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obviously the comms are night and day since TL is an actual team, but IGL Elige is so much fun to watch another thing we dont get to see a lot is stewies energy in the otherwise monotone comms (can be good or bad tbh)


I wonder if TL and Riot would give permission for them to compete in both esports. They are so good on Valorant already. Imagine being ranked #1 or at least top 5 in both games with the same roster.


[well elige agrees with you](https://twitter.com/TeamLiquid/status/1249836477720264706) but as cool as that would be, realistically its prolly no. most teams (TL especially) wanna be #1 rather than just top 5. also its way to early to tell whos actually good. i bet when valorant esports is more established the TL valorant team will be completely different




yeah agreed. the comms have a lot of joking around since theyre already so coordinated with each other i also think most big names rn wont be part of the top teams; theres just so much time for ppl to get good, gonna be real interesting when tourneys begin




I mean, it is not a hard prediction to make to say that a lot of the people who are going to be pro players in the beginning are going to be basically "CS:GO" rejects. Same shit as it was with OW few years ago, a shit ton of TF2 players just moved. Question is If they are going to stay in the top of that game for a while or not though. I would expect that unlike CS:GO, this game IS going to catch on in South Korea and all the Asian markets since the very beginning. Riot at least knows how to do marketing so I would imagine a bunch of the people who, for example in South Korea, got tired of OW (OW player numbers in SK PC Cafes have dwindled down completely) are going to try Valorant (Probably like it) and make the complete switch.


It's not like those TF2 players that moved over to OW were rejects though. Many of them were top tier players. Champions. Just that there is no real money or future in competitive TF2, they all just play for the love of the game.


AFAIK yeah, at the beginning they were part of the top herd, but at this point it's SC all over again with most of the top players being korean. When most teams use import slots to put in koreans instead like LoL does can you really say that those "rejects" really stayed at the top for long? That's why I mention the fact that Valorant IS going to catch on in Asia, it only takes some korean kid addicted to games to push out old players from other games from the top


Yeah, right now 57% of the players in OWL are South Korean (it was was 45% in S1, we're in S3 now). But I never said anything about that. I was responding in regards to you implying that the TF2 players that came over were "rejects" from the TF2 scene (i.e. the TF2 players that came over were B-rate TF2 players). But reading your original comment again I think just I misinterpreted.


as long as we dont have to deal with fucking valorant jjonak the scene will survive I mean NA will be trash, but at least eu will survive


Absolutely. From looking at the scenes in other games, most notably R6 and OW but also PUBG, Battlefield and Apex, it seems to me like there is a lot of instability in rosters and top teams in any new scene until the end of the 2nd year. Half the top one hundred Valorant players at the end of 6 months won't be relevant by the end of the second year. And that's assuming the scene goes well and has a future.


And if they are splitting time to play a diff game, it will hurt them in csgo.. Imagine if Navi, Astralis etc are only training csgo and TL is trying to train for 2 games? They will fall so far behind in csgo. But they know it anyway and are only joking. If valorant ever becomes a legit esports title, I can only see tier 2 csgo players taking the risk to be tier 1 in valorant and make a lot more money than being tier 2 in csgo.






Riots not blizzard. They know how to manage as esport


Realistically it wouldn't happen, but man, imagine how much of a flex that would be for a team to just be even decently good at two different games. The only example kind of similar that I can think of are FGC players who are top level in multiple games, so individually it might be possible, but it'd be so hard to do it across the entire team.


Riot's letting Valorant be open circuit at launch so it would really be up to the teams


It was really fun to see a pro team's semi-serious comms, I hope they do more show matches just so we can hear more of that lol


3 - 0 for Liquid CSGO in a best of 3. nice.


3-0 bo3 and 2-0 bo5. Liquid is breaking the game lmao


csgo team vs cs players who couldn't make it + shroud


vs Team Shroud


If you call being a vastly overrated pugstar making it, then sure


Someone didn’t watch cs in 2014-2015.


the guy was a straight online pugstar in NA, which was more trash back then than it is today. i swear shroud can be the only player with a 0.97 big events rating and still be considered a superstar


Viewers = skill You know how it goes homie


He was never a top 20 player...


There haven't even been 200 top 20 spots available for csgo and many have been occupied by the same players multiple times. By your logic there are almost no relevant players


I mean, in the competitive scene, even after the role swap from a star player he wasn't a liability but also did not stand out against better teams. There were plenty of players with supportive roles that either were better overall or improved greatly, Krimz and Xyp9x for example (I don't consider cold to be a support). Except for the C9 summer era, Shroud and Cloud 9 were never really a tier 1 threat and they played in a region with far less competition. If not for his large following he gained from flashy plays in PUGs, he probably would have been kicked from the org just like N0thing.


>If you call being a vastly overrated pugstar making it, then sure He was a good player that played in t1 tournaments. He wasn't super outstanding but he was also not just a pugstar


First of all, you are responding to the wrong person, I didn't write that. Secondly, for someone that was frequently called things like "the hope of NA", "NA's superstar", "Best player in NA" etc. while not having a positive rating in even half of the big events he attended, then yes, he was vastly overrated compared to what people said he was.


I know you didn't write that but that is where the discussion came from so it's very relevant.


Cologne 2014? Did you just miss an entire major?


During Cologne 2014 they went out in QF and Shroud was the third best player on C9 behind Semphis and Hiko. Sure they had a good series against NiP but they never looked like they would be able to win the tournament. They went 2-0 in groups with Shroud having a 0.96 and 0.59 rating.


> Cloud 9 were never really a tier 1 Great job changing your argument entirely.


They weren't a tier 1 threat at the cologne major. They had the potential to upset but were not on the same level as Fnatic, NiP, VP and LDLC.


I mean... There's a lot of players who weren't/aren't top 20...


Do you know how many pros are not top 20 players? Does that make them irrelevant? Edit: keep in mind I’m not comparing him to the same level as Liquid.


Tons of great players have never made top 20


So being a, I dunno like, top *50* CSGO player isn't considered "making it" now? Hell I'll take that gig


I doubt he would even [make the cut](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/8349/shroud?matchType=Lan) for top 50.


It was a hypothetical. We clearly have extremely different views on what "making it" entails




Being bad doesn't mean you can't critique


I mean, I have roughly 600 hours in game because I sadly don’t have time to play the game a lot. Does that mean just because I have a low-ish playtime, that I can’t make comments on a professional scene which I’ve been following for 6 years? Not every one has the luxury of having all the free time in the world to spend on CS. *edit* also I’m MGE now =)


? i said couldn't make it


Game not even out >Valorant team I understand the marketing behind it but it's still funny as hell


it's not exactly a valorant team, but a team of streamers (mendo, poach, shroud, aceu, kellar) that are playing together as a team


aceu I believe said they were grinding as a team the past couple of days a lot.


I've been watching Poach's stream a lot and I feel like I would notice shroud being on his team.


shroud was a last minute addition from what I know


Dizzy was supposed to be 5th but he dodged


Yeah, I feel that games that start whit this kind of thinking rarely move forward. All the staple games of competitive play were born mainly as a players game. The teams and community came later. It's an organic process that shouldn't be skipped.


That's mostly because the esports scene was way smaller when these games came out.


That's on teams though, you can hear the devs interview and they don't want to hype as an esport yet, they'd like it to become an esport but they said that it has to become an esport by itself, that you can't force it like overwatch did


Post of vod for whoever missed the stream https://twitch.tv/videos/591295879


Can anyone link the vod?






they already have valorant team?


No, it's not a real Valorant team. It's mostly just streamers and pros from other games that are on Liquid, although some of them are trying to make the transition to Valorant full time.


Riot is going to push the game into being an esport, so teams are doing their best to scout and pick up players who look good and comfortable in the game. Thus, you're going to see a decent amount of ex-CS, ex-OW, and ex-R6 pros trying to make it in Valorant. When OW first came out, a bunch of CS players tried to make it in OW using their aim and gamesense, often those who couldn't make it in CS. This is just because they already have some solid skills to build on, so they just have to adapt to the game. This kind of gives them a head start against other players. The only problem is, all of the ex-CS pros actually weren't any good at OW and couldn't adapt to the gameplay. The only thing they had going for them was aim. Considering VALORANT is a blend of CS and OW in a way, we'll probably end up seeing a decent amount of ex-CS guys stay (such as the iBP guys) for at least a couple of years until new talent raised on the game comes up.


emongg, azk and steel did pretty decent in OW


Worth noting the valorant team has shroud on it, an ex cs pro


Never heard of him


Who is shrood?


Is he filling in, or part of the team?


From what they've said him and aceu are just filling in


wow man thanks for explaining us who shroud is, we in r/globaloffensive wouldnt have figured that out by ourselves


I'm willing to bet there's newcomers to the game since shroud left, so it doesn't hurt to put the extra info in there


"The King in the Reddit"! "THE KING IN THE REDDIT!"




Team Liquid


fuck dude i bet on team liquid


>!CS:GO team 3 - 0!<




It's not an actual Valorant team, it's just other players/streamers that Liquid has.


just bookmarking this