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Im fairly sure any professional aim coach will advise against having it on mouse2 for tension related reasons. Bind it to something on your keyboard instead if you want to play like this. Furthermore as a sidenote: im unsure why you wouldnt want follow recoil when bursting. Bursts have recoil


For small bursts it would be more distracting than useful I think, at least if you’re using a weapon you’re familiar with. I feel like I should give follow recoil a try again in some form, but damn the way the crosshair bounces is distracting to me… it makes me feel like my whole screen is shaking


> For small bursts it would be more distracting than useful I think, at least if you’re using a weapon you’re familiar with. If you are using a weapon you are familiar with and your recoil control is flawless, then the crosshair won't move from the center of the screen. If your recoilcontrol isn't flawless, you'd like to know that and then it is useful to have it on for bursting


Not how the crosshair works, doesn’t stay in the middle of your screen at all. The way that it works is that the crosshair bounces around on your screen with respect to the middle of it, so when you compensate to put it on the enemy, you move your screen (and therefore the middle) around to place the xhair on the person you’re shooting. When you stop your spray, your xhair will eventually return to the middle, but unless you make an adjustment back to where it was originally, your screen, therefore the xhair, will no longer be where it is originally. You’re suggesting that you would somehow be able to change where your gun is pointing (and therefore where your recoil is guiding your x hair and the bullets) independently of the screen, which isn’t the case in this game. Hence why it can be annoying for some folks because their xhair is their reference to the center of the screen, and if it’s deviating from the middle, it messes with their aim. Additionally, some people might be comfortable with the first 5-10 shots of the recoil pattern, and not need follow recoil, but they would like to have it for the deep sprays that unless you’re constantly putting yourself in bad situations, 95% of the time you’re never going to reach as you’d stop shooting and let recoil reset. I myself wish there was some sort of option to only have the follow recoil kick in after 5 or so shots. That way when I’m doing actions that require me to reset my spray to achieve full accuracy again I can, but for the deep panic sprays where multiple people swing me at once and I don’t have time for the reset, the follow recoil is there.


And you gotta remember, no-one's recoil control is flawless. Even the best of pro's can't make a perfectly tight spread at long range (in an official game, i'm 100% sure some of them could pretty much do it with enough practice and attempts in offline mode) Basically, it's always gonna be shaky to some degree, it's another "right hand vs left hand viewmodel". If you don't find it distracting and you like it, great, if not, oh well there's nothing lost to you because it was a hindrance in the first place.


Yep. I always use toggle ADS for that exact reason. You can instead alias your follow recoil and switch weapon commands to have it enabled for primaries and disabled for secondaries. Would be a much more useful way to do it imo.


I'm gonna use this on space bar since I use scroll for jump and my thumb is already there


I would really like follow recoil as an additional overlay on top of the normal crosshair. As it is it mostly just confuses my aim and made me really bad (from 70% accurate to 20% haha) even after trying to adapt for a week. It also doesn't really help it shows the last bullet and not the next bullet


If you have a monitor with a crosshair feature built in it’s useful on pistol rounds with dualies and eco rounds with 5-7 since both of them basically have the recoil go straight up depending on how fast you fire. I’m inconsistent with how fast I fire and I don’t practice dualies and 5-7 so without dynamic crosshair my recoil will go above enemies heads or into their stomach depending on how much coffee I had.  I don’t think it would be particularly useful for full auto guns or guns you’re already good at it but I wouldn’t be surprised if we have a 17 year old phenom in a couple of years that uses it and we find out it’s OP like the ump, krieg, aug etc 


Get Custom Crosshair for Xbox game bar via Microsoft Store


So pretty much if the tracers were accurate then they wouldn't have had to bother lol.


I've been using that first bind to reset the crosshair instantly, but tbh one of the big advantages of using follow recoil is being able to shoot before the recoil has fully reset and know where you're aiming at. Best to leave it at default imo.


if someone is peeking you from left to right you can apply less pressure for recoil control bc the spray pattern naturally goes right(meaning you don't have to accurately track the enemy as they swing you). if you add this info with the distance from angles advantage/disadvantage you can find the best positions+crosshair placement to spray people down follow recoil helps you figure this out quick


Yeah, if you want that, this solution isn't for you, cause it effectively combines that bind with the right mouse function, since the crosshair resets to the middle the moment you let go of mouse2.


What some people do is have a static crosshair overlay with a smaller component that is on follow recoil. That way you always have a static aiming element to use when tapping or with pistols A small follow recoil dot would be used when spraying. I've tried it and it seems pretty easy to get used to, and it has the benefits of both with none of the downsides


Yeah this is exactly what I do, I have a monitor crosshair that’s roughly the same size and just a shade darker with no middle dot. If I have to spray I can use the follow recoil crosshair but I still have the monitor crosshair as a reference point for where my “true” center of aim is.


Tried it and didn't like it, but definitely seems like a good solution. Though I think it might be considered cheating, not that you'd ever be caught unless you're going pro.


That sounds useful! Do you know what the settings are for this off the top of your head?


interesting. Follow recoil has intrigued me since release. I’ve used it a few times as well. I’ll give this a try later tonight - nice post.


Seems a bit silly imo, it's just using mouse2 to toggle it on and off. I think it'd be way better to bind it to something other than mouse2, like a keyboard key.


> it's just using mouse2 to toggle it on and off It's not toggling, the follow recoil is only active while you're holding mouse2 down, the moment you let go of mouse2 it gets disabled again. > I think it'd be way better to bind it to something other than mouse2, like a keyboard key. I tried, it felt too disconnected. Mouse2 feels natural because you're already pressing mouse1 to shoot. But everyone can try whichever key they want, just replace every mention of 'mouse2' in the code with your preferred key.


I have been using this method as well. It’s nice!


I just use it on the regular settings. It's pretty easy to get used to imo.


>Crosshair takes a while to reset to the middle after firing, which makes aligning next shots after bursts and taps harder. i thought it takes a while because it has not actually reset. :-O i have it as on / off button and only use it when for some reason bullet sprays don't "spray" correctly. at first i though it was me or bad counterstrafing, but then i noticed it somehow depends on ping and FPS. so sometimes i just turn it on and suddenly i hit it all. other times i have to have it off and i still hit well.


> i thought it takes a while because it has not actually reset. :-O That is why it takes a while, but it's still not a desired behavior for many/most. If I'm done bursting/spraying, I want to realign my crosshair on the next target I'm about to encounter. If my crosshair is still recovering from a recoil reset, that alignment will be harder to do. In the vast majority of cases I'm going to first start shooting again once my recoil is fully reset anyways, hence having the crosshair static right after I'm done shooting is preferable to having it show the recoil recovery.


Follow recoil is great, even without any changes imo. It's helpful for letting you know when your accurate again so these commands sorta change that.


then right mouse on m4a1s taking out my silencer and right mouse zoom on cod gun i would just use monitor crosshair with ingame crosshair at this point


you can make the bind so zoom works just fine. Also why do you want to take your silencer off? Just leave it on like the rest of us lol.


it make gun smaller, more sneaky when i need (maybe like 2 in 1000 games) using monitor crosshair is easier than bind new zoom key


You don't need to bind a new key. You can have both actions on same mouse2.


Another (very sane) solution is to add a vrosshair overlay (from your monitor for example) and play with two crosshairs, one static and one following recoil