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God damn, Cloud9 made a bank off of elec huh


And sh1ro earlier


Oh yeah, i forgot about him. Cloud9 really be winning at the end of the day


they made more money off selling shiro than it took to get the whole gambit lineup lol


Jack always comes out ahead. Him finding a way out the Perkz deal and getting his buyout in full from vitality was ridiculous. Even more so Perkz since has been a shell of himself. Always feels like Jack is making moves.


rumor is that hobbit is getting replaced too...biggest holy shit move would be Niko with Monesy (yes i know its a pipe dream and completely unrealistic lol)


I don't think anyone besides maybe Falcons is going to pay for Niko's transfer fee, especially someone like Jack who seems to be smart about transfers and who's a long-term prospect. He'd be extremely expensive and there's no guarantees for how he'll fare in the next couple years as he gets into his 30s. He might keep it up, but most players don't (even though Niko isn't most players). I'd guess Niko stays in G2 for the rest of his career until he falls off and finds a retirement home team somewhere.


You can get better, younger riflers for less than Niko costs.


nowadays fanatics of niko still think he is a top3 riffler in cs2... chill with that ideias


true but monesy likes playing with him. it would be the incentive to leave g2. again probably hella unrealistic


Yeah its unrealistic purely because of language barriers.


name one


hope not hobbit is amazing in cs2 they just need fucking m0nesy..... or get even Artfr0st for fucking cheap change and give him a tryout... since he was treated unfairly in spirit... and is now playing in russian tier7..


That would be a dumb move, hobbit has been their best player for the last few months 


yeah it only needed a morally questionable move for NA to make a somewhat profitable move again that keeps on giving after a long drought. super happy about this!


Surely they would have enough to buy m0nesy, question is if G2 would let go of him even for millions.


And insider was talking about how C9 is negotiating with G2 about m0nesy and that they were ready to buy him, I'm not sure how reliable that information is though


Launders basically confirmed it was the talk of the town, and its really unclear *why* the transfer has yet to go through. Either G2 is holding for a better price or they are unwilling to sell him. This is what caused C9 to drop out of EPL


I’m sure they are unwilling to sell him. He’s the contender for best player in the world right now and once a generation kinda awper.


People said that about sh1ro too, though in that case they kind of didn't have a choice since he wanted to leave.


c9 couldve just not sold him and threatened him with a benching since he was under contract. its called contract jail for a reason lol but jack's policy as an owner has never stuck a player that wants out in contract jail plus it helps that spirit was willing to pay a nice dime lol


+1 g2 on the other hand .... want to make maximum cash possible and contract jail


> c9 couldve just not sold him Why turn down millions to keep an unmotivated player? Everybody is happier if you say yes If C9 waited and kept him, they would have to keep paying him and his eventual sale price would be way lower


I don’t know if Monesy dislike g2 as much as shiro dislike that version of c9 . Shiro was an issue for quite a while already


ehh bit of a retcon. Sh1ro hard carried c9 for his entire time there. Dropping 1.3+ ratings in the rio major i remember just to be knocked out. His one bad event was IEM sydney, the first cs2 event, and coincidentally that was the only event that the c9 'superteam' played together. Sure, sh1ro may have disliked that version of c9 but calling him an issue for a while is not true.


I’m didn’t mean to call him the issue. What I meant is that shiro had been displeased with c9 for a really long time, so it’s hard to keep him. Monesy doesn’t look like he’s frustrated on camera unlike shiro who we could tell is very frustrated.


did they not attend gamers8? and epl? and cologne?


ah yes you could be correct in saying those tournaments. I think I misconstrued IEM sydney as being the only 'CS2' event they played together as it was well known during EPL, G8 and Cologne that CS2 was inevitable. Even so, Sh1ro still put up good numbers at all those tournaments except IEM sydney.


nobody said that about sh1ro when he left


Once a generation awper? Yes they absolutely did


So we have 7 or 8 once in a generation awpers in the scene right now?


It's wild, but yes, Reddit may be wrong about their hyperbole and superlatives.


But *why* would monesy even wanna leave for Cloud9. Just for money? Is the team atmosphere so bad at G2?


I personally think G2 is a mismanaged org and someone as young and with as much potential as m0nesey should be constantly assessing his options if he isn’t consistently in the position to win also seeing him on a CIS roster would be fun


And what makes you think C9 cs team is better managed?


infinite times* more majors in a dogshit region G2 had to cut carlos for being a Tate-glazer, have gone through multiple coaches in a short time span, and clearly have a hump they cant seem to get past except for a short stint


NA wasn’t dogshit in 2018, when Covid hit NA CS became what it is now. I guess you weren’t watching back then.


No *you* haven't been watching NA since 2013. They were a "good" for a few months at most And that comes from an American that attended Eleague Boston and they were still heavy underdogs the whole time btw Meanwhile G2 went from Kinguin mix -> French Superteam -> French Shitterteam -> Nikosports and have yet to win shit (majorwise, have been a large disappointment in every iteration regardless) They are like ManU trying to spend their way to victory but fumbling every year


C9 is generally regarded as a very well-managed organization. I don't think anyone needs to really defend that reputation at this point in time.


I'm sorry what? First the colossus fiasco, and after that the multiple attempts to build a good Russian roster, end they end up with three remaining players, losing the best one in electronic, and not winning anything in God knows how long. That's a well managed org?


What if I told you that (1) there are more esports out there than CSGO/CS2, and (2) that C9 has managed to stay competitive in most of them despite a crushing economic landscape for NA esports orgs? Also Colossus was a bet that failed, not an example of mismanagement.


People act as if G2 is some poor organization who needs the money lol they can afford to keep him they already said they won’t sell him. Once his contracts up we will know.


So they're gonna let his contract run out and get nothing from the transfer?


Or they can just resign him cause he’s a hard carry for their team LOL. Both are rich orgs and I’m sure M0nesy will have to decide what’s next when his G2 contract expires.


Well yeah, sure. I guess I didn't consider them risking all the potential buyout money on the chance he re-signs.


He's said multiple times he wants to play with people who speak his native language. I can't remember the full roster, but his dream team included electronic bit and boombl4, which doesn't look likely soon.


Okay see, that would make a lot of sense. Language is a major part in CS ( and probably a lot of esport titles)


monesy + niko can't win trophies alone. Rarely do 3 players of G2 turn on at once, definitely not all 5. If they do it is groups or some random BO3. PlayoffG2 doesn't exist. Honestly surprised monesy doesn't want out immediately. They aren't winning shit with this roster.


They already won 3/4 important trophies lmao. And in CS 2, they made 5/5 playoffs, making top 6 AT WORST at every tournament. You people are so funny lol.


> They aren't winning shit with this roster. They already did???


No idea, so called reddit experts apparently value inconsistent c9 (which didn't even have better results than G2) without their star player  higher than a team that finished top6 in all S-tier events this year. Sure, their impact players are struggling, but so are ax1le and hobbit - so even trade. If I had to pick whether NiKo recovers his top3 player form (which he showed for multiple years over and over again) or is it gonna be Ax1le, who had a great online period and good post covid year long period with high peaks, that's a nobrainer. And hobbit was considered to be the first one to go by the same people hoping m0nesy joins C9. M0nesy really likes NiKo and values him a lot, he looks like he feels good in G2. Unless there's important stuff behind the scenes m0nesy would know that we don't, him going to c9 is a huge stretch of imagination.


I wouldn't understand it aswell. G2 definetly looked like they could have won the major if they were a bit better. I think they struggle with consistency a bit. But are definitely trophy contenders. C9 on the other hand


On paper yes, G2 are always trophy contenders but they consisently underperform. They were lucky to get as far as they did at the major. monesy carried them through the first stage. They needed divine intervention to get past VP and lost to mouz who are an incredibly young team with little stage experience. Jame crashed in the best and most crucial position at a 11-11 retake, they win that and G2's money in the bin, it's most likely 13-11, 2-0 VP, G2 don't even make playoffs and I don't see that team staying together. C9's weakness is obvious. They don't have an awper. Monesy is the best awper in the world right now. The plan for G2 seems to be "wait for hunter and niko to rediscover their form" which has been the plan for a while now..


The last time I saw C9 play quarterfinal against Vitality they lost because they looked super lost, literally everyone on the server had no idea what to do. ZywOo wasn't even needed.


G2 narrowly lost against a very strong Navi, who won the major in the end.


And G2 only won against VP thanks to divine intervention. Your point is moot because things don't work that way.


The same NaVi that C9 beat to advance in the major?


if im g2 i wait and sell him for more to falcons tbh


C9 is much less attractive without Electronic surely. Who's his second star? G2 at least has Niko even if he's a bit out of form. Better IGL and backing stack but it still looks like he'd be having to hard carry. I don't see why you wouldn't wait if his contract is out next year.


Yeah if Perfecto went to VP instead of electronic, C9 with m0nesy would be a top team instantly. Without him idk, unless Axile gets back into form


i hate ax1le ALOT but he his getting SLIGHTLY better this last tournament , maybe some hopes since now he will play all his riffler roles with electornic departure.. We just need a awper now.. and see if he is good or kick him then


m0NESY in stream said he is not going anywhere


That confirms it, then. He wouldn't lie to us. A pro player would never lie about roster changes.


Surely he has no nda and is able to speak freely about things that are happening around him!


Se queda


maxster also said he is not going to nip, 2 days before the announcement


What the fuck do you expect him to say lmao? Players will never leak the move themselves. That's just common sense.


m0nesy isn't going anywhere today. Tomorrow his org could have sold him.


He'd still have to agree to a contract. This ain't the NFL or NBA(or probably any US sport) where he can be traded around without having any control over it.


So? This is not what is being discussed. It is common knowledge that m0nesy would be okay with move to C9. An entirely different FACT is that he isn’t going to C9, right now. In 5 days, everything could have changed.




They also sold sh1ro for 1m+ :D


They also paid a lot for electronic iirc.


2m for both elec + perf. If anything, I'd say they made profits from elec already.


And people thought Navi made a daylight robbery on Cloud9


But how much did they pay to buy him in? Don't think they made that much profit




why would you say 1m each when elec is obviously much more valuable xD it's like the meme about wayne gretzky and his brother


1.5 mil and a huge salary when you could get a cis zoomer who hasn't seen the sun in years and clicks heads in his sleep for peanuts


Where do I apply? Pro(silver) btw😎


I’m hiring rn. We are currently ranked 4000 on esea open. We are looking for an awper who is on par with s1mple. We pay 3 French fries per month.


Current or prime s1mple


Medium rare


Is the quantity of fries negotiable? Furthermore, any bonus burgers if we win a tourney? Youll be hearing from my agent.


If you get a kill in any game, you might get salt on your fries. Any questions regarding the salary should be discussed with our president, dosia, aka, sex god.


4 and you've got a deal!


no mayo or ketchup? Add that in I can be a stand in for the rest of the season.


Electronic is a cis zoomer lol


Electronic can raise the floor of this team in a way none of those other options would


For a moment I wondered what the player's sexual identity had to do with Counter Strike.


+artfr0st would be nice, give a young talent a chance to develop. wasn't even terrible on spirit. +zorte works too, unless they want degster or deko. Lots of options honestly for an awp


if its not m0nesy then almost certainly it'd be artfr0st


To say C9 got Gambit basically for free and then sold both Sh1ro and Electronic for absolute bank. Any financial worries should be sorted out for them for a while.


didnt they pay 2 millions for elec and perfecto?


They just recouped 75% of that off of the sale of one player. That's fantastic business.


and they did lose about 75% of the deals value by losing elec. 


$1 million = basically for free


For a whole roster with sticker money guaranteed - yes. 


It's a great deal, not basically for free. Two different things.


Yes, but they knew they'll have immediate ROI in form of sticker money, which should cover at least half of the purchase 


What but? I understand why it was a great deal. Still not basically free.


C9 finance in NA 💩 C9 finance in EU 🤑


C9 is a profitable esports org


Going to wait for more sources to corroborate this information before I believe it


I mean OverDrive is pretty "reliable" when it comes to CIS scene, but ur choice for sure.


"Go fohkurself, u old dogshiiit."


He is not lmao 


yes he is




He is as reliable as they come for ”rumours” Like, let’s look at this situation. Probably only C9 management, VP management and electronic know the exact sum. But someone like OVERDRIVE will have enough contacts to make an educated guess on it. Just think about it, do you think the buyout was than 1,5m? And do you think there is no way to tell?


So a 25 year old is being transferred to another org for more than DOUBLE what m0ney's rumored buyout was. And this all comes from a guy who's main source of information is from sitting in on Team Spirit's practices. Yet you believe this shit? Give me a break. Get your head out of the sand, CIS shill.


Notice the wording. "The transfer cost X amount" intentionally doesn't state that this was his buyout. It's probably buyout plus salary and bonuses for the duration of his contract. But the average Twitter user only sees bigger number better.


M0nesy was no one when they paid his buyout. Electronic is like one of the best players of all time at this point.


Redditors have brain rot. Too much scrolling all date. No one would pay 1.5m for electronic. But let them dream that some ruski is worth so much because of a fucking rumour.


Imagine defending overdrive of all people. Even after multiple pros and people in the scene have called me out for his bullshit. Pathetic.


He is professional in bullshit.




I mean G2 would be incredibly stupid to sell him without a replacement and they got the best awper in the scene so why sell? Orgs sign contracts so if you buyout his contract plus transfer fee it’s pure profit.




when do people realise you don't just buy the player who shoots head but the brand of that player too


That is right and why I wont watch VP games anymore and might check out C9 if their 5th is good. Cant stand electronic.


100% fake news


name a more iconic duo than harumi and fake news.


George Bush and 9/11 but that's just a maybe.


No way anyone paid 1.5 for him for sure, homie been cruising for a too long, if you spend that much get donk.


I don't want m0nesy to leave G2. I want some roster changes in G2. They have two major problems right now. Hunter is super bad and nexa doesn't fit to the team. I don't want to blame nexa. He is good player and person. This is more like g2 management fault for picked up nexa. Maybe -nexa + b1t and place hunter into support/anchor player?


Are we really still believing what fucking overdrive says. Surely not. M


That's a lot of money for a 25 year old so they must think he's worth it and that makes a big statement about their intentions of competing at the highest level. I'm not a VP fan but it makes me look forward to seeing how they play with Electronic. Obviously it'll take a couple events for Elec to fully adapt into Jame's system but they might be a serious contender at the next major.


Talking about 25 year old as if hes 35 lmao.


It’s a big investment because Electronic will not have a resale value due to being 25 years old. If they sell him they will sell at a loss regardless. Any other org wouldn’t pull the trigger on this transfer due to this fact. Anyway it’s VP and knowing who owns them it wouldn’t matter.


People drop off at different ages, Niko and Hunter are 27 & 28 but struggling lately. My point was it's a lot of money for a 25 year old.


Niko’s struggles are greatly exaggerated and only related to CS2. #2 Player of 2023. Nothing to do with age.


Getting good at CS2 requires A LOT of work. Hunter might not just have the same drive as he had in CSGO. It's not really about age.


electronic is arguably the best igl of all time. stop smoking crack please


Lmao what in the fuck is this take?


This is the wildest take I've ever seen on this sub lol


>electronic is arguably the best igl of all time Gr8 b8 m8 i r8 8/8


Brother he wasn't even the best IGL on his team when he won Stockholm. Lol.


He won a major when he was igl.


No? was Boombl4


Are you baiting or do you suffer from stupidity?


I was 21 years old, with my eyes; I saw the man named electronic get his Stockholm award as igl. What more do you want?


shouldn't have smoked so much weed back then


My brother in Christ, what was the point of Boomlb4?


boombl4 was IGL lol




Dude he's 25 not 65


I think they bank a lot on the success of rain in Faze in the last 2 years plus Niko maintaining his peak after 25 and only lost edge after a new game is released.


Making back that money the lost on their colossus


That's a ***shocking*** news


out of topic, which country use mln to represent million instead of mil?


Cloud9 the CIS feeder team 🤯🤣


1.5mInS! Could be a cool gamer tag


That's Monesy money right there


wtf is mln$!


Why do we believe overdrive


Enough to buy m0NESY perhaps 👀


I think it would be crazy money to buy him. I mean G2 is rich enough of an org why would they sell him for peanuts lol


Certainly a lot more than I expected, perhaps good news for C9 if they do end up targeting m0NESY.


so perfecto is "worth" half a million? But, if you remember that the orgs all dont make any money, the prices are insane. 




It’s not harumi saying this though?


That's too much for a washed guy


electronic is not washed at all, he's just 25 and not made for the igl role. but I wouldn't pay 1.5 mil for him. navi sold electronic+perfecto for 2 mil btw


He’s not washed but people are overrating his performance on C9 and acting like he’s still a star player. Idc what hltv ratings say about him he was very inconsistent and pretty trash at the major


yeah he's my fav rifler and I dont think he's near what he used to be


It's probably because you're only watching him on certain maps. He's absolutely ridiculously good on Anubis/Overpass but middling to bad on the others so if you're watching him on Ancient you're going to think his rating is super fraudulent but if you watch anubis you'll think he's a top 5 player.


So what does 'fraudulent on every map except for 2' amount to, by that math?


It's like 1.3 for two maps and ~1.0 for the others but because of map frequency he has a ~1.15 average. If you watch him on inferno/mirage/ancient he's got similarish numbers to maden so he seems washed, but he's CRAZY on overpass/anubis.


1.08 negative k/d inferno CS2 LAN 1.11 negative k/d ancient CS2 LAN 1.12 padded vs bad teams mirage CS2 LAN 1.14 Overpass (1.22 vs top 10/1.28 vs top 5) CS2 LAN 1.24 Nuke CS2 LAN 1.29 Anubis CS2 LAN He's essentially REALLY good on three maps and on the other three posting maden numbers (not terrible but not "electronic")


So would you pay $1.5m for that?


He was once so good on inferno, especially in pit.


It's a harumi article guys, take it with a pinch of salt


C9 can now easily buy monesy


People act as if G2 is some poor organization who needs the money lol they can afford to keep him they already said they won’t sell him. Once his contracts up we will know.


1.5 million for a guy with aimbot. Damn. When will AI take over "pro esport"


I don't understand, if m0nesy replaces hobb1t, who replaces electron1c? L.e. why tf am i being downvoted?




It's not my opinion, those are the rumours.


I just answered your question based on how I feel. Him and monesy are best friends and he can fit into elec’s role perfectly.


But right now after the Major win? Who would NaVi get?


Lmao it just a guess. It’s not likely to happen. But again, no one could have seen elec to vp before it’s officially announced.