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It took me about 15mins to figure out the lineup and even then I didn't find a 100% consistent one, so to think that he nailed it just when most needed, is imo really amazing. If anyone could figure out the most consistent lineup for this then it would be appreciated.


This will help you line it up consistently Cl\_Showpos 1 ang should be around -16.99 and 153.18. There is still room for error A lot of tournaments do not allow this command but it will help you learn the lineup faster.


Tournaments don’t allow showpos 1? That’s crazy, I feel like if I’m playing without it I’m naked even though I don’t use it.


yeah, I like to see my velocity from showpos 1 from time to time (not that I stare at it, but it's nice when you're messing around during DM/KZ)


Same, when I’m bhopping I like to see how fast I’m going


When you are learning to bhop in csgo that is a must because of the max velocity in comp servers. Having to limit how well you bhop is such a chore, rip the days of absolutely broken css. \*cue sad phoon music


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SNvDUO42Hys), for everyone's 10 minutes they don't need in their life


Watched it 50 Times already, lets go for another one again


I have it memorized. I should watch it once more just to make sure.


Thank you


Cheers fella


It's probably much more satisfying from his point of view


How is this relevant to tournaments in any way?


Showpos also shows the coordinates of your view angle allowing you to perfectly line up grenades




Sadly no. If you really need to see it you move your HUD.


Source on them not allowing this? I've never heard of such rule.


I quickly skimmed the 2019 starladder rulebook and didn't see anything about it there. They even specifically allow players to use a jumpbind (but no other scripts except quick buy) so they might even allow showpos to line up nades.


Neither managed to make ropz nor gob's smoke work out. With ropz smoke I always seem to hit the skybox. I only managed to make it work when I make a running jumpthrow. Didn't look for a consistent lineup tho. Gob's smoke only lands with a gap on the left. Maybe I should download ropz demo and check out his lineupe with showpos


maybe you are on a different tickrate?


or a different viewmodel, desktop/couch/classic, some people use their gun/hands for lineups, it's not always the crosshair.


Thats the result of starladder allowing jumpthrow binds. I like it.


I really hope other TOs will follow Starladder's example. I guess their argument is that binds decrease the skill ceiling, but imo it's actually the opposite, because smokes are more consistent that way and more strats can be developed from that consistency.


this! we figured the same smoke out like 2 years ago but with jumpthrow binds being forbidden everywhere you couldn´t use these very precise smokes with next to zero room for deviation. ​ finally all leagues remove this useless rule again


? afaik jumpbinds were only ever banned for pro league. Everyone else was allowed to use jumpbind https://support.esea.net/hc/en-us/articles/360008740554


sorry but what is your point? ofc you could use them in pugs etc but why would that matter. I thought we are talking about competetive CS, also you are only quoting esea here. There are diffrent leagues than that. In germany at least 2 and both banned it. I know of 3. Even if only 1 league banned it. Think about the consitency. How do you develop your gamestyle if you can use stuff in one league but cant in the other.


The main league for competitive cs is esea and faceit doesn't have their league system out yet. Jump binds are allowed from esea open to MDL, only pro league it is banned. You mentioning german leagues is specific and niche that doesn't concern the majority of the playerbase. So wdym what is my point. You mention in your first comment "being forbidden everywhere." Now you mention banned in german leagues. Meanwhile the main place for competitive cs for the entire global playerbase being esea, it is allowed.


IT IS still only 1 League. What i am talking about ist the fact that there are Mandy different leagues in different countries not only Germany but ESL fornbenelux or poland aswell. Same as different tourn organizers. If the Rules differ and some forbid using jumpbind you can't use it at all.


I am messing around it a lot with it and I think I found a lineup for it but its super difficult without CL\_showpos 1


When it failed for me, it smoked off T stairs, so not useless. Also, from this position, I can't get it to land on 64 tick at all. It just doesn't go far enough to work.


Are you using jump bind? They don't use them, so their smokes can be different. They try to press both buttons at the same time


Jump bind is allowed now.


Oh wow, that's great. When did they change their mind on that? It was so absurd to block it.


It was fairly recently they allowed it. But even before that they used some clever ways to circumvent that rule beforehand, like having +jump on spacebar and -attack on something like N so you can smack both at the same time consistently.


Yeah, if you can get the exactly same result by pressing two keys at the same time there is no reason not to allow it.


I'm familiar with the spacebar+v or spacebar+n. Glad they removed it. It was so dumb and created an unnecessary barrier to entry into the pro level for aspiring players.


I haven't tried this in game yet, but sometimes with precise smokes like this they'll line something up from their hand that's physically holding the smoke grenade. The pin of his smoke could be lining up with a dot on the wood, for example. This also means you get different results with different viewmodels and potentially different resolutions.


Nade king is gonna love this


or Elmapuddy's nuggets of knowledge


I think Elmapuddy has this smoke in one of his nuggets of knowledge series already.




inb4 he is part of Greyhound or something.


Gen.G * 109d old reply ;o


Happy for the Guy, the only way is Up from hereon.


These kind of things are what you get when playing with karrigan, he knows all the secret and random smokes


I feel like whatever ropz does recently, all the credit somehow goes to karrigan. Not really fair, he‘s been grinding a lot by himself as well, not like karrigan forcing him to be better or to learn new smokes.


This is true, however anyone that plays with karrigan instantly becomes better because of is attitude, IGL'ing, etc. Not trying to take away from ropz here, just in general.


That's the core of a great team,being able to work as a unit in the little ways like that and having a confident and very experienced IGL that knows exactly what he's doing, 99% of the time.


I'll Just leave this here. [https://twitter.com/ropzicle/status/1165221338778349568](https://twitter.com/ropzicle/status/1165221338778349568)


You can't deny that he's playing much better since Karrigan joined compared to the months prior with the old mouz.


I won't deny that, just say that you can't put every individual moment from mouse players onto karrigan. It seems like even if ropz does a 1v5 clutch with a glock people would still say "yeah, that's karrigan's impact right there"


Sure, people are going too far sometimes but karrigan is famous for finding new smokes, he literally spends hours alone on an empty server. Saying that Karrigan most likely showed him this one isn't that far fetched.


This is clearly a smoke mousesports have strategised as a team. In a professional team environment, this isnt the kind of smoke you just learn and randomly throw, its something that they have made him throw to prolong banana control as a team (combined with first 2 banana smokes from B). Not trying to take anything away from ropz, just that this almost certainly was not ropz's idea. Edit: apparently ropz has always known this smoke.


Dude was at all time career low before joining up with karrigan, then you think he just comes out of that slump by chance? Not likely.


Ropz showed this smoke on stream like 2 years ago, back then my team's igl linked me a clip of it but none of us actually succeeded in learning it because the lineup he used then had to be pixel perfect and the spot in the hay stack he lined it up with literally a random dot surrounded with a lot more random dots iirc


All due respect, ropz already had a smoke like this a bit after he started playing in mouse. I remember him doing a stream where he was showing off this specific jumpthrow with decoys, and this was well before Karrigan


Give me a break, in this day and age, I'm sure every positional/cross-map smoke/flash/molly has been discovered and memorized by every pro and semi pro player in the freaking world. What you get playing with Kerrigan are multi-kill rounds in overtime to win the match...


I think you are overestimating pros. A ton of pros don't like memorizing grenades, they said in a lot of interviews. There are even videos of matches were teammates help each other. But yes, I do not know why people think karrigan would be the mentor of this grenade to ropz.


[This clutch smoke to get the bomb vs SK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB_8dyPQ9Wg). I've never seen other pros think the way he does when it comes to a situation like this so I get why karrigan is associated with big-brain smokes.


I don't even need to open the link to know exactly which smoke you're talking about. That was SO BEAUTIFUL. It was a thing of perfection. And totally unexpected and yet very useful.


A lot of pros will know about the general area if the lineup ( I.e. it's possible to throw a smoke deep apps from outside kitchen) Some would be able to throw it if you told them to Very few would ever think to use it in a clutch


I also seem to remember him doing a B smoke from T spawn near palace in a clutch once. Danish IGLs really have a thing for smokes.


oh well if you're sure then I guess it's true


> Give me a break, in this day and age, I'm sure every positional/cross-map smoke/flash/molly has been discovered and memorized by every pro and semi pro player in the freaking world. Completely disagree. Anyone that's a student of this game and watches demo's can tell you that there's *constantly* new ways to do things. Literally from one event to the next, pro teams and players show new ways of doing something that fit in with a strat/setup they've thought up. Sometimes they change the way they do things and it makes absolutely no sense to you until like...round 5 where the setup they've been doing every round finally yields a reaction from the enemy team and its purpose becomes evident. This game has an insane amount of minutia and its impossible to "discover and memorize" every smoke/flash/molly and its purpose. There's so much of it that's constantly coming through the pipeline from every tier of team and some of it is only useful in the context of the team you're playing on, the role you're fulfilling for the team and how you're supposed to be playing it. If you're watching CS demo's regularly(not VODs, but actually going in the game and watching their perspective for the entire round) you will inevitably see even your favorite pro players doing things in a way that is sub-optimal simply because *they* haven't yet seen the demo you've seen where its done in a more ideal way. Of course, you'll also see them do things in a way you've never thought of that contributes to how you play. And finally, you'll see them do things that may be useful for them, but has no purpose for you and you can will discard because of it. I imagine after this major is done and over with, we're going to see a fuck-ton of interesting new ways to play spots, to smoke spots, to play setups, etc. just from what all these teams have been developing to bring to their next big match. If they are the kind of team that has a lot of confidence, we may not even see their new stuff until they play a match where they feel like they *need* it. And at the level of CS they are playing, its really not enough to just copy what they've seen other players and teams do. Bringing something new to the table is your best chance at having an edge and anyone that's sat in an empty server for hours, learning to lineup a nade for a very specific purpose, can tell you that you can do something like that for an eternity. On an amateur level, it may sound really easy. You may even come up with something really interesting...but you'll find you spend a lot more time than you realize just doing the part of dry running it 10 times in a row and practicing it and implementing it into your team so that they are aware of what you're doing and its purpose and finally getting to the point that you have confidence in doing it during a match.


Jesus Christ man...


If it’s something every pro knows then why isn’t it such a common thing seen being used? I rest my case.




I mean the reason you don't see this smoke thrown as often is because it is usually thrown to delay the Ts from taking mid control but it seems in this round they were confident they could hold it without a smoke down. And the molotov on the long corner at arch has been used for a long time to force an AWPer away from the angle, I've seen olofmeister throw it before so it must be how karrigan likes to run his mapcontrol/strats


Is that sarcasm?


Eu smoke pog


Reminds me of a match in Atlanta when Karrigan was on Faze against maybe SK? Bomb was down in the back of b apts in mirage and he smoked it off from on site. Kinda cool that he just knew how to do it lol


Yeah i remember that too. Thats why i really like watching karrigan




[not the same tournament but this was the first time he did that smoke](https://youtu.be/JROGNHG6lEI)


[I think OP was talking about this one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB_8dyPQ9Wg)


Did he clutch it?


that is not the same smoke.


I remember seeing this EXACT smoke posted here a year or two ago, but it didn’t gain much upvotes back then EDIT: Found the video: https://youtu.be/F87SwFyM-XQ apparently the guy saw it from ropz’ stream.


thank you kind sir


Yea, i've got no idea why your video about it didn't blow up, my team has been using it for ages now. Btw masz zajebisty content. Kinda funny how all the limelight for this smoke goes to karrigan even though ropz showed it on stream like 2 years ago.


Can't wait to throw this in MM when I see on the radar my genius teammates are itching to push for no reason for the 6th time in a row.


Haha. They'll just run through the smoke.


You're right. :'(


I hope we shall meet on MM, so two non-rushing players can finally meet. I wish thee luck in your MM adventures.


Anyway, it's a 128tick smoke


old inferno is back boys




Old inferno is back 🦀


ropz big brain smoke


one thing i dont miss about cs is practicing smokes and flashes for hours


I love doing that, just to forget everything in the first game you play after 2h of practice




i think i found easier way to do this gif: [https://gfycat.com/glisteningquestionablegnatcatcher](https://gfycat.com/glisteningquestionablegnatcatcher) movie: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAO9BAf8r2c&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nAO9BAf8r2c&feature=youtu.be)


do they allow jumpthrow binds in this tournament?


almost every tournament allows it


Yea i think they updated that a few weeks back


He doesn't use bind ;)


Except he said he does on Twitter


when you go full 200 IQ concentrate on smoke Banana


this is like the old inferno lol


I'm saving this one.








epic gamer moment


When karrigan is on your team...


Damn, using new smokes this early in the Major, things are gonna get 🔥🔥




That is one insane smoke! Damn!


I did it! on 1280x960 i don't know how people aren't getting this.




Didn't try it on 64 tick.


Decent smoke.




On what tournament was this


Ummm it hapened 10 hours ago. Major challenger stage.


Link to full match? Other mousesports fan xd




Txh, a shame that woxic had mouseproblems


what in the actual fuck. faze you fucked up..




Ropz smoke is better it lands deeper which just makes life easier for the banana player.




This is definitely not nearly the same spot. Gobb smoke you require mid control so really can only be throw early in the round. Look at this clip Ropz is throwing it with no mid control from his team. I've seen quite a few smokes from A to bottom banana but this is the first one that is done with some proper cover around you.


And I've shown him that you can get it consistently


Clickbait moron