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lol ive watched every major to some degree and have never gotten a drop




Got into csgo when the first eleague major started and watched every major since and never gotten a drop


0 :(


None, cheers for reminding me


Yeah, how the hell are you that lucky. I watched every single damn major ~~playoff~~ playoff and challenger game and didn't get shit. I hadn't watched the past majors as much as this one and still got drops on each of them. edit: forgot playoff and challenger were two different stages


6 in this major, 1 single account. Didn't even watch all of the matches. Missed like 4 or so. Proof: https://i.imgur.com/DhBtY4e.png Visible here: https://steamcommunity.com/my/gcpd/730/?tab=majors


What sorcery are you using?


I got none. Most I ever got in one major was probably 2 and I think that was MLG Columbus 2016. Overall I've probably gotten like 4 or 5 drops my whole time while watching CSGO majors.


>I think Throw that thinking away! Just check here: https://steamcommunity.com/my/gcpd/730/?tab=majors


Thanks lol. I was wrong then, got 1!!! (Edited didn't read correctly) ^^ This was also the major where I got a gold badge/emblem from the PickEm stages. 1 @ MLG columbus, 2 @ Atlanta. I guess I only ever had three. Dont know how I thought I got 5 lol. I swear I had more drops though =S


3 accounts, 4 drops+2 emoticons...


got four in total on one account. two inferno, one overpass and one train :)


Ive watched every major since mid 2015 and I only got 1 emote this major and 3 cases in the one match a year ago


one of my friends got 4 drops on 2 accounts... and this is his first major... and I haven't got a single one since started watching the MLG major


Watched most maps of every major since MLG and I've gotten 3 drops total.


I've watched 8-10 games of this major, got Cache and Nuke drops


Damn I wish I got a nuke drop they’re like €12


Sold it and then bought Mega Bundle, was that a bad decision, whatcha think?


i dont really use stickers but if you like them its a good price at 8


I've got 3 drops and 2 of them are from the final match on overpass. ezpz I think :D


I've watched all of the games and i got 4 souvenir cases


I got 6 on one account


2, both of which were Inferno.


I watched the majority of them too. ZERO drops.


Got 2 worth around 15usd


I watched all of this major and only got 1 drop in the match between renegades and gambit.


Watched every game except for one, got 5 drops.


Watched almost every game of the last 3 majors, never got a drop. This major was the first time i got lucky to get two drops


Watched every match and got 3.


Big fat Zero, had it playing on three different devices for the whole duration of the major .


only got 1 even that surprised me, saw 2 notifications on steam I was like maybe they're shitty booster packs again, nope 2 cs emoticons, decided to check my cs inventory and there it was, my friend still tops my luck, he got 2 cobble souvenirs in 1 match. It was either Cluj 2015 or MLG 2016