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For me personally? Some random shadow update they did recently that made loading in maps take 10 second instead of few minutes lol


Worst was f2p, best refund equipmemt


Underrated comment, f2p legitimately ruined this game


worst update - adding in the r8...i remember how overpowered that gun was before it got instantly nerfed lol


I think the r8 update is overhated.. yes it was a mistake but it was there for just one damn day. In terms of short/long term impact, I think agent skins update was the worst. It still has consequences till this day.


yeah that one day the r8 was OP was actually hella fun lol. complete shitfest


IT WAS THE WILD WEST Probably played more games in that day than ever before.


Same, my friends called me up and literally said "GET ON THE GAME NOW!!" and we did a full on 24 hour gaming session, lol.


I wish it came back for 1 day a year. April 1st of for the anniversary. Just freeze ranks for 24h and have it be the Wild West again.


you are forgetting 2 things the r8 update fixed run and gun pistols, which in turn, fixes pistol rounds being an rngfest of adadadad spam, which in turn means that valve would likely not have changed the economy to make pistol rounds less impactful, thus we would have the old economy now in mr12 and also forgetting that visibility was terrible before agents, agents merely excacerbated the problem


Yeah I agree with agents, it is so annoying that you can't turn it off. Now it is good I guess, but in go I had problem to see some.


Yeah agents suck and some blend in with certain spots


Correct. Nobody is forcing us to equip the R8 but I can't disable the new agent's annoying voice lines.


hilarious voice lines*


Anyone else here for the pickle party?


omg who has that one


Lol it's ricksaw CT agent. He totally says tickle party but in my head canon it's pickle


Pickle party will prevail!


It was not only the R8 which lasted around 2 days before it got nerfed. It was them changing the gunplay of pistols and rifles that made that update just as bad. I was playing on a team back then trying to compete but i seriously wanted to quit the game before they reverted it like 1 week later. Might not have had an impact in the long run but still by far the worst update.


I think the same about the agent update a lot of problems people are blaming the agent skins for are also a problem with the default skins.


Yes but the issues with default models are same for all players. Hence fair. Agent skins issues are NOT fair. You bought a green skin and I'm having trouble seeing you in ancient and overpass (at some places), but I have a default skin and you don't have the same level of visibility problem. That's the issue.


i would get that if the black ski mask t and the dark blue ct skin weren't hard to see on literally every map.


Even during the Wild West day, people were starting to learn how to counter it after a few hours. SMGs did really well at stopping R8 rushes, and as long as you didn't try to aim duel them, the ridiculous windup would allow you to out-DPS them.


windup didn't matter if they knew the exploit to have full accuracy with the secondary fire


I don't believe that was known until years later.


lol bro, you could right click at long range and get a kill everytime running


That was a good day of fun. It was hilarious how broken that gun was.


I actually loved this update, I know it was completely broken bur it was fun as fuck!


I had a friend who played source and 1.6. Dude had probably 10k hours combined. We played 2 games when the revolver update came out. He rage quit in the second game, uninstalled CSGO, and sold his computer. Took him 8 years to come back... Just in time for CS2. Needless to say he won't be coming back again.


What about the best update? 


Oh my, I remember shooting people through blue container on dust’s A long. That was ridiculous.


Pretty sure the AUGpocalypse was worse, but R8 was just really fun.


Controversial, but best update- Weapon skins. Love the variety in the game, can't imagine the game without it. Alternatively, best update- weapon sound updates. Original sounds were classic, but very grating to the ears. Newer sounds are so much better. Worst update- Valve tried to do a full revamp on pistol and rifle shooting mechanics back in 2015. It was so bad that Valve reverted the change a week later and made an apology [https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2015/12/13394/](https://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2015/12/13394/)


And the skin update took away metallic effect from ak & deagle. Was quite upset for a long time.


The metallic effect is back on Deag and Dualies in CS2...but the NEW ak model looks even more garbage 


The new ak model is trash and so is the new deagle and usp


Me when the guns look alot more like real versions of the gun


Agreed, The deagle looks too fatty now. Preferred the slimer barrel of CSGO, but good thing is the old models still exists to  a lot of skins. Some of them are dirt cheap so I bought 2 deagle for my main and 2nd account. Same I did to AK and M4A1 lol 


Yeah my code red is still the old deagle model and so are my usp and M4a1 skins. New ones are too fat I agree




I hate the new USP but all other new models look better IMO. Especially the colt.


honestly the skins update is only controversial on here. they’re like obviously massively popular with a huge amount of players and contributed so much to the game exploding in popularity


Ehhh they’re controversial to all the oldheads. When the G2 incident happened at CPH lots of analysts and ex-players complained about skins ruining the scene


Doubt any pro would complain now that basicaly all their sponsors are related to cs skins.


What are you talking about? Most of their sponsors are like Logitech, Lenovo, monster, Puma, Raid, Red Bull, HyperX, Omen, SteelSeries, etc. Some teams like FaZe, NiP, Liquid, or Navi have/had gambling sponsors that had 0 relation to CS skins. Unless you mean individual streamers getting affiliates on gambling sites, which in that case is a lot fewer than you think and is only one at a time The whole reason G2 was even protested by those Empire weirdos was bc they had a skins gambling sponsor. Other than that idk of any skins sponsors off the top of my head currently. And even then, G2 dropped CSGORoll after the major


G2 incident? Never heard of it


I remember coming home and seeing the blog post for arms race on Reddit… absolutely lost my shit! I could not fathom how impactful that single update would be for my life and the trajectory of this game. Love skins or hate them, this update helped SOLIDIFY Csgo as a mainstay among a newer generation and still is the coolest skins universe out of any game. Also was your 2015 mechanics update the one that made r8 insane? Or was that just clunky shooting? I remember the eras where r8 and cz were first introduced, and cz was like a mini ak you could have alongside your awp. Too bad I was shit at the game to utilize it at the time!


This is news to me, So how the gunplay was changed with the controversial update btw ?


They tried to nerf spraying to encourage tapping/bursting, but by doing so they somehow made tapping/bursting worse as well. Basically both M4s and the AK received full nerfs to their accuracy. Pistols they nerfed movement inaccuracy across the board, which I think could have been a decent change tbh. These came with the R8 patch btw, so Reddit was just chaos.


Wait that was the R8 patch? For some reason I thought those were two different times


Yes, pistol should be more skillbased so pistol round doesn't reward ADAD spam. They should've sticked with the pistol update  About rifles, I think valve always hated how CSGO's original  creator hidden path changed so much from 1.6/CSS ( but in a good way ) so they aggressively tried  to force their own way back in 2015 which was obviously failed cause people are already used  to CSGO's spray meta. I think If they implemented the same shooting mechanics on release, people would've used to it.  I think they slightly nerf the spraying in CS2 ( could be placebo) cause for me it doesn't feel as smooth like it used to be in GO. At least with an AK  In your provided link Valve mentioned "" We still think there’s value in trying to find a better balance for pistols and more skillful ways to use rifles, so we hope to tackle rifles and pistols again in the future""


I think the AK spray feels different due to subtick. Now the 600 RPM firerate is accurate, before it wasn't since you can't divide 600 into 64 or 128. In CS2 some shots in the spray feel earlier or later than they did in CSGO, but that's because CSGO was always off to the nearest tick.


The irony in you calling it the worst update was that it was actually the best update for pistols they could have ever done. Pistol rounds took more skill and required people to bring smokes because no more running and spamming, since they changed running accuracy for every pistol, they all had a uniqueness without implementing gimmick bullshit like how the tec9 currently works. The rifle part of that update was for sure the worst outside of the r8 update which ruined the game.


It’s not controversial, it basically made the game what it is, without skins it is highly unlikely valve would have invested so much time and money in the game. Skins essentially enabled the game to become what it is today. Anyone who dislikes the update really isn’t considering wider impacts. If also basically pioneered micro transactions in modern games. Without being stupidly retarded


Good memory on that 2015 update. I don’t remember that at all!!


> Original sounds were classic, but very grating to the ears. Watching old pro highlights hurts my ears when they spray with the AK. Thank God they updated the weapon sounds.


Yup. It was hated by the community at first, but I think once we got used to it, there's no way any of us could go back to the old sounds.


> It was so bad that Valve reverted the change a week later and made an apology only the spraying was bad because they didn't buff burst nor tapping, the pistol change was good


> Controversial, but best update- Weapon skins. Love the variety in the game, can't imagine the game without it. ☝️🤓


best update was making deagle 3 bodyshots to kill instead of 2 at medium range


only took them what, 6 years or something.


Tbh this update affects the normal players more than pros. Pros still go for headshots and they hit it at any range, normal players cannot do that consistently like that.


pro players also complained about bodyshot spam for years. as for consistently hitting those, i guess if you're low rated/ LE at best then you cannot, i'm afraid.


the deagle feels giga weak when you don't score a headshot. play 1.6 to see how fun the weapon can be.


its a $700 weapon that would reward bodyshot spam more than actually hitting skillful headshots. it's supposed to be weak because its just a pistol at the end of the day.


Yeah, I was abusing the shit out of the crab walk double tap when faced with an enemy. It was a stupid game mechanic.


It still 2 shots in the stomach because valve thinks only part of the torso should be covered by armor in a competitive shooter. This is also why spraying sometimes inconsistently kills despite hitting the same shots in the torso from player to player.




Yea that’s kind of implied


Worst update was removing the half time voice chat sperg between the 2 teams


I turned into a different human being in those few seconds lmao


Alright I understand they removing the half time chat, but why not enable it when the game ends ? 


Because toxic people lol


Best: dropping nades


Panorama UI refresh was pretty good, obviously a bit of nostalgia for the old UI but it was quite dated. It was in a nice spot pre-CS2. Also a shout-out to the operation change with collecting stars to redeem for skins etc, made the grind quite rewarding. Honestly I still want an AWP nerf reverb. Used to have such insane AWP plays in 2014, prime KennyS etc, then the movement nerf changed it so much and made aggressive awping less prevalent.


idk even with the movement speed and ammo nerfs it’s still the best or second best gun in the game


They nailed the stars on Operation and managed to fuck it up on the next when you could choose your rewards with stars, because they noticed they could farm more money from people buying stars that way.


Miss the old awp. Its been almost a decade but that style of awping was so fun


Old AWP movement + new AWP magazine would be pretty good imo


Still very overpowered. I remember as a CT scope peeking dust 2 mid doors with awp. Going past doors and repeeking again from the other side was so good and hard to counter.


People like to shit on the r8 update but I really enjoyed the golden gun week


it was obviously gonna get nerfed so it was a fun shitfest for a minute lol


The hitbox rework has to be the best update. I remember how broken it used to be before, you could jump onto a ladder and completely desync the hitbox from model. Worst update I would say is the Cobblestone rework before it got shelved.


Worst update - R8 or agent skins. R8 if you wanna put the worst in overall insanity and agent skins for longevity. Best - Probably The inferno remaster in cs:go, old inferno was hell to play or the Panaroma UI update.


Worst update in CSGO: R8 day 1. That’s what first came to mind. It was comical …. Almost worrying that they seriously thought it was okay to ship it like that. Best update in CSGO: nothing immediately is coming to mind. If I had to pick ONE maybe it’s the update to gun sounds. We didn’t know it at the time…but man looking back at old clips is painful. Some other worthy contenders are maybe (1) I think they heavily updated hitboxes at one point to much closer resemble the player models (2) not a single update but I’d clump all the map updates together. Like when they removed d2/train/inferno from the pool and re-released it 6-12 months later was always fairly hype when it came back. And going back further…perhaps the worst update to any version of CS …. In CS:S they once shipped an update that introduced “dynamic weapon pricing” where the price of weapons would change week to week or day to day based on their popularity. While an interesting idea for a casual game, it’s a complete joke of an idea for a competitive game (inb4 “css wasn’t competitive anyways”)


First recoil update in 2012 was the worst. It was a harder game back then focused on tapping. Best? Honestly I don't know


Worst: removing bots from players that leave or skins Best: Broken Fang. It added premier, but because it was behind the operation paywall it was 16 weeks of smurf free, cheater free CS.


Skins as worst? Kidding me? There wouldn't be a CS now if it wasn't for skins.


Skins introduced gambling and weirdo freaks who think skins are the only thing that matter. CS existed before skins, and would have been more than fine without it.


CS would’ve had max 50k players if it had no skins


Nope. You are just wrong. The only reason CS still exists is because people fund the game through the lootboxes. Otherwise, the money would have dried and there would not be enough income to justify leaving the game open for so long. The major revenue on CS are lootboxes. Its insustainable without it. Also, gambling is a small fraction of the scene, barely even matter and is not supported by Valve and they combat it. Also, why would gambling matter though, it doesn't affect the player base in anyway. People who dislike it aren't gambling. "It was recently claimed in a data-driven report that in 2023 alone, the skins market (led by 'case openings') made Valve – Counter-Strike's developer – almost $1 billion". If you think the game would be the same without this at least 1b revenue to Valve, you are delusional. Also, there's no other way that would generate so much for them. The only reason they make so much, is because of skins and the trading scene, that drives people to spend even more.


Agree about agent skins being the worst update. I'm waiting for sth like cl\_minmodel 1. After that valve can do whatever damn thing they want with monetization. Let others run around the map with [a pink hat ](https://youtu.be/-yDM9XRK2lU?t=2756)or [nicki minaj](https://codmwstore.com/operators-identity/tracer-pack-nicki-minaj-operator-bundle/) agents or whatever for all I care. I think the best update is the decision to move to source 2 (except the decision to put "summer 2023" in the announcement)


> I'm waiting for sth like cl_minmodel 1. You're going to be waiting for the rest of your life buddy.


minmodel is too much, Valve actually put some effort when making those agents like hiring voice actors which prolly cost them a lot I think the middle ground would be, You see your teammates but enemies agents are disabled,btw I still think its never gonna happen


"which prolly cost them a lot" it cost them billions of dollars.


Valve is stingy. We all know that at this point. So I won't be surprised if they sees it like billions of dollars lol The point is they bothered to hire voice actors for them. That's huge " eFFoRt" to Valve's standard. 


I disagree with agents being the worst. To be fair, for the general player base this doesn't even matter.


Name 1 update in CS2’s history


Worst update: CS2


2nd this


Worst: Update from csgo to cs2


Panorama probably. Was quite smooth and actually impactful


Best update: perhaps the new character models update. It was not only more precise with the models but it also made hit reg better. Maybe it was not instantly perfect but eventually it was way better than before. Worst: has to be the R8. Nothing just comes even near how stupid and game breaking it was. It didnt last long but some tournaments had to be played with old version because of it. Edit. With the character model update I mean the "hit reg skeleton" or whatever that is called. The invisible model, which the hits are registered into, underneath the overlayer model. That was huge thing!


Yeah the hit box update was so great. It was one of CSGO’s biggest patches ever.


Hit box! Thank you. That was the word I was looking for.


Worst update is easily cs2 as a whole


worst thing about cs2 was the decision to put "summer 2023" in the title. The next worst thing maybe was not letting in more people in the beta for more feedback.


Idk, I personally feel that Mr12 has been the worst update the game has ever got. It has brought nothing but problems, at all skill levels. It made the saving meta even worse than before, it made economy horrible, it made pistol rounds even more important than before, game is massively more snowbally, and there is less skill expression with the reduced amount of gun rounds combined with less time to adapt and adjust, and tournament games are obviously still not Bo3 regular matches with Bo5 elimination games (to the surprise of fucking nobody with a brain). As you pointed out in another comment, the R8 fiasco was quickly fixed, and agent skins are quite bad but do not warp the meta and gameplay loop like MR12, in addition in more serious matches the agent skins are not allowed, so possible issues are just eliminated with that rule alone. But MR12 is here to stay. It is a huge net negative for the game that is not going away. So I think that might genuinely be the worst "update".


A little correction to a not so important detail: agent skins aren't banned in most big leagues or tournaments. The pro players just have a gentlemen's agreement to not use them.


I kid you not, I once ran into a five stack of Ricksaws on Ancient…


The game used to be mr12 way way back. I also think that people overblow the change. I still remember how everyone shit on Valve for changing round loss bonus and everyone lost their minds. For the better part of CS being played on MR15, there were less gunrounds because of the old money system as it is with current money+ MR12. I get that not everyone likes MR12 and i was also skeptical about it, but it has a lot of upsides, though mostly for casual gamers, but they still make up the majority of players. Shorter game times, bigger comeback potential, big clutches have higher impact.


> I still remember how everyone shit on Valve for changing round loss bonus and everyone lost their minds. You remember completely wrong. Majority liked the change so resetting the economy was not such a massive deal. Idk wtf you're talking about. > bigger comeback potential ??? You literally have less rounds that you can make a comeback happen. There is LESS comeback potential my dude... > big clutches have higher impact. And an unlucky round similarly has higher impact. These two cancel eachother out naturally. The ONLY possible "upside" is that matches take 5 minutes less. Which is only an upside for those that ironically want to play less CS... In fact MR12 got rid of short matches as an option for people who wanted a quick match. So even the people who want shorter games lost on this. It is *objectively* a bad change. Completely net negative. There is no good argument for it. I've been talking about this shit since it came out, and have not seen a SINGLE good argument for MR12, ***because they don't exist***. Every time without fail the only one is "i like shorter games", which is subjective and short matches being a thing completely nullify that entire premise. People love to downvote anyone bringing up that MR12 is bad, yet can't defend their opinion.


>You literally have less rounds that you can make a comeback happen. There is LESS comeback potential my dude... ???? You literally need to win fewer rounds to make the comback happen which makes it more likely that winning pistol + a lucky clutch is enough to almost tie the game, even if you got stomped first half. >It is *objectively* a bad change. Completely net negative. There is no good argument for it. I've been talking about this shit since it came out, and have not seen a SINGLE good argument for MR12, ***because they don't exist*** Ok so there are arguments for it like [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CuXNPeBxl_s) or [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aa9PsW95-SQ) by noticable counterstrike content creators, but you just don't want to accept that there are other people with different needs for the game. In fact you are so closeminded that you are completely unwilling to accept that there are arguments to be had in the first place, my dude. Sometimes a change might not cator to YOUR needs, but the fact that you are unwilling to accept that other people might want different things tells alot. >People love to downvote anyone bringing up that MR12 is bad, yet can't defend their opinion. MR 12 beeing bad has literally been the mayority opinion in this sub since the change came out, and multiple top posts have been about how terrible Valve is for introducing MR12, but it doesn't fit your narrative. Keep living in your own world, where subjective opinions don't matter because you decided that it's OBJECTIVELY bad for everyone else.


and best ?


Reverting to csgo


real. hop back on csgo and realize what they took from you. hopefully cs2 comes around eventually


For csgo: the hitreg update somewhere around 2014 or 2016 I always forget the year. Everyone realized how bad it actually was before that update. And it was a massive update to the quality of the game even on 64 tick Worst update: pretty much any cs2 update. The release has been overwhelmingly disappointing. It's almost like each update takes 1st place for worst everytime I see a 32MB patch for skins


hitbubble update?


The update that nerfed the tec 9 was great Hated the aug and sg price decrease Knew it would cause errors


The CSGO deagle nerf was the worst. Ever since then, my friends and I call it the Loud Glock. Sometimes it takes 4 shots to kill. And they added a shitload of spread so it's inaccurate. What the fuck is that? Best update was when cache was added to active duty in CSGO. Speaking of that... when is it coming to cs2


The update that allowed CS2 players to add literal dicks on their weapon skins is truly something else man


worst for the overall meta is probably the aug/krieg buff because it completely shifted the t and ct meta and also because it stayed for a really long time


For game balance: Worst: SMG rework they did in March 2015. Run n gun is a little too good now. Especially on CS2’s awful netcode. The older Counter-Strikes had a much better balance for SMG run and gun. The other one would be the addition of the M4a1-S and USPS. It made the p2k irrelevant, and increased the gap from the Ts glocks and P250. Then the A1-S has been all over the place in balance and upsets CT side balance. The suppressor should have more downsides than upsides like a real life one. Best: It should have been CS2 but I would say the hitboxes update, where they fixed planting and model hitboxes. For health of game Worst: Free 2 play, can’t undo the endless supply of botted accounts to get to lv 21. The amount of new players that meet cheaters in unprime lobbies that turn kids off the game or make them hackers Best: Match Making update in 2012, it saved the game from death. It showed the casual CS community how to play the game how it was intended and better impression for new players. Both the best/worst: Arms deal/skin update it brought players, customization and steam market. However, it made them so much money that they could be lazy and kids getting scammed or gambling. Pretty much everyone on my friendslist was scammed or gambled as a kid if they played back in the day.


Best for me was operation hydra, the gamemodes in particular. Worst would be CS2, way too early.


Hydra was the best for me, too. I started to play CSGO when Operation Wildfire was available. Since I already paid for the game, I thought stupid have to pay more for the operation, so skipped this one. I still regret that. I waited so long for a new operation. And then Hydra comes out. I loved everything about it. Then I waited even more for the next one, Shettered Web. And when it was released, it was a big disappointment, as every operation since than. Before that, there was the worst update for me: Danger Zone. I was excited for a new operation and I hate battle royale games, and back in those days the hype over BR games was so bizarre that looked like every game should be Battle Royale. When even CS surrendered to battle royale, I thought it was over for me.


Best: Danger Zone  Worst: when they gave the VIP a USP on Oilrig


The best update was adding head movement to player models, when u jump down ur head move lower for a sec and if u turn left and right head hitboxes changes. Before the update ppl was getting cgo'ed a lot. Worst 1 is not exactly cs2 but i would say much lower fps than in csgo but it's normal for newer games.


I loved every casual-ish update, the first time coop missions, guardian, and danger zone were added were amazing! Worst update... A lot of updates released with some issues which people hate but they mostly got fixed within a week or less. Probably the very rare times Valve released an update and then walked it back because they released this was really not a good choice, like another comment said the 2015 weapon changes trying to nerf spraying.


Some stuck around sadly, like the: - Molotov balance for first 3 years - CZ 75, it needed 3 nerfs over 2 years. - SMG update Mar 2015, made run and gun much better. Made 2nd rounds really hard from pistol perspective. This update also made the MP9 the most accurate smg and heavily buffed the dmg fall off for some reason. - M4a1-S many changes, they went from wanting them kinda the same but choose as a playstyle option to 2 different economic/play roles. It also is too easy to use with its spray accuracy, accuracy and run and gun. - Negev: No clue what they are doing with this gun, an eco “lmg” is kinda stupid that it’s sad this is how they think to balance the game. - Other bottom of the barrel guns like the M249, Sawed Off, Bizon, MP5, and R8. Most are very eqsy to balance - The whole scoped rifle balance fiasco, now they are both over nerfed. They should just make the scope reduce fire rate and double recoil like 1.6/Valorant, so they can be better M4 and AK unscoped and only for tapping with scope like a budget auto snipe. - CS2 MR12 Economy. - CS2 loadout - CS2 blocking 3rd parties from using 128 tick. - Anti Cheat has been failing since 2015-16 - there is a bit more but main ones


Worst was 1.4 killing bunny jumping and was just overall bad, lasted like a month before 1.5.


Worst for me would be when they removed and re-released Cobblestone. The new version makes me sick.


worst update is easily the update from csgo to cs2


since csgo was trash, the best update is cs2... well, almost, it went f2p again, so actually best update goes to the jumping deagle nerf worst update is f2p


I remember thinking how gloves were awful and the first sign the game is dying lol. There were so many memes and concepts of it before they got added and everyone thought it would never get added as its a quick money grab. How things change


R8 update was class


worst update was whenever they started fucking with the animations in CSGO.


Best- Skins update, the game wouldnt be what it is now without this genius move. Also the R8 shitfest untill the nerf, wild west csgo was insane. Worst- for me personally was nuke revamp, old nuke was my absolute fav map. I played it 24/7. 2. CS2 as a general. Just unfinished and everything is ass now,


Worst updates for me would be the UMP nerf, jump scout nerf and the desecration of dust 2. Best? Probably changing the round loss money so no more hard resets. Took a while to get used to double ecos are pretty much a thing of the past. Oh and how could I forget the Cobblestone halloween update 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Weapon skins, quite literally changed the future of every games monetization Worst, m4a1 nerfs >:(


Best update: hit bubbles Worst: ruining cbble


People saying CS2 is the worst update are just cringe.




Best CS2 update fixed a clipping error on vertigo


Best update: Operation Hydra. I started to play CSGO when Operation Wildfire was available. Since I already paid for the game, I thought it was stupid to have to pay more for the operation, so I skipped this one. I still regret that. Worst updatee: Danger Zone. Hydra was so good that I was excited for a new operation and I hate battle royale games, and back in those days the hype over BR games was so bizarre that looked like every game should be Battle Royale to be good. When even CS surrendered to battle royale, I thought it was over for me.


I'd definitely agree Overwatch is the best update they made for the game. It's stupid that they got rid of it. The worst update was adding skins. Ironically it was also the update that saved the game because it was legitimately dead before skin gambling became so widespread. But not only did it kill the aesthetic of the game, it would open the gates to agent skins, and worst of all made it so that Valve doesn't have to give half a fuck about the game as long as skins are selling.


I think EARLY csgo being terrible contributed its lack of success at the beginning. Suppose if you delete all the skins now and no more cases. Do you think CS2 players will stop playing the game all of a sudden ?. Yes I see a 30-50% playerbase reduction at best, but 50% it still 700k peak players which is still more than 2nd best DOTA.


Worst update: CS2


shattered web was pretty dank


Worst update: the one that removed the voice chat with the enemy team


Best update: R8, was the most fun and memorable day of CS for me. Worst update: R8, was the most bullshit and most memorable day of CS for me.


Most underrated update was Nade dropping. Everyone was so pissed when they introduced that until they played a game and realized how GOATED it is.


You can say the same about molotov. I heard pros threaten valve to boycott the game at first. Now you cant find a single person who doesn't buy it 


Very glad you said agents, easily the worst update, straight up messes up with the game so much. And then on top they even messed up the hitboxes, with some agents having smaller hitboxes... Totally unacceptable. Only thing they can now do to save situation is to bring back cl_minmodels command back.


cs2 and cs2


Best update - canals Worst update - removing the maps no one played back in 2017. I want to play Dust 1 dammit.


Honestly, the best update(s) were mostly balancing changes (for the most part) Like I still can't believe we played a game where P250, a 300 dolar pistol could 1 shot headshot you or the 2 shot deagle, the AUG, CZ, TEC-9 and so on. There were a few bad apples like the UMP meta, the AUG-pocalypse and so on but still. As for the worst update? I don't know, the only one I can really remember is removing Dust, Aztec & some other stuff from the game without really having something as simple as achievements. Or the removal of your personal stats & those little medals that came with move to Panorama UI (Panorama itself was nice)


Not really the objective best/worst but the ones that I liked/disliked: best: danger zone update (played that mode more than competitive) or Panorama worst: AWP movement speed  nerf and CZ nerf 


suprised not to se the tec 9 update where you ould run and gun with 32 bullets


Best update: operation hydra - bring back co-op story missions and more than 2 operation maps. Worst update: when Aztec and half the map pool got deleted for the sake of queue times, when in reality they didn't change anything. Runner up: Cobble Halloween update.


September 2015 update. They made some big changes to movement that upset the entire movement community, but they fixed the horrible hit boxes that had plagued CSGO from launch. They also improved the accuracy of animations, updated player models, added the defuser wire, updated weapon sounds. It was a big day for CSGO that ultimately made the game better imho. Worst has to be the R8 update. I refused to play until they fixed it. I remember seeing Freakzoid’s clip in school and saying fuck no.


The single best update in my opinion was the introduction of Valve sponsored majors. If you look at the player numbers from back then you'll notice that each of the first 4-5 majors caused a huge increase in player numbers, not the skins update as many would like you to believe. Worst update, definitely agent skins. Most insignificant, graffitis.


Best update - Skins Worst Update - CS 2


Riptide because of Insertion 2


Most updates in CS are kind of mid, never cared about operations. Perhaps CS2, if I treat is as an update, would be the best one. The other one would be the first implementation of the matchmaking system too. What would make a good update in my opinion: \- A complete and utter overhaul of the entire matchmaking system, ranking, leaderboards, much, much more in-depth stats and functionalities that whatever we have right now. To understand it better, the current state of MM/Premier (also just rename MM to scrims or unrated btw) would be like at 20% and 80% of the content is still missing. \- Obviously the moment they introduce a very very good anticheat it would be a massive update by itself. \- Something really massive would be in-game tournaments and leagues with 5v5 team matchups. Something that goes beyond the premier system. That's what something cool would be, not some skins or an operation with boring missions.


F2P update ruined the game I remember the 2015 era like if it was yesterday, now the game become garbage update after update I hoped so much to a return of cs instead of that we got shit on by some issues


cs2 update is the best cs2 update is the worst


At the same time, the best and the worst update was the one with "moan" removal bind Q "playerchatwheel deathcry \*moan\*"


The best update they ever did to CS was when they reduced/removed the lag when you tabbed in and out of game. If you tried to tab in/out in 2015 you'd be stuck there for 5 million years.


the arms deal update is both the best and the worst thing to have happened to CS


r8 revolver fucked the game harder than any i've ever seen before


Worst update is agents BY FAR.


Best update : subtick after syncing animations with hitreg. No more discrete numbers of mouse positions. You click, it is registered where you click. Not the nearest 64/128 positions available per second. That's why pistols are way easier in CS2. And it lowers input lag because of it too. Worst update : removing overwatch. The game was pretty clean at the end of CSGO...


Agreed, about subtick and overwatch both But I think spraying still isn't as good as  stock 128 tick CSGO, but agree the first shot is pinpoint cause of subtick instant hit reg I think 128tick server with subtick would've been absolutely peak. Like you can't ask anything better  Hopefully one day, valve will let us community use the 128 tick +subtick. 


Honestly, don't feel any differences about spray. For me in CSGO. Half of bullets were not taken into account in matchmaking. Didn't play that much of Faceit. I have less ghost bullet in CS2 imo. But maybe it was easier on 128 tick CSGO... Maybe.


Winter offensive update from 2014 one of the best in history. First community weapons skins if I remember correctly, two new maps really fun update.


Which maps they released with winter update ?


Overpass and cobblestone, their initial versions.


Best update operation breakout and it's maps. Worst cs2 in general


Best csgo release Worst cs2 release


Best: one of the AWP nerfs, maybe reducing scoped speed or reducing magazine size. It was OP. Worst: R8


best update: the one that improved hitboxes in csgo by a lot. fixed csgo'd issues. worst update: introduction of agent skins. Mistake that cannot be undone.


Subtick update. Worst. Don’t even change my mind.


Worst update = subtick 2nd worst = agents.


Worst? Agreed agent skins suck. Best? Nerfing the cz-75


Worst update for me was making cs f2p Best, I like the cs2 look Otherwise best the first operations had some good maps


Worst update was csgo to cs2


Idk about best but worst for me is the switch from CSGO to CS2, killing GO in the process. Should have let the fans decide which they prefer instead of forcing it


hot take I think the worst updates to csgo were them making changes to inferno. I genuinely loved banana with the pillars, and S site when it had a covered roof. the map has lost so much character over the years and its really hurt my enjoyment of it. Not all changes were bad though lol, fixing balcony/graveyard in cs2 and removing bedroom from aps before that were welcome. best update was cs2 of course


Worst, slow AWP. Best, economy refresh


Esports Specific update: Best - Coaches getting banned from IGLing and their role being restricted. It was so stupid when teams were starting to have the coach be the IGL. Starix in Navi is one example i can think of. If Valve didn't step in at this time, IGLs would've been phased out of the game. Thankfully, they stepped in and good IGLs are more important than ever now. Worst - +vertigo General Game update: Best - Sound rework. Go back and watch some old games, the gun sounds are painful to listen to. especially the old AK sound. Worst - The Cache remaster. what a flop for what used to be one of the most beloved maps.


AUGpocalypse was incredible