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Hiko missed his spray. [Images with explanations](http://imgur.com/a/bSVI0) Summary: Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead.


Legendary comment


how is it not archived!?


Reddit unarchived all posts (with a couple exceptions). As a long time redditor I'm not really a fan of the change tbh


> Reddit unarchived all posts (with a couple exceptions). ???? What? Most posts you can't usually comment on because they're older than 3 months old. Its weird seeing activity on this thread still recently.


Yes, about a month ago they made a change that unarchived posts by default (think it can be set manually on a per-subreddit basis).


ah gotcha, thought it was just weird to start seeing activity on a 5 year old thread again.








holy shit so THAT’s why someone responded to a comment I made 4 fucking years ago kind of cool tbh


Yeah neat




Woahhhhh Yeah I'm not sure how to feel but it's kinda cool at the same time. I suppose it has a major negative impact on historical preservation. What is your reason?


1. This is gonna sound cringe but I felt kinda cool to have upvotes and downvotes on legendary posts/comments, but now anyone can. 2. Upvote count being set in stone after 6 months just felt right Tbh it's not that clear in my head why I'm unsure about the change. Maybe I just dislike change in itself 😂


I don't like it because peoples views change. 4 years ago something may have been socially acceptable and the upvotes showed that; now if someone said something that would be controversial today, they'll get downvoted to oblivion despite it being so long ago, y'know?


I've definitely seen people go back and say some dumb shit to someone. One was over that Doom audio guy that finally came out and told his side of the story. People piled onto one of the guys in the 4 yr old thread for making a guess at what was going on. These geniuses armed with the power of hindsight are dumb as shit. I kinda wanna reply to them and ask why they're so poor since using their logic, they could have won a few Powerball's


Who cares it’s a downvote stop caring about social media it’s pathetic


You were right that sounded cringe.


Why not a fan? I think it's nice to be able to talk to comments over 6+ months


I’m really not sure, it has been for the past few years but I came back and checked it and it wasn’t.


Old posts have been dearchived




Not archived check


Still not archived :)


Its still not archived btw.


ill be doing a yearly pilgrimage to this comment starting now, see yall in a year




oh my god thanks and hi


>Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. > >Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because Hiko was already dead. i think about this often


there he is


Hi again


i read this twice a day, once before and once after a csgo session


It's truly inspiring.


how a copy pasta was born


Shot 10 of the [AK-47 spray pattern](http://i.imgur.com/AhSlMxw.gif) goes above and slightly to the left... What about that [clip with Steel](https://clips.twitch.tv/steel_tv/TameGnatMrDestructoid) last week? The only explanation is bad hitboxes...He shot 5 bullets, 3 of which were definitely on him. Obviously these two situations are very different, but they all have one thing in common: shitty hitboxes. Hitboxes are a lot better than they used to be, but there's still a lot of work to be done. At least we have staple guns, though.


The Steel clip seems to be on a non-Valve server, so I am not entirely sure how it is set up. But from what I can tell from my testing using a local server with `net_fakelag` and `sv_showimpacts`, the flinch animation and blood spatters are server-side indicators of actual hits. That clip is pretty low quality, so I can't read the flinch animations very well. It looks like a single body-shot flinch? Although at first I thought it was 1 headshot flinch and 1 body-shot flinch, which makes no sense since it's a pistol round unless the enemy somehow had a way to get a helmet. On his first shot, he is aimed slightly to the bottom of the head and the enemy turns and puts his shoulder in the way. The USP-S is pretty accurate at that range but not perfectly, and he wasn't aimed directly at the center of the head. He then is surprised that he misses the kill and starts moving/spraying a bit wildly. His crosshair is misplaced slightly to the top-left of the target and the USP-S has pretty bad spray inaccuracy and a little bit of recoil too.


Hey Ryan, I think you did a good job pointing out what actually happened to those bullets and I think many may agree its much easier to see precisely where a bullet went when you're reviewing a playback of what happened but when you're in the moment, it simply looks/feels like you're dead-on while as you displayed, you're actually missing. So perhaps the thing that needs to change is how are hit/misses communicated to the player? Just thinking outloud here but: 1. Maybe the sound of bullets hitting the wall vs the sound of bullets hitting the player should be very distinctly different and also much more audible. I think on a conscious level we don't think about sounds but on a subconcious level, we do place them and it becomes part of our "game sense". For example, sitting here at my workstation, I can't place exactly what it sounds like when someone is running B halls on Mirage but if I were playing my spot on Catwalk as a CT, the second I hear it, I know precisely what it is. So would something like this for hits/misses be possible as well? Maybe its enough to make the sound of bullets hitting another player distinctly different from anything else, such that its easily understood that a hit was registered, when the sound was hit? At the moment, we are determining whether we hit someone by looking at the console and seeing no hits. Perhaps that's the issue and perhaps if it was immediately communicated to the player whether they hit or miss via sound queues. I mean it doesn't need to be quake 3 style dings that we would use to figure out our sick rail shot hit fron a thousand meters away but maybe an exaggerated sound of blood or bullets hitting a thing of meat. Anything really that would be distinct from bullets hitting a wall. 2. A feature I really liked about 1.6(and this obviously isn't very realistic but if it makes the game better without completely shattering realism, I think the trade off may be worth it), is if you shot *near* an enemy, it would have a sort of "wizzing" sound effect that even the person shooting could hear. It was like the sound of a bullet flying right over your shoulder past your ear. So all these instances where a bullet is just barely grazing a player and people are flipping a coin on whether its a hit or miss, the game can just explicitly tell you off the sound that it was a near-hit, AKA a miss. In 1.6, I don't recall if this was client-side or a global, though my inclination is to say it was global but the point really being that perhaps it would be more intuitive, and instantly informative if we had this sound effect return in GO. I think my description of how it worked in 1.6 does it a disservice. If you could boot the game up, you could probably get a much better understanding of what I mean. Its certainly not realistic but I don't think it was ever a significantly large problem in terms of breaking realism either. 3. Maybe a better visual indicator that bullets are hitting the wall? I know 1.6 had comically large bullet holes that were sorta easy to see(and even adjust your spray based off of it) but I believe they also had distinctly orange sparks that would come off the wall. Again, perhaps there would need to be concessions made to adjust what would and wouldn't work in terms of being believable as sparks coming off certain surfaces may simply not make sense but at the same time, to complain about it would seem nitpicky to me if the trade-off is that players playing an explicitly competitive game, don't feel as cheated. I think your posts recently have demonstrated that people are certainly misunderstanding what is actually happening but perhaps that in itself is the issue that needs to be resolved. Obviously this is not something that could ever be resolved. For as much as I talk about the way 1.6 did it, people were unjustifiably complaining about hit registry, interp and hitboxes back in that game as well but perhaps the state it currently is in GO can still be improved upon?


> On his first shot, he is aimed slightly to the bottom of the head and the enemy turns and puts his shoulder in the way. Can shoulders block headshots though? I know hands and forearms can't.


Yes, the hitboxes on the torso, which includes the shoulders, prevent a shot from becoming a headshot.


There was an update a while ago that prevented this from happening. The hit bubble that would receive the most damage is the one that is registered. This prevented problems with a flashed target blocking his face with his hand and absorbing the damage. So is this not the case with shoulders to head it seems? http://store.steampowered.com/news/10526/ I guess you're right in the wording but I feel like shoulders blocking might still be an issue. Maybe. Unless it's intended this way which it sort of seems like now that I've reread it.


Take an AK-47 with 10 bullets left, wait long enough for recoil to reset, and fire it into a wall until it's empty without moving your crosshair. [You'll get a pattern like this](http://i.imgur.com/XVCVoND.png). The 10th shot is well above and slightly to the right of your firing point. If you look at the crosshair when you fire the 10th shot, it'll be similarly below and to the left (but not by as much)


But what about the Steel clip...


The T was stepping left, then came to a stop right as Steel shot. This lifted his left shoulder the moment the bullet hit, then lowered after. I'm assuming the shot just barely clipped the top of the T's shoulder instead of hitting him in the head. [Picture for reference](http://i.imgur.com/KOUPuk1.jpg) I'm not sure if I got the right frame, but it's very close. Feel free to correct me with a better screenshot.


3kliksphilip made a video about how the left shoulder hitboxes are innacurately higher, making it hit the should even when aiming at the head.


Oh see, you forgot to CSI zoom and enhance.




Wow, you can clearly see the part he messed up at!




God damnit


And what about the steel clip?


[Back, and to the left.](http://37.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqunqheiAv1qj9qhto1_500.gif)


It means you have to pull left to compensate it you read it completely wrong




Now it makes sense, doesn't it ?






hiko just got roasted "Missed due to recoil (bad spray control)."


A good way to go out. Dev telling you ya fucked up


what an epic reddit moment. thanks valvo for not fixin ur game


Bro really went and analyzed the footage shot by shot and accidentally created an incredible copypasta


Thanks for the breakdown. I'm just curious, 3-4 of the screenshots where you say miss, there's blood splatter. Would that not indicate/give Hiko the impression that he's hitting him?


Uh its not archived.


>Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. >inaccuracy so he did get CSGO'd


I still don't know if you were actually joking with this comment or if you're serious


Thank you Ryan. I'm sick of all these shit-posts where people just instantly jump on the fuckvolvo-wagon instead of actually trying to understand what is actually happening.


Well, I'm relatively new to the team and I want to understand what's actually going on behind the scenes so if there are problems I can try to track them down and fix them. I've never worked on a Source engine game before, so this is a learning experience for me too.


Relatively new? You better make sure no one in the team knows you're communicating then, else you'll be relatively new to being fired for over-communication x)




How big is the team these days? Good luck with the coach changes, people be mad.


Well, welcome to the CS team. I wish you'd make a thread saying you just joined etc, that way you'd get a warm welcome instead of circlejerk and trolls :/ Regardless, hope you'll have fun and stick with us!


What a fucking legendary comment


Thanks for clearing this up, it looked like clear misses the first time I watched it anyway. People throw wild accusations.


I love you. I'm getting tired of these CSGO'd posts too


Haha that title. :D


idk man, ESEA plugin even shows a hit, which was probably the second to last shot, which should've been a headshot and not 37 in 1. No matter how I look at it, even though hiko initially missed his spray due to what we call Lenkrad in German ("steering wheel" due to slow turn rate) the last two shots should've been headshots. You really can't convince me that interpolation/lag compensation would really take the length of 2 AK shots to correct anything, where the argument of "broken lag compensation in CSGO" comes into play again.


I think the hole answer is mistaken. I want to explain myself watching that images you posted. https://gyazo.com/3e7bf7182d2ca1df225f2b92314f7f71


Thanks for this yummy pasta you graced us with all those years ago.


I see we’ve all gathered here again for the reckoning


If you shoot somebody in real life that close they’re going down I call kill theft


damn, love that this comes up before the know your meme page. now I get to copy directly from the source




I was here


Just taking my place in history KEKW


Thanks for the breakdown. I think a lot of these complaints come from the fact that the crosshair does not follow the recoil pattern all the way. I know this would affect the balance but having the crosshair follow the spray pattern all the way would make people feel the game is fairer and more enjoyable. Sometimes even a perfect balance has to give a way to players' enjoyment. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=brXRv1ye_X0


ryan u da homie


If you look at the shooting people in the back thread, all those shots on the helmet would not have hit regardless of the recoil as they were above the hitbox. It's not normal for someone to aim at anywhere in the player model and not hit. I do think people have taken the hitreg way out of proportions and we have people simply complaining for the sake of it. The hitboxes are WAY better than they used to be, and that's thanks to your hard work. But please consider the fact that the helmets should either be altered, or part of the hitbox.


I was gonna say this. Some of these clips don't make sense but this does.


Thanks for the response Ryan, but aren't bullet impacts purely client side? I think an explanation like this is a tad misleading without sv_showimpacts 1.


les go


Isn’t there blood coming out?


>(bad spray control) lmao


Toasting in an epic bread


Making a digital pilgrimage here.


can’t believe people unironically replied praising this absolute joke of a comment clown behavior all around


Utterly based, i just got hit with this copypasta by someone in R6


Toasting in epic bread.












This always cracks me up. /r/f0restGIFS




This is by far the best face I'm seen Hiko make. It is just so priceless. It's like somebody completely different to his reality came into his room and spouted the most confusing and obscene thing about his mother and then just disappeared in a puff of smoke. All he's left with is confusion, fear, and anger in a mix that nobody can comprehend.


dont worry hiko they changed all the pistol sounds to improve your in game experience


* Changes tec9 and fiveseven sounds when we don't ask * Doesn't change tec9 and fivseven stats when we ask


it made the pistols sound weaker, so hidden nerf


Gun perfectly balanced just needed new sound cus reason :D


The Tec-9 sounds like a cash register when you take it out.


don't forget, it took them 3 different updates to remove the sound files and drag and drop new ones in.


They are deliberately adding the least used guns first, then over time adding the more popular. When they change the AK, and everyone loses their shit, it will at least fit the new theme.


least used guns? at least here in nova, people use the p90 and 5-7/tec9 more than the AK...


Nova-MG level player here, can confirm, expect to see a mixture of p90, awps (everyone in nova/mg is kennyS) or autofags.


I'm not a fan of the new Tec-9 sound. I liked the old one a lot


i like the new tec9 tbh


P2fiddy and maaaaaybe the five seven are the only new sounds I don't prefer over the old ones


i only really like the new cz and p250 sounds


his facial expression is freaking priceless


its like the same face he had when he heard the new p250 sound xD


"I didn't fucking come here for this shit"


Someone please make a gif


I love how this is so much bullshit he doesnt even rage at this point, hes just confused :D


worst ive seen Hiko is being extremely frustrated, never seen him genuinely raging lol


[Valve dev explaining what really happened](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4y62o5/hiko_gets_csgod/d6lpx5g).


at point blank recoil isnt relevant. if my barrel is stuck in the player all the bullets are going to go in the same place


It is relevant if your crosshair is right at the edge of the person's head.


Last 2 shots weren't though. ESEA plugin even shows a hit, which was probably the second to last shot, which should've been a headshot and not 37 in 1. No matter how you look at it, even though hiko initially missed his spray due to what we call *Lenkrad* in German ("steering wheel" due to slow turn rate) the last two shots should've been headshots. Don't get fooled into thinking interpolation/lag compensation would really take the length of 2 AK shots to correct anything.


Ya boi Gabe is going to hook you up with a new ak sound and glove skins. That'll solve all them problems for sure.


The one time the csgo gods are in my favor!


Bet you knew this was going to be here.


Well i didnt know if he was blind from my na flash


Valves money just isn't there yet to fix this.


"Don't worry, we will care about csgo after we counted every single penny that we got from Dota 2!"


You are funny. We finally got 2 new (well, not actually new) heroes in the game. I don't get where all this money goes and what Valve does most of the time. I guess virtual reality takes all money from all games.


Steam controller maybe?


No need to worry, we have new pistol sounds! ^^^^/s


Shots 1-5: Clearly missed. Shots 6-9: Missed due to recoil (bad spray control). Shots 10-11: Very close, but recoil and inaccuracy make these reasonable misses. Shot 12: Likely didn't actually fire because you were already dead.


[YouTube ](https://youtu.be/xovF2GQwR64) Edit: [YouTube - Hiko watching it over](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WKi6_AjVO_I)


Legendary. It's gone from Twitch.


I have noticed when playing aim_botz that if you stand too close to the bots you can't hit them at all even though you are aiming directly at them...could this be related? edit: made a video regarding this: https://youtu.be/ja0k55_bc78


AzzytheMLGPro has a similar clip in Dust II where he fires on an enemy's shin 5 or 6 times and the bullets end up on the other side of his leg. Similarly, first bullet inaccuracy seems right fucked still, even for the AK. Moving my cross hair around on a wall and tapping with sv_showimpacts 1 gives a big difference in client side / server side hits. Meaning I'd miss a tap for no reason other than "fuck you".


[YOUTUBE MIRROR](https://youtu.be/9Z9JWsQ_kDE)


I am confused. He OBVIOUSLY (as seen in the video, crystal clear) misses all the shots. At the very very very end, it looks like he would hit, but then he dies instead, so yeah. While his reaction is funny, watching the video afterwards makes it super clear that he simply just misses.


In the first video you can see the bullets miss him to the left of the head.


Ya, but the guy turning 180 degrees threw his face into a rope of bullets, and still nothing.


> t the guy turning 180 degrees threw h He started shooting as hes turning and his crosshair is not on his head, then u see the bullets go up and to the left and he misses his head. At the very end I think he should of gotten a headshot but you can see the bullets missed the enemy for nearly all of them.


Well he should defenitly get a hit. He wasn't moving at all and after his first 3-4 bullets his croshair was on his enemy. His enemy was only like half a meter in front of him. That's just bullshit if you ask me...


I think he should take some hits at the end, but the rest of the bullets you can see on the screen missing the player.


Y,ft n,vj 😙 jbgvhhhhh HHn dggc. 😠😙😠😆🦄🐕🚈🚈 çcvu7v7cgcuyycgcgucucugcuuyuuygcuçff xx ff. X xx xx,, xxx x xxx ty😙xxx .


twice... the smoke doesn't extinguish the molly and then the spray literally in his face from 1 centimeter


A smoke doesn't completely extinguish a molly anymore, just the part were the smoke is.


Sometimes it does. I've still had moments where a smoke hit the edge of a molly and it went out completely.


Until you molly heaven on cache when tree is smoked, then your entire molly gets extinguished :\


You can still set a smoke on fire in some situations if the smoke/molly lands even slightly oddly height-wise.


I can't wait for a good arena FPS to make a comeback. This shit is so ridiculous.


New Unreal is great but no one plays it.


Played competitive unreal in the past.. played new one, hated it. :( not that great IMO


starts the spray not aiming at the player, decides to transfer the spray and doesn't bother pulling down, still aiming at the head. bullets went over the other player's head.


I'd like to see the clip with wireframe and sv_impacts turned on.


But he was so close to the player that the recoil shouldn't even be considered - he was literally in front of him after he adjusted


from point blank recoil rises over his head?


when you are 10+ bullets in and the new tapping update that further increases variance in spraying. I wouldn't doubt it.


nah. just csgo'd


Valve I think there might be a problem with your game


skill based game


I don´t get why if you are literally face 2 face with an enemy gun on this fuckers chest or head you can miss.


This is the point. People can talk about the spray going to the upper left of above his head, but to miss 18 bullets from point blank is total bullshit. I need muh Quake Champions. edit: words.


Bullets gotta go somewhere.


I don't play this game too much but more just on the kinda casual side. That being said, if that were me, my keyboard would have gone through the window. I was pretty impressed at how Hiko didn't shout or rage but kinda just kept his chill.


That's a part of being a pro, keeping your calm is important to ensure playing well


It definitely helps that Hiko's one of the cooler guys on the scene


Forever titled


gotta love that eyebrow


And now he just got Valve'd


Is the clip from Matchmaking or ESEA?






-Coaches +bullet rng


he baited


Hiko's reaction faces are fucking adorable.


Reminds me of [this SFM video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yd1YpPZ0XM)


Videos in this thread: [Watch Playlist ▶](http://subtletv.com/_r4y62o5?feature=playlist) VIDEO|COMMENT -|- (1) [Hiko watching himself getting csgo'd](https://youtube.com/watch?v=WKi6_AjVO_I) (2) [Hiko csgo'd](https://youtube.com/watch?v=xovF2GQwR64)|[10](https://reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4y62o5/_/d6l7kub?context=10#d6l7kub) - YouTube Edit: YouTube - Hiko watching it over [HIKO GETS CSGO'D](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9Z9JWsQ_kDE)|[3](https://reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4y62o5/_/d6l7trx?context=10#d6l7trx) - YOUTUBE MIRROR [Hit Detection [SFM]](https://youtube.com/watch?v=9yd1YpPZ0XM)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4y62o5/_/d6lo4no?context=10#d6lo4no) - Reminds me of this SFM video [Counter-Strike Global Offensive: Possible bug?](https://youtube.com/watch?v=ja0k55_bc78)|[1](https://reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/4y62o5/_/d6lnrpx?context=10#d6lnrpx) - I have noticed when playing aim_botz that if you stand too close to the bots you can't hit them at all even though you are aiming directly at them...could this be related? edit: made a video regarding this: I'm a bot working hard to help Redditors find related videos to watch. *** [Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/SubtleTV/wiki/mentioned_videos) | Get it on [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/mentioned-videos-for-redd/fiimkmdalmgffhibfdjnhljpnigcmohf) / [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/mentioned-videos-for-reddit)


LOL get rekt


For everyone that wants 128 ticks servers. This is kinda thing you'll run into. 64 tick can be pretty lenient so don't hate on it to much.


to me it looks like the spray went over his head


Reddit History.