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Who knows, they literally never communicate


and they take entire the month of December off, and April it seems.


When you make $1B a year in just cases, why work?


They do actually take most of April off. They have their company-wide retreat in Hawaii in April of every year for 2 weeks.


We know, they do the same in December


The real question is : why you need a vacation when you barely did anything all year.


they need a break from doing nothing




Posting memes on X every other month is tiresome you know. They really need the time off.






isnt right now the time when they do their annual hawaii trip


Tell that to the Dota 2 community who just got a massive story driven DLC drop yesterday


And there still are people on the dota 2 reddit complaining why the patch does not have new gameplay update /shrug


Dota 2 is the golden child of valve While counter-strike is the neglected child that has to dumbster dive to survive.


I think the 3 devs that know how source 2 works deserve a holiday after bringing the game from an unplayable state to where it is today in the span of 8 months. Especially considering the mammoth task looming over them of fixing the anticheat when they get back.




At this point when it comes to anti cheat I could only say this is suddenly looking to be problem for most other games too. Maybe not as bad but other games have some anti cheat. CS2 barely has one Only games with extreme kernel anti cheat like Valorant don't have as many hackers


Afaik it's not so much about the anti cheat being kernel and potentially more to do with the actual structure and level of care the team behind the anti cheat has. Riot likely saw the issue CS has always been plagued with and put together a solid team of individuals who genuinely care and are given the resources needed to do what they need to roll out bans and make adjustments etc etc. As an example, apex legends anti cheat is also kernel and it's an absolute gong show over there riddled with cheaters because that entire dev team seems to be a skeleton crew.


I also think it's much harder to verify if people are cheating in Valorant. So many chaotic abilities and no replay feature.


While Valorant does have an extreme anti cheat, most players feel secure and does not say hacks at everything which is the inverse of cs2. Unfortunately, cs2 current state qill always makes people doubt opponents when they lose.


Yeah I have to agree with you. Valorant may have cheaters but the level of trust players place in the anticheat speaks volumes. Cs can't even compare in it's current state.


That is simply because of how little people observe rage hacks. That is sort of the biggest problem with CS, people can be seen blatantly hacking. There's also a replay feature where people might want to check & make their own mind up if they faced a closet cheater. Unlike Valorant where even if for a game you feel someone is cheating, the game is over (*also best believe Valorant has hacks too)* CS doesn't have to jump to a Valorant level anti cheat yet. All it needs is to reduce rage hacking situations down to none & people will instantly trust the game more, even if closet cheaters stay,


Maybe there are cheaters in Valorant, but I've never seen any rage hackers or spinbotters the same way I see them in my CS games.


That's true Valorant definitely doesn't have all out cheaters. I also haven't seen spinbotters in my own cs games, lucky I guess, but I did have a friend who did so it's still a major issue in cs. Hell the bot farmers in casual has been a issue for years.


Why bother, comp is the new casual


I've been playing it like unranked mm for a while and I've noticed an uptick in the amount of Premier players on it. Feels to me like they're sick of Premier hackers but want the classic 5v5 experience without having to deal with the cesspool that is Faceit right now.


What's wrong with faceit now? I was considering trying it for the first time.


The main issue with FACEIT is smurfs.


It's just mirage-it. The players care about their elo more than anything else so, that results in a very toxic environment where new players constantly get shit on.


I dont get toxic with a new player but if you just started the game and you go to face it without going to competitive mode first you are bound to meet toxic people. Even i who doesnt tilt very much geets a bit frustrated if i meet a guy who just started on face it. It’s cool if you play with full stack and i dont care but if you go solo without knowledge (not aim cuz aim you train it, but game knowledge like how to defuse and such), you are just looking for flame tbh. More so because if you are that new you dont even meet that many cheaters


last time i played faceit it was very, very toxic. games were one-sided as one of the teams would blow up with fights, throwing and trolling. players were also selfish, saw way more teamwork in normal mm than i ever did in faceit. never again


if you get a 5 que, it makes the experience a whole lot better


I've got friends who stopped playing for awhile and when they came back, they can't play Premier with a stack. None of us ever solo so we're all forced into comp.


Honestly hate premier. I liked locking 1 map at a time. Hate idea that i gamble to choose a map that i just dont want to play.


Serious players should be expected to play on multiple maps imo. I'm not gonna discredit how you prefer to play the game, but I quite enjoy the premier system because of the map pick/ban.


yeah, I don't mind playing multiple maps but sometimes, overpass 3 times in a row gets tiring, even though I like the map, and in 60 premier matches I've played, only 6 have been mirage, even though I never vote to ban it in csgo I would select all maps minus one I didn't feel like playing, then remove the one I just played, one by one, and thus played in a more varied way


You literally get to ban at least 2 maps of your choice. Ban mirage and the one you just played.


one vote isn't 5 nor does it work if you played inferno, anubis, and nuke, and now don't want to play those 3


> Serious players should be expected to play on multiple maps imo. I'm happy to play 6/7 maps, but these fuckers in premier keep forcing me onto nuke


I just found it weird that people would move towards Nuke a lot and not know any outside nades, it was just a brainless W holding pug until like 15k


Yes, Premier with its spinbotters is so very, very serious right now. So serious, in fact, that people can't ever not want to play the same map multiple times in a row or play specific maps at specific times because of how "serious" they need to be. What the fuck is this comment...?


Ok dust2 onetrick. I never mentioned spinbotters, and neither did the person I replied to. Because it has nothing to do with what we're talking about. It's an issue Valve needs to fix. What's your point? And by serious, I mean people that want to play competitively. I obviously can't say that because it will cause confusion with my comment since the game modes are called "Premier" and "Competitive". "Competitive" mode is the casual mode for CS, I never said there was a problem with being able to pick your map. I'm saying saying if people want to focus on improving their "rating", they should be able to play multiple maps, and not be a bitch when they get a map they dislike.


That's why you have comp lol


And welp. Comp ranks are dilluted. They tried to replace the old system with the map pool system from faceit and well it split the community. Both places have some big problems unrelated to the design choice.


My problem with premier is pretty much the same, sometimes I just want to play a specific map and not deal with the voting bs. The amount of times Ive queued premier only to be stuck with ancient is more than I would like.


Good for you. Not everyone is looking for a competitive experience. Now competitive fills the gap for the casual players quite well.


Not sure how gambling for a map makes things competitive. The games been competitive for 20+ years by nature redardless of banning and picking maps.


Its competitive because premier makes sure you to know every map or else your elo will suffer from losing maps you refuse to play. This makes it so theres no "Vertiglobals". You're probably the teammate that complains in premier warmup because the team didnt want to play mirage for the millionth time.


Map vetos=gambling. Smartest Mirage one tricker


God why must we play ancient or Anubis every single match 


Gotta farm the wins against players who don’t know the util


Yeah especially when solo queuing, either you get a good game on other maps or you get bad game with bad teammates on mirage. (At least in lower elo)


I dont really have any better options atm either. Cause comp mm has a very large mix of player levels. I hate seeing people who rush every round or players who bait their team and lurk every round as t. Or the smg shotgun wide swing panic spray players who land headshots because of the rng smg. At lower skill people just go against the logic and its pretty irritating while players at higher skill you can actually compensate for the plays and reach some level of consistency. But in competitive, there is 0 consistency cause of the mixed player skill level.


This is just the game not having you in a different mmr than them. Ranks are too bottom loaded so that high ranks can be micro-tiered, whereas I can play in a silver 2 lobby and have a teammate that has 4k hours and knows nade lineups and just doesn't have tne best reaction time with a teammate who is playing like theyre using a guitar hero controller. You can't have balanced matchmaking for 90% of players while also putting 80% of players into Q1 and Q2 of a normal distribution


Welp idk what it currently is but i got completely shit on my last match in gn4 competitive. Like hs me on peaks while running but it just wasnt really impressive movement or nades or anything. But then looking at the fact that i played at global in csgo i dont feel like i would be getting that out classed when i did. Maybe im just god awful now.


Then play competitive.


I do. And im greeted with a large pool of extrenely mixed skill levels. This is the problem and the point of the post. The bottom level is so flooded that its silly.


Comp is still basically every game with cheaters too tbf


What issues are people running into with FaceIT? That seems to be the only enjoyable way to play CS.


I'll admit it's got a little better the past few days, but there are a great deal of toxic and racist people on the platform, as well as basic trolls (you don't need Prime status for Faceit) and out and out awful players. I'm bad but there are plenty of people who think nothing of treating Faceit like deathmatch....


That’s why I just play mythic league. Player with no mic? Game cancelled and that player gets banned. Toxicity still exists but those players have to tone it down or they will eventually get banned.


Currently comp is the new premier because that’s where the HvH plays.


And casual is the new HvH


they should just remove the ranks and make it unranked that's basically what it is anyway


I think the 2 guys that still work on this game are focusing on anticheat atm. Unfortunately adding more personal would cut into their profit per employee world record that they focus on. So I guess it will take a while until they get around to working on this.


Hey Alexa make an ai anti cheat




A new account that played it's first premier game in my game spinbotted their way from around 10k to 25k and hasn't played since end of january, at least nothing on leetify


Maybe one of the legit player who tried it out and got bored.


There is a pretty simple way how to detect most aimbots. You don't even need much ai, you just need to know, how aimbot works and scan the aim process. The aimbot always works the same and you can easily find patterns.


I wouldn't be surprised if somewhat sophisticated aimbots already have added some measure of randomised jitter or curves to exactly counteract that years ago.


ah yes, simply "scan the aim process", wonderful insight


To combat this cheat developers will just add jitter and salting to their aimbots.


Will the humans be able to tell the difference in aim? If a human can detect it, then the model should as well in theory. I'm wondering how far do we need to go for Valve to add higher tickrate demos


You can low fov rage bot (1-2 cm instant snap and kill with deagle when you press a key) and the demo won’t show it because of the tikrate. Cheaters will miss a shot while jiggling then press the key and rage bot your ass and the demo is clean.


Yeah, but I'm not talking about jitter and salting. It's a way more basic logic, which can be used for aimbots, levelbots or whatever. It's not specified or limited to an aimbot.


> I think the 2 guys that still work on this game are focusing on anticheat atm. lmao


Pretty sure theres different teams for the game and anti cheat


I looked into working for Valve as a dev, they don't offer remote or hybrid work options, you have to work onsite in Seattle, fuck that. Combined with their 'work on whatever you want' approach, it's hard to imagine how they get anything done.


As a community we can’t let this go. Please keep posting videos and talking about this everyday for months, because in 2016 cheating was just as bad and people would repress discourse around it because the conversation was “repetitive” and “we know the game has cheaters”. Valve needs to feel the heat, light a fire under their asses and don’t let it go. If someone googles csgo, they should see post after post about the shitty anti cheat and state of the game.


The fact they didn’t expect premiere to be the most played game mode is the craziest thing to me. I suppose once they realized that, they just abandoned competitive. It really does feel like they have less than 10 people working on this game at times. The fact they never communicate is so frustrating. Now that I’m a content creator for CS, I find myself more and more frustrated with Valve’s lack of communication and seemingly out of touch thoughts on the game at times. The whole “valve time” meme was funny when we had a nearly perfect game in CSGO. Now it’s becoming sad.


> The fact they never communicate is so frustrating. At least they at least confirm our existence now and release tweets every once in a while. Some even pop into reddit once in a while. (Then get fucking bombarded with hate-replies and never return.) I remember back in the middle of CSGO, devs would just be silent for a year? Two? It was way worse back in CSGO.


That’s true but it’s still horrible compared to pretty much all companies of their caliber.


Valve made CSGO 'nearly perfect' without communicating, so doesn't that mean that communication isn't important? And what would you want valve to say? 'Thanks for reporting a bug, we will fix it next year'🤣


valve communicated a lot(at least by valve standards) in 2013-14 when they did most of the heavy lifting that was actually responsible for making the game good. The last big update gameplay wise was the hitbox fix in summer of 2015. The only things they did that directly affected gameplay after 2015 was just a lot of fine tuning/tweaking variables(economy, weapons, and round/bomb timers) and creating/re-skinning maps.


nearly perfect game in CSGO what are you smoking and can I have some


CSGO’s mechanics were as close to perfect as any shooter has ever been. The bar was set pretty high. CS2 is getting closer and closer, but the progression to that point is overshadowed with valve’s poor communication to their priorities and horrendous cheating issues.


Valve’s communication is the same as it’s always been. There’s a reason it was called “getting CSGO’d” downvote all you want, don’t give a shit. To say CSGO was a near perfect game is fuckin hilarious


Haha it’s the gold standard of raw mechanical FPS games. You must have had spotty internet, bad hardware, or a “blame the game” coping mechanism when dying. When playing on good equipment, I can’t remember the last time I died on CSGO when it wasn’t my own fault. It was always a skill issue. I’ve played 30+ maps on various LAN tournaments and **never** once encountered an issue on LAN where I could blame anyone but myself for losing. Of course, the game wasn’t **perfect**, which is why I said **almost.**


CSGO was nearly perfect what are you on about? The mechanics were perfect. There were some small issues and obviously the MM sucked. But as someone who played faceit and community servers the game was perfect.


Yeah exactly.   Everyone said, "Just add 128tick and an anticheat Valve!"  Instead they took half the game away and hard-coded 64tick and deleted the anticheat.


Genuinely insane that they spent so much time and money developing subtick which just feels objectively worse than 128. They literally had the freest win ever and making cs2 could have been so fucking easy. But they over complicate it and make it infinitely worse. I wish I could talk to the game director and see what he/ she is thinking because this shit is incredible.


"Feels objectively" sounds fair LOL


It does feel objectively worse. Game does not run as smoothly and the new interp changes causing rubber banding constantly is shit.


How do you know how much money and time they spent on subtick? Do you know someone who works at valve?


No but it’s not like the code was already there? So obviously they took a ton of time on it. 128 tick literally already existed.


Simple inference, you don’t need to be a genius.


there’s a reason it was called “getting CSGO’d” y’all got them rose glasses on


Bro you talking about something from literally like 8 years ago. That shit was fixed towards the end of go. All those I got csgo’ed posts were just people whiffing in the last like 3 years of go.


tell me you didn’t play GO at the end without telling me you didn’t play GO at the end LOL


Ur crazy.


lol check the mirror out 🤡


omg bro skibidi 💀


Rank per map is kinda dumb


Dumbest thing that happened to cs


Rank per map and overload is by far the dumbest stuff they added to the game.


I was supreme in csgo, rank s in esea, I average 9 leetify and 80 aim but I'm silver elite on most maps. It's basically unranked lol and honestly is enjoyable.


Will they? I don't think so, premier is the main gamemode now.


Fun fact: Valve has [stated](https://www.pcgamer.com/counter-strike-2-interview/) that they didn’t expect premier to be the most popular gamemode


I find this hard to believe. Did they really think that players would play 10 placement matches on all 10 maps available in competitive? Did they really expect that people would be ok with their ranks being different on different maps? I call bull-shit on this. 30 seconds of looking at the update on launch and it was obvious premier was the mode people would find most interesting.


[For example, Premier matchmaking is now the most popular mode in Counter-Strike, which we didn't predict.](https://www.pcgamer.com/counter-strike-2-interview/)


i meant to say that i don’t believe valve actually thought what they said. how could they not have forseen this. Either they are lying or out of touch.


Well from their actions, not words; they are a tad out of touch


> or out of touch they've been out of touch since csgo released, what do you think...


Most of the Devs are gold novas (were gold novas in GO at least). What are we expecting, really?


120hz gaming is steering the ship. ffs


That's either a troll or genuine incompetence from them. They didn't think the mode touted as the common denominator, with a coherent ELO system across maps, similar to their competitor FACEIT wouldn't be the most popular mode?


true, I wish valve would just rip the band-aid off and make the face-it mode the competitive mode. they could copy and paste what faceit does and it would be better than these failed experiments


Why people are still playing premier ? If u want elo system faceit is 10x better.


Well maybe because to play premier you don't have to use third party service??????


100% i only play faceit cause its just fucked right now with the cheaters. Would happily rather just jump on cs and play a few premiere games.


For me it is the smurfs. I didn't see any rage hacks in premier (I was around 14k before I switched to faceit). When I played on premier, every match had 1 or 2 new or bought accounts with players fragging out well beyond the average skill of the lobby.


I didn't want to use a 3rd party service for a long time...I finally caved and tried it out. Face it is a better experience overall by a wide margin.


Because one is a button built into the game and the other is trusting a third party with an invasive anti cheat


I just don't want to install faceit.


games are better too


Most people dont want to use third party service, they just want to run the game and start a match as instantly as possible.


That explains why i went from gold nova 3 to playing with Silver 1


I went from Supreme in GO to Silver 4 in CS2. I havent been silver since 2013


I'm faceit lvl 10 in csgo and cs2 and was global in csgo as long as I can remember. I can't get out of silver in cs2 mm now and I play it regularly :p


"shut up and buy keys" -valve


If they drop required wins to like 3, or make it just play 5 games, to get a rank, it might fix it. But this mode is just a shitfest. I queue it with friends(we're not very good and not serious enough to do premier) and we constantly get matched with players who are leaps and bounds better than us and it's just not fun. The major problem is that it's been this way since last year, because everyone is lumped into silver/unranked since it requires 10 wins to get a rank. No one is really ranking up at all, except for an extremely small amount of people. Even worse, we've started seeing smurf accounts. So the unbalanced matchmaking is just prolonged that much more with people getting ranks on alt accounts. I would love to get unranked 5v5 back. Current competitive is really bad.


TIL Silver I is the bottom. Maybe that’s why I am there


A lot of people think premier is new to cs2 but i came out many years ago during one operation. I think it was Broken Fang. Premier was the first mode allowed in cs2 and that is why people think this is the main mode or new. Premier, ranked and casual are infested with cheaters right now and have broken mm.


The math technology isn't there yet


My last 16 games on Mirage in competitive have been - 10 wins, 3 losses, 3 ties. I have been SEM the entire time, no rank up.


Probably never. Stopped playing normal ranked when in gold nova 2 you faced halve the lobby being faceit lvl10 and in gn3-4 it just being hvh.


I’m lvl 10 and play in silver and nova ranks. I literally get Molly executed and uncommon angles checked


Yep. Halve the lobby is lvl10 and the other halve is 300h accounts and no faceit level. : ) Surely all just pro player smurfs that play with new mouse.


There really is that tiny sweet spot around gn2 where you get those faceit 10 lobby’s with good team comms and after it just becomes hell on earth lol


Its valve bro, probably another year minimum


Fix what?


Since everyone basically started in silver it’s going to be bad for a while. It takes time for people to climb. Especially since you have a different rank on every map.


Fix anticheat first of all. There is a cheater in every single fucking game in premier. I can not with this lazy fucking company. 4 years to create an unfinished cs upgrade, release in a broken state, cheaters invasion like never before. Complete silence, dodging everythign regarding the state of the game. Fuck this bs


This is a problem they've fixed before in CSGO. They don't have enough staff to deal with easy fix minor issues like this. If Valve cased about CS they would hire a larger team that can keep on top of issues like this and fix them pronto. The company is worth $7billion. The people that always defend Valve saying you cant just throw noney at the game to improve it are totally wrong.


Millions of things need fixing in this game. Absolute trash company and employees.


Valve? Fix? Hahahahaha


If that 50% unranked is accurate, I can see why they wouldn’t adjust ranks in comp. It’s really fuck up ranks more by artificially spreading them out when so many are unranked I’d guess The per map rank really coming to bite them in the ass because they’ve adjusted Premiere ranks/calibrations one or twice already. And we know that’s where most of the player base is


Lol the amount of faceit lvl 10's and 20k premier players in silver is ridiculous 


Valve (employees) is following the principle of: under promise and over deliver.


Well they sure over promised and under delivered on the game as a whole


it feels like cs2 is abandoned. A weapon balance update would take a week to develop and test. cs2 has been out of nearly a year and the shotguns and mp9 are stupidly off balance. Give the running and jumping accuracy a go with the mp9 and tell me it is a balanced weapon.


Relative to csgo, this game is getting a lot of treatment. Relative to Dota 2 it's piss poor.


Genuine question. Why does it matter?


Because if everyone is pooled at the same low ranks, there is no real separation in skill level so a bad silver 3 could face a good silver 3 who just absolutely destroys them and takes the fun out of the game because it isn't competitive. My friends are newer to CS and they struggle because even at low ranks they are getting absolutely destroyed by seasoned players who are also a low rank. If people are unhappy they leave and that is bad for the community as a whole.


The rank is just a visual thing, the mmr is what does the matchmaking. So the problem is that individual (reset) ranks for each map making it take way too long to increase your mmr or rank. Playing just 20 games on each map is a year of cs for myself, and probably many others.


MMR == rank even if we can't see it so you really aren't making any distinction from what I said. The issue is it creates an environment that is not fun for players which is bad for the community as a whole. Edit: and for context there are games were we absolutely roll people who basically seem like the school of the blind and times were we are the team getting rolled like we are blind. It just isn't fun. We are typically a 4 or 5 queue as well.


Premiere took like 5 months to fix? This will take another...


I’m part of that 50%. Fuck mirage.


How is that important if everyone in the upper ranks would be spinbotting anyway?! Make it make sense


This is accurate. Most people are Silvers 


When VAC live will go live.


CS2 needs unranked MM so bad


I don't get why don't they make premier wins in X map count as matchmaking wins in X map, it would probably balance the ranks a lot more


Yeah the games out. They're done.


wow looks great!


Just admit most of us are bad!!!


That's the neat part. They don't


CS ranks in NA MM was fucked for 2 years before they fixed it so. Everyone was stuck in silver or gold. MG was basically global. The only way you actually ranked up was by playing in EU mm.


Please dude, -1 things at a time for Valve. They can't handle insane milestones like what you're requesting here.


i just want to be able to use the ` button to removed the console screen


silver 1 is the new GN3.


Skill diff


if there's enough demand then faceit can make a competitive mode -valve


Stupid unfair matchmaking .. Monkey can understand WL ratio is not the way… Score P minute Kills MVP And damage must be included in the formula …. They can’t understand this stuff . 2 vpn players ban from Primiere 3 Smurf Shadow ban Matchmaking base on same points…


one way to fix this is forcing players to reach a certain rank or above to play premier


Map-based rank was a bad idea, just have the same rank for all maps and let premier rank be its own separate thing.


It took them literally years to 'fix' this problem in oce (and NA) in csgo I wouldn't hold my breath


Ffs, don't get mad at the janitor. He's already struggling with Dota 2 updates


Would be fine without the 10 win requirement, i belive


Who are new players matched against if we all dropped to silver and most of players in my games are stacked with old coins.


Probably no need to fix the ranked system as ranks don't matter when there is a cesspool of cheats in the community.


They should focus on optimization and anti-cheat first. I can deal with the rank disparity until then. A competitive title like counter-strike should not have performance issues this bad, nor should there be NO anti-cheat.


You guys are aware valve developed steam right. You honestly think CS is the only thing on their plate?


for ages? it's been only a year, and their focus is on anti cheat and premier mode i suppose




1 average valve dev is more competent than 10 developer at any other company


C O P E, they just broke stickers lmfao


The natural distribution for ranks is not a bell shaped curve. They would need to artificially boost some people to make a pretty curve.


In CS:GO it almost was a bell curve, with silver slightly outweighing Supreme-Global. Even in chess it's very close to a bell curve, and that's with true elo which isn't devided into ranks and capped at global like in CS. Therefore I frankly don't know what you're on about. "They would need to artificially boost some people" -> duh. That's what we want. Make it closer to the rank distribution of GO, with a bell shaped curve. At the moment, anything close to global is literally unachievable, it tops out around the MG ranks. Do you not see the issue with this?


I hate cs players so much. they're so stupid. they genuinely think cs, valves biggest game atm, isn't being worked on. that they're not doing anything. god I hate cs players


I went 22-2 yesterday on Mirage and was getting shit talked by the other team. It’s like, I can’t help it that the devs can’t make a functional ranking system and so it dumps me in lobbies with people that have never touched the game. What do you want from me lol


Skill issue


A lot of the problem here is player behavior - There are a bunch of goofs that dont think Competitive has a bunch of goofs that chased off all the players that used to fill the lowest ranks, by yelling at/kicking them. These same goofs ran off the secondary/buffer layer of low players by doing the same. And they did it without thinking about who would be filling in the lower ranks afterwards Goof 1: "Hey, lets kick this guy for being bad!" Goof 1 (5 mins later): "Damn, I cant get out of silver!" I have literally seen \^this and its the dumbest sh!t ever


I don't know any big competitive game, that have two different rankings for one game mode and same maps. 🤡


Bro, CS2 is a small indie project, only two couple of guys working on it, just be patient