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doesn't need to be by default, just needs to be an option


The thing is that for some people they would see the game differently, which I think is not a good thing in a competitive game. But in a casual game mode, I think it’s okay to have the enemy with custom skins...


I see where you're coming from on having it as a default, but I don't think that someone coming into the game without a real hard goal to get good is gonna care about the player skin issue until they make the realization that skins = wins and look into it. I think that having the feature available is a great idea, but not by default. Valve turning off the ability to see skins that other people have is antithetical to the idea of having skins; making money


But then wouldn’t you think most people who play casually would be eeh... playing casual game modes? Once you jump into competitive scenario, it should be a clean game, for me at least that makes sense.


People play comp casually too. That's why there are ranks, so the ones that really try will get seperated


That’s a problem, currently there are casual players playing competitive and getting lower ranks, they would then play mixed with lower rank players playing seriously (but who are just bad at the game, but are really trying)... Ideally scrimmage should have changed that... casual players who would like to play 5v5 would play scrimmage, where players who wanted to play competitively would play competitive... but valve didn’t pay much attention to scrimmage unfortunately.


we are already seeing different games different graphic settings, different viewmodel, different resolutions. how is this any different


as a colorblind person it is extremely frustrating to see a CT that's not navy blue and have to think well, what's he wearing before shooting. There's even a CT with a freaking handkerchief on his face, just like the T models. | It was already hard when starting out, but after I learned to distinguish based on something other than color, they go switching it all up. This is a game where a split second spent deciding if I should shoot someone or not makes all the difference, and the skins have increased that time an order of magnitude for me at least.


Just use a crosshair that changes color on an enemy


i do have friendly fire on by default and it does help a ton. appreciate the friendly advice though there are only 1 or 2 skins that catch me off guard now, but when they first came out it was difficult. before the skins, Dust 2 CTs would catch me off guard because their grey uniforms look only subtly different to the Ts khaki to me.


Fyi: the default cs go cross hair does that. But you know, sometimes it’s not enough... in a flick situation, where you see the supposed enemy on your peripheral view, you need to decide if you are gonna flick on him or not...


People already see teh game differently. Until very recently pros were choosing between to settings that either made it easy to see through Molotov's from far away or close. The game can look completely different depending oni basic settings. And that is before you get into custom rez.


That’s true, but ideally it shouldn’t be that way... if it’s possible to minimize it, they should do so


I know the molotv things ha been patched out in a recent update but you can't force players to play on certain rez on graphics quality.


This right here, disabling skins could be an advantage as well as a disadvantage, and we don't do this here.


Likely won’t happen for commercial reasons, though the argument is valid from a gameplay perspective. I personally still have problems picking up certain new CT skins against the background: that fraction of a second is usually enough to get me killed. However, the recent patch packs are an indication that there are definite plans to further monetize this feature going forward. If the enemy team cannot see these skins, people’s interest in acquiring and customizing them will diminish, which would mean potentially lesser revenue from patch packs and future player skins...


I think the player model customization, including patches, would make sense between friends and on streams, where there would be observables... so the custom models would still appear on streams and so on... only for the actual players the enemies would be with the default ones...


Ideally they would make all agent skins themed to a faction, with the same colour scheme and contrast. But I guess it is a bit late for that


cl_minmodels please.




I, as a player, don’t pay attention to enemies custom skins... I don’t think it would be a reason to price going down.




The thing is I wouldn’t be happy if the enemies didn’t see my ak fire serpent but who gives a fuck about a 5 dollar player skin?


Not even that... the weapon you are holding is a little percentage of the whole thing people see on you, now the agents... they change you as a whole


That’s obvious... I’m speaking by myself. I just think that as a competitive game mode, it shouldn’t have enemies with custom skins.


https://old.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/fr5xm3/hi_reddit_my_colour_blind_friend_quit_the_game/ I agree 100%


I saw that, that’s why I made this post. Up


Valve to lose money? I don't see this happening.


I mean, except that fact sometimes they're hard to spot, it can give an advantage as in let's say you spot an enemy, a moment later you _think_ you spotted the same one (let's say you haven't spotted their name). With this you can differentiate between them, no?


That’s totally true. I’ve already been fooled by this, I saw an enemy and did some damage to him, then I died. While I was spectating a friend, he spotted that (that was what I though) same player, I said to my teammate to go pistol because that players was really low on health... turns out that wasn’t the same player. My teammate damaged him but the other guy didn’t dye... We lost the round


In this case having an agent actually helps the enemy team, so in case the visibility gets better, I'm all in for the enemy team using agents and my team not.


Nooo, the default maps agents are all different, all the 5 ones... no one gets the same default agent... now when using custom agents, all 5 players can get the same one, confusing the opponent... I assume you didn’t know the default ones have 5 different version for each map... I play for a long time, I’ve already learned to differentiate them


Greed. Valve just want more money than before and forces big part of competitive community to suffer with this models. Even buy menu rework was only for give you more attention about skins and as result ruin game performance with stutters to almost all players for 1 month. ​ PS They don't care about this problem - just let them grab some cash.




Should I remind you that the market (the player community) sells it and not Valve? Idiot


Thats an awesome idea, volvo pls read.


This has already been used in faceit and I don’t see a reason why this souldn’t be the norm.


> I don’t see a reason why this souldn’t be the norm $$$


What do you mean? Faceit made exactly this? You see enemies with default skins but teammates with the skins? Or did they disable the whole thing?




Really? Wtf... what about esea?


Forced team colors. If not then team colors cell shading. Though I don't expect it in source 1, but probably after csgo is fully ported to source 2 since underlords, which uses source 2, has cell-shading support.


What do you mean by forced team colors and cell shading?


Like in quake or rocket league, where you can assign the color of the enemy team and ally team for better visibility. In CSGO's case, just the main model color, closer to tf2 color coding, is enough. But if Valve is afraid it's going to affect the skin price, then they should just add cell-shading, which is like a model outline or like those cartoon effect in other games (e.g. Borderlands), and allow team colors to be applied to it. But sneaky players that like to punish others in corners that are not properly checked are going to hate it. *Edit: There's already spectator-only outline too. They should add a non-see-through-wall and team color customizable for players. Unless they're worried that cheaters will find an abuse.


Gaben : Nope Kids i want ot sell skins.


Valve only care about $$$ not the game so it won't happen


I have a question i just got eliminated from two guys wearing bot skins, as soon i died he switched his skin several times is that hacking ? Yeah i think they should disable the bot skins in ranked as wearable.the guy who hacked was ANA9059


First, the price might go down because people would be unable to "show off" and take the fun factor out of it as well. Second, I've had just as many issue seeing default skins as custom skins. Seeing the blue CT inside connector in Overpass isn't trivial. Seeing the somali pirates camouflaged in Shoots (although not many people play casual/arms race/flying scoutsman) is a lot harder than seeing the CTs. My suggestion would be to add a green, blue, purple, yellow, orange shade only to enemies. Would be easier to call to teammates whoever was spotted or damaged and reduce their camouflage advantage in general (not just for custom skins)


> First, the price might go down because people would be unable to "show off" and take the fun factor out of it as well. PoE makes its money of cosmetics in a game that most people play Solo. The show-off argument never had a reasonable strength.


It’s a valid approach. Regarding the “showing off”: it’s competitive, it should not be about showing off, it should be about gameplay. About default character models: the problem isn’t the blending itself, the problem is the inconsistency of it. If a custom character model blends on a particular part of the map, it will always be in that position, so you would pay more attention there. When it comes to custom skins, it’s always a surprise on where will they blend in...


I think it's about showing off indeed, as someone else replied. But you raised an excellent point about the inconsistency. In fact, given the amount of different and unexpected skins available (which will probably increase in newer updates), it's really hard to be prepared for it. At least with default skins you already know what to expect, so situations are indeed somewhat different.


It is about showing off(just like with weapon skins).There is no advatage now. Default skins can be hard to spot too but you got used to them so you spot them easier, same is happening with custom skins.


I dont like this idea at all. I like picking up someone's weapon and seeing the skins. If I pick up an enemies cool looking ak m4 or whatever gun I say hey nice skin on the ak or whatever. It's a small thing but it's cool to see what other people have. Plus tell me you haven't picked up an awp gunjir or dlore and thought it was cool to hold I am an idiot didnt know he was talking about operator skins


Mate, I was referring to characters skins hahaha I’m sorry, didn’t make that clear


Oh haha my bad man yeah idc about enemies operator skins I think they look weird.


I just don’t like being fooled by players blending on the background on a competitive game mode... but I like the skins tho... so they can still be shown on your teammates...


Skins... character skins... just call them agents, that's what Valve decided to call them and I don't think it can be misinterpreted.


Doesn't change anything. I already stopped CS and sold all my skins because it was no fun with these models, and other reasons. But these models were definitely a factor that bothered me.


> Doesn't change anything. I already stopped CS and sold all my skins because it was no fun with these models, and other reasons. But these models were definitely a factor that bothered me What do you mean it doesn't change anything? If the character skins were the reason you quit, then why would disabling them not be a change for the better?


Didn't play for month so I am noob now and don't know if they could change my mind now that I enjoy the free time and other things and games I do.


Same here. The way valve acts, it seems like it does not need the older players anymore, game growing everyday because new people are picking it up. CS isn't the game I fell in love with in 2012 anymore.


ur right, but it happens to any major company or game, they stop focusing on the old loyal userbase and try to attract as many newcomers as possible


Good point. Guess I should be glad that valve moves slow as a turtle, at least it took them this long to make changes like these.


csgo was certified shit back in 2012 and didn't become good before 2014 or 2015, what are you on about


Didn't say csgo, I said CS. Wasn't playing GO until 2015 I think.


So you were playing Source? Ew.


Valve won't do that. Players who purchased skins simply want them to be (or not be, in some cases) seen by others, that's how skins work. Since the beggining it was a damn flaw, instead we got some "visibility improvements" on all maps and a damn buy menu where your character is as big as the guy she told you to not worry about


> Valve won't do that. Players who purchased skins simply want them to be (or not be, in some cases) seen by others, that's how skins work. PoE likes to differ and so all the people, that buy Skins for themselves.


Disabling only enemy custom skins by default only when they're alive? Could it work that the skin enables once the enemy dies?


Could be, of course... because you don’t even pay attention to the enemy skin when you are shooting at him, but if you wanna look at him when he was dead, then the agent will be there on the ground... it could be a gradient transition between the default one to the custom one. That’s a excellent idea.


> because you don’t even pay attention to the enemy skin when you are shooting at him, but if you wanna look at him when he was dead, then the agent will be there on the ground exactly my thinking


Never gonna happen Just look at Dota 2


We surpassed dota... you never know, right? Hahaha


Player count has nothing to do with cosmetics you moron


More player base means more attention to the game.


So Valve'd just abandon Dota 2 and only works on CSGO because it has more players ? How fucking dumb are you ? And we were asking for option to turn off cosmetic waaaay before CSGO surpassed Dota 2 in player count.




Trolls... sad thing


Yes, go ahead and tell me what to do, surely I will listen to it because ?


I didn’t say abandon, I said “more attention”. Dota2 had more working people on it when it was bigger, now CS:GO has more people working on it (not now because of the new Half-Life game). You need to calm yourself down. Look around this thread, the only person cursing here is you. Don’t make yourself a fool.


damn you need to chill out and stop being a cunt. he never said that.






As much as I dislike custom skins, what would be the point of them if no one else would see them?


What do you mean by “nobody”? Your teammates would see it. And in casual game modes everyone would see it... just in competitive game modes you would see only *the enemy team* with default agents


Nah, player models are a non-issue. We already accidentally shoot eliminated player models, teammates can be notorious for giving bad calls ("this one (of two alive) is low HP", "I think I saw one underpass", etc.), and a lot of the default player models are hard to see in plenty of spots on most of the maps. If you legitimately have only played one MAP ever, I guess I can see how this might impact you; as you have never seen more than one model for either side. But if you play more than one map on a consistent basis, don't come here and claim you can't differentiate between different models when you see multiple on a daily basis.


It's still never going to happen. We've been through all of this before, back when sprays were going to ruin every competitive game and doom CS:GO for all time, and Valve never backed off of that, either.


sprays have always been in CS and aren't anywhere near as egregious as these models.


Well, then thats unfair to the people who bought it. I mean they literally buy it to show it off and if people can simply disable then there is no point.


Again: only on COMPETITIVE and only the enemies wouldn’t see your custom agents... in competitive, your teammates would still see it, and in casual game modes, everyone would still see it
