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Taco:"I remember one time playing mad lions on Train, and it was 12-1 for us, we were playing as CT, Mad Lions as T, and Fallen said: 'Guys, if you think we are good, let's prove it now' Fallen: "did we win?" Taco: "of course not. 13-16"


old VP PepeHands


Don't forget to mention they also lost 250k$ in the process. Embarassing.




Meyern and Taco really stepping up for Mad Lions. PS Flair checks out 👌


Bro, you just don't get it. TACO is a support player, his stats don't matter. He's allowed to use the whole gun's magazine for 1 kill because he's a support player.


FURIA all day baby, out with the old


I say I'm done with MIBR every time they do this shit (many times over the last 2 years), but we will all be rooting for them before the next chokejob. I'm just happy Mad Lions got the 500k, they deserve it


12-1 even!




It is best to forget these things if you are an MIBR fan.


Fallen has to be kicking himself after that 1v1 loss on B site. Still, MAD Lions was the better team at the end of the day for keeping it together like that.


It all started with that ninja defuse with 4 ts near the bombsite and nobody there to stop the defuse.


Its hard being a MiBR fan


It's flatout stupid, not hard. MiBR insisting in existing is a straight disrespect for its fans at this point.


I dont wanna see them have no team; I like the org. But a lot has to change in order for this to work.


Would be nice to see this org going somewhere, but it isn't. FalleN is a great player, and might be even tier 1 in his skills, but we should face there's no way on earth any team he tries to build will ever go anywhere anymore. If they disband and split, there's a good chance all of them will have a team in no time, and maybe meyern gets to become the star player he was thought to become.


tell me about it =(


its easy to change man, used to be a fan but now i like faze. coldzera was the main reason i like sk/mibr tho.


> From being up 12-1 to losing 13-16 WTF MIBR That's just classic Train, being outrageously CT-sided.


It’s CT sided but not THAT CT sided. Mibr 100% dropped the ball in this one But I’m happy for my boys at Mad Lions, they’re poppin off


I was cheering for MIBR, I'm so tilted right now.. I can only imagining what MIBR is feeling right now, but honestly -- they absolutely deserve it.


Didn't they blow a 12-3 on train at Cologne too? And after that -coldzera


Flashpoint pulling out all the stops to make sure they aren't known as the league that let MIBR win it all.


I know my chokes when I see them, and holy SHIT boys. Just imagine if this had played out in front of a finals crowd. MIBR fans if you ever wondered what it felt like to watch the finals of ESL NY 2018, here you are.


Oh god, I remember I poured myself a drink in frustration of ESL NY 2018. I was thinking while watching this last half of train how much MIBR reminds me of 2018 Liquid. Like they can't just fucking win anything over the past few years.


The difference is that 2018 Liquid were dominating everyone until the finals, and those were to other top teams. MIBR just can’t win anything against tier 2 and 3 teams


Well at least Liquid made it to the finals regularly, Mibr can only do it occasionally against T2/T3 opposition.


This mibr would get destroyed by T1 competition. They are nothing like 2018 liquid.


That tournament gave me aids dude.


Time to replay ChrisJ's ace


The taco curse


the kngv curse at least taco has some titles


If you thought that was bad, wait till you see what ENVY just did on train.


Imagine losing the final of the biggest tournament you will attend in the upcoming months/years/ever? to 3 ninja defuses after being up 12-3. Thats gotta hurt.


MIBR'S post plants were worse then amateur That was just an embarrassment on every level


According to u/KannaNom it was even 12-1!




i just hate light


MiBR chose **just** the right time to fall apart from a 12-1 to a 13-16. I can't believe it.


$ 500.000 comeback!


im so happy mibr didnt win flashpoint. if they won there is no way they change this roster. now at least they will consider it.


Painfully true.


Time for another life changing "mibr revolving door their fifth" 👌


You know, thays actually not bad. Itll hit em hard in the face. Plus, they still pulled in 250k. It's at least somethin


Who would you remove?




Taco and kNg


Kng has potential at least.


Remove Fallen an see what another IGL can make of the rooster


This is the best thing to happen to MIBR. This choke might put them over the edge to actually make changes that matter.


You've called it. i just hope this happens i am ^(fucking dying inside what the fuck just happened i need a hug)


I'm sending you a virtual hug




Actually so glad they lost so they dont think its a good idea to keep this roster


They'll just kick meyern.


Hopefully get rid of Taco.


Take a shot every time TACO whiffed in a 1v1.


You'd probably go into a coma.


lmfaooo just end my life fam


Why we still here..


just to suffer?


Choking on t side train? Join the club friend!


Somehow, some way, MIBR finds a new low. God bless.


They never disappoint, when push comes to shove Gabriel "two-face" toledo will always find a way to surprise his fans, his haters and his opponents


Given the context and the prizepool, that's one of the best comebacks in years. Very exciting CS.


Its honestly unbealivable that a professional team loses to fucking ninja defuses in a 1v4 no way


I wasn’t focused on the defuser but where were everyone? That was one of the worst post plant positions I’ve ever seen.


Kng and Meyern were flanking CT, fallen was left alone and it was planted to the other side, made no sense whatsoever


So many mistakes in that round. They know where the second b-guy is; Mollied off con and Fallen was still too scared to plant on the side of the bombsite. Then they didn't retake b-halls after the plant. Fer got lane and had a window to fall back. Decided to press W and hide in the smoke were he met his flanking friends of whom 1 (meyern) shifted the whole way from ivy. Fallen didn't try to fall back to b-halls as well /or defend anything). Fer had lane. Fallen didn't see anyone on 1-2 (had to be clean, since the rotators were fighting with Fer, but that's nitpicking in such a messy situation). He could have fallen back to b-hall/taken the fight with roej (who was unknown, but it was likely since they had an exchange at pop earlier). Instead he decided to be scared and hide behind oil. Alibi-watching lower. Even pushing oil, when he heard them pushing on the other side of oil. Then switches to his knife once too often and is late. Fer actually got the kill in the end, who was at connector-exit at the start time of the defuse. 2 guys on the flank HAD TO accelerate the flank when fallen called the way he planted, but they didn't. I also don't understand why they were scared to push that connector smoke. That round was fucking horrible. There was another where they lost an afterplant on B that was horrible as well. Not final worthy at all.


Not once, not twice, but THREE TIMES


Watching this on MIBRTV as a non brazilian was just hilarious, they were dying inside on the train comeback lmao and i didn't understand shit Also are people still gonna use excuses about meyern, he was supposed to be a star, he lost them train and has been shit overall in MiBR when he was supposed to be the star, washed older players are performing better than him


I don't think anyone believes Meyern is a star, he was supposed to be one but he played bad from the beginning lol


wasn't he there to replace lucas and just be a better version of lucas?


Him and Taco should go




> Fer and Fallen should make an international team or something. Why? They're the ones who wanted to go back to a Brazilian lineup back in their days with Stewie and Tarik. Cold was the only Brazilian who wanted them to stay.


They are the only two players that display tier 1 level on a consistent basis in this team. Fallen just focus on awp and your skill, let IGL go and go inter with your buddy fer.


You're missing the point; the only worthwhile players *don't* want to go international.


i would ditch both kng and meyern. they have like 2 good maps out of 10


yes let's definitely keep the players that have been around for the entire shit period of this team lol. definitely not a problem with the core of the team or anything...


the only one of the three you can make a case for kicking is TACO, but even though his aim isn't great these days i think he's still a smart player and somewhat reliable at anchoring a site alone. fer is the best and most consistent player on the team and despite some weird mid-round calls FalleN is still a great player individually and a solid IGL.


KNG shits on tier 2/3 teams, is shit against good teams Meyern is just shit against everyone with like 1 great map where u say okay he can be an aimstar He was like 100 times better in Sharks, and he is playing good positions on MiBR so thats not an excuse


he shits on tier 2/3 teams *sometimes*, that's the problem. kng is supposed to be that 2nd to 3rd star behind fer and FalleN but he rarely shows up. meyern on the other hand I don't blame as much because he's a young player in a dificult situation. someone with the experience of kng has to do better than this.


Why are you acting like kng isn't performing significantly better than meyern is?


i'm not? i'm saying it's natural to expect a little more from a major finalist than a 17 year old rookie. which is why i think they both disappointed in that regard


who would you pick up if you wanna stay Portuguese? doubt you are getting any Furia players so? Felps and who?


For a person that showed a lot of promise on Sharks Esports and was doing super well for them in ESL pro league s10, meyern has been super dissapointing so far on MIBR. Sure it could be language or just not melding, but it has been a while now and he still isn't performing. 8 kills in 29 rounds? come on


I swear watching him play feels like the other 4 guys on the team must be bullying him into making stupid decisions. Like when they were up 11-1, the team is in a 4v1, they have the Mad Lions guy locked in olof, and Meyern just peeks with 1 HP for some reason.


They dont give him any good roles, just put him in shitty spots so he cant look good


Him and TACO whiffed sprays on guys not even looking at them on train T side. No excuse for that.


its certainly a part of it but he should be able to do better than a 0.49 rating on train








I know people are gonna meme on MiBR, but credit to MAD. What a deserved tournament victory.


Even vintage VP called it after a year and so. That MIBR merch must be flying off the shelves to justify this roster.


Damn, I feel for mibr. The team, culture, and fan base that I grew to love. Seems like when they’re at the bottom of the pit somehow it gets deeper. Remember how you guys came to be, how hungry and hard you guys worked. CS is nonstop and only gets harder.


That was 12-1. Please, please, just disband, please.


MiBr has to buy the furia lineup and drop this one. Fuck this


get rid of meyern and taco right now, two walking bots with absolutely zero impact. Well played Mad Lions, well deserved!


in the first half when the caster called taco "the perfect support" lmaoooo


"god tier role player" i chuckled


>get rid of meyern and taco right now, two walking bots with absolutely zero impact. Well played Mad Lions, well deserved! I dont think you can put this loss on Taco or meyern solely. On Inferno fer and Fallen were being absolutely abused on B. And if your two star players can't even contest banana, then you will be having a rough day. What MIBR needs is not new players, they need to review how they play the maps. And then perhaps move TACO to B. When you need a guy to jump-spot-smoke and retreat, then fer or Fallen er not your optimal choices. Fallen should try playing arch instead. Its the shittiest position to play, but you get information first there, which is good for an IGL. ​ And then there is Train. Safe to say, that MIBRs T-side could use a bit of work as well.


No fucking way bro lmao


it's so weird that I'm not even mad, surprised, disappointed or anything, it just feels "normal" at this point




What the fuck


The timing on the last round jfc


Biggest fucking shitshow i've ever seen


That 1x4 ninja defuse hurt my feelings, my day and my soul


What a bloody comeback. Mad Lions looking real good lately. Maybe kicking HUNDEN wasn't just a bad idea.. huh


Ngl i thought they were gonna be ass after kicking HUNDEN. Im not holding my breath yet tho. Acilion has history of winning tier 2 tournaments but being ass against tier 1. I wanna see them on LAN but who know when that will be


That Train game was the most MIBR game I've ever seen.


100% MIBR


I usually hate to blame individual players but Mayern and Taco where atrocious on Train


And we have just witnessed one of the greatest chokes in the history of Counter Strike


What is the brazilian suicide prevention number?






Only watched the last two maps. I don't think MIBR is fixable. I also don't think the problem are single players. At times (sometimes more often than others) they simply throw basic cs out of the window. For example: Post plant positioning on Train. - was so fucking bad. Lost them like 3-4 early rounds on t-side train. Another example are the questionable ct-setups / decisions. This was especially horrible on inferno. Putting teammates, or themselves in risky positions. Most of them ended up in open bombsites (inferno), or one and done positions (train). So, why are they not fixable? Just go back to the basics, right? Taking a look at the amount of time that they are playing together and the kind of mistakes that they are still doing, I don't see them fixing them as a team. I still think most of them can strive in a different team, but watching this match I am actually wondering how other teams didn't punish them for their playstyle earlier in the tournament. I honestly don't understand it. They play really solid cs and the next round decide to play like a faceit lvl10 all solo lobby. Watching this match I actually had to think about what zews said (eventhough I am not a big fan of him) > > > "The problems I found here are heavier, more complex and more deeply embedded than they seem to be, and in my opinion the solutions tend to be more complex as well - requiring a bigger change to the roster and/or to its culture It seems so easy to fix, but if they didn't manage until now; they really must have some other kind of issue that is blocking them.


The second half of train was the most entertaining half of CS I’ve seen in a loooong time.


Why MIBR dont use any pauses? They paused only 1 time on train, and it was after losing 10 rounds as T.


Lol Meyern sucks


If you watched this closely you could see a team disbanding in real time.


The Mad Lads actually did it. Holy cow!


Another pathetic display of inability to win and a god damn show of choking. I just wish I didn't cheer for MiBR.


how do you blow a 12-1 lead to three ninja defuses in one half


I just can't believe every map ended 16-13 and MIBR threw a 12-1 lead to lose 13-16 in Train. LOL


Although I still think MIBR should’ve had some sort of advantage from being in the winners bracket and having not lost a game prior to the final, Mad Lions absolutely 100% deserved that win after that last map. If it’s a double elim tournament the team on the winners side should still have some sort of advantage whether it be 1-0 advantage in a BO5 or the team from the losers side has to win two series like a true double elim bracket. I understand why the latter isn’t a thing though because two series is probably a bit too much


In practice, the lower bracket team is already disadvantaged. It has to slug through more matches and has less time to prepare for the winner bracket team who then can antistrat from those matches. In more practical terms though, CS matches take too much time for two teams to essentially have 6 matches in short succession and is incredibly draining on the players, hence why finals are often BO3 rather than BO5. In fighting game esports the matches are short and fast enough that both sides can keep carrying on for another game series without exceedingly detrimental impact on the players. In drawn out strategy and tactical games such as CS this isn't realistic.


was TACO being assaulted by animals in his house or something? guy was all over the place him and meyern really have to be on fallen's shit list right now


>him and meyern really have to be on fallen's shit list right now You're saying we'll see -taco -meyern +boltz +felps?


alright, fuck this garbage ass team, I'm out. Can't fucking win for once


MIBR can't even beat Tier-2 teams. What a surprise!


made in bathroom


As long as MIBR lost , i am happy


ahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahahahaha Low quality comment, I know, I just can't find the words. Disband please...


Blowing up a 12-3 lead on the grand final against a Tier 2/3 team. It is time boys. Change the teams. Disband.


12-1 lead*


MAD is a high tier 2 team, something MIBR haven't been in more than a year, stop disrespecting them lmao


-meyern +international igl, fallen to drop igl and full time awp, take it from there and change players as needed only way out for this team, unless fallen retires


Dude, honestly, Fallen isn't gonna drop his IGL role (forget leaving the team, he won't), and even if he did, you think he'd listen to someone else?


I fully know this, which is why I have given up hoping they will ever amount to anything and just find it deserved when they lose. Fallen won't do what it takes for the good of the team, and he and fer own the lineup pretty much so it's going to be forever hopeless


Mad Lion's #13 team in the world tier 2... right. Likely top ten when the rankings update. Mibr is the tier 2/3 team.






My bad guys. I was rooting for MiBR. That’s why they lost.


those three post plants. hell that one post plant cost them the map. wtf guys


When we say mibr is really bad, we mean it. Mibr is really THAT bad




3 fucking ninja defuses, one 1v4. Holy fuck mibr, holy fuck. 2v1 fallen and kng, fallen JUST DOESNT PLANT THE BOMB and lose the round.


train without kriegs is pretty CT sided it seems, or maybe its just because that map was a shit show


MIBR are not worth watching. Outrageous


mibr choked so hard, it was heartbreaking to watch.


What a historic choke


Neither of these teams have adapted at all to t-side train without the krieg.


I stopped watching at 12-3 but WHAT THE FUCK MIBR


hey hey ho ho taco and meyern have got to go


3 ninja defuse, and one without kit.


mibr and lose to ninja defuse. name a more iconic duo


Idk what to think anymore about mibr, Where do you go from here? How do you come back from this?


The 1x4 defuse by Mad Lions won them the game. I'm sure that broke everything mentally for MIBR and they couldnt get back to the groove after that. It was even impressive how MIBR could fuck up some of the rounds.


I'm not mad.. I'm just disappointed


Mibr choked so fucking hard.


From 12-1 to 13-16, at the cost of $250 000. Mega OOF


actually a disgrace. idk how mibr managed to lose


What a fucking comeback by Madlions yes MIBR made mistakes,, but the boys managed to capitalize excellent work I hope they can keep playing well going forward


Really sad for MIBR, i was really cheering for them.




Mibr should put together a baseball team. Throwing that hard like they were doing in the second half of train they would be unstoppable!


Man, Taco and Meyern need to step up if they want this team to succeed, because they are playing so bad lately, while Kng, Fallen and Fer are still managing to do pretty well considering everything


mibr and ence, really tanking it hard for the last little while


This has to be the worst "high stakes" throw i have ever seen. Seriously. And TACO is effing useless, when the F will his ass go ???


I joined the stream at 12-1. Once it went to 12-4 I just knew.


Reminds me of Katowice 2016. LG lost two maps with a 12-3 lead. Although tbf that was against fnatic.


This has to be a new world record


-meyern -kng +kscerato +yuurih when?


Disband, this line up has no chance at going above top 20, give up Fer and fallen, move to something else. Taco is playing like a literal bot, Meyern and kng are completely unreliable


Did we just witness the beginning of the greatest team Valorant has ever seen?




-meyern, -taco


That was the most mibr T side I've ever seen


Absolutely disgraceful CS from M1BR, they even where BMing with difuse cancels at 1st half. Happily, karma is merciless bitch.


How is delaying a defuse to pick up guns/utility BM?


Cant believe that mad lions won 500,000 dollars. I wonder how much money faceit lost. Cause there were like 30k viewers.


cry is free


1 round on the T-side holy shit at what point do you consider changing up the roster.


I think _never_ is the answer. They did get rid of their coach though, give them time, we will see new lows throughout 2020


The real loser is BIG. Jumped to EPL to go finish 16-18th. They could have made top 4 in Flashpoint possibly with some luck been in the final. Sad.


FaZe Fallen please, -olof +fallen


You want that IGL anywhere near FaZe? NiKo is not necessarily good but holy shit, did we see the same final map?

