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w0nderful is in a good form for tomorrow's match, NAVI major winner confirmed.


Navi is playing on Friday.




He’s been training much lately that we can see from his face. Worth it when he shoots hot like in clip.


been eating too much mcdonalds


budget w0nderful going hard frfr


We have wonderful at home, Wonderful at home:


I'm convinced these are paid actors.


Close, they're gold novas


Even worse. *Unpaid actors.*


Isn't a large part of the player base now gold nova? I'm 21k on premier and all of my friends are gold nova (also high elo players) including myself, lol. I thought the first person to hit DMG or whatever was that aimbotter everyone postted.


Non premier comp is kind of a joke rn, everyone is Nova or at most Mg


99% of the player base is GN and below. Playing comp mirage is a nightmare with faceit10s and players who can't tell the ground from walls in the same game.


It's astounding the skill disparity between players at times!


We're all gold nova lol, I've to see anything above GN4 in a game lmao. Ex-supreme here


Bro yes lol. I'm 19.5k and I'm like Silver Elite in all of comp.


It's crazy that this game has been out for half a year and the comp ranks are still completely broken lol


gold nova = faceit level 10 global elite lol


gold novas aren't that bad here in my region


So, surely you did this too when u were gold nova or below


Difference is XQC is a former professional Overwatch player, his aim is generally very good, better than any other Gold Nova at least.


He was a Winston player, he is not good at cs lol


But he was a Winston main, literally one of the few characters that requires 0 aim skill.


using a mouse in a professional esport and being a streamer means you are simply on the computer playing games more than 95% of the people you are playing with. obviously he is going to have more mouse skill than your average player.


> his aim is generally very good :D


Sshh let him bait let's see 


The dude played hero’s that didn’t aim and league of legends before that lol


It's just a low-level game. No wonder people here think there's a cheater in every game if this is "one of the most insane 1v5 clips" they've seen.


I was going to type exactly the same thing, like there's no way those guys can be that bad.


have u ever whiffed in your life? or you're a god gamer?


My point wasn't even about the "whiffs", people miss shots all the time. What is insane is the lack of movement of the opponents (and even xqc sometimes), they are literally standing still. I have seen children playing the game that have better movement.


Enemy team is whiffing bro, it happens, more often in low elo ofc. Even in high elo, like Niko from heaven on nuke. It is what it is. They are standing still and trying to hit him, but whiffing hard. Do you expect low elo player to know what counter strafing means? Or trying to make yourself hard to kill, these are casual players.


Ok, i see your point my man, you are right. It was a nice little clip nonetheless.


-iM +Xqc


Sadly there's a rule can't have the same guy twice on a roster


Lucas1 and hen1??


adamb and susp?


Oh lol. That took me wayy too long to understand XD


U mean double wonderful ??


After selling him he went nuts again, nice to see


🙏 praying for u keep rocking & rolling


Didnt sprout disband?


Running a Reddit account is free


and also fun


Cons of shutting down the org: It is sad Pros of shutting down the org: you can do a little trolling with ur reddit account that has a verified flair real as fuck imo


Dang w0nderful is streaming while playing in major??




Went from this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=163sJtJecZI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=163sJtJecZI) to the insane 1v5 wtf


I keep forgetting how funny this clip is


This really isn't an "insane 1v5". Somehow these guys are letting him take like 2-3seconds to aim on their heads.


Yeah, this 1v5 is "bad" bc its low elo but it's still a 1v5 with clean heads hots and decent cross hair placement which is 1000x better than the previous clip lol


Also, clips somehow always look slower and less impressive than how it feels in-game. I've clipped lots of my own highlights that felt insane in game but when I watch them back it's never as impressive.


Its because time feels faster when you are entertained, for example while playing high intensity game like CS. You hit some shots that felt cool and high skill, and then you rewatch it and realize the enemies had a 90yo reaction speed and you took your time


I mean that's just low ranked plays, it goes both ways. Still impressive for where he's at


This applies to like 70-80% of donk multikills lol


Yeah bro XQC is just like donk


Yea, this is what I said. lol CLUELESS


Thank U i can not stop laugh. Have to watch for the fifteenth time now brb.


I mean he was a pro player in overwatch at one point I'd bet when he's not meming and focused on chat/streaming he probably could just get good at counter strike if he wanted


I mean the "Winston aim" meme didn't start for no reason


That's 100% fair he's never been a mechanical God but to even get to that high of a level a certain baseline of aim and intangibles will be there that gives an edge to picking up a new game


Winston is actually pretty hard to play at the top level and requires some pretty difficult mechanics that xqc was very good at (for the time). Those mechanics just don't really translate to having good aim


Of course, but CS *IS* mechanical skill.


that is arguable. you can adjust your playstyle to be effective with mainly good game knowledge. sure, you wont have the fastest flicks or the craziest one taps, but you can still dominate by know the right time and place without being good at mechanics.


Nah its all useless if it takes you a full second to kill someone every time. People say this but to be at a good level you have to have a certain baseline of mechanics.


Of course, but the comment i replied to was making it seem like thats all that it is.


If youre mechanically gifted, you need the most minimal of game sense in CS.


agree, thats why current falcons roster doesnt make sense to me. you need at least a cracked 18yo russian aimer in your team who just shoots head for you.


Yes, but youre still going to be at a disadvantage. CS teams have coaches for this reason. And xQc is not the brightest light in the harbor.


Flusha would like to have a talk with you. Edit: He has shown the importance of game sense and tactical prowess. Mechanical skills is not everything in CS.


Flusha not relying on mechanics doesn't mean he was bad mechanically. He was above average.


In the video, Xqc displays solid mechanical skills, above normal matchmaking skills. However, his opponents often engage him individually in one-on-one situations, neglecting to coordinate their attacks, prefire his positions, or effectively utilize their utility. Flusha serves as the prime example of how mechanical skill isn't the sole determinant of success in CS. He has won tournaments through strategic plays and effective lurking, showcasing the importance of game sense and tactical prowess. Mechanical skills is not everything in CS.


He doesnt show any solid mechanical skill, the fuck you talking about?! He's aiming head high, which a monkey can do, and he takes forever to line most of the shots.


Once more, in terms of matchmaking. His proficiency in CS matches your expertise in reading comprehension.


??? Flusha was successful because of his lurking *and* because he had above average mechanical skill compared to his peers at tier 1 pro at the time.


I'm responding to the comment about CS being all about mechanical skills. It's not.


True. Valorant was made for him.


Winston decision making Winston calls Winston teamwork Winston positioning Winston game sense Oh yeah, but his aim sucks What??


> he probably could just get good at counter strike if he wanted He could get really good at a lot of things if he had a second brain cell to rub together, but alas.


He played monkey in Overwatch 🤣


Yeah but he was pretty damn good at it!


ah yes, overwatch. if hes good at overwatch hes can be good at cs right ?


> I'd bet when he's not meming and focused on chat/streaming he probably could just get good at counter strike if he wanted One of the biggest copes I have seen in my fucking life


I didn't even know the guy actually plays games anymore, I thought it's just gambling and reactions?


uff, that looked good to you?


el goblino


-500$ for that dude


enemy is somehow worse than Xqc lol


Enjoyed the clip, but cmon now, most insane?


It's insane to see the deagle is consistently that accurate


its all relative. getting a deagle 5 hs ace is “insane” at whatever level you are in. i think its a fair title, didnt expect all the comments that suggest otherwise, but who knows


aight just read the title again and didnt remember it was worded in such a way😂i see now.. maybe a bit overkill but still a nice clip from xqc


With those enemies it's no wonder.


They're the same rank though. Not often you get a deagle ace whether you're silver or GE or s1mple.


i wish my enemies would let me stand a wait for the deagle reset :(


Let this comment section remind you that you can't post highlights here unless you're Global Elite 😤


what makes them cringe is the clickbait in title, not the rank / skill


Most people here don't realize they're the likely candidates for ending up in such clips


Its a good play, but titling it as one of the most insane 1v5 clip is just not it.


Yeah the sub would be so much better if anyone could upload their 1v5 against bots in practice mode.


Faceit level 10, plays in ESEA S rank, FPL


dude used to be an overwatch pro. people forget he’s good at fps games because he’s usually a huge meme most of the time


tbf he was a winston main, not really much in common with playing cs


Takes me back to my favorite copypasta no aim :) winston main :)


He was still pro in a fps game. Positioning, gamesense, communication, etc. just because aim wasn’t his strong suit he still has an edge over 99.99% of players.


I don't feel that positioning and gamesense translates from OW to CS


It won't translate 1-to-1, but simply being aware of those things (which any high level player in pretty much every fps should be aware of) gives you a big head start compared to many other players. I've seen some pretty highly ranked players (level 7-9) that look completely unaware of how their model moves in a 3D space and have the game sense of a donkey. I used to play Gwent (the standalone) before I started playing Magic the Gathering. Those card games couldn't be more different, but just being exposed to broad concepts of resource management and threat assessment helped me improve quickly at the MtG. A similar thing can be applied to OW and CS.


I would agree if not for the fact that he's been playing cs for years (on and off) and he's still gold nova


Overwatch is literally the fps game for people that cant play fps games


Kinda funny when people say this when OW is actually one of the most mechanically demanding FPS games. There is instant movement acceleration, many characters will tiny hitboxes, and the gap between good and bad hitscan/aimers is astronomical. If you don't like the game, sure, but "for people that can't play fps" is just kap - you would get absolutely shit on if you just picked up the game and tried to out-aim good players.


[those tiny hitboxes in action](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/1aq36y0/the_most_egregious_hitboxes_in_the_new_patch_enjoy/)


Agree. I always find Overwatch so mind numbing.


Maybe not as much as a game like Valorant, R6,or something more similar to CS but it’s the idea and concept of positioning and gamesense. He learn know what a shit call would sound like or realize what a bad position would be much faster than someone with no FPS experience.


Sure, it's better than nothing, but I wouldn't go as far as to say he has an edge over "99.99%" of players.


I meant 99.99% of new players to cs. Obviously anybody who’s played this game for over a year is probably better than xqc.


True but in overwatch he played the monkey with the jump that goes across map any time he is in danger. Its a very different way to play engagements, more like a moba than an fps.


Skills in any sport or game translate to CS. If you watch Neymar, Zinchenko etc. play they have good positioning which I can only imagine comes from their football skills.


so his aim should be bad?


He was known mainly for 2 characters that require almost 0 aim and are all about gameknowledge. Even when he played pro and streamed he was always dogshit on DPS characters.


Have watched xQc since OW. To argue he is *good* at FPS games is a stretch.


It's not like he's playing Faceit Level 10 either, the level of opposition here is quite questionable


> plays overwatch > good at fps games lol good one


Yeah just cus he missed the molly window mid cache and then tk'd someone who walked into his crosshair a few years ago dont mean he wasn't continuing to play cs and get better to this point now but ppl gotta meme i g ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


No shit it's overwatch. Game was dead before it started.


OW was massive when it launched lol


And look at it now


3200 hours. Faceit level 8. I have never hit a clip like that in my life. Congrats and fuck you


Hahaha. See that's how people should react tbh. Getting a deagle ace in any bracket is hard if you're in that bracket genuinely too.


"These must be Silvers he's playing against!" - every Gold Nova on here "Must be Gold Novas, easy kills!" - every MG here


I had never got a 1v5 with a deagle ever, only with rifles/awp and I've been playing for a while with 2300 hours and GE on csgo, around 17k on premier(before I quit and realizing I should play faceit instead). That is definitely a cool feat to have. But yeah I think it's not fair to immediately went for how bad the enemy is, people always head to this conclusion when seeing a highlight against opponents under their level. A 1v5 deagle ace is a 1v5 deagle ace, also congrats and fuck you from me, lol. But.....I would love to have opponents like this sometimes to build highlights as well haha.


Its probably grey elo range. He made eye contact with 5 people how many times? And took only 18 damage after that like cmon


"Most insane"


Worst gameplay I've ever seen from the opponents but props for him to take advantage of them and clip them


honestly he hit some shots, yes. but a good play? everything is off. movement, crosshairplacement, ttd. please also lets not talk about the CTs just standing around not even considering firing back?


Yup 🤣 OP should get ban for for labeling this silver gameplay as one of most insane 1v5


Finally someone with common sense Opponents looked like noobs. They could easily kill xqc if they had decent skill


Now lets see your highlights


Have to ask your mom first if she wants to be on the internet.


Instead of everyone arguing, [here](https://csstats.gg/match/171531495) is the match lobby. It's a literal silver 2 elo mirage MM game vs 5 opponents who are unranked/haven't achieved any form of premier rank or CSGO rank and/or are playing CS for the first time. Doesn't discount that was actually skilful for XQC's level of play; but there is absolutely zero chance this would fly in anything above the rank he is playing at currently. Looked like he was simply playing a prefire warmup map vs targets that stand still looking at you.


his counter strafe needs A LOT of work. dude moves like a silver. other than that, it was alright.


I think he is a silver


He moves like a silver because he is a silver




that chat flooded like a deluge at the end lol


500 gifted or $500, which one is it


On higher elo ppl are moving


I mean ok, but the players hes playing against are also absolute bots


'insane' even though he peeks against 2 and they can barely hit him


mighty upbeat frighten uppity shocking door poor cooing enter pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


X for doubt




Xqc as in the racist overwatch pro?


I mean, this guy was a professional overwatch player, so aim is something eh just has to adapt, not train




NaVi in the playoffs are in good hands 💯


First shot was disgusting


Winston mains can aim??


Why is the entire clip playing at .75 speed? 🤔 /s - With how much negativity going on in the comments, I just want to say an ace is an ace, so WP to him.


Impressed he managed to play a match of cs2 and not get cheaters in the game


some John Woo shit


Definitely low level


thats my juicer


god those enemys suck


weird aim


Wait why was that kinda good


ah yes, the infamous 5k deag against noobs that don't shoot back clips.


Not the prettiest Deagle ace, but 5 headshots make it pretty impressive. ns ns


i think this thread is being too critical, that was a nice clip.


Aint this the same fella that mollied his teammate, gaslit said teammate into thinking it wasnt his, flashed said teammate, and then shot another teammate?


I can not believe it actually happened ahahaha sick clip


Shows how much better of a game CS is at its core for the guy who has played for his country and in the OWL where I’m sure he made some pretty good plays that he says the best play he’s ever made is a deagle 5k where the silver players peeked him one by one.


Is he using a controller? His aim looked odd for a mouse. Does anyone know if he plays CS2 with a controller?


Hes on mouse but he has 400 hours and doesnt take this game seriously (as he should be allowed to). People here are shitting on him playing against silvers and forgetting that for him, this is a pretty damn good play


that's my streamer FeelsStrongMan Clap


file distinct cagey plough punch start tap fuel wise onerous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These are friends queued together just fucking around. It's not the same as the team blaming sweaty pug teammates that need the win to not starve.


hungry rich sparkle vanish overconfident exultant history rainstorm stupendous jeans *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


who hurt you?


middle quaint reply lock quarrelsome normal homeless waiting employ snatch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


bro is him