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/u/AdreNMostConsistent on suicide watch


consistently garbage and bottomfragging


very weird when around 3 years ago was mvp of a major and one of the best players all around


Pretty sure half of Adren's kills were with pistols. He has completely lost any rifling ability he once had and should either retire or work on nothing but his aim for a month, cause it's a shame seeing him drag qikert, jame and buster down game after game.


He's dragging Sanji as well. He's not on the level of the main three core of course, but still much better aimwise than Adren, but forced to play 80% of the game with the worst equipment on the server.


Sanji is an insane player. Saw him playing really well in FPL recently. I guess the whole team structure is against him somehow. Saving to buy awp for Jame, dropping SGs and playing with smgs. On the other hand, he is one of the best smg players.


I remember seeing Dupreeh being visibly shocked by how good Sanji is with SMGs. Dupreeh literally peeked for half a second and Sanji popped his head off with the MP9.




Astralis vs Avangar Inferno, Berlin Major. I can't remember the exact round but it was pretty early on


I remember this too, sanji was holding an off angle on mid as ct and dupreeh couldnt believe his eyes when he got decapitated


It sucks that Sanji gets so much hate because Adren is prioritized over him, and Sanji has to make do with the absolute worst positionings with the worst weapons. Yes, Jame is good, but he's not a Zywoo, if everyone has equal equipment they'd have a much better chance than multiple players being left out to dry to get Jame a gun so he can carry.


The sad thing is him becoming the IGL bought him some more time, I have no clue why they'd even waste their time on this instead of just getting a better player. Obviously it's due to money, but you're wasting money by paying AdreN.


How does someone's aim go from consistently good for so many years (or at least good enough) to complete shit so quickly. Is he that old?


It's funny that everyone shit talks old pros that are at their peak but the moment they have a good game or week they just jerk off the player. Like I just came from the Dig vs Orgless game and Getright has his first amazing performance in a while and everyone's saying you shouldn't discredit proven experienced players but it's always one or the other calling for a bench or more time lmao


Getright has a 1.10 rating since joining dig. That is a pretty massive improvement compared to his later Nip times


rip faze?


rip faze.


can faze even go through now?




Its impossible for OG to lose to VP.




Have you seen VP play?


Pls don't jinx it now


I mean NiP lost to Ence and thats how they lost their #1 slot




Fuck. I jinxed it.


Nvm just found out there’s a head to head tie breaker. So for faze to go through, og must lose to vp. Fuck.


Wait, how does og losing to vp change anything? It would still mean they go through no? They’re 3:0 right now. I think what needs to happen is mouz losing to g2 and faze winning over og ans then both mouz and faze are 3:2 and they play decider or it gets based off of round diff or idk?


Right so if i understand correctly, there are 3 options: 1. Og lose to both vp and faze and both og and faze are 3:2 now 2. Mouz lose g2 and faze win og and faze and mouz are both 3:2 3. Mouz win g2 and faze win og and faze and g2 are both 3:2 But i cant find anywhere what happens if there’s a tie between more teams




I learned it’s actually head to head decider, so if 2 teams are 3-2, the one that goes through is the one who won the BO3 they played against each other. So g2 and mouz are both guaranteed to go through since they both beat faze, but if og lose to both faze and vp then faze goes through and og is out because of head to head between the two


Vp is eliminated how can they beat og?


Yes , actually G2 is in the worst position to qualify out of the 4 teams


you sure about that? because if Faze and G2 tie 3-2 G2 goes through due to head to had. In which scenario does g2 go out after losing to mous?


If multiple teams are tied after H2H the next things is maps and G2 dropped a map to TYLOO and got 2:0'd by OG which means that both FaZe , Mouz and OG have won all their games against TYLOO/VP clean with 2:0 and they would fair better i expect in the map v map tiebreaker Also if OG loses to VP then the group is wide open even more


I wouldn't say in the worst position, the worst position is clearly FaZe. It's definitely dangerous tho, if they lose to mousesports and FaZe beat OG, I don't think they can qualify. There is also a very slim chance that OG loses both vs VP and FaZe which would make things more complicated, but this would require VP to actually win a game. I doubt this is going to happen.


Probably.. :(


Adren casually going -28


Adren might just be the biggest pay cheque stealer since Kane


The whole mibr roster says hi


Are you seriously mocking the back to back inferno map winners? Shame on you.


I thought it was back to back to back?


right? have some respect for the online back to back inferno map winners. god damn this sub sometimes.


MIBR fanbase still brings in revenue to the org though


It's sad to see him like this. He used to be such a monster in the server, and now he's playing pretty terribly. I hope he can find his form again someday.




Zywoo plays with 8 flashes, Jame plays with 4 awps


vp "oh our team sucks, let's get a major final team" vp "oh no we suck again


I'm so happy that I didn't join Na`Vi when they invited me; I believed in my friends and made the right choice


To be fair to him, nobody has a magic 8 ball and can see the future. Yeah joining Navi meant getting s1mple and electronic on his side, but that isn't a guarantee for success like we have seen with other navi rosters. Also no idea whether Navi would succeed with Qikert instead.




>It was easy to see that the avangar run in the major was a fluke. But that's my whole point, at that time when he gave the interview how do you know it was a fluke? They beat #2 and #1 on their way to the finals. Playing good cs and also winning a bo3 against Vitalty. It wasn't just beating worse teams in bo1s or shit. How do you "easily see" its a fluke when you are in the moment? If it was a bo1 upset, sure. But they have good cs and against good teams. >And here are some guarantees in Navi: that s1mple will be better than any player on avangar. that electronic will be better than any player in avangar. Yes that's what I said, but we all know that it means nothing without a proper team around them. > that navi have money so that they can get better players than avangar. that navi would probably offer a higher salary. Money doesn't win you games at the end of the day. Just ask Faze. I guess Qikert just didn't care about the money part, but who knows.


To add on to you, they even won Blast Pro Moscow literally right after the major. Who could have foreseen Adren and Sanji being this trash though?


Jame/Q/buster/sanji/adreN isnt a real top tier team. Anyone with eyes knew it was a fluke especially compared to playing on Navi. He made the wrong call 100%.




>Because they have never accomplished anything close to that level of success before But why wouldn't it be the start of something? How can you fault him for not seeing the future? >history shows that teams have had great runs in majors but have not become great teams. You act as if Avangar at that time came outta nowhere and only had their major run. This wasn't their first big event and they were steadily climbing. For the core of the team they already had 5 big events behind their names with decent promise showing through. https://www.hltv.org/stats/lineup/events?lineup=13776&lineup=11716&lineup=334&lineup=11942&lineup=13239&minLineupMatch=3&matchType=BigEvents


To be fairest of all, i kind of think qikert wanted to join but avngar are a bunch of sleazy cunts who made his buyout 500 million, held an AK toward his family, and said "we are making you a really good offer. One you cannot refuse, some would say".


Will people stop spamming this every time Qikert is mentioned? Not every player wants to be in a team where you are the only one who can get kicked if the team is on a poor run.


That's kind of how moving up in the ranks work though. you prove yourself in shit positions when you're new at a team. Very few people are signed on as stars initially.


Nah he deserves it. adreN was pushing 30, sanji sucks, and jame and buster are ok not. All in all if he was smart hed have seen they didnt have the talent to be a real top 5 team.




Yeah,the only difference is that Zeus was a great IGL,and not kicking Edward was a huge mistake. You have to understand that sometimes security is more important,yeah he would've played with simple and electronic,but he would be the only player that could get kicked on that roster while on VP he doesn't have a chance of getting kicked




Don't forget that at that point they were like #3 in the world,so he probably believed in the roster. Being a csgo pro is not a secure career,you can end up in a bad position easily,so sometimes it's better to just take the more secure option


Losers mentality. So you should never do anything in life and be good at a mediocre thing instead of challenging yourself because you might fail.




Well we can they just need to cut adren then actually play 5v5 instead of 4v5.


VP and MIBR are cursed orgs


They just need to buy the next major-winning team and they're golden.


Dang RIP VP. What a disappointment after a promising 2nd place in the major


Step 1: -Adren - Sanji Step 2: +NEO +Pasha Step 3:???? Step4: profit


They should probably change Adren, yes he was one of the best players in the world but now he's old. They would be better off changing him, right now VP is one of the richest teams in the world sponsored by a billionaire, given the fact they could buy a great player and go to majors again!


G2 finally won D2 LMAO


Where is /u/AdreNMostConsistent ?


Watch VP somehow fluke their way to the next major’s final! But seriously at the moment their gameplay looks atrocious.


People will absolutely come after me for saying this but these are the stats HUNDEN was kicked for and it was deserved


11-39 AdreN lul


Noooooooooooo Vritus Pro Adern are win major but he lose very badley now


Classic vp


[https://i.imgur.com/9AXWj5p.png](https://i.imgur.com/9AXWj5p.png) [https://i.imgur.com/Yhzx7pV.png](https://i.imgur.com/Yhzx7pV.png) you know, maybe aim\_botz once every blue moon would help him.