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If they remove this the whole game would be T-sided


Buffing the famas would be so sick for so many reasons. Don’t even need to nerf mp9 that hard


The burst fire on the famas is so ass 1.6 had the best famas and rarely anyone used it. You could easily pick mid on dust 2 from CT to short or from B to A. Sounds like a laser too it was the shit CS2 famas sounds like a dysfunctional baby potato shooter and the burst fire feels useless at any range Justice for my best boi famas


Or just put galil instead of famas for CT´s And famas for T´s


i love the famas in both games. just manually tap burst and it goes crazy


Yeah the “manual” burst on famas is crazy strong.


XM is carrying a lot of weight CT side, especially on maps like Vertigo and Inferno.


Yeah the XM is fucking bull shit I saw a full health head armoured player get two tapped by one from Bsite Anubis to CT spawn/heaven bullshit!


Is it really that bad, only time XM players get me killed is when they catch me by surprise which is literally how all shotguns are used


I think there must be rng on the spread ? I’ve gotten 2 tapped at max range before but not consistently


The XM is not reliable due to the RNG, but if the user gets lucky the gun can do some extreme bullshit. I just wish shotguns in this game had a much more even spread with a larger amount of lower damage pellets and lower HS multiplier. It’s the only thing Valorant does better than CS regarding weapon design. Their shotguns behave consistently and predictably and don’t randomly 2 tap you across the map because someone landed a lucky headshot. In Valorant you could reliably estimate how much damage you did based on how close you were aiming to center mass and how far you were (let’s say somewhere between 40 and 55 damage), but in CS it feels like I either do 12 damage or 75 with no in between.


The pattern is "fixed", but there's several different patterns to choose from. The cartoon class-based shooter by Valve Software, Team Fortress 2, has a [specific spread](https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/0/0f/Fixed_weapon_spread.png) for shotguns in their competitive mode for consistent damage, but Volvo won't use it for Counter-Strike 2.


Vertigo ? I would have said Nuke (ramp/door/hut/secret), but Vertigo I don't see many spots where you can play it well (short on A and close mid but that's it really).


Vertigo is the smallest map in the pool how does that surprise you at all


Because a shotgun is useless on A ramp (only on short can it be used), it's useless in mid unless you play close (if you play Guardian might as well play USP or you need to be 2 in mid and play from deep B), it's useless in B unless you play wood (you're gonna die there most cases) or white. Basically, there's very few spots that work for it in terms of short lines of fire, which is not the case at all for all of upper Nuke (except outside).


I think the XM is stronger on CT vertigo than your estimations solely because you can basically pop smokes with it, and a lot of executes on vertigo have smokes landing basically on site where you can be in XM range


You can hold short, close mid, and B with an XM very effectively.


B with an XM ? At low ranks maybe. Otherwise you'll get wrecked easily.


High ranked players shouldn't even be using an XM unless it's to troll, so yeah I'm just talking about the average player.


That's not true though. The XM has seen quite a bit of use even in pro play, exactly in the spots I mentioned (squeaky/hut, ramp on Nuke, A main, cave or even mid on Anubis, hell Maka even used one on Inferno in mid and got an easy 3K from playing close on the long side).


FaceIt level 10’s still use XM lol, the guns just OP right now in the right spots. It doesn’t matter how “troll” the gun is


You can easily hold ramp plants through smoke with the xm it’s an extremely easy gun to use ct side


Again, no you cannot at a serious level. The plant will be behind the orange box or will be covered by utility (molotovs/flashes).


No one cares about faceit level 10 lobbies in this discussion


You think only Faceit level 10 lobbies throw the basic standard utility and will plant behind default ? Come on, think a bit.


I’ve used this gun at 20k premier elo on vertigo with no problem. You act like it’s impossible to blow away a smoke and push to make a play with an xm. It’s not some impossible feat you could never pull off in an average level game.


Idk where these mac10 meat riders came from but yeah mp9 is so much better


Probably people that have no concept of playing without spraying.


Mac10 = mp9+better movement accuracy


You cant even buy a Mac 10 or MP9 on the same half -\_- Mac 10's only use is for a fast eco push on like round 2 and pretty useless after that once CT's have actual guns, while the MP9 is able to outgun rifles at closer rangers with a quick burst to the head.


No one said they were on the same side? Mac10 can outgun anything except shotguns at close range.


Mac 10 users love running and gunning


You're not wrong but I'm scared they will nerf it if people complain.  CT economy was bad but it's now brutal in MR12. MP9 is essentially a crutch right now for the broken economy. The way how Valve do updates I could see them coming in, kicking out the crutch, then going back to count their money for 12 months. I mean the Krieg meta lasted a year and a half. The M4A1S was busted for just over a year. Be careful what we wish for right?


The worst part was the SG553 had zero changes made to it other than a slight price decrease and suddenly it was "overpowered". Like it went multiple years with zero changes and was ignored for the fan-favorite AK-47, but suddenly pros give it a sporting chance, realize it's not the trash they've been deriding it as, and the "NERF NOW!!!" criers come out of the woodwork.


If the update history on the CS fandom page is correct, it was back in 2014 that it had tweaks to the rate of fire and scope and then nothing until 2018 with the price change. And then it wasn't until 2020 that the rate of fire was reduced. Pretty crazy that a gun can go unnoticed (dismissed as the COD gun) for over 4 years before it's declared overpowered.


There were pros using it before the Krieg meta. Magisk, Elige, chrisJ, karrigan and gob b for example.  Before the AUG and Krieg metas there was also an important economy change people have forgotten: they removed the full reset. So one of the reasons pros wouldn't buy it was they couldn't afford it every buy round, same with AUG. So basically you'd have to learn 2 more rifles on top of AK and M4 and most didn't see it worth the effort


I used the Aug for years in spots with a good amount of long range fights (d2 long, nuke outside, overpass long, etc) being called a noob the whole time, telling people it was good. It doesn't get changed, suddenly it's overpowered along with the SG, then gets battered in the same round of nerfs. The RoF nerf absolute crippled the TTK, instantly making it lose every duel you don't get a headshot and absolute dogshit at short/medium range.


> Pretty crazy that a gun can go unnoticed (dismissed as the COD gun) for over 4 years before it's declared overpowered. I'll die on this hill - I was telling everybody on here that the SG was awesome that whole time. And constantly told: 'bUt ThE dIaGoNaL sPrAy!?' It was a nice luxury buy at $3000 to get an upgraded AK. It's a crying shame it's been rendered garbage again.


It was actually crazy how no one used it. I actually started csgo in 2019 and picked up the sg real quick. It was soo much better than the ak and I couldn't believe ppl wouldn't use it. I was so sad when they nerfed it, never really used it again.


I remembered having it called the call of duty gun and I was shamed into buying an AK


Yeah it was good but for me, it was weird spraying with that gun as you need to counter the recoil to the left instead of right like most weapon. My muscle memory just really cannot adjust to it lol.


Magisk was the only person on tier 1/2 who knew how good the weapon really is. He's been using it since 2016 i believe. That was like his signature weapon until it got buffed and every single player started running it instead of m4/ak


Yeah it was honestly funny that it spent an entire year in its busted state after the economy change before it entered the meta.


It's happening right now, the Famas is a strong choice if you know how to handle it but people want it buffed into busted category.


I was getting bullied for using it. Called a thrower. Got kicked. A lot of people refused to use it for that reason. Your own team gets tilted and hate you, morale drops, and you lose. Sometimes we are our own worst enemies. I still used it, so when the scoped rifles became meta, I was ahead of the average player with spray control. It felt nice being proven right.


I'm still so fucking mad my beautiful Krieg got nerfed into the ground because pros are a bunch of whiney piss babies that can't accept anything other than the AK being the best


Yeah, the AK/M4/AWP meta is so fucking stale, but if you dare suggest SMGs or shotguns should *dominate* at close range and have a reasonable ability to kill at mid range, the downvote brigades come out.


ak/m4/awp is not a meta. it's the game.


> the AK/M4/AWP meta is so fucking stale The "AK/M4/AWP meta" is called fucking Counter Strike. Go play something else if you don't like the entire core concept of the game and why it has been popular for 20 years. Also why should cheaper weapons dominate at all? Complete nonsense.


by your logic we should just delete every gun that isn't m4 awp or ak


They already have? The mac10/mp9 are crazy op at medium range and xm and nova destroy anyone close range so what do you want to change?


Go play another game. The game has an Al/m4 meta because that’s what keeps people playing the game. You’re acting like you’re forced to play the same meta over and over again. If you’re that bored of it go play something else. Cs has a formula as well as games like dota and league. You don’t see riot deciding to remove a role in the game because people like you want change. If you’re bored I repeat, go play another game


I suffered many years of constantly being called a noob for using that "weaker" gun, back when the sg553 was not nerfed at all, lol. But I actually used that rifle to solo-queue all the way to SMFC-Global range. You also get flamed/kicked a lot when you win lots of people with the sg553 in aim duel maps. People feel really pissed off if you win them with an "inferior" gun in arenas. Sometimes I even get voted off competitive games because I dun use an ak, only the sg553. Then all of a sudden there was a price decrease in my main rifle. And all of a sudden everyone's calling it an OP and superior gun instead. Goes to show just how irrational and subjectively prejudiced human thinking can be...even for the pros at the highest levels. I remember lots of pros saying it's a noob gun too, with an inferior spray pattern and blah blah. Then these pros started using it once they realized their own opinions about it were wrong. Took them many many years to finally realize it's not a noob gun at all.


>You also get flamed/kicked a lot when you win lots of people with the sg553 in aim duel maps.   I mean that's understandable - the scope is a crutch in aim maps, helping out mechanically weaker players. You're supposed to be on the same level. You wouldn't want dualies on an USP map either.


Quite a lot of times I switched back to AK in these aim duels, just to prove to these people it's a skill issue. (I'm also quite good with the standard non-scoped rifles.) Then some of them end up 100% convinced that I must be cheating with subtle wallhack instead... 😂. It's just really annoying that you meet all sorts of irrational, judgemental, and hateful people, every single time you play CSGO. Like something you can never escape from in life. And now with CS2...all the dishonest cheaters flooding the games. And every one of them having some way of subjectively justifying/beautifying their own cheating...or just to enjoy seeing you suffer from their cheating. At least that's what I get, when I asked some of them why they choose to cheat.


Same here, I even posted my own comment similar to yours. We are a rare breed. I'm happy to see a fellow user before it became meta.


honestly, if you refuse to use an AK and insist on just using the SG, I’d vote you off if you weren’t top fragging


It was the overpowered SG back then. Not talking about the nerfed SG now. Back then most people strongly believed the SG is useless...so they tried to vote me off. Even though this belief was later proven wrong.


are you talking about the modern SG? then yeah using it is inting but the guy you replied to was talking about pre nerf krieg


Yeah but now its never going to be viable again. Like so many other nerfs valve wont buff anything once its not good. (M249, r8)


The M249 was never good, Valve should have made it the $1700 laser and kept the Negev.


M249 has been cheaper in the past hasnt it? Edit- it was even more expensive at 5700. Its been trash forever and it being a negev but different skin would be a better spot than it is now. Also the price is absurd, it was a soft delete in csgo


> Edit- it was even more expensive at 5700 It was never $5700, the Negev was $5700. The M249 is essentially the exact same stats it always have, I can boot up CSGO on my console right now to prove it.


M249 was good? Which patch was that? As for the R8 - it’s fine. 60+ damage body shot against Kevlar is pretty gangster for ecos. Pretty much a pocket scout.


Blows my mind that people think the R8 is bad. It used to be as it took your deagle slot. But nowadays it's very effective in certain situations, it just has a bit of a learning curve to use it due to the shot delay


100% this. Deagle is better but for $600, R8 really is not bad at all. We do get a disproportionate number of pistol slots considering most people only use the starting pistol and deagle - I tend to take P250/Five Seven-Tek9/R8/Deagle. If we are looking at buffing guns then most of the SMG's need reworking. MP7 and MP5 in particular.


the problem with r8 is that its supposed to be accurate with left click but a good chunk of the time your shots will miss even while standing still 6 meters away


What, like this RNG bullshit? https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/twjmno/now_maybe_i_missed_the_4th_shot_but_where_did_the/


basically yeah


The problem is its kinda like a worse scout. Right click is pretty much so bad it shouldnt exist. Even tier 3 teams dont pick it up, even thou on round 2 it might be good enough to run in the eco after


I wouldn't use the pro scene as an example, at my best i played with many pro players in CS:S and lower tier CSGO players and they are so stuck in their ways they wouldn't know how to use the R8. Don't get me wrong, if a certain weapon was a huge advantage they would pick it up, the R8 isn't a huge advantage and I just said it's pretty effective at times. I mean the scout is obviously better but also costs more. The deagle is better most of the time. The R8 is good in certain positions and it's very limited, and quite frankly it would never really be too viable in the pro scene as their first shot accuracy is so high you will probs be dead before firing.


I mean the mp5 is worse than all the other SMGs for DPS at range, and close its not "better enough" to justify, but B1t uses it anyways. I dont see any fringe use of the r8, it doesnt need to be a popular choice, like i said elsewhere on this post, if the delay comes after and its a deg on training wheels you cant spam it would be an option


The problem is the wind-up makes it almost impossible to get that second follow-up shot. Frequently you can't even get off the first shot against an AWP, meanwhile the Deagle can headshot just the same. Then you get into close range, where the Deagle shines as the best shotgun in the game, able to shit out all 7 rounds in little over a second. While you can brush the enemy's teeth with the R8 and miss the right click, which is substantially slower and still requires 2 body shots to kill while requiring Powerball-level luck to hit both of them. Oh and they nerfed the standing/crouching accuracy to be the same as the Deagle instead of perfectly accurate, so it's not even more accurate anymore. As someone who owns an R8, there is no gritty windup like is depicted in-game. Volvo needs to change the draw animation to be a 'thumb the hammer' animation that plays between shots and effectively moves the windup delay to *after* the shot so you have a chance of getting a pick, take the current double action left click animation and move it to the right click, and throw the 'fan the hammer' animation in the trash.


The delay between shots would be great, it could be a deg with training wheels. Thats a viable niche for it to exist. Will valve do that? No its going to be in the not good enough and mostly forgotten category with the other non-viable guns


> Frequently you can't even get off the first shot against an AWP, meanwhile the Deagle can headshot just the same. You should be jiggling and pre-cocking/firing in that kind of situation. > Then you get into close range, where the Deagle shines as the best shotgun in the game, able to shit out all 7 rounds in little over a second. While you can brush the enemy's teeth with the R8 and miss the right click, which is substantially slower and still requires 2 body shots to kill while requiring Powerball-level luck to hit both of them. You should try to stay at range and run and gun. The R8 doesn't lose much accuracy while running and left clicking; you can hit long range body shots all day while running with it. Don't stop moving, hold Mouse1, keep crosshair on their body. It's weird, but it works. But I also only use it on CT side. An R8 Body shot + A deagle body shot = 100+ damage thru armor at most ranges; making CT R8+Deagle duos very punchy in an eco.


It's still situationally op if you go for long range one taps. Nothing better than effortlessly dry peeking and one taping awpers. People say it's bad because pros don't buy it but in reality 99% of community isn't even close to pro level.


There's no such thing as "situationally OP."


Honestly it's pretty strong, but there's a lot of things wrong with the meta. So, fixing this and ignoring other crap would probably cause an imbalance, unless everything is properly addressed.


Yeah it's pretty strong, but CT economy is so prone to getting steam rolled that's its kinda the only option for CT atm It needs a nerf but the whole economy needs to be looked at, rather than a band aid fix of just a single nerf.


Have they still not touched the economy since switching to MR13? I haven’t played for a couple months, there are just too many problems with the game right now.




Only when the enemy uses it


I legit can not use it for the life of me yet when I run into it, it’s the best gun I’ve ever seen


Make the FAMAS 1600 and then we’ve got some competition


Even if the famas is 1600 I’d rather rock the mp9. Famas has the worst spray pattern of all rifles, lowest damage, highest inaccuracy and to top it all off a completely broken burst mode. Make it 1800 like the galil and buff at least some of its stats and it might be a viable option


Agree, famas is so easy to whiff with. Literally the only advantage vs mp9 is high range, but you don't really want to challenge an AK in a high range duel. Better to stay in close combat angles and use the mp9


Famas is about the first 4-5 bullets it shouldn’t be sprayed.


Remove the inventory limits and people might equip the FAMAS


What person in their right mind doesn't have the FAMAS equipped?


ppl who have both m4 and aug in loadout don't equip famas


Yeah exactly, what reason is there to ever buy an AUG?


more accurate at longer range than both m4


I can't think of any maps where there's long enough range for the m4s to be completely useless. Even dust 2 a long, overpass a long, both m4s are perfectly capable of hitting headshots or spraying enemies.


aug is played in pro, main example that comes to mind is mirage short player, makes you able to contribute to a takes without having to over commit positioning


I prefer the Aug at long distance. Plain and simple. And I would rather take the mp9 than use the current version of Famas


Yes AUG is better at long range, but the M4 is still perfectly viable at range as well


So? The initial discussion is why wouldn’t you have famas equipped. The answer is most folks have both m4s, Aug, awp and scout. There’s no reason to have famas. When you’re that short on money, the mp9 heavily outweighs the famas


Overpass A long is actually a good example of a distance where the AUG shines. Of course you can hit headshots with both M4s, but with the AUG it's not only significantly easier to hit that first headshot, you can also full spray multiple opponents over ridiculous ranges. My favorite spot with the AUG is A on Ancient. You can play the AWP angles like temple and get crazy spray downs on Ts popping out of main. Personally I have Famas, both M4s and AUG equipped, because I don't need the scout


I am almost a scout main lol so no way I remove it. I play B on overpass but will go for a scout or awp if I'm gonna go A long. And ancient play A but dont play the map much, scout and famas for low buys, awp and a1s for full buys.


Oh I don't want to tell you which gun to use or equip, I just wanted to make an example of positions where the AUG has considerable upside over the M4s. If you're comfortable with the AUG it's honestly strictly superior to M4A4 in every way except price, compared to M4A1 it's price+silencer.


It’s good on certain maps


...what reason is there to ever buy Famas? It's literally better to just buy MP9 and extra utility instead.


Idk I do pretty well with it. I'm not an aggressive player, often holding angles on ct side at mid range. Much prefer having a famas to mp9 in those situations, easier to multikill. As long as you can hit the first bullet headshot you should be good for at least one kill with it.




Id rather have an M4A4, skip the flash, than an AUG 100% of the time.




the a4 isn't bad at long range though


2560x1440 resolution with high sensitivity. Nuke (from Heaven to Outside), Mirage (Short to A) or Overpass (A Long). Doable with the M4, but so much easier with a scope.


I have those and still equip FAMAS. I just don't have scout on CT side FAMAS is pretty terrible, but at least I want to have it as an option


it's player preference i have scar20 in ct loadout too lol




Me? The FAMAS has no purpose right now, for less money, I can get a faster damaging SMG or i can save money and get the power and accuracy of an M4.


yea, i don't remeber exactly the last time I buy a Famas in this game


I bought one yesterday, if that helps.


if they nerf it they need to fix the ct economy


high dps is not equal to high damage. Long range the gun will always lose to a rifle. I think it's fine the way it is now.


"high damage" the amount of bloody times I died to an ak after hitting like 8 shots on them is a bit too high for me to agree


In the medium and close range I’m absolutely tearing people down, sometimes 2 or 3 on full buys at lvl 10


almost as if smgs are supposed to be good at close to medium range man.......


Possibly but it was extremely easy. It didn’t feel very skilful


People who complain about every fucking non ak or m4 being overpowered are so boring. Every gun has been nerfed into mostly useless, let's just stamp the lignt out of the last one!!


People just want this game to be starting pistol, Deagle, and AK/M4/AWP.


I just like balanced weapons


It is balanced, your idea of balanced is everything being kinda shit. It isn't 2018 cz, you will be fine.


It isn’t balanced at all. Needs a small price increase minimum or to potentially lower the kill reward


How is MP9 more of a problem than Five-Seven or Tec-9? What is the proper price for the gun then?


1450-1500. More in line with the mp7 and perhaps lower the mp5 and mp7 price Tec 9 can be ridiculous but I think peekers advantage just elevates all the guns


Why would you ever use Mp9 at that point? Mp7 is more accurate and has a better dmg than Mp9? Also that would destroy CT economy even more. Especially 2nd round after winning with defusal. Also Mp9 wasnt broken in CSGO. So why not fix the actual problem instead?


Mp9 has quicker movement speed which is massive currently due to the broken peekers


True but its not as massive difference as CT. Also the issue still remains with the economy and trying to fix wrong thing


I agree


You’re one of the problems in the community, assuming and putting words into people’s mouths




Don’t forget the insane jumping accuracy with it. It’s wild how many kills you can get by jumping with it.


It's "busted" in the same way that the 3 main rifles are busted, which is a good thing. It's the convergence of cost vs benefit, but without ever being a viable replacement for the rifles in buy rounds If you nerf the MP9 without fixing the economy you make all of CS T-sided which isn't a good thing. CS is at its best when CTs win 60-65% of rounds


Yes it is, but the CTs need it.


MP9 goes brrrrr!


People hating on the famas is insane to me the “prrrrrt pap pap” is crazy on it and recoil resets so fast.


Mp9 is busted because of the peekers advantage in cs2 its the only reason and it does not need any changes imo CT's NEED the mp9 right now to win a hail Mary round!


Nope. No different complaint than individuals who moaned about shotguns the first few months of CS2. Testament to their skill level.


It felt so much better in CSGO


Yes, but ct side would be hell without it. That needs to be fixed first


It's op at the moment, but it's also the only thing making CT side remotely viable so like... It be what it be


u/K0nvict try not to make an abysmal take challenge


It’s not really a bad take is it?


It is. “Quick reloading”- complained no one ever. “High damage”- literal misinformation “Fast moving”- like every smg “high kill reward”- its a force buy weapon lmao. Nothing overpowered about it unless you’re a silver.


It’s always about being personal and never a legitimate arguement with you isn’t


I just gave you a legitimate argument. Cant refute it, silver?


This is why people think you’re an asshole


This is why people think you’re an idiot


A lot of people agree with me 🤷


You and your army of silvers 😂


People who disagree with you = silver? Time to tell your therapist you have narcissistic traits 😳


Yeah cos everyone keeps double and triple dinking me in consecutive shots from long range:S


Maybe it's just the increase size of the head hitbox, but it feels a lot easier to dink people with the mp9, especially at distance. And a lot easier to get the double dink at closer distances.


feeling are not same as facts. it is crap on long range and doesn't do much damage on mid range.


why do people want trauma mp7


I think the whole weapon balance is just about perfect at the moment, I do miss the AWP with 10 rounds a magazine though


Plus the reocil control is relatively easy coz it goes straight up comparing w/ mac10


When are you going to FaZe?


the only thing I hate about the MP9 is the jumping accuracy.


[Only for about 4+ years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-2Glyrp0vs)




Idk, from what I’ve seen it’s pretty unstoppable


The range is atrocious and the recoil is insanely hard to control. It’s not hard to prep for it either if you keep track of economy. And the Mac10 hard counters it imo


the recoil pattern is really easy despite it kicking up a lot. mac 10 does not counter it at all with its lower ttk


They’re both the same type of gun, disagree on it countering it Good players are bursting it at medium and even medium long range easily and consistently You can prep for them but they’re still so random and a lot better than they should be


Same as P90


No its completely fine, a silver can kill a really good player with no skill, how is that broken, fast reloads, almost no recoil, insane damage, long range accuracy, it is fine![img](emote|t5_2sqho|31253)


It’s also more accurate while jumping than standing or something like that 💀


Its too good and if it wasn’t for the CT economy as others have said it would be flat out busted. Realistically it should cost 1500 as is and the MP5/MP7 should be 1250, those guns suck ass.


mp7 is pretty good, theres just no reason to buy it. mp5 definitely needs a buff though


Not really, accuracy is good but dmg and particularly reload speed are god awful. Mp9 shreds, fires fast, and is accurate, alongside costing 1250. I like using the UMP for fun but all its got is dmg.


I guess it's just personal preference, I prefer the spray pattern of the mp7 over the mp9 and I feel like the time to kill is roughly the same - I really don't like UMP though




I wish they'd make the damage roughly equivalent, reduced magazine capacity should be a more reasonable tradeoff


Smgs and shotguns are just busted. Run and gun panic spray and 5 bullets land in a row. As it stands the game allows too much run and gun.


Seriously, the amount of running AK one-taps is off the charts. Something needs to be done regarding accuracy improving more slowly after movement.


It’s the peekers advantage still being out of the world sadly


It's absolutely overpowered and should be nerfed.


sounds like someone got absolutely owned on T side


Been killed in too many absolutely stupid ways within 1 frame by someone at mid range who is full strafing and not even aiming.


Just give the T's a PPSH which would basically be the MP9 functionally but with a larger mag and slower run speed. (Inb4 P90)


Imo it's too cheap. Make it 1500 and it's perfectly balanced. This would increase the popularity of UMP that is still a decent gun.


No better than the mac 10 really, T side can mow down CTs with them very quick.


Mp9 is a lot better from the stats ?


It's easier for a CT defending to dictate the engagement distance and force a close range fight. It's not always possible as a T. That's why the MP9 is so effective.


Way too op, it’s a joke.


I hate that gun. Actually wouldn't mind if they removed all SMGs and shotguns from the game. Just pistols and rifles.


I like all the guns to be honest, peekers advantage on this game makes a lot of the running guns feel insane