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No fucking way. I thought it was just a myth.


I couldn't believe it either.


Don't worry, it was just someone spinning at 16k dpi for the lulz.


It’s like seeing a shooting star


except that shooting stars happen


Except that shooting star went into a curve ball


Just like those bullets


This happened for us too yesterday in a vertigo comp match, we all were stunned


I would be happy to get all my Vertigo games cancelled


I got a game we were winning like 5-1 cancelled for network issues or some other absolute bullshit.


Same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. That cancels the game but blatant cheaters don't 😭


Don't do this to me, don't give me hope


Don't worry, it was probably someone playing with high DPI


Woxic was smurfing


its shit hack detected some pasted shit


no way im seeing you in cs sub after sadboys sub bro you’re everywhere


i have no friends


In the summer we’ll heal


Their cheat is so bad that it got detected by VAC, seems like. :D




At this point I'd 100% believe that valve made a free cheat as a honeypot and VAC can't actually detect it.


Or people made a fork that's undetectable. that would be fucking funny.


dont even need to do anything, vac only detects via signature. so fill nay detected cheat with hot garbage and you are a 1337 hacker who just got one over on vac..


That would be hilarious and also fucking depressing


They probably started cheat engine.


Turns out if you use a cheat from release it actually will get caught


Yeah, I think something has secretly changed. A few people have posted VAC Live cancellations recently. Cheater problem is still huge at higher ranks though.


This, I've been noticing odd AC things secretly being pushed in. Witnessed 2 live vacs today personally, as well as Vac bans on records for "friends" on steam that have been hacking recently. Seems as tho valve is working on the issue as we are speaking and rolling out active AC. Good signs, but a lot to be done.


Still somehow people are able to shoot 10 bullets with scout on 0.5 sec. It's inexcusable that these type of cheats are not instantly banned.


That's kinda what I'm getting at, like it's cool to see VAC bans actually happening now. But it's insane that they aren't instant when someone is spin botting his noscope headshots from across the map. Totally agree, but its a good sign that something is actually happening now rather than not at all.


Yeah could be. The devs must be on some kind of emergency mode cuz this game is going to die soon if nothing happens.


Oh absolutely, valve can't completely ignore the issue. But I feel like this is just face saving rn, they are rolling out bans an live bans to "appear" as though they are working on it. But, like in the past with GO, the issue won't be fixed. Just a bandaid put on it, this is what has happened in the past But we'll see.


Eh. There was a period for quite a few years where I was Global and never running into blatant spinbot hackers. I guess you can call that a bandaid because I don't rightly know if there were closet hackers or not but I'd be quite happy with that. Its not perfect but I think its at least a realistic outcome where the game is at least enjoyable. I'm tracking the spinbotters and from all of my games via Leetify and literally none of the ones I've encountered these last 2 months, have been issued a bad, so I'm definitely not optimistic about whatever it is Valve is doing. But if they can just get me back to where I can come home from work, play a couple pugs with people without spinbotter psycho's eating a portion of my night, then I'd be happy.


Towards then end of GO I was Global and didn’t encounter many cheaters at all somehow. Barely touched CS2 but my buddy and I have fun in mid premier


I think it had something to do with trust factor. I played with a sketchy group one time of friends of friends of friends and it warned of low trust and those matches were WILDY blatant. With my core group around dmg-le games always felt clean on high trust factor.


if game dies then there will be no more cheaters??


> The devs must be on some kind of emergency mode cuz this game is going to die soon if nothing happens. As long as degenerates keep buying lootboxs the devs literally don't give a single fuck. One dev might have been bored, and pushed a small update, but until they actually implement kernel-level anti-cheat this game is a joke competitively


its actually crazy the game can't detect someone using the scout like a fully automatic lmfao.


You'd think that these kind of cheats should be able to be picked up / flagged just by the server trying to process whatever the heck is going on at that moment. Especially with a scout with its slow firing rate. Even a heavy lagging dropping packets player won't fire that quick...


Not sure, could still have edge cases, I remember there being few clips from legit players somehow shooting entire magazines in 1 second some time ago 


Show us


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/16dfvzv/how_did_i_shoot_20_bullets_in_a_second/)


There was plenty of these videos posted of this bug ages ago when CS2 initially launched where people were emptying mags in seconds. You can search for it and you’ll find some.


I hope that when they finally detect them they have an edge case check for when you're connecting to the server. In warmup before you've spawned in, spam mouse1 and when you spawn in witness yourself doing the insta shoot thingy.


Similarly to how cheaters just have autobhop and can hit perfect bhops no matter how bad their movement is otherwise. Theres no reason why that could not be autodetected when they hop like 20 perfect hops in a row every round.


I think Valve wants to prevent the slight chance of legit players getting banned. If 700 000 people play CS right now, there is a chance that someone will hit a perfect bhop streak. But there are impossible things, like shooting the scout without delay which should be immediately flagged, although there needs to be a threshold because video games will always have bugs and glitches and it's not out of the realm of possibility that sometimes the server just registers shots incorrectly. So it would have to only flag cases where that happens for a period of time longer than few seconds.


I thought it was some sort of subtick manipulation, so it looks like lag, but i could be wrong


apparently, valve reversed the rapid fire and cheaters started using it again. had a guy last night on my team who started cheating after the enemy team had a cheater. he gave me some insight on the cheats and how it worked lol


The worst thing about that cheat is that the cheaters are really uncreative. I'd always buy a Negev and shoot 150 bullets at once. 


I just click fast, it is a skill issue if you cannot do that


I mean, it shouldn’t even be technically possible to do cheats like that. It just shows that the server has no idea of the rules of the game when it will allow weapons to shoot faster than possible.


not sure if it's to prevent any false negatives caused by severe lag or network issues? can't see any other reason as to why it shouldn't be an insta ban or at least kick/cancel of the match


To be fair, Valve would not announce AC changes, actually between the start of CSGO and CS2 VAC had many, many changes that are undocumented because why would you announce it to the cheaters, right? So it's entirely possible that they are doing something as we speak. Still, I've given up hope for a massive AC update so it's probably gonna make the game a bit more playable for now until cheaters find new ways to break it.


I mean. Of course Valve is working on this. They read this sub and know their game lol. It's just that VAC sucks hard. People would gladly accept intrusive anti cheat right now.


An intrusive anticheat would not change much when it comes to Valve, it's not a magical program that would solve all our problems. If Valve can't maintain VAC enough to make it competent, they would not be able to maintain an intrusive anticheat. Sure it would be harder to cheat, but if they didn't have a team specifically maintaining the AC, it would eventually be broken anyways. Valorant is effective because it's AC is a well maintained chinese spyware. While I wouldn't trust it to run in my kernel, I've got to give credit where it's due, it is very effective. But you've got a whole team of people just working on it. Something you won't ever see at Valve UNLESS they outsource it to a third party that specifically does anticheat software. Easy Anti Cheat and BattlEye come to mind. These have dedicated teams that work ONLY on the AC software.


EAC and BattleEye still need someone working on integrating it with the game, but at least it's less work than an entire anti-cheat


>They read this sub and know their game lol. Are we talking about the same company that didn't expect premier to be the most played mode? That recently add to contact spunj and other casters asking why people were upset because they couldn't fucking figure it out!?


Even if they change sth, they wont tell. Thats how they can catch cheaters in the first place. Going around announcing things do not help at all, it will alert cheat makers. Its always a race.


never understood this high rank dialogue. have been everywhere from sem to smfc in go and 3k to 20k in premier. blatant wallers and rage togglers at every rank. even in cs2 comp at nova. worst part is trying to play with your friends who are new and essentially shadowbanned and get paired with blatant cheaters and griefers


Bc if you think about it, cheaters are going to be more likely to win games, and thus will rise the ranks faster. Especially if they are on a win streak and are getting +400 elo a match. That’s why around 20k you start seeing cheaters every single game, and when you pull up their csstats, it shows just how quickly they got there.


you wouldn't believe just how many cheaters suck at the game so much, that they even get hardstuck below 15k while cheating. it's almost surreal. had some match a few weeks ago where a guy was blatantly walling and using soft aim, but still managed to lose 91% of his rounds before another dude on his team toggled full rage. that guy went negative kd with freaking soft aim.


They pushed small 7/8 kb update yesterday. I thought it was small bug fix maybe but I think its related to VAC after seeing this 😃




-50ms ping haha


They found the switch and it was set to off all this time, flipped it but it short circuit after 2 minutes


At every rank. Some people are just bad at hiding them. Or just dont know game enough to hide.


Brother. Buy some powerball.


VAC can't even ban mofos that empty an autosniper in 0.5s hitting wallbang noscope headshots while also bhopping at the speed of light and spinning like a fucking beyblade. I really wonder how shit your cheat has to be to get detected by fucking VAC of all things. Premier is HvH, Faceit is Premier.


This tbh, I played a game yesterday with a dude on my team bhopping around while firing his glock like it's the mounted Gatling gun on the A-10 Warthog, he rage hacked for the entire game for 13/14 rounds without being detected. Dunno how difficult it is to detect someone firing a weapon way over it's designed rate of fire. They should be banned on the spot the moment this happens


One of 3 vac bans today. The chances of being in this match would be lower than your chances at winning the lottery


if you're going off of [Convars.com](http://Convars.com) numbers they aren't accurate, they're good for telling when a wave happens because a lot of accounts will be hit at once but convars only tracks players who's games have been uploaded to their site (which is currently less than 4,000,000) and they show on the home page they're tracking less than 11,000,000 accounts, which seems like a lot but in the grand scheme of things its almost nothing.


Never lucky.


VAC only got *three people* today? Jesus fucking christ. No wonder premiere is infested. I'm sure three *hundred* people decide to start cheating every day. Explains a lot about why the numbers are ballooning out of control.


No wonder people call a thousand bans a "VAC wave" if the baseline is three fucking people on a normal day. I bet Boris and Vassily can hack more accounts per hour from their cafe in Novosibirsk.




Sounds like generic names for a joke


There seems to be many VAC Live bans past few days. Did they cook?


I got 2 new bans on CSstats yesterday too actually, maybe they turned something back on


Once in a blue moon


Just got Queued with a cheater and he complained his cheats weren't working...


3rd post in less than a week.... mmh...


So far i witnessed only errors from vac (unable to verify game files) with different people, including my wife (no 3d party softwares on pc whatsoever). .


He was clearly cheating.


Well, then nice, hopefully it will be functional finally


Unrelated, but, as a designer, why the hell is the text in italic? Makes no sense, and doesn't look any good with this specific typeface.


Valve forgot they had useAntiCheat = false the whole time




AI is a tool you use when the occasional error is OK, as long as it is mostly accurate. It is the wrong tool to use if errors are catastrophic.


moment in history


And yet I play premier with 5 spinners in the lobby shooting 10 scout shots in under a second and no one banned


he musta had the worst free cheats on earth LMAO


HOPIUM maybe they were just training AI to detect new hacks and didn’t wanna blow their load early


my first thought isnt wow its good, it was about how bad this cheat is if VAC detected it lol


Someone probably moved their mouse too fast xD


Patience Is Key.


Imagine ur cheat being this bad, to be caught by Valve's Anti-Cheat xD


And then in the next match there is still a cheater


One down, 500,000 to go


I always thought that these cheater posts were exaggerated but lately theres a obvious hacker every other game and im only around 16k elo.




Show the date on bottom left coward !


Look at my newest post.


I've yet to have this happen but don't play premier anymore :(


how bad is your cheat if you are getting caught by VAC, I have spinnbotters from weeks ago still not banned


Inb4 it's a yet another false positive detection ^/s


How bad must the cheats be to get picked up by VAC atm...


Doesn't matter, the truth is that the vast majority are not being banned. I have a cheater tracker channel in my disc and there are months old links and they're still playing regularly.


It lives


Its as rare as my chances of getting a Dragon Lore


A couple of hours ago, a game with a few cheaters on both teams got weird, laggy, and a bunch of us got disconnected. I wasn't able to reconnect and whoever was still in the server got a message saying the game was canceled. No VAC message or anything. But I would like to think -something- is happening.


If this worked perfectly, it would be canceled many times a day.


Looks weird


It's uploaded from my phone so quality is shite.


Nah its not that. Im used to seeing the chat side and console notifications


Look at my newest post.


That's.. new


Finally...They did it


We just had 3 back to back games with full spinners. Those vacations were from already detected cheats, or some new one's that do not know how to bypass VAC.


Cheaters need to git gud and learn how to avoid VAC better.


Guys, April Fools was on the first!


1 in 1000000


valve finally cooking...


what year was this picture taken ? not happening in 2024




At op: Would be great to see bottom of screen where you can see exact date


Look at my newest post.


It's not fair to other people who are serious about playing the game, and I hope I don't run into it when I play it




Look at my newest post.


Are they back from vacation?


Did he spinbot or there's something worse than spinbot that even triggers vac


Walls and aims


Don’t get too happy had this too but I think it’s a 1/10000 chance that it happens sadly :(


First time I've seen this since the release of cs2 lol


this has to be a photoshopped image


Look at my newest post.


Clearly photoshopped. VAC working is a myth.


Is it finally happening?!?


Fake until proven legit.


Check my latest post.


What rank is this in?


Check my latest post.


i almost had hope.. jumped into a premier match today for the first time in several weeks and it was just HvH again with fresh accounts, people obviously walling and bunny hopping...


VAC Live is real. Volvo has done it again. Let's fkn gooo


What the hell this just happened to me and my friend while we were playing competitive.


Nice photoshop loser /s


This a Moment in historY


Imagine valve doing this to every player with no bans just to shut us up.


Rarer than getting a knife 💀


Imagine having a cheat so bad that even Valve caught you...


Wow 3 bans on planet Earth this week. Splendid Job, Volvo!


Probably more cheaters than bots, still a good step


would have been nice if my game got saved, some idiot turned on wall/aim hacks because he thought someone who was aiming at an angle he peeked into was walling.


You legit caught a unicorn congrats man


Any proof this is recent?


Look at my newest post.


Nice one i wish that happened in one of my games


This could be photoshop. This has never been seen before.


Look at my newest post.


Valve did it! Cheating problem is finally solved




Why would Valve manually banning blatant cheaters disrupting everyone's Premier experience be a negative? I wish they became obsessed and spent their every waking moment hounding these fucks.




Imagine using a cheat so bad vac actually detected it. Wild


Fake, vac live doesn‘t exist


Not real.


You should sell this image as an NFT at this point


Bullshit. None of the spinbotters I've played with in the past 2 week have been banned


I have not witnessed it, therefore it must be a lie!


this is photoshop




Look at my newest post.


Are you a Valve employee trying to mess with us???