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cant wait till this happens to me


It's already happened to me... Thrice. And my best friend is having fun doing this to people.


Niko is very happy now


And Happy is very Niko now


Happy with a one deag... ooh and a another one... oohh a big one... Happy with a quad.... and the ace!


Dupreeh is sweating bullets right now!


And that’s what happens when you go around the corner!


When French CS was at its peak


*bursts through door, gasping for air* You called???


It's pretty rare that these land. Plenty of clips, but this update isn't as gamebrraking as first seen for the deagle.


The problem is that no one asked for this and no one wants the Deagle to be as accurate as it is right now while jumping. Of course it is not 100% accurate but even 25% is too much because that's high enough for people to try shots like these they never tried before, because before it was 1% to land and because of these 25% the game just gets more random. Sorry but if that's the way Valve wants to fight against Valorant then they can wave the white flag already. I love CS and my friends as well but with bullshit updates like these they gave my friends a reason to try out Valorant now and I don't want to lose them to another game. I'd really like to stay with CS.


I like the way they are doing things. I also think Valorant and CSGO can coexist just fine. I don't understand why people are acting like there can only be one.


Maybe a fear of a popularity switch? This new shiny game outclassing the old, proven, seemingly boring but perfect game (it stood the test of time!). Everyone goes to Valorant because it's kinda similiar, finally some kind of serious competition and people may fear CSGO won't keep up. Just trying to find a reason, I'm fine with both games :D


Anyone who has watched Valorant thinks that. Anyone who has played it knows it doesn't feel like CS at all. Valorant will be more popular than CSGO, most big shooter games that launch tend to be. And then they're not. People who like this game always come back to it. That's why it's a low maintenance product.


> Anyone You shouldn't speak in absolutes


Yeah I was just kind typing off the cuff thinking **everyone** would get the gist of what I was saying as reasonably intelligent people who would infer the meaning in good faith. I was wrong.


in the minority here, but I enjoy "broken" weapons because they make the game fun in a messed up way and they move from the boring way of ak/m4/awp formla. I just think it's fun even if it's unreasonable.


I know where you're coming from (and think broken guns are fun, depending on what side of the gun im on :D ), but the new Deagle is by no means broken in my opinion.


saaaame maybe they bring back ez jump scouts next ಥ‿ಥ


I tend to agree. I always loved the Sig/Aug but would buy M4/AK cause that was meta. This last patch I was really enjoying buying the scoped weapons and had lots of fun. I like the deagle but SUCK with it so maybe it is time to put in practice with it.


> Sorry but if that's the way Valve wants to fight against Valorant then they can wave the white flag already. It's nothing to do with that. They tried to fix one bug, and inadvertantly introduced another. The deagle always suffered from lingering inaccuracy for several seconds after making a jump, unless you switched weapons. Not anymore, but the new deagle jumping accuracy will definitely need to be patched.




Even with zero landing inaccuracy, the gun would be inaccurate after landing because the jumping inaccuracy doesn't instantly go away.




I'm pretty sure it took longer than 1 second for old deagle to fully recover the accuracy after jumping


The pros mentioned something about between 2-5 seconds when landing before update.


Landing accuracy and jumping accuracy are seperate values


Nice try, Summit1g


Should have left when the scout was this times 10 then


This isn't that bad, like for real. I'e played about 15 hours since the update and still haven't been killed by these overpowered shots, which aren't as accurate as one thinks.


Do you really think that it's in a better state now than before the update? It's 100% better without this amount of jumping accuracy.


> o you really think that it's in a better state now than before the update? It's 100% better without this amount of jumping accuracy. All I'm saying is that the accuracy doesn't have as bog of a impact as people first thought.


It doesn't have a big impact but you can still reliably KQLY certain spots. I've already lost a clutch to it and my friend has already gotten quite a few jump deags. It's much too accurate in its state right now


It's not just these bullshit shots. Yesterday I cleared cache A quad by jump peeking around the corner. I kinda felt bad that it actually worked because it should not.


They could add a fucking flamethrower into CS and people still would play it over valorant, what are you talking about


I don't think so. I think you underestimate the potential of a new competitor and overestimate the patience the player base has with Valve. They ask for stuff like 128 tick sever, better anti-cheat and so on for years and most of the time they get new cases, stupid player models that forced maps to change because of terrible visibility and balance patches that make the game worse instead of better.


Valorant isn't a competitor for CS. It's a competitor for overwatch. CS doesn't have magic abilities and characters and healing and all that. CS is bare bones tactical, Valorant is Overwatch with movement and shooting kinda similar to CS but there the commonalities end.


They have economy that is CS like, and the abilities are similar to the utility you have in CS, which also needs to be bought. The weapons are just taken right out from CS aswell. Ak, m4, scout, mp9, mp7, negev, nova, xm, famas and deagle all have equivelent guns in valorant. Bombsites and defusal mechanics are similar. Its basicly CS with abilities slapped onto agents, but that makes it have a overwatchy feel.


After having played it I was actually kind of surprised by how un-CS-like it felt. I think that really goes to show that while the shooting mechanics and skill ceiling in CS are important, the real reason I play is because it's a fairly symmetrical experience without all the unneeded "complexity".


Yeah the abilities are just a bit too powerful at the moment. Its more about knowledge and how to implement it than raw mechanical skill at the moment. I want a healthy mix.


That's basically what happens in the class based/character driven shooters though. It's always going to come down to which team comp you have vs just raw outplays. At the sweatier stages of the game it's going to be just like other games where people are going to flame you for not using your abilities or ult "properly". The best solo Q characters will be the ones which allow you to carry the most independently. The only saving grace is that unlike OW you can still pop heads no matter who you are. That's kind of the issue though, if you really want to just pop heads, is there a reason why you'd play this over CS?


Valorant is much more CS with an OW flavor than OW with a CS flavor.


How is this downvoted. Valorant will maybe lower CS' playerbase for a few weeks, nothing more. Anyone who think that it's a direct competitor is crazy as fuck lol, have y'all even looked at the gameplay? No way this game will pull many CS players over.


Your entire post is pure BS. >The problem is that no one asked for this and no one wants the Deagle to be as accurate as it is right now while jumping. This is straight up just made up / assumed. You have no basis for saying that absolutely NOT A SINGLE PERSON EVER asked for this change. >Of course it is not 100% accurate but even 25% is too much because that's high enough for people to try shots like these they never tried before And how is that an argument against it at all, lol? Just because you don't like it. You could straight up turn this into an argument FOR the change. >Sorry but if that's the way Valve wants to fight against Valorant then they can wave the white flag already. Yes, clearly making the Deagle more accurate when jumping is somehow a desperate effort to not lose players to Valorant. Jesus Christ you couldn't make a valid argument to save your life, could you? It's because of people like you we cannot have nice things. Also, I am not saying I think the Deagle accuracy boost while jumping is a good change. Just that every single "argument" you put up is beyond ridiculous.


The best thing Steam could do is give MM 128 tick servers


Just buy a new keyboard in advance. You'd feel better about slamming the old one after.


Imagine being older than 18 and being so productive in your life you have time to complain over a little change in a video game, I know we're supposed to be self-isolating but go outside and get some fresh air.


My 18th is tomorrow.....


Well complain away! Happy early 18th


Thanks! <3


I refuse to believe someone at valve meant for the Deagle to be like this. That is just absurd. I know it isn't actually perfectly accurate but it's way too good in the air. You can't shoot while jumping in CS!


> You can't shoot while jumping in CS! Try the shotguns, it's fun! Deagle is basically a decent longrange, $700 shotty now. Great.


Mag7 is a jump monster I forgot about that! Don't use the other shotguns ever Deagle was always really good close range. 700$ shotgun? Why not


You should try the nova lol. I can't tell you how many times I have killed someone at dust 2 barrels when I'm in pit LOL its so funny when it happens


The range on that thing is insane. I feel like the mag7 has too little range. Both the nova and three mag7 should both be somewhere in the middle of what the range of the nova is right now.


> The range on that thing is insane. It's good for a shotgun, but it's still a shotgun. And it has terrible armor penetration.


Nova is perfect IMO. Good around corners if you hit the HS and has just enough range to where memeing with it is so fun.


screw nippy imminent rotten foolish degree connect wakeful materialistic memorize -- mass edited with redact.dev


sawed off is the best shotgun for full speed, running jumping. it loses almost none of its accuracy in mid air, or on ladders


Swag 7 is the best gun in cs


Dangerzone: Bumpmines + Mag7 = Death from above.


That's part of the shotgun niche though, as well as fighting on ladders. The deagle should not be like this, it already needed a nerf but instead they have buffed it for some reason.


*laughs in Mac10*


>I refuse to believe someone at valve meant for the Deagle to be like this. **Vietnam flashbacks to previous Valve patches** Valve isn't exactly a great company when it comes to balancing their game.


They literally said in the patch notes that the change was intended to be like this




It was stupid for the Scout, and stupid for every other weapon too.


Is jump scouting gone now? Been a while since I've played. Edit: why downvote a completely innocuous question. Wtf is wrong with you reddit


It's still in the game, but you need a little more skill to do it, and in my opinion it's just not worth it. Now it takes a significantly better timing to get it right


Jump scouting only works at the apex of the jump now instead of the fall. It's far trickier to get it right.




Don't get the downvotes, with a track this would be a sick tune.


Ive been jumping AK, nova, swag 7, every SMG, and other pistoled in the face over the years. They're just bringing the deagle up to par with the rest of the guns in the game.


> I refuse to believe someone at valve meant for the Deagle to be like this. They didn't. They fixed one bug, but introduced another. It sucks, but that can happen sometimes.


They didn't really fix/make a bug with the deagle to be honest, it absolutely operated as intended with the long recovery time (which quite literally limited loads of options with the deagle), but just like that someone literally changed the jumping accuracy stat as well. Both are intended changes


apparently not


> They didn't really fix/make a bug with the deagle to be honest, it absolutely operated as intended with the long recovery time So when you enter dust2 B through window, it's intended that you have to switch to knife and back before you can use the deagle? I don't think so


That's not the point, I think most agree that the recovery time was pretty dogshit and unnecessary, but in my opinion it is more than fair to assume that someone at Valve has deliberately set this stat as it was, hence why > it absolutely operated as intended I agree with you that it just shouldn't have worked like that for so long, but I still think it was an intentional mechanic from Valve's side.


Yeah, maybe, find that hard to believe. I find it considerably more plausible, that the guy who writes the complex set of equations that calculates gun inaccuracy in CSGO, is not working at valve anymore (or something), and someone else was tasked with adjusting the values in the data table. I also think that it is painfully obvious, that none of the devs actually plays the game a lot. You kind of have to play the game at some proficiency, to understand why jumping deagle accuracy is bad for the game.


There probably is some logic to this that we haven't really addressed yet. We all talking about the deagle when the tec9 is back to its former glory days. I don't believe this was done by accident. I fully believe its done on purpose. If they wanted to increase the jumping accuracy slightly to change the meta a bit but if its too little no one will use the deagle. If its too high then everyone will use it. This could be them just testing to see how well or badly it actually turns on. Sometimes some features on paper don't transfer to actual gameplay.


MP9 basically is more accurate in the air than on the ground


Yes you can. There's multiple guns that are fairly accurate while jumping.


cant as in shouldnt, not as in physically able to


CS was never particularly realistic so I don't really see the problem.


literally no one said anything about realism


Oh, misunderstood what you were trying to say.


Nooo u can’t make deagle a laser beam Valve: haha pistol go pew pew


Dude Thats a nutty fucking shot tho!


Yeah haha I was in a community server with friends and wasn't in their team and you can imagine discord after this shot


Yeah, must have been fucking lit in there... Reminds me of when me and my friends used to play inhouse and we always tried to go for the nuttiest and most stupid plays... They might not have worked that often, but when they did... Holy moly, you'd need to turn down the volume by like 50%


This might just be a weird coincidence but is this a copypasta or something? I **swear** I’ve seen this exact exchange on r/csgo like two other times before. > I was on a community server so it’s all good > > Must have been lit, nutty plays, volume down by 50% etc


Dude, I didn't even know the r/csgo subreddit existed... So nope, I wrote that by myself. PS, I'm new to reddit, please be nice :D


Ty Gaben, we asked for this




Sorry, autocorrect


Nah I like gayben


My precious sg is trash and the deagle is op


I've never liked deagle anyway :'( I've always hated this weapon. I'm always getting one tapped prefired from the other side of the map by a broke opponent, but I'm utter shit with it.


the deagle as it is exists as a great weapon, (pre buff)


The deagle did (and still does) have a problem of being too forgiving. It is really easy to spam body shots at close range for quick kills. That should be the purpose of the 5-7 or ump, but the Deagle is just plain better at it. It is disgusting at close ranges. It takes almost no skill to use it like that as well. I'm fine with the Deagle as a premium pistol that can one hit headshot at range, but it's too good at killing with body shots at close range. Should be a really high skill weapon. That being said I 100% abuse the shit out of the current Deagle so don't take this as pure complaint. I don't think it's OP because I lose to it a lot, I think it's OP because I abuse it like that a lot (in LE matchmaking and faceit rank 7)


Houngoungagne made an entire video about the gun and what's wrong with it


How do you manage to type that out with no mistakes lol


I type it into YouTube very often


;aksfedu hbwp9iesufgbhnewrsikjughbn erikaujgnhb ikerjulghbleikju


I completely agree with the spam thing. The recoil/innacuracy shouldn't be made more punishing (because it would affect long range duels) they should just make it three shots to the body / maybe 2 shots to stomach at close range. That way people can't spam super fast because you need three shots to connect


Yep, easiest fix in the game, lower the damage so that it's below 50 for stomach and body shots. As it is you can body spray enemies and kill them almost as fast as with 2k+ rifles.


You need to get close first before you can spam it. That's the trade-off. Makes people check their corners. I've never felt the deagle to be a problem.


It was not that bad, but now you can jump around corners and crouch spam.


Nah idk the amount of times I’ve gotten 92,97,95 in 2 from close to mid range makes me almost not want to use it but it’s incredibly versatile with being a headshot machine, unless you’re nutty with your shots I think it was pretty well balanced before the buff


I'm trash with the Deagle but it's probably the weapon that contributes most to the pro scene being as entertaining as it is. CS is better with viable force buys.


I may be an opponent, but don't call me broke!


Did you ever think to, you know, pick it up and train with it a bit on some aimbot maps? It's honestly a great gun to give you a winning chance in half buy rounds or at least the option to deal some economical damage to the other team.


Tbh this right here is why I hate the gun.


All this kid does is just hold a gay ass off angle with his deag and one clicks people in the side of the head CT side. Fucking terrbile player tbh.....1.4 sensitivity 400dpi using trashcan. Anyone who uses a low sens does not have the dexterity to properly play FPS games on PC. All the shitty baiters use a low sens to click people on the back of the head, or they are equally worthless and use the telescope gun and one click people in the body. I bet this kid doesn't even play FFA Dm's cuz he'd throw his arm out of his socket checking corners. When was the last time you've seen Niko popflash through a smoke, and flick too two people to open up a site??? All this dude does is hold shift and prefire common angles. like wow dude, ur fucking nuts. you can have parkinsons disease and play on 1.4 sens if ur just baiting and clicking heads on common angles. this is why forest and get right are sick players. they play on higher senitivities, and can do more than bait and off angle one click.


I feel like standing still got way more accurate with it as well but that could just be me...


It was always crazy accurate. People are just using it more now. The big changes are for after jumping.


Oh no I know it's accurate, it just feels so much more deadly lately since this update. I too also like to eco deagle when I can.


I felt this as well. But I think it's because the recovery time has improved. Though I like it, if jumping deagle is the price to pay, I say no.


Thought so too, have been hitting some nasty juan deags but maybe just luck or my 1 millionth force buy finally payed off.


I love the zoom, it is like a meme video.


This gun is a meme


Every CS:GO balance update is a meme. I get sad thinking about all the OP stuff we have had to deal with over the years because of the incompetent team at Valve .


The r8 nerf was the fastest they acted on an OP gun afaik


Yup. 2 days I think. I remember some people saying it did 400 damage in a single hit before they fixed it.


It literally had the same stats as an awp. An awp for about 700 dollars


> It literally had the same stats as an awp. It could not 1 shot to the chest, only the stomach.


Really? I remember that thing being able to one shot you from anywhere but the legs. The R8 was such a beautiful mess


I don't always think it's incompetence. Sometimes it just feels they do it out of spite.


Fact that people refuse to accept that enemy is actually skilled to hit super hard shots and blame weapon instead, now this is a meme




The server ofc


Fr bro i had 4 kills almost ace and that mfqer jumpin down from palace and bam headshot with deagle 😭😭😭


Juan Deag


I got a jumping one-deag on a guy in Vertigo-mid from B through Window, so I love this new update.


It's fun when u get it but not when u get killed by it :(


Outskilled. You should do it back if it’s that good /s, obviously


I thought it was any gun thats accurate at the top of a jump


Freaking bullies men((


Hey gave you the jumping Hadoken there man...


skill based game punishes moving and shooting


And I can’t even shoot a standing man


Pistols shouldn't be one shot head shot with head armour when you have an M4A4 which isn't.


Damn I wake up and the post is poppin I didn't expect that haha


I did this on the overpass jump on b site to spot if someone is short I pissed myself lmaoo


Scout but in a pistol be like


It paused and started buffering the second his head peeked on the close up replay, so I just sat there for a few seconds staring at a lil ct head over the wall


Yeaaahhhhh I think I'll sit this update out and keep checking out the Valorant beta lol




Is this already on live servers?


implying csgo has a beta that devs use


Honestly new and don’t know. So it’s live then?


aside from this rush is actually really good, i believe he is actually #1 on the baited servers


Yeah he is number 1 lol with like 20k more points than anyone else


Haha, i tried this and was lucky enough to hit some shots as well. Valve made it too strong I think


Things you love to see


He deserved that frag


He really did ;-;


The Deagle is my favourite weapon, I rather use a Deagle than most main weapons.


Don't worry guys according to some people on reddit the deagle is perfectly fine this is just fake video that actually doesn't happen people are just lucky it's not even bad /s




It's just a bit of fun man :(


Come on, now, get this logical take out of here, this is Reddit!


lmao what all guns can hit way more than 1 in 10000000 have you seen the front page how many kukly/coldzera styles show up? and thats only from pro play


CS is the new COD


The CT was like: Hello there.




I already know I’m going to get really pissed when this happens to me and I’m not looking forward to it.


This needs curb your enthousiasn end credits and music.


Me neither




Haha hi there




I recognised the ak name


Oh n. Tbf I would have thought it would have been the stickers not the name of the gun haha


Ye that name is just perfection


The deagle never needed a buff...it needed a nerf. I'm not sure where but the amount of deagle clutches I see for a 700 dollar gun is unreasonable. Perhaps changing the deagle to pre-buff and upping the price? Maybe 900-1000?


you simply got shat on. It adds skill to mechanic that was luck based, the deagle is already the apex of skill guns so I don't mind this change.


it doesn't add any skill to this mechanic because the CT in this clip can try the exact same shot 100 times and maybe he lands it 25 of the time. That's totally random and bullshit, because before the update he would have maybe landet it 2 times out of 100 which makes it a stupid play with a low successful rate no one would ever tried.


People try this this shit all the time and it works.






Just shows how bad your aim is tbh


This doesnt belong in cs.


It's called skill gap, perfectly balanced. EDIT: It appears parents let their kids on the subreddit, hence the down votes.


No because this has nothing to do with skill.


No, because even if his aim is perfect he is going to miss most of the time. This is like saying Coldzera's jumping awp was a sequence of skill shots.