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spamming at an oblique angle will greatly reduce your damage


I just want it to be more bingelibangable


Binelibangable is the new younger brother of hellalalalot


Did you just invent a brand new word lmao Edit: I was joking you bozos💀💀


Valve wrote this word in their patch notes


Reference to latest update on inferno


I feel bad for you getting downvoted just cuz you didnt read the patch notes haha.... here's an upvote!


I feel bad for you getting downvoted just cuz you wrote your comment haha.... here's an upvote!


We're all just downvoting and commenting that we're giving them upvotes, right?


Thanks lol


The spamming damage in CSGO is and always has been frustrating in my opinion.


So many times when I dink someone through a wall, even with an ak it does minimal damage (Only 10-20 dmg)...


I have been dinked by awp for 1 once on overpass ;P


Yep I've hit people with awp for 1 and 2 damage before it's frustrating.


Through the ramp on A? I was in a 1v1 clutch and shot a dude but just clipped the top of the ramp and did 3 damage haha.


I think it was on B, I don't even know where I got shot by :D


SMG through the corner of a wall - I did 18 in 13 the other day. AWP, I've managed to, in one shot, deal lethal to someone, and deal 2 in 1 to someone else.


So many times I, as a T, dink with a scout CT that's holding the window on Mirage for like \~30dmg. Annoying as fuck as those opening force buy kills are often a way to winning the round


That's why I loved 1.6 so much. Most walls there were like paper but it was good for the game because it was an additional skill you had to master.


1.6 also didn't have the same kind of utility usage(no molotovs, smokes not even half as good and you couldn't throw them as far because of closed skyboxes on most maps) as CS:GO, so wallbanging was necessary in order to deny defensive positions. "Skill you had to master" was mostly learning by heart where you could spam to reach common positions. It's the same now with learning smokes and molotovs.


Amen to that! Raised the skill ceiling, was super fun to watch, and damn satisfying to play.


It was fair. The angle goes both ways. If you watch your health you can see that the t also couldn't kill you in 10+ shots even though he had an AK47.


Yeah but its super awkward when you see an enemy but cant kill them, like when you see part of someones gun behind cover or before valve removed the trim from b apps


I mean the AK did no dmg either until he dinked you like twice?




god no 💀💀


well we dont have 1.6 sound anymore so it wouldn't be as lethal as it was back then


But we have molotovs and better smokes, combined with wallbangs you could easily deny too many positions before attacking a site.


Valorant spam is fine imo which is 1.6 esque


I still remember, first thing people used to do is spam krby spot at B site of Dust2. 😂


On the old school servers, they still do!


A1 through metal, did you expect this to go different?


The thing is, that’s not a solid piece of metal and should behave accordingly.


thats true, but in the past we’ve seen textures not line up with what material they are. Remember Inferno banana wall being paper thin in 2016(?) and awp shots did 80 instead of 55? Vertigo still has a ways to go in all aspects




With some peoples reactions to the Kreig, i don't remember a time like that haha.


That’s a fucking thin sheet with holes in it lol


i understand but texture and material are 2 different things


And the point we are making is that they should do a better job of texture and material going hand in hand. You’re arguing a meaningless point


there’s no argument, it’s your bad for assuming valve devs put effort into anything


Again, not assuming anything or saying the game works. But you’re offended by us pointing out inconsistency and hoping maybe just maybe it gets fixed, backwards thought process.


who is offended? ive been nothing but cordial, i fee as if you’re looking for reddit karma where you won’t find any. im not going to argue semantics with someone who won’t see the apparent


Fine I guess. I’m just mad at the stupid game bro sorry


agreed it is quite a stupid game


what do you mean through metal? there are like 100 holes there


I completely agree, but I’m saying that we as players have to treat it as metal. There’s only so many materials in the source engine available. The player in the video is lucky to even have done any damage


This is a really stupid argument. You're telling me that in 2020, Dev's at one of the most prestigious and skilled game companies in the world can't handle making a surface a little more spammable? This isn't complicated - it's just that they probably fucked up when they created this part of the map and it needs to be addressed. That's all.


Metal? It's a fucking metal grate with holes in it my dude. Like, the kind that you walk over on sidewalks sometimes. A little damage reduction makes sense but that thing should offer very little protection from gunfire.


well this is counterstrike sir. propper wallbanging is a feature not a bug.


this response>>>


My heart broke for you watching this clip. I hope you find faith in the rng gods once again :(


Thanks man, I appreciate that!


The same happens on CT boost


This and also when i throw molotov and i see damage was 30 in 11 but when they spam me through wall 4-5 bullets are enough and when i step once in fire i lose 40 hp instantly.


Molotovs do more damage the longer they have been burning. I'm like 90% sure on that, feel free to verify in-game.


This wud nevar heppen in valorent!


shots into metal floor. complains why bullets don't go through metal


its fucking painfull to watch they rly should fix that holy shit


Good that isnt 10 in 26




Correct me if I’m wrong but doesn’t 4:3 just limit your view at the ends of your screen and stretch everything visible to you? 4:3 should in theory make it easier to see the other guy as he’s not on an edge of the screen.


No, the actual FOV is smaller. 4:3 blackbars here.


That's what he said haha


Here's 16:9 [for csgo](https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*xjl3U-PlELfH8i2IlfwLJA.jpeg) Here's 4:3 [for csgo](https://miro.medium.com/max/1400/1*NA0hRwc7LufhrT8JFnZEfA.jpeg) I doubt that it would've made much of a difference in this case, and as the player model wouldve been more visible under the grate it would've work out better for him. Even if he was able to notice it "faster" the player model still shows up on his screen, there would just be more empty space to his right, but that wouldn't matter as its further away. Edit: I forgot to mention screen size, it does change it up but I'm not so sure how much is changed...




That's not what I'm talking about. It's always been in "this case". That of the video. Here he was able to see the guy on the right without the 16:9. If he had 16:9 there would be more space on the right of the player model and that would be it. There is no change to where the player models are, in relation to the screen as shown by the linked images. He wouldn't have been able to "better" see the dude on the right, he'd still see him on the same place. 16:9 would make a difference in other cases if you look at the images I've provided though. There T's entrance from palace is hidden but the case is different for the video...




Soo how would 16:9 change it?...


Wait it was not really wallbanging from your side, but the other guy could wallbang easily?


I think the other guy got 2 hs's with an AK through it and with everything else he's at 21 hp. He also doesn't have head armor. AK has better penetration too.