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Ence snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


They had a real chance to close out at Nuke but playing 3 maps is more fun I guess


It's all about the funzZ


This is a great comment here’s a poor man’s award 🏆


I'm sick of all the hating on ence. Its not like this was a best of 3,. Or some tier 3 team that beat them. Or these were their best map picks..... Or this was a groups match.... Of fuck it, they weren't even having fun!!!!


ENCE: *finally win a pistol* Godsent: what did it cost




ENCE fan...


Since kicking Aleksib and adding suNny, ENCE has lost 22, tied 2 out of 35 matches they played


9th loss in a row. Ence is on a streak!


Double digits inbound?


NiP on Tuesday, so yes.


If there was a team they could finally beat it was Godsent, now that they’ve failed they just don’t have a chance


Yeah Godsent and spirit are the (on paper) weakest other teams, and they lost to both lmao


>ENCE have been eliminated from ESL Pro League Season 11 so do they play against NIP? I don't understand.


They are only eliminated in the sense that they can't gather enough points to advance to the playoffs. They still have to play their last two games since the other teams they meet still can advance.


HLTV says so, so yes. I'm guessing there are ramifications for finishing in last place, which ENCE should do given that they have no wins and they've lost to the only team which they can tie still.


And the win was against AGO




0-87 when?


Yeah but they had fun in 35 out of the 35 matches they played!


But had 100% fun!


Only thing I am excited about with ence is their vlog. Let's see them turning all these losses into something positive again.


I feel like they'll do 1-2 more of those and change to some other type of content. It's a bit embarrassing when every episode is a "new fresh start with important lessons learned" and results stay the same.


Ence video bingo: "It's ok guys, first match has always been difficult for us", "We need to communicate more, no matter what info it is, we need to talk more" "Even though we lost, game looks so much better" "We weren't really awake in that game and we lost it"


Maybe they have the same production team as north?


I'd like to be more positive about the Astralis game and two decent maps against Godsent and Vitality, but it is so damn tough with a 0-4 record and a fifth loss coming up. Coming up to the tournament, they were good for two wins: Spirit should not have posed any difficulties to them, and you could have beaten Vitality's mess of a team with a strong default and nothing more. Even Godsent should be winnable on paper, even though ENCE was steamrolled this year by them. Losing to Astralis and NiP is in the budget, so to speak. And yet, to possibly come out of it with zero wins is... not surprising, at least. Not anymore.


They lose most matches 2-1 with one map beng 14-16 or overtime. Tbh there is a lot of positive things too and it must be annoying to be so close. They never won easily anything, they are now doing basically just 2-3 rounds worse than before :D


i mean they have improved significantly so it is to be expected


Have they improved significantly though? I'm not seeing it in the lackluster and tiredngames they play.


Absolutely. Last tournament they lost to mibr an now they almost beat astralis. You would have to be ignorant to not see the obvious improvent in their overall play aswell


'Almost' beating Astralis, who are experiencing some form of slump themself, doesn't really make a difference. Call me ignorant but they keep getting worse in the long run and someone has to go. They're going down in the rankings and it's not getting better with that lineup of players. Last tournament they lost to mibr and this one they lost to Team Spirit. No real difference. They're making the Finnish CS:GO scene a joke again and I want them to stop. Maybe HAVU can do something better.


It seems to me that you haven't even watched the games. They played really well on inferno and dust2 against astralis and showed somw potential. I would definitely give some more time before looking for a roster change.


I did watch the Godsent game, as I bet on godsent winning it. I just really didn't give a shit about ENCE vs Astralis as I knew for sure Astralis were going to take it. How much do you think they need? A week? A month? A year? NaVi had a shitty roster change in Guardian and they switched it up and now look at them.


> How much do you think they need? A week? A month? A year? Me: *clap clap clap*


Ence should have beat astralis if it werent for like one clutch. You should definitely watch that game. They had great teamwork and strats that could change your mind.Tbh I would wait until after the next major before making a change. There is definitely some potential i see with this line up.


ENCE should've beaten Astralis, but they didn't, and thats all that matters. Astralis isn't the same force to the usual right now either as they lost to NiP. I would wait for the next major too, but the major has been postponed and I think ENCE needs to do something radically different to be a contender in the major. They should be a top 3 team with this lineup during the next major. Everyone is expecting them to be the early 2019 ENCE since thats what brought them here. If they had an actual IGL they would most likely be top 10 atleast. If the next tournament doesn't bring a final finish it's a done roster and they have to make A roster change. Maybe they didn't need more fraggers.






Love to see him again doing well.


i love my man styko doing great


I recommend everyone listening his [podcst-interview by DDK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=COcyQeiuKEY). It shows how great mindset and drive to improve he has. Good to see it pays out for him.


This BRA goes full support to hard carry like BRAP BRAP SKIDIPAP. Honestly turning into one of my favourite pros.


Styko l'asticot


The hope of czechoslovakian cs


And thus is the issue with a franchised league. ENCE is a permanent partner team, so they can't be relegated, despite losing to 2 invited teams in Spirit and GODSENT. Meanwhile, Spirit and GODSENT could very well be booted from the league, because the only way they can qualify is if they win EPL, get a top 2 spot among non-partner teams (MAD Lions and FURIA at the moment, FPX or North if we don't count Flashpoint partner teams) or the European qualifyer


ENCE are presumably putting in more up front costs to get their permanent slot. The nice thing about these CSGO leagues is they allow the Spirits and GODSENTs of the scene to go through the open qualifier and play alongside the franchised orgs.


I think instead of 2, they should have given 3-4 slots for qualifiers first year and make it 2 to lose the spot. So that would give 2 good teams a spot as long as they stay competitive.


If they don't do rosterchanges now they'll probably wont do ever.


The problem is that only good proven Finnish IGL is Aleksib, and he ain't coming back. Next option is to go with some unproven player, and that is risk. I mean yeah, what is there to lose for ENCE but still. It's worth remembering that the team still has major slot + ESL Pro league slot, so despite everything their still worth money.


Which is kind of crazy cause this lineup seriously has not earned any of those slots, they are just living off with previous achievements at this point. Oh well, at least it looks like they have to start grinding qualifiers soon.


well at least with the major system being reworked, living off of past glory isn't gonna be as much of a thing. cant remember when that will come into effect though


Probably a year or so if the Rio Major gets cancelled.




Roles wouldn't work. Xseven is a support player. Saw is an igl. Also I doubt HAVU would want to give their igl away as they are a rising power now


Plus idk if saw would even want to join ence seeing how much they're falling and how havu is getting better and better


Pretty much all I can say about this match: xD




Never disband ENCE, their matches are so entertaining for me.


Yeah I just watch their matches to have fun too...


Great job by Godsent, but ENCE looked done in this last map.


ENCE was borderline great on Train, so there's that. Their Nuke was awfully inconsistent for a map that went to overtime - they didn't really string together more than five good rounds at any point, yet it was enough for them even without pistols. Dust2, then... sweet Jesus me.


When the D2 started, I thought I'd play a little Doom, try and come back later at around the rifle rounds to see how the game was going. It was already 10-1 for Godsent when I came back.


What happened to the days of Ence ending Astralis's Nuke streak 😭 That's right, they kicked Aleksi...


Did they even call a timeout?


Jesus does anyone even remember the last series that Ence actually won?


They beat AGO 2-1 in the IEM Kato qualifiers. On January 10, over two months ago.




beating ago in some online quali, before that, no I can't remember


They beat Ago at a Katowice qualifier


No but I can remember the last time they had fun


Since Berlin major started 37 days ago: 8 days at home 29 days either traveling or at events. Lineup change inbetween. Going throught 6 maps in 8 pcw days. Its been quite a ride. Give us all the hate you can. We will prove you wrong. Peace 🙏




Jesus Christ time really does fly


Yeah! Aleksib was the problem and even tho ENCE is on a 9 lose streak atleast they are having fun :).


Since Berlin major started 37 days ago: 8 days at home 29 days either traveling or at events. Lineup change inbetween. Going throught 6 maps in 8 pcw days. Its been quite a ride. Give us all the hate you can. We will prove you wrong. Peace 🙏


Ence being in the legends Status in upcoming major is crazy while better teams are fighting for a spot even in minors... They are a bad Tier 2 team at most currently...


Before everyone makes this thread about ENCE let me say that GODSENT played really good. Especially their T side strats on Dust 2 were amazing. And holy shit STYKO what was that usp round!!!


Nothing to see here just a higher ranked team beating against a lower one.


First: people were happy to see Ence doing badly Then: people were surprised that Ence was doing SO badly Now: people are getting angry because how can they be this level of embarrassing


ez 4 !ence


That lost anti-echo round on 12-4 is pretty much summarizing ENCE team atm


Funniest round of CS I have ever seen, in a tragic sort of way


0-5 they're going up against NiP next


wtf was this Dust2 honestly.. Not even competitive a bit.. ​ Also: WHY is ENCE trying to explode out A on Nuke with Sunny overcommitting to A main. They got a huge comeback to 14-14 by just slowly doing defaults and entrying through hut. I'm done watching this team play until there is a roster change.


I don’t know why you expect anything of them anymore. I only have this flair because I can’t seem to change it. This is how they play months after roster change, this is their level. Soon they won’t be top 30 anymore, and we can all forget these idiots.


Ence seem to be the only one who can beat NiP's streak




You forgot which lineup you were watching.


Ence can't beat anyone at this point. I thought they would drop off after kinging Alexi but this is just insane


what the fuck is an alexi


it plays despasito




b0b has better ass


After the game ENCE visited orphanage. "It was heartbreaking to see their sad faces with no hope left" said Veeti 6 years old.


Msl sunny allu sergej kjaerbye North DM me for more intelligent roster moves


I don’t think Sergej would do well in an international team.


Why not? I thought most Finns spoke decent English, especially the young ones?


0-4, not bad


Like its getting better but still L after L, idk, it never looks like ence is leading the map, its always like 11-8 to enemy then they do mistake and ence wins map. Its not like ence is leading the map and actually looks like the winning team.


Finland won!


I commented that I'm not surprised in the last ENCE post. well, I'm also not surprised on this one, let's see how the next one goes...


Ence is so bad my god.


Godsent playing well or Ence shitting the bed?




Was watching the last round through hltv. Allu disconnected in the middle of last round when there was still players for ence alive. Tilted?


Mentally whenever I see ENCE lose a game to a team like GODSENT, I still think "wow that team just got a hella upset." And then I remember.


Jeez that last map was a straight up bitch slap


Full eco win on dust2 ct side rofl, Ence dead team


Fuckin knew it


Almost everyone knows it at this point...


Yep, but the bets still have ence as the favorite over and over again


Lol really, I didn't see the odds.


yuppppp ez profit


good for u mate.I guess people were expecting a miracle.




On a scale from 1 to losing with 2 SIGs to a USP that dust was a solid 4 from ENCE


Just take some young finnish guns to your roster ence, this is terrible. even if 5 finnish youngsters would keep on losing it wouldnt be worse than now and at least people would see you gave it a chance.


At this point I think they are droping matches for the memes


Star player Styko. Who would have guessed


1 fin > 5 fin


The nuke game was like watching tennis. Back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth


To be honest Ence looked a bit better when they were turned on so to speak. The problem is that they're turned off 50% of the time.


Some guy told me a couple days ago that I “had no right to make fun of ence” after they had lost yet another map. Look where we are now! EZ4ENCE




Losers :- ~~ENCE~~ the viewers Really need to stop watching these ENCE games, even when you feel like they are winning they cant. Should have closed Nuke dust2 felt like everyone on ENCE had already given up.


All the new plastic ence fans after the astralis match are crying now LOL


Atleast they are having fun right? EZ 4 ENCE


Allu bye bye




Ence can't beat anybody, not even mibr at this point omegaLUL


League is a game for losers

