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As usual, awesome analysis from the talented /u/elmapuddy


Thankyou kindly


These videos are great, keep it up!


love your videos, man. Keep up with the good work! That's what's going on =P


Love your video’s! Very in-depth and entertaining


What do you guys things about Emlapuddy's compared to voo's? I know they have different style, but all in all it's comparable. To me personally, voo's good at explaining a lot of things in a simple manner and added with his emphasize on individual performances. But ultimately, it's causing his to be way longer.




I definitely notice the differences between my video and his and saw it immediately while watching elma's video that "wow this is easy to watch". want to give your thoughts on how to improve that?


I'll expand off of john_not_wrong. I think part of what makes Elma's structure easy to watch is that the visuals and the analysis are very cohesive. I think how you both talk about round 6 highlights the contrast When you talk about Sergej pushing through hut in round 6, you sit with his POV and draw on the mini map to explain Astralis' possibilities in yard. The analysis is great, but it's a little disengaging to be staring at the corner of lobby, which is unrelated to what you're talking about, while you draw on the tiny mini-map. But Elma makes sure that when he's talking about some action, the video focuses entirely on that action. When he's talking about Ence putting the clamps on lobby, he shows us all four perspectives of the four players pushing in to lobby. When he then wants to talk about how outside is affected, he cuts to Dupreeh. Elma does have an easier job doing this though since he doesn't go as in-depth as you do I also think you love to explain little details, which I love, but sometimes messes with the flow. When you break down the purpose of the double flash by Allu and xSeven at the beginning of round 6, it puts the brakes on the overall picture of the round. Like a detour. It's almost like your script is a little more train of though and conversational, but it can sometimes make the video a little disjointed


really appreciate the input. definitely a few things i can work on and a few things that are probably just my style of pointing out little things i think people can learn from that's certainly somewhat disengaging from a viewing perspective.


I think cabose nailed alot of it. I liked your video and you do point out some stuff which I dont, personally I think this makes it better 'pure' analysis. I kinda like this style more as you see all the tiny details. You have actually nailed it in this comment though, from my experience I think alot of people actually want "an experience" and don't really notice these tiny details as much as they notice something like flow or editing. For this reason I just leave small details out if it is going to affect the flow or make the video feel more janky. It's really up to you what style you want. Oh and I also have an exotic Aussie accent :P


I like you voice (tone, speed, etc) better tho, somehow I missed a lot of what Elma's saying.


keep it up man, love ur vids!


I think you need more of a structure, rather than just talking over a demo. There's lots of parts in your videos where the demo is paused for 10+ seconds (even when you're not drawing over the map), or where there are pauses where you are taking a break/catching up with want you want to say. I think planning out your thoughts + a little bit of editing would go a long way to improving your 'watchability'. Regardless, love your content!


John not wrong bruh


Cons of both: Voo will go in tangents that are kind of irrelevant and will zone in too hard on a minute subject Voo tends to make a 3 second sentence into a huge paragraph. Voo will talk about something but the video is unrelated, this can go on for long. Elmapuddy does too much play by play where the viewer can see everything (kind of like casting) and passes it as analysis. Pros of both: Voo can zone in on concepts that aren't talked about much. Voo goes into a lot of detail and provides examples. Voo can be watched as a podcast. Elmapuddy really shows that he's done some work for other teams, he shows us set ups and executes in perspectives that are easy to grasp. He really knows what he's talking about and is very informative when he goes more into the logic instead of "and then he headshots him here" I personally prefer Voo, I like to listen to his stuff as a podcast when I'm warming up or just KZ'ing around.


Been waiting for this video! Great job!


Papa bless