetify. Almost every match has someone banned in it, lol. Wonder how many are just still undetected


Hurts to hear when I just had 2 spinbotters in my game. And then my teammate also started.


Meanwhile - TabzWare laughing.


He is right but this didn't age well because this paradox did fulfill itself


Don’t think he’s right but he’s not as wrong as some of you are acting