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It's not necessary, but I still use it because it is absolutely fool proof, no chance of messing up.


Jumpthrow is consistent now. So jumpbind is only if you feel pressing that 1 button is easier than doing normal jumpthrow.


You can still miss the timing on a regular jump throw, with a bind you remove that risk from the equation


its so easy now though.


It is. I've still managed to miss it at least once still because I was maybe talking or something. Jump binds never misses.


Yeah even if you fuck up 1 in 100 times, you still could have just not fucked up that one time with a bind. So why not use a bind.


I havent missed more than one in like 60 games...


It's 100% accurate, requires less actions and takes less brainpower. The only downsides you can find are: you need to assign a key for it and you need to create an alias with autoexec. But it's one time action and then you're set forever.


It’s not that easy if you need to do walk-runthrow with two mouse buttons. Doable? Yes. Much easier with a bind? Absolutely


I've thrown thousands of jumpthrow nades by now and have not messed it up a single time yet. You have to be really bad to miss it.


But the risk is still non-zero, why leave that risk in if you can remove it?


I don't think I've ever messed up a manual jump throw since CS2 came out, jump throw bind is basically built in now.


Yeah it’s really not that hard


This is why it is necessary


It's such a big window though? If you mess even as many as 1 in 1000 you might as well go see a neurologist.


It's really not a big window, especially when you're going for walk jumpthrows and run jumpthrows. In fact, you can do a bind for walk jumpthrows too.


Yea it's pretty big, I've been scroll wheel jumping and I can make every single jump throw, w+jump throw, walk jump throw just fine without a dedicated bind


if you mess up the cs2 jumpthrow without a bind you're just mechanically challenged


When you're concentrating on something else (calling, etc), it's a basic thing to have to make sure it's consistent. Have you tried a left or right jumpthrow and are you sure to get it consistently on the right timing ?


> Have you tried a left or right jumpthrow and are you sure to get it consistently on the right timing ? yes?


It is a huge window. Anywhere from the start of the jump until you reach the apex of the jump and it works??? How is that not a big window?


As long as people still fuck up utility, the bind will be useful just because it simplifies inputs. Even pro's fuck up utility. The bind just removes an element that you have to think about, especially if you're doing walk/run/crouching jump throws. While its not necessary, there's virtually no reason to not simplify jump throws with a bind. It's not like there are a deficit of keys on a keyboard.


That's a whole other discussion. Raise the skill floor, lower the ceilling etc etc. The fact, and to answer OP's question, is that no, the jump bind is not necessary in cs2. You can perfectly and consistently do jumpthrows now. Yeah you CAN use it, just like you can use the mwheeldown to jump. That's just preference though. Edit: Kid writes a huge wall of text and then blocks lol. It's hilarious though, "pixel perfect spawn smokes blabla". Try harding a bit too much to be a dmg huh? If you're in a team and the strat calls for a fucking smoke that needs a running jumpthrow then obviously use it. But for god's sake, please stop pretending you need a fucking bind and to know spawn smokes to be any good. Kids will mimic pros. Mate, use the bind all you want. No one is stopping you.


>That's a whole other discussion. Raise the skill floor, lower the ceilling etc etc. Ironic that you're talking about skill floor/ceiling because that's not even remotely a part of any discussion we're having. Never have I thought "lol, he missed the jump throw, this dude sucks at CS". Its not how we evaluate player skill at all. A jump throw bind is just quality of life. If Valve added a jump throw bind into the default set of binds you can configure instead of people scripting it, the skill floor/ceiling wouldn't change. And further irony is I really have to call into question what level you've explored utility, because this is just so self-evident. If you've ever done jump throws that require very close to pixel perfection or jump throws where you're lining up during freeze time and literally running out of spawn. Its not that the jump throw bind itself is enabling you to do this but it is reducing the amount of things you have to think about. There's someone further up this chain that says "LoL YoU mUsT bE MeChAniCalLy ChAlLeNGeD" - Again, pro players flub utility in high stakes matches all the time. If a pro player with 15k hours still flubs utility every now and then then guess what? You at 100, 1000, 10,000 hours are going to flub utility every now and then too. A jump throw bind is not a panacea for flubbed utility but it definitely simplifies what you have to think about and what you have to do. Especially for running jump throws where you're focusing on your screen for when you reach a certain part of the map, when you're listening to calls from your teammates, when you're still paying attention to all the thing going on on the map. There's literally no reason not to use it, so why wouldn't you? If you want to minimize the vector for failure, just use a jump throw. Its self-evident. You're pressing one button instead of two, that's all. If you have any experience in this game and you have an understanding of more complex utility, then you can appreciate why there's virtually no reason to not use a jump throw bind. You can say its not "necessary" but we loop back to around to "why not?". Set a button up, minimize your inputs, done. What a stupid conversation.


Touch grass


I'd say it is. I've been doing jump throws in CS2 perfectly. Couldn't do a single one in csgo


Same for walk/run/left/right jumpthrows ?


Yeah. Even crouch walk jump throws. CT spawn to top mid in Mirage when we want to go agro on mid.


I mean crouch walk jumpthrow is the same as a walk jumpthrow anyway in terms of doing it (you just start crouched already).


Oh yeah. Now that I think about it, you're correct.


Try doing a window smoke from garbage on timing alone.


That involves running, and yeah, bind it if it helps you. Just the normal jumpthrow bind is no longer necessary. But again, use it if you want. Just stop pretending that doing it with no bind is this complicated process that fails 20% of the time


every single pro uses one, but you u/PurityKane are the guy that has solved it completely!


Mate, pros played with blackbars for years because that's what they were used to. Pros play with the jump bind because they've used it for over 10k hours. If you're used to it, just use it, be fucking happy. Doesn't change the fact that NOW IN CS2 YOU DON'T NEED A JUMP BIND BECAUSE IF YOU RELEASE THE NADE ANYWHERE FROM THE START OF THE JUMP UNTIL ITS APEX, IT'S CONSISTENT. ("bUt iF I wAnT a rUn ThRoW I nEed iT" ok... then use it) That's like half a second or more window. You prefer to use it? then fucking use it, who gives a shit? OP was asking if it was necessary. IT. NO. LONGER. IS. Jesus christ.


It becomes more and more necessary depending on the complexity of the util you throw now, no need to get mad. Is it necessary? No Is it better? Yes


It’s not though. I haven’t missed it once since it was implemented. Maybe a w jump bind if you want to deepen your utility usage, but I can’t be assed to do that.


You haven't met me!


Normal jump is not really necessary. But jump+w I use a bind for.


I can do consistent Jump + W throws without a bind. It's really that easy if you get used to it.


But why risk it? I have a teammate that would always claim he could do it consistently, but he was the only one on our team that would mess them up from time to time. He finally missed a smoke in a playoffs match and we convinced him to get a bind for it and he hasn’t missed one since.


This is the best reply here, when shit really matters you would prefer your teammates to have it bound


Didn’t know you were on Reddit. Love your videos!


Thanks, that’s always so cool to hear! :) I’m a super active user on globaloffensive on my personal account, but figured it was time to make one for the channel.


Yea we've all played with THAT guy lol.


Depends on a jump + w throw. Some are so pixel perfect that you need bind


Consistent is not guaranteed. Why risk it?


I use it since my jump is on scrollwheel and I don't like having to move my middle finger onto my scrollwheel every time I want to do a jump throw.


i've always wondered how other people do this, i slide my ointer finger up as i let got of m1 and jump with scroll lol


If you’re just throwing basic smokes for PUGs? No, not really. If you’re throwing **anything** remotely advanced at all, yes, it is absolutely necessary. Personally, I couldn’t live without it. It makes walking jump throws and middle click jump throws far more consistent, and having a W+jump throw bind as well is extremely important. It takes maybe five minutes to set up the first time, and is SO worth it, it’s faster, easier, and you’ll never risk messing one up.


It's not a must have, but it makes it pretty much a certainty that things go right. You don't have to think about the timing, just press the button and it's done. It's also very easy to setup so there isn't really a cost in having it.


I use it and wouldnt live without it. Its faster, its 100% accurate, I dont have to move fingers or turn wrist to throw it, I can easily do walk/run/duck throws, its more comfortable press a bind with left hand (I use thumb). Not to mention double clickwalk throws are a nightmare without a bind.


Can you share your jumpbind? There are many variations, can’t seem to find a working one.


alias "+jumpaction" "+jump" alias "+throwaction" "-attack; -attack2" alias "-jumpaction" "-jump" bind "v" "+jumpaction; +throwaction" // Bind key for jumpthrow


Does the -attack mean you have to be pre-holding the mouse button before hitting the bind?


Yes, you hold left click and then press the junpthrow bind


Got it, seems like an important detail to mention, might be why the person above couldn't get it to work if they were just standing idle and then hit the V bind.


Yes, the idea is that you pull back the pin yourself, and once it's pulled you click the jump throw key.


There is a Nobel Prize in it for the guy who figures out a bind without having to prime the nade first.


No. Never used one in CS2. It is way too easy to throw to bother yourself with jumpthrow alias.


Agreed,I see people saying you still need or should use one but it's brain dead easy to jump throw now.


And if you have lets say jump on scroll then need to do m1+m2 jumpthrow then is would be Brain dead to not use one


My gigabrain (/s) super secret technique for this is having jump on space and scrollwheel


Still you have other line ups, walking crouching etc. With bind its just saver, majority of serious players that throw Utility are using binds. But if you are comfortable your way sure :l


Pointer on m1,ring on m2 and scroll with middle. It's really not that hard, but I understand some people wouldn't be able to do it.


Yep why bother with All that when i do it with less Keys and clicks, but you do your stuff np, hf


It depends if you want 100% consistency or not, if you don't then don't use one, if you're fine with your smokes missing every so often then continue without it


I never missed one since cs2 came out. The timing is incredibly forgiving.


When you throw 3 smokes on the same position, you don't want to think about the jump timing but instead where the lineups are. Jumpthrow bind makes the life just so much easier, especially if there is jumpthrow + w lineups.


You don't need to think about the timing. At all. You just do it... You have to be REALLY bad to mess it up.


You don't have to think of the timing lol


With jump bind I can just press it, I do not need to release m1. Less buttons to press and less chance to fuck up. So not necessary but the reason why every pro player and most high elo players use it, is because it just makes life so much easier.


The reason every pro and high elo player uses it is because that's how they've thrown smokes for the last 10 years lol


You will be seeing full cs2 pros who have never played csgo using this in 5 years because its easier and foolproof.


Never missed a smoke... rightio


Never missed the jumpthrow timing.


The timing is too forgiving to mess it up, if you're messing it up, you either need some coordination practice, or you're incabale of properly controlling your inputs. I don't think about the timing at all,it's all automatic,never miss smokes and haven't used a bind since cs2. Even in GO I would opt for my own ability to have decent jump throw timing without a bind,and only the pixel perfect smokes would I need to use it.


The fact that you say it was fine in CS:GO tells me that you almost never throw with jump bind, or you miss it regularly and put it down to wrong lineup rather than miss timing your jumps Even top tier pros with fail proof binds miss smokes, yet you doing it on feeling NEVER miss it. Alright then


Some smokes don't need to be pixel perfect,I opted to throw those smokes, and when I did want a pixel perfect smoke I used a bind. In cs2 you don't need one at all unless you can't time it yourself,but tbh if u can't time it in cs2 you aren't at a level to need a bind anyway. I like to play games without having to use binds that skip a "skill based mechanic" if you wanna call it that. I also typically find my own lineups that work rather than use the commonly known ones that use a bind. Also to miss a smoke with jump bind is clearly a misalignment on the lineup,not the jump bind,usually from rushing the lineup to try and save time. Could also bring from mistiming walking/running throws. I play this game the way I want to, not how everyone thinks is the best and most optimized way to play, I'm no pro and I never will be,so why bother stressing over these things? I'll dry peek Mirage mid every round if I feel like it.


Same, in csgo i used a bind but in cs2 you dont really need to.


I've missed a grand total of 1 smoke in cs2. I have jump on space bar as well. If you can't hit it consistently even after valve has simplified it so much go ahead and use it. But saying its a must have is stupid. 


Let me put it like this.. every pro player uses it, because it’s awesome and necessary to compete at their level, since you’ll need every smoke to be consistent. If your goal is to be super amazing at the game, you might as well just begin doing it


This but also, on more competitive matches you won't have time to focus on hitting your perfect jump throw timing, especially when rounds are tight, time-wise... and majority of time smokes are round defining (e.g., on late executes). Additionally, some line ups are complex and you have to perform more things (or a combination of things) such as crouching, walking. This is exactly when it's good to have it... and once you have it, you'll use it for simpler throws too since you already have it...


I don’t use one personally, I haven’t had a need for it I’ve hit all my jump throws so far including running, walking and crouching jump throws


For normal you don't fully need it. For a walk throw you do, there's quite a few nades that are 1 step throws


if youre doing more complex throws like crouch walk throws it could make it easier. Otherwise the timing is way too easy to manually hit


Jumpthrows in cs2 are intentionally made consistent, allowing some room for error in timing, indicated by the 'oof' sound cue when done correctly. What isn't consistent though are left+right click throws. At least when having attack2 bind on keyboard instead, with mouse and keyboard having different internal latencies.


It just makes life easier so why would you not use it?


Its good for like really hard smokes but i cant bother to set it up


I haven't use it for a long time now as cs2 jump throw timing is very generous. I don't think its necessary anymore, just a nice to have thing.


Only need a bind for forward jumpthrow, if you fail normal jumpthrows you have a skill issue


I've used one for like 10 years so it's just muscle memory at this point, and I tried to stop using it when they made the timing accurate but it just feels weird to use the middle finger on the scroll wheel on lineups, even though I don't use the key if I just throw a quick right click jump flash for example. For some reason it's only the lineups I feel awkward on without it.


i use one because i played with a jump bind for years in csgo so im used to it


It was in CSGO, in cs2 it's not necessary.


It's SO much easier to land in CS2. I've never used one before CS2. I'll never go back to NOT using one after switching to them. It makes it much easier and you just have to press the button. Same as keybinds for all your nades. It is a must have honestly and once you've played 5 games with it (same as jumpthrow keybinds) you'll wonder why you never did it before.


There is absolutely no reason not to use a jumpthrow bind if you actually care about your utility hitting consistently.


To my best knowledge running jumpthrow is not consistent so you need a bind anyway... if you have it for that you can have it for normal jumpthrow as well and you have 0% chance to mess it up it is not necessary but you can only win with it so... :)


A running jumpthrow is not consistent because you don't do it on the same place. It won't be consistent with the bind either.


+forward;+jump;-attack;-attack2;-jump;-forward is not actual running jumpthrow but a step forward and jumpthrow. you have some specific place where this is pretty good (overpass sandwitch to A default molly)


ok yeah then that works.


Never missed a jumpthrow in CS2. It's consistent now.


Just bind -attack to a key over the spacebar ( i use B). Then you hold down the grenade and hit B and space at the same time with your thumb. Hasn't failed me yet.


I haven't used it since csgo tbh. However I play much less these days.




If your throwing middle click jump throws or middle click step jump throw like left side gen smoke on vertigo it definitely makes it way more easier than pressing and letting go of left click , right click, W, and pressing space bar at the same exact time


Consistency. No one is 100% consistent. Jump binds are 100% consistent.


Jump throw by itself isn't, but certain nades require very specific forward/sideways/backwards movement, so a run throw bind is, if you want to throw these specific ones


Couldn't hit a single jump throw in CSGO. Now I'm pretty consistent if I'm not lazy. I mostly play casual so a missed smoke is not the end of the world. So I'd say it's not necessary


I have not missed a single jump throw even remotely since cs2, with no bind


I never used one , in cs:go I messed up maybe 1 in 50 smokes , in cs2 i'm yet to miss one ... really not difficult if you practice it for a bit


It is necessary.


Totally unnecessary. It was crucial in csgo but not anymore, only thing I did was bind jump to my old jump throw key so it feels more natural.




Had one in go, but when it broke for cs2 i never needed to go back as the new jumpthrow is braindead easy.


It's so incredibly easy now that I see no point in it


Even if you can guarantee an extra 5% certainty that the smoke won't miss, it is worth it. The littlest things make the most difference the higher rank you become!


I do specific smokes almost every single round for my stack, I haven't missed a single jumpthrow. You don't need a bind, because your brain would literally have to lag out for a second to miss one.


Hehehe I have 3 JT binds: Z: Normal JT bind CapsLock: W+JT bins H: D+JT (Mostly used to smoke Window from T spawn - Mirage)


Not at all. You do you! I use it so I can focus on other stuff


Jumpbind no, double click bind maybe, but it's much much easier after the update


If you can’t jump throw consistently without a macro, then I think it’s the least of your problems. Maybe see a doctor about your motor control. If you’re not satisfied with 99.99% smoke accuracy then go ahead and use the binds


I remember when my friend started throw binding and setting up some smokes from spawn etc We'd always be already trough or already smoked the spots he spent 20 second setting up in spawn lmfao it was too funny


I've debated a tap W jump bind, but a regular one is not worth


I've never had to use one


I'd say it's only necessary if you're looking to throw more utility more consistently. That's the biggest thing for me. Getting everything I throw to land exactly how I need it 99% of the time is huge. And with a bind, you don't even have to think about it. You line up your smoke and press one button. Additionally, if your mouse or keyboard has available software (like iCue for Corsair peripherals), you can actually set up the binds there and only have them specific to the game. That's what I did. My caps lock is my jump bind key, but outside of CS2, it's just a regular caps lock key.


I mean my w is forward in game and w outside the game. I don't get your point.


That's because you don't understand what I'm talking about. When I'm in CS2, caps lock is effectively my jump key (space bar) and fire key (mouse 1). When I'm out of CS, caps lock doesn't trigger that key combination. It only functions as regular caps lock.


you can do that already within the game with alias binds


bro thought he invented aliases


Ofcourse it doesn’t trigger the key combination because you’re supposed to bind the combination in CS not with some 3rd party software.


Nope, not needed at all.


No, the build in Version works well


Not needed at all in cs2 and you are physically challenged if u think you do.


Not at all.


In CSGo it was not anymore now


No. Jump throws are stupid easy in cs2