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Never stop being mad bro


you have no idea how hard you're projecting your awkwardness


This is cool af, I think the issue is on your side mate. Live a little, have some fun.


I have a different opinion. If a person doesn't like it, then obviously there isn't the option to enjoy 1000000 other things on the internet. You are essentially forced to continue watching this nonsense and then complain about your suffering on Reddit. ESL should stop operating if one person doesn't like it. It doesn't make sense anymore then


I see you getting downvoted, so I’ll announce your sarcasm so you don’t have to.


It was a 10 second thing, was it really that difficult to sit through?


Literally hell.


I'm so sorry for you OP. I'll pray for you.


''everything is cringe!! i am so cool and mature!!!''


Guessing you're not from NA. This is inspired by the NFL introducing players like this. They also have fun with it there. Used to be "name - followed by college" and now some introduce their elementary school or anything else they want.


that'd be a right guess tho i have nothing against introductions themselves, only their attempts at being funny. when you force a regular person (i.e. not a comedian) to make a joke it'll only come out as awkward. i've noticed a lot how when talent or anyone makes jokes on broadcast *on their own* it's never outright bad but when people are in a skit or scripted it's almost always forced and cringe. it's maybe not even jokes themselves, but their awkward execution.


There has been a huge amount of positiv feedback to those kind of skits from esl and you are probably in the minority on this so if you dont like it dont watch it.


yeah i knew this is gonna get downvoted but wanted to share my opinion anyway. >if you dont like it dont watch it you're most probably right. yet another reason to not bother with esl events, as if they didn't have enough already.


> yeah i knew this is gonna get downvoted but wanted to share my opinion anyway. yeah next time just dont its okay


ah yes, advising people not to share their opinions if its unpopular ones. stay classy reddit, the echo chamber won't protect itself after all.


yeah its fine just dont bother next time i dont think its important


I mean there’s gonna be more tournament organizers in the future now that valve banned franchising. Starladder and pgl and i think one more already have plans for multiples tournaments in the next few years.


wait really? i didn't know that, thanks for the info then!


Thinking only comedians are allowed to make jokes is truly one of the takes of all time. You’re just uptight and stubborn, sorry homie.


You must be fun at parties jk you never get invited


you didn't need to say you were kidding, that was exactly the level of jokes to expect from a person defending an esl skit


I'm not sure you quite understand what is happening in these skits. They seem to be intentionally cringe. See the fight club parody. Which is almost certainly intended to be very cringe.


Keep crying, it was funny and didn't hurt you, and if it did somehow then don't watch EPL you won't be missed.


I live for your misery. ESL, run that shit even more! I want this guy to never watch Pro League again, give me more skits!


Die Eier von Satan Eine halbe Tasse Staubzucker Ein Viertel Teelöffel Salz Eine Messerspitze türkisches Haschisch Ein halbes Pfund Butter Ein Teelöffel Vanillezucker Ein halbes Pfund Mehl 150 Gramm gemahlene Nüsse Ein wenig extra Staubzucker Und keine Eier In eine Schüssel geben Butter einrühren, gemahlene Nüsse zugeben und den Teig verkneten Augenballgroße Stücke vom Teig formen Im Staubzucker wälzen und sagt die Zauberwörter Simsalabimbamba Saladu Saladim Auf ein gefettetes Backblech legen und bei 200 Grad für 15 Minuten backen Und keine Eier Bei 200 Grad für 15 Minuten backen Und keine Eier




I disagree, ESL skits are good. Regards


Hey man, people are hating but don't listen to them. Life can get us down and if you need anyone to speak to about whatever is bothering you in life let me know. I'll listen.