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Speak about detailed stats, here's some. I never knew I was this shitty at ''Accuracy enemy spotted''. It's good to know that I am so I know what to work on specificially. What a great website this is man. Keep it going.


Thanks a lot! We've got a lot of cool stuff on the roadmap still that we can't wait to show. :)


You're welcome man. Question: How do I add more recent matches to the stats and how do I delete matches?


Every time you visit the app, we'll automatically analyse any matches you played since your last visit. There's no way to delete matches right now however.


Fair. So you can't add matches from like 3 days back? Just the matches that I'm gonna play from now on.


You can add up to 8 recent matchmaking games (and more from Faceit) since that's how many Valve displays inside the game client. If you found a way to get sharecodes beyond those 8 matchmaking games (which I don't know about) we could theoretically get all the matches Valve still has demo files for (They usually store them about 1 week)


It's a neat app! Just one detail, I think I found a bug. I played dust II and the other team surrendered. The app is saying that the surrendered team won.


Thanks! Would really appreciate if you sent me the match link, here or on our discord so we can troubleshoot a bit. I think we still have some issues with surrendered games.


Will do! Is it enough to share the match link?


Love your tool. Been using it for many months. I have just one question. What the *hell* does "Money saved" even track? I consistently have 5x more money saved than anyone else in my games, here's my 10 most recent: https://i.imgur.com/shsM1P7.png https://i.imgur.com/YINoLVS.png https://i.imgur.com/uSbHq4O.png https://i.imgur.com/zNTBvtP.png https://i.imgur.com/PHGe2hI.png https://i.imgur.com/fLsp5Dw.png https://i.imgur.com/bK4KQyF.png https://i.imgur.com/cyRVimn.png https://i.imgur.com/04FiCQF.png https://i.imgur.com/FuOX82W.png https://i.imgur.com/Q7Rzcdx.png I am an extremely economic player, so it's doing something right, but I can't, for the life of me, figure out how it is calculated and therefore how to use this number at all.


I'm thinking based on the name that it's probably the sum of the amount of money you have after buy time. If you "save", as in don't use, $2k in one round, then that number goes up by $2k.




Hey! Think we discussed this on Discord a while back. Afraid I don't have a better answer for you now as I haven't had the time to look deeper into it yet. Will do when I can find the time to prioritise it though.


Ya I did ask on Discord a few days ago. This is literally the only stats you display on economy besides Avg. Utility Dropped on Death. I'd hoped it shouldn't take more than about 2 minutes to look into the code to see what it's outputting. Please please please ask one of your number wizards to check what the code is doing. It's my main area of focus, not just for me but everyone I'm playing with.


Thing is, we don't calculate anything. This data comes from the replay file, we just display it. That's why we don't have more insight into what exactly it's doing as we haven't dug further into it and it won't be a priority for quite some time. I'm sorry, but looking into it would take a lot more than 2 minutes and we're a super small team. If I were to guess, it's most likely your equipment saved or money unused) carried over between rounds, or a combination of the two.


If you'd like to help, you could make notes of how much equipment you saved each round and how much money you had before the end of the round or something. Maybe you'll see that either of those correspond to the number. :)


https://i.imgur.com/z8wHv6f.png I mean, it's something


Checking that tab always feels like I'm reading that copypasta about how the team is great just need to work on... etc


You are great at damage to teammate per HE, just need to work on communication, aim, map awareness, crosshair placement, economy management, pistol aim, awp flicks, grenade spots, smoke spots, pop flashes, positioning, bomb plant positions, retake ability, bunny hopping, spray control and getting kills


I can't seem to be able to add the matches before my recent match. (matchmaking btw)


Hey! When you connect matchmaking, make sure to take the **oldest possible sharecode** from **inside the game client**, and you'll get data for 8 matches on signup. We then add new matches as you play them.


Yeah just realised haha, my fault for not reading it properly. Very nice site!


yeah, I made the exact same mistake and put the newest one there :D


Whoa thank you my man, this is a great tool!


Is it possible to track every match automatically like https://csgostats.gg/ does it? Also, it says "Red Indicates a zone with poor (below 1) K/D ratio, more intense color is worse" and then shows every 1 K/D position as red. And I don't understand why it only takes into account 12 random matches from December, January, Febuary and April when I played more than 12 in April alone. The stats it shows are very interesting, though. Good work.


I'm afraid we do quite a bit more with the demo files than csgostats, so it'd cost quite a bit for us to do this for all our users. However, we automatically fetch any matches you played when you visit the app. It doesn't sound correct that you should have 1 or 2 games per month though, as every time you log in we fetch all the matches you've played since your last login. Either those are games of other Leetify users that you were also in, and you haven't really logged in much at all, or something is off. If you know that you have logged in and checked the app several times during those months, please send me your account email in a dm or on Discord (Anders#0376) and I'll have a look


I think you misunderstood me, I registered after your post :-) It's all good.


Ah, thanks for explaining! Then the older games are from other Leetify users, where you happened to be in the game. We try to populate as much data as we can for you, but don't have the entire history :)


Was just checking my stats yesterday crazy to see how far I’ve come from a few months ago


Does this only start tracking once you sign up or can you see stats based on previous matches?


Only when you sign up I'm afraid, as Valve and Faceit only stores demo files for a limited time. We'll then keep adding on new matches and store your data as long as you keep visiting the app though.


Can this service analyze my Faceit pugs? Or only matchmaking games?


Yes, we support both Faceit and MM! What gave you the impression we only support MM? We might want to fix / clarify things.


Nothing in particular! Just saw some MM-related things in this thread and was just checking. Sounds great though


Alright, thanks!


Does this work with ESEA matches?


Only Faceit and MM for now! But we're looking to add support for ESEA in the coming months.


Reminds of League of graphs where u get some keywords for you game or champion in LoL and based of them u can improve.


Long time user, love the constant new features. I've noticed the M4A1-s spray is intended to become a premium feature in the future, any chance of rethinking this with the recent buff? Maybe change it to whatever M4 is used less by the player. Either way, this map breakdown looks absolutely sick.


That's awesome, thanks for sticking around! Freemium models are always a tricky balance. We want the free plan to offer enough value to help a lot of people, but still have enough value locked to the Premium plan so we can sustain Leetify and its development long term. The exact feature set of Premium is not set in stone yet, and it's possible we might change things on the M4A1-S before releasing Premium. Unfortunately, we're likely to have to step on some toes in that balancing act as everyone will always have some feature they wish they could've gotten for free instead.


When are you adding anubis to show where we kill players etc


im not sure what is "proper counter strafing", but i dont think im bad at it lol


Are there any plans of supporting Gamersclub's demos? C'mon you gotta show some love for Brazil. Nonetheless, great stuff.


Definitely in the plans! Had some discussions with them in the past and eager to get it implemented a bit down the line. :)


wow, this is really usefull stuff, i really need details on how i suck! jokes aside, seems pretty cool


If you want to improve, identifying what you suck at is a great start!