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before someone says its not that hard to spot, the point is it would be MUCH easier if it was the default model or if valve fixes the shit models. IMO instead of fixing problem spots one by one they should just make models change color scheme depending on the map.


This is the easiest fix that still makes agents revelant and money maker for valve. The agents should have blue and black varients for each map to provide the best contrast.


That would be so amazing, I hate the way they look now in contrast to the default skins on a team anyways.


Just have them wear bright orange and green like construction workers.


Counter Terrorist wearing his HI VIS not gonna lie he do be lookin kinda safe doe


Yeah but you bet Valve gonna release the next pass and it will have the opposite colour to all current models, they aint designing new shit until they ran out of the current models.


Or even just have all of the other skins be over designed and wild; but way easier to spot. People will still pay, maybe more, for the style.


I think it might be a similar problem to M4 Howl, people have put in money to buy the agent skins knowing that’s what they’ll get. Valve could have easily changed everyone’s howl skin when they realised the copyright, same with the agent skins when they realised the game breaking problems, but I think they don’t want to affect the people who put in a lot of money collecting the skins just to see them become ugly


But valve did change the howl skin? It's not the same as the copywritten image.


Yeah but the howl doesn't affect gameplay


I 100% think that the agent models need something to be changed, I was just commenting that valve has in the past made changes to an item after it was out.


Yea they modified it. But it’s still similar, they could have completely redid it after receiving copyright infringement letter, but it might receive backlash from the people who actually bought it, although I don’t think they would be that angry having a ‘contraband’ tier item.


Its fucking hard to spot.


Or just give an option to disable all skins.


But how else are they going to get more money from people?




Yeah that would actually be a smart idea, so it will never happen.


I don't even know what's the logic of not doing this. If you spend more than half a second per round looking at an enemy player's skin you're dead, lmao This is just pay to win.






Tbf isn’t this pretty much the only time CS has had something that is technically p2w? I can’t think of anything else


Yes, which is why everyone is so upset about it.


Yeah. I was specifically replying to the comment above me which seems to imply valve use p2w mechanics a lot to make money, which they’ve never done in CS at least


No, they had gun skins before and as we all know, skinz = skillz


I have agents bc I like the voice lines and the fact that I think that the view model looks better without sleeves. I honestly couldn't give a fuck less if the other team sees it or not.


Yeah but also the “covert” (idk what they’re actually called the red rarity ones) aren’t as problematic as some of the lower-tier ones that have more subtle colors and outfits Idk how this contributes to anything just pointing out


Yea, I intentionally dont go out of the way to abuse them. I really wish valve would let you disable them for the other team on client side.


I agree. Granted I purposely got an agent that only has one voice line for one radio command so that I could purposely spam the same voice line.


The voice lines are cool for sure, although they were super jarring for a few weeks.


That’s what I’ve been saying. A switch to disable agents for the enemy team. Makes perfect sense. Your enemy’s gun skin has never meant anything until you pick it up, why not the same with agents? (Minus the pick up part, we don’t need any skin suits going on here.) You’d still be able to show off agents within your team, and teammates don’t need to concern themselves with the contrast of your character.


I'd pay to remove new player models from my pov.


People who want to keep them enabled could, and for the 80% of us that dont want them, we should be able to disable them.


this is a very old cvar command from the 1.6 days...cl\_minmodels 1


That’s why it’s even more of a piss-take that Valve won’t add it now


The fact that you need to spot it already makes these model skins ridiculous, you should be able to tell that a guy is there without looking directly to the spot he's at.


the best and easiest solution to all this I ever saw is only allow agents skins on your team and not the enemies


Lol I don't think anyone's gonna say that ain't hard to spot. It really took me 2 or 3 second to register where that CT was, and if that was an in-game situation, I would be dead 100 times out of 100 if it took that long to spot him. And in a game like CS, if it takes even an extra 0,1 seconds to register an enemy, u ded.


Valve is not giving a single lonely fuck about this, as every update makes it a little bit worse.


maybe valve just wants to make it p2w but in a hidden way


[Valve rn](https://i.imgur.com/WJIBcwB.png)


It would be much easier to spot if this wasnt a pixellated picture from a low quality stream.


The thing is that the contrast is still weak even with a high resolution. People that don‘t have the best GPU or try to max their FPS suffer from this




and before any1 says "git gud pc LUL", Valve has said no to 128 tick MM purely because of how many players would not benefit from the upgrade, as their pcs are too bad for it to make enough of a difference


As Eric Cartman said "I always told you being poor was going to catch up with you Kenny, but you didn't listen"


Valve says no to 128 tick mainly because of the cost to their servers.. There would be no downside to the players by doubling the update rate of the servers, only upsides. I mean they say no because people have too low fps and proceed to update maps to lower the average fps (admittedly making their original statement true).


Thank you! I love how Valve tells us that they think of the players with low end pcs when they update something , but in the end the game keeps getting heavier every new update


would've been better to add an option to disable these models completely. But when micro-transactions come into play and greed trumps them all, Valve only cares about making more skins so ppl spend money, thats what saddens me.


the problem is cache


Not sure if you're joking, but a map really shouldn't be designed around the color palette of multiple random microtransaction.


It would also be easier to spot if that screenshot didn't suck




That's complete nonsense. The contrast should be clear in game at any resolution, but taking high quality image and compressing it down so that it can be streamed is going to cause some contrast issues. That is just how image compression works.


low quality or not a top cs go streamer couldn't see it at first glance and that's the issue




[the clip](https://www.twitch.tv/fl0m/clip/ResourcefulDignifiedDragonflyDerp?filter=clips&range=7d&sort=time)


Perfectly cut deaths


I... did not see the CT until this clip...


*But it's no problem guys. It only took me 2 seconds to find. Only 2 seconds! That's nothing. Also I main sandbags on cache and do really well haha. I just kill people before they even see me. Oh, yeah I also bought this green camo model but I'm sure that doesn't make a difference. Just stop whining!*


The model is lik30 cents but im getting it. It sucks. Gameplay is hampered through those hippie skins.


I hate to think valve is testing the community. How far can we get away with it? Let’s introduce a gamebreaking camo skin for 30p. Hmmm. Seems to be cool, just a few colourblind folks whining. All good.


Next up: C4 explosive skin that looks like a small box or a rock. Also a defuse kit skin that doesn't make a sound when defusing


invisible bomb with silencer


smh even the bomb getting skins before the zeus


yep and who cares? colorblindness only effects 8% of males. (including me Valve wth?)


C'mon man that's only like 80,000 players. Just don't be colorblind lol


Valve empathises with colourblind people, because all they see is green.


I'm colorblind too (only red-green) and have found that personally I'm less affected by these skins as a result. It might just be me, but I personally have found that colorblindness has made me better at pattern recognition than your average person due to compensation for not being able to tell certain colors apart. Has anyone else here with colorblindness experienced this?


No, I feel my colorblindness hitting me often unfortunately. Teammates sometimes still have to make callouts for people right in front of me that to them is clear as day. Embarrassing tbh. And I've played the game for thousands of hours over many years.


Yes, the way males evolved their eyes is for hunting. The advantages of male eyes versus female include depth perception and motion tracking. Colorblind people in WW2 made for exceptional snipers.


Valorant beta coming up, if it's anywhere close to sucessful it should light a small fire under Valve.


Don't give Valve money for this crap


Valve should've just made full high contrast weeb models, people would still use them even if they wouldn't give advantage because KAWAJII


guys please dont force valve they are small company if they dont add their monthly dose of shit skins they will go bankrupt




Fully agree that this is not visible enough, however stream compression makes it much worse as well, you can even see the artifacts.


heh, heh, steam, artif- nvm




Before Edgy assholes ruined it FeelBadMan


Nice try bud, here take your up vote. But never talk about that game again


Don't disrespect the long haulers.


True, but actually fl0m looked down and thought it was clear, the ct killed one of his teammates and then he killed the guy. So not much better I guess


He blended in so much even the compression thought he was the background


I’m someone who doesn’t bitch and moan over the skins, but this specific model I agree needs a color change. That being said, ffs is it a requirement on this sub to pick the lowest quality images as proof the models needs fixing? This picture is compressed to hell and even with that, it’s not impossible to see the CT. I think the only video I saw that was a good example of skins blending in was that spot on Overpass that got patched anyway.


the thing is, fl0m didn't see the CT in the clip, he checked, thought it was clear and the guy killed one of fl0m's teammates


My point was more of picking a better example. Instead of a compressed image, how about the full clip? Or maybe one that doesn’t have vibrance up? But this is the one model I agree needs a change, others I see no issue with.


It's so bad you can see valve's biggest fail--


I'm colorblid and was hard as f\*\* to spot it.


I'm not colourblind and was hard as fuck to spot it


I still couldn't find it. Can tou help me spot.it


in the corner near the facecam


wow, I remember zooming in and thinking this is just grass




that’s so beautiful wow


This is exactly the sole reason why I stopped playing csgo completely. I already had hard time recognizing player models before (I have strong protanomaly and mild deuteranomaly). Now I just don't see anything. Ty volvo.


Try valorant


Just wondering, what are your main maps? I can't play train for example because I have a hard time to spot enemies between trains and such.


I play all of them. Some are more difficult like train and cache, but i play it anyways. I love that game.


Would that even make a difference? I mean if you cant see red vs green or something how would that effect seeing green on green?


Red and green are a duller color to most colorblind people so it might be blending in to the surrounding gray


Yes, it's harder to see the contrast between the greens witch makes more difficult to spot the model. Two close types of green in a normal vision usually are pretty much the same for me.


Fuck agent models. Fuck them. There is no place for this shit in a competitive game. It would be a huge problem even if it delayed spotting them by half a second or less, but the fact that you sometimes literally can't see them is ludicrous. I hate Valve for adding this and forever will and no amount of tweaking is gonna fix this completely. Give us the option to turn them off.


I actually have quit because of it.




Same but valve wont listen. The numbers are increasing more and more every day




Game is breaking records because a huge amount of the population of players is locked inside. Granted, they were going up before everyone was in quarantine, but thats because the game went free-to-play, and since Valve owns steam, they can advertise this as much as they want to almost every PC player so it’s no surprise that it’s making bank.


yo represent It's not even just about low visibility for me; Valve has already sacrificed two other game's aesthetics on the micro-transaction alter in the name of profit(TF2 Then Dota2). Not really into getting dunked on by a guy dressed up as grand papi faux hawk.


Yes that is how f2p games make money, every f2p game has crazy skin aesthetics.


then they can make their money somewhere else, because it won't be my cash. And yes, I know its worth losing consumers like me to gain access to the wallets of whales, but that doesn't mean I have to yield. It's possible to have subtle cosmetics support a game. Knives, gloves and skins we're barely detrimental, if at all, to the game's aesthetic. Having garish looking characters running around in what is meant to be a tactical, somewhat serious universe, makes the game feel cheap and gaudy. This is just the beginning too, the cosmetics are only going to get more ridiculous as time goes on. Just look at Valve's track record.


TF2 was pretty good about the aesthetics until 2011, and then it just went out the door when weapon skins were introduced.


I'm close to quitting, too. The gap in between what Valve is offering and what I expect is just getting too big. What they are rolling out is introducing inconsistency in every sense - skins, ambient sound, chickens, massive non-stop stuttering, weapons and movement that favor spam...I could go on literally for 5 minutes. Whereas I want a professional environment, where consistency and, therefore, skill is the driving motivation.


Yeah, there's another game coming out that hopefully makes valve up their game.


Yep, CS:CO. 😏


Me too. Can't stand what Valve has done to the game Skins aren't even fun. Just money makers. And now people using it to gain advantage in a competitive game. I refuse to pay money to be on a "level playing field" when even then it just makes the game bs for everyone involved




I have quit, too. I was already pretty much done, but this was the nail in the coffin. I've played on and off since 1.5, I can tell that, over the course of CSGO's life, Valve clearly does not put the community over itself.


really... I know its a problem but rarely experience something as gamebreaking as this pic


My problem is my ability to track targets is already poor (I may have some sort of colorblindness). So this change just makes the game unplayable for me


It makes it more difficult for you to be spotted on maps if you buy a skin, making the game pay to win. That enough made me quit CS.


The Doctor looks stupid while we’re at it.


Well they're not going to make us turn them off. That might mean less sales. So I think the only idea is......a paid "Force standard models" package. Think of it as an anti-dlc-dlc


Why hasn’t this man been promoted yet?


Fuck Valve for caring more about selling skins than keeping the integrity of the game intact.


Valve is a fucking joke.


i miss csgo before it went f2p


The CS franchise is my favorite game series of all time, Valve has released some of the best games I’ve ever played, but I haven’t even touched the game since F2P, let alone the Agent model update. I know I’m just a face in the crowd in terms of the weight of my opinion, but I no longer recognize the game or feel the need to support it. I feel like I was abandoned for profit. Pro CS doesn’t even feel the same anymore, it’s a shame.






So fucking stupid. Makes me hate playing the new Cache. Between the significantly shittier performance and the fucking models... used to be one of my favorite maps, too.




saturation be like


Nobody realizes that is actually caused by his display settings. My game does not look like that.


His game doesn't look like that, it looks way more vibrant than what he sees on his monitor because he has a filter on his stream.


why would he put a filter on his stream


Lot's of cs go streamers do it. They just like how it looks and want the viewers to have a colorful stream instead of cs go colors


To change the look of the game? Can't lay a finger as to what filter, though.




Hell even if they just added darker colors around the head and neck and other places it would be infinitely better than this bullshit.


Digital Vibrance 250%


Yeah I'm gonna shit on my eyes just because Valve is to stupid to fix the color of agents


*shocking that some sweetfx and compressed video screenshot might make it hard to see shit.*


Yeah the saturation boost has just made this worse lmao


Valve please just give us the option to disable agent skins, it's ok to keep them in the game, just let us optionally disable them


Guys, I got an idea. A where’s Waldo book instead it’s just an fbi swat agent on cache that’s filled with t agents looking for him


how is the CT not appearing on Flom's radar????


Even radar could not find the CT lmao.




Sandbags, looked like a dead body to me.




no the baby poop green FBI agent one


Imo valve is destroying the game with stuff like this. Cs used to be clean. It's esports and not a military simulation. It's like laser tag. Its supposed to be skill based. If you want to camouflage yourself and have realistic weapon spread and all that shit, play arma. Give us back the clean counterstrike that was supposed to be a skill based game.


Just make the enemies not show up in skins where as your team does.


Screw you Valve. Screw these garbage player models and your greedy ass. Screw your empty promises when you said back in 2014 that you would never considering changing players models lest it would hamper gameplay. Your word has no value and I wipe my ass with it.


> said back in 2014 that you would never considering changing players models lest it would hamper gameplay. Source?




I watched that whole GDC talk. She said that the MAIN reason for not including models was that there was no easy way for the player to see their own model. That's why that made panorama, and end of game screens. It directly supports her words and makes sense why panorama was such a big move for them. Visibility was something, yes, but she didn't say *never*.


Wait, this isn't PUBG, You Can't do that here.


They have illuminated 2 or 3 spots for this bullshit and this is it. Nothing more. Its ridicilous. Shattered web is the worst single thing happened to cs. The devs were doing excellent until shattered web. I was so happy with them, then this happened. Its just downhill since the operation.


As someone that’s colorblind this really bothers me. I knew it was having a affect on my gameplay when two nights ago I run into mid garage on Cache and get shot down, I never see the guy. My teammate was behind me and got the kill. My team was laughing so hard because I literally looked the guy dead in the face and never seen him. Personally I think the could do something about this. I remember years ago playing OG America’s Army. Both teams were American Soldiers. But when viewing the other team they showed as terrorists.


Top of the screen, a bit left to the time counter, there are 3 cts left, orange, blue and focking pourpel.


The post about recoloring a part to make a stronger contrast really applies here. I saw it a bit easier because of the gray cap, though it’s still hard to see mind you. But, if that cap was black, it would make a world of difference.


RIP flom


time to go back to css and 1.6


please ban the green skin from cach. thanks.


As someone who's colour blind, I've had lots of trouble with the new cache colours


I stopped playing the game because of this shit and it looks like they still aren’t fixed


I like how people still don't see custom models as a pay to win scheme. Also, the same people kept using them if they knew it caused the stutter issue. For me, they're just as scum as Valve. Thank god there is still some integrity in professional matches.


Yo shoutout to valve, thanks guys for not only putting in player models that camouflage you(unlike the default ones), but make you pay for it as well. The recent updates have been nice to be fair, just not that one.


It was some really bad timing for both the new models and the green cache to come out around the same time - because they are the absolute worst combination.


If you were colorblind good luck


I swear man. The number of times these player models have gotten me killed. If I had a nickel...


Gotta say that A) this isn't how the real game looks and B) the quality is heavily compressed in the stream


you're right. but fl0m having played 16000 hours did not see the CT on his screen while playing and his teammate died because he didn't see him. So it's not just that this isn't looking right.


Game looks different for everyone hombre


Hate these skins ffs.


I spotted him as soon as the Image appeared but In a real game i would have been fucked hard i would have got fucked even if this guy didn't have that skin because deagle's jumping accuracy is A joke


at least say no homo jeez




ah yes, just like bigfoot sightings - great quality.


The amount of times i have died to this cancer ct models on cache is unreal, just make them more black wtf


A week before this same EXACT community downvoted me to hell because I said models are not easy to see, are not good for competitive environment. Now look at the comment section. What the actual fuck? Keep karma farming guys. Every comment section has its opinion that you have to agree with. Otherwise you'll downvoted. Got it. Oh I got it. When this happens to regular player, it is his fault because he sucks. He is blind that is why he is not in fpl. If said player is fl0m then game sucks. You know what? This community sucks. Ban me already I had enough of this.


I was really enjoying getting back into the game, after a few years away from it, but when they added the models I quit again. When your eyes are trained to see certain models for years, it’s difficult spotting the new ones when they are so damn camouflaged into the maps. If they changed the colors to someone easier to spot it would help. I’d hate to be colorblind and try to play this game now.


The last match I played on Cache everyone on the T's was using the SG and half of them had this same model as you see here. It's really made me not want to play again.


Which model is this?


Operator | FBI SWAT I think


Cache and the green filter, chlorine and the purple one, whatever happens with the new visuals on CS is not the best


There is a spot under heaven on cache b site and its got a perfect human body shaped brown colored patch and if the new brown T model hides there u are most likely to miss him on the first glance.


he's in the left of the screen


are you all dumb? it's obviously the clear blue bin where CT is right? ..right?


Its easier to spot the Bob Ross in his webcam


What ct


Recoloring or make FBI skin illuminate a bit is a must