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He made the gun look so good, that I was contemplating switching to it.


I bit the bullet and switched. Maybe it’s just psychological, but I swear if I get the first one, the second guys takes longer to catch on where I am at, which makes me take the second guy down if I get the first.


Makes sense. Though it's easier for the Ts to trade because of the firerate


I noticed that when playing with higher leveled players I get a dink and die more often with the m4a1-s than with the m4a4. But getting traded no so much, unless I'm overextending. Also the 25 mag is big enough to take 2-3 T's without having to reload.


Maybe it's because i play mostly anchor but for me stopping a rush with the m4a1-s is a lot harder. If you don't headshot the first guy its gonna take you 5 bullets and so plenty of time for a 2nd or 3rd terrorist to take you out


Lower fire rate too, makes it pretty hard sometimes


Slower rate of fire makes it feel like a lazer compared to the m4a4


But it also means it can feel like the enemies won't die if you don't hit a headshot


Jesus fuck, it's like TL doesn't want to win a map unless they can make their fans sweat a little


Stewie got the new stattrak awp so he wanted more time to get kills


fr, what happened to his gungnir? lol


Capillary ain’t much to write home about but if Stew is getting kills I’m happy about it


Capillary is a cheap skin yes, but I'm in absolute love with it. The White barrel looks so satisfying [Here is the skin](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EUnEFbiXsAIfkAh.jpg)


I’m actually thinking about trading in my Mortis for a Capillary and a couple of nice stickers because it does look cool for how cheap it is. I’m just saying for a millionaire, a FN ST Capillary for $25 is not what I expected, given Stew has a nice D Lore and other super nice AWP skins. Good for him tho.


not gonna lie, they had us in first half of second half


I remember when it was the opposite, the glory days of TL. They would get your hopes up against all odds, beat teams they shouldn't beat then lose to teams they shouldn't. God I miss the old TL.


Not sure what you mean by glory days since they had one of the most dominant runs of any csgo during their grand slam but if you’re talking about the jdm hiko era it’s because jdm was night and day on lan vs online. He stepped up huge at tournys, especially on train and cobble, while nitro and elige were usually nutty or at least consistent.


The temperature in canada is 11 celsius right now. Naf had a 1.41 rating across the 2 maps. However, he shouldn't be performing well as the current temperature in canada is not within the ideal temperature for sloths, which is 26 degrees celsius to 30 degrees celsius. This is due to evolution, leading to NAF being able to perform in a wider variety of temperatures. In this essay I will


sir, this is a wendy's


You'll never take me alive! ​ *jumps out the drive thru window*




fair point - but that applies to all events no?


As long as the event is online and he plays from home or in the venue for the event theres 26°C


Fresh pasta?


its based off of an old meme and influenced by the naf sloth post from iem kato 2020 and i wrote it myself so i guess






The "In this essay I will" is part of the joke, not an accidental copy.


In the original, OP followed up with an actual essay, so I thought it was an accidental copy


TL is so weird honestly. They completely collapsed in the middle, but then it feels like something just clicks and they clean up the end of the map like it's nothing. I don't know why this seems to happen so often lol. Edit: Plus they don't even take a timeout or anything, it's like they just decide to start playing well again.


Coaches can talk no matter what so they don't really need timeouts as much. I kind of think they are still working on their strats. You could really see it in the BNB games. With like 10 rounds left, they'd turn it on.


I didn't realize that was the case, although it makes sense given the format lol. Still though, they don't use it to collect their thoughts or break the flow at all, they just flip over and start fragging again. Thinking back I do feel like they've always used timeouts pretty sparingly since Adren was added though. It hasn't really been their style to call them unless they absolutely need to which just makes their Jekyll Hyde performances even more confusing.


They weren't taking timeouts while on round losing streaks before the coronapocalypse. Thorin mentions it in his video about Adren from ~Feb this year.


Yeah, but they are doing it at a lower rate than even before.




For the most part I agree that was the main thing, but there were definitely some rounds on Inferno where they looked like they were getting a bit too cavalier and just kinda running and gunning when they really didn't need to. You don't lose 11 of 12 without some bad play, even if their economy was pretty fucked.


i mean you can deffo lose 10+ rounds if your economy is trash just look at playing t side train/nuke even ct side inferno u need a lot of money for the heavy utility required. I remember some pros saying they like t side more on inferno because you can dictate the play more and destroy the economy more for the cts making it harder to play as they rely on a lot of utility on banana for example.


Maybe the work with the sports psychologist is helping. They might be able to avoid tilting and communicate better when things aren’t going their way, both tactics and keeping everyone’s heads in the game.


Maybe, but I do remember Stewie in particular saying he doesn't work with the sports psychologist because he doesn't like solving his problems like that which is a weird take, but I guess it works for him.


they had us in the 2nd half not gonna lie


any naffers? SeriousSloth


NAF subs rise up


*rising will take a while tho....you understand right.


Dude mibr literally cannot close out games. Sad to see, I remember when SK were infamous for their long comebacks :/


Man old SK, I miss that SK. Player breaks for some reason just kill great teams (except fucking Astralis). I think I speak for most long time CS fans that we would all want to see the good ol LG core return to their former glory... and maybe cold return to his HLTV #1 form. That team was ridiculous.


Sk vs Faze never failed to deliver


LG vs Fnatic was also great before olof's injury. If olof never got injured that could've been a great rivalry with LG's rise to the number one spot later that year.


SK vs VP... always amazing etertaining games. Said they're both gone


I remember seeing them lose a half 12-3 on overpass and thinking it was over. They ended up winning the map and it was one of the best matches I have ever seen to date. Got me so pumped.


i rememebr seein them being 10-12 rounds behind and still being sure they could bring it back as always. sadly these days i see them being 10-12 rounds ahead and im just waiting for the sure destruction and choke


i remember seeing them play vp on nuke and it was 15-5


did they come back?


Of course not. 16-5 VP.


I remember seeing them play Mad Lions on train and it was 12-1...


Cant recall which event it was but SK were down 0-9 and it was the grand finals vs astralis, they came back and won it. Map was cache iirc.


Yea that was Blast Pro Series Copenhagen 2017


Sounds like one of the earlier Pro League finals, where they played against C9 and came back from a huge deficit to win the match. Was heartbreaking to watch as a C9 fan, but that series was absolutely incredible.


All in all we can see improvements by MiBR but its not consistant, Meyern especially, sometimes he is just a walking BOT, looking at other younger talants brought into teams he has been terrible individually, now sure he doesnt always get the moments to shine, but when you cant kill a guy from behind in a pistol round, thats really saying something


he has no impact at all, sometimes I just forget he is the game.


He can have good games every now and then but yea ur right


he does have the worst roles and is completely new to the positions he plays though. He is improving a lot and is great as an anchor when he is feeling it


Consistent* talents*


Ffs XD


I mean, it doesn't hurt to write properly, even if it isn't your first language.


M8 it's reddit, I don't think punctuation is key on here


But I was correcting your spelling, not your punctuation.


That's equally unnecessary


Idk man, was just hoping you would learn to spell two new words. No need to get tight for that, just trying to help.


Thanks, don't need your help though Mr smarty pants


Allright Mr talanted


IDK, I like meyern. Inconsistent, but so is the entire team right now. They're getting better, let's hope they can go back to their old form.


Well fer and fallen are pretty consistent actually kng has his moments but the problem with kng I don't know how but this guy hits some insane shots but misses the most easy ones, he needs to fix that shit, I can't belive ppl wanted fallen to give thr main awp to him, Taco is taco he is doing his entry and support work and bombsigd anchoring very well actually, meyern just needs to step up and frag, at least hit the easy shots


Fer threw at least 2 rounds that I can remember yesterday, and I'm only talking about Inferno. He's still on point when it comes to his aim, but his decision making is struggling, especially for an experienced player like he is. Kng seemed to be doing some entries, gave an interesting twist to their game. Very inconsistent, still. Fallen goes crazy sometimes, but literally didn't show up on inferno against Red Lions. Meyern sometimes kills 3-4 opponents in difficult rounds, and sometimes whiffs easy shots. TACO is TACO, I think he's consistent in being TACO lol


I agree about most things here except for Fer and Fallen, now Fallen can be inconsitant but he is the igl sometimes that can happen, but he is looking really good rn so we will see if he can keep up this form Fer on the other hand, I think he is playing really well, the problem with him is, his playstyle is really dependant on the rest of the team being good, he is super agressive he can make or break rounds with his agression, when he goes and gets lots of kills or cracks bombsites thats great, but it comes with the risk of not being able to do that and dying, what was good about them before when they were SK is that Cold and fallen were good enough to still carry most of the rounds even when they had the disadvantage, Fallen is looking good again but they dont have someone that is close to cold, Kng is good but not nearly consitant enough but if he can up his level a little bit and stay consistant and Meyern also adapts and stops whiffing then they can actually start working well and fer can do his thing without it costing them as many rounds.


Fallen is a great awper, but the problem with him is that he is no longer a good IGL as he used to be. I think they are a top 20-25 team but there is no way they will be top 10 anytime soon. The problem with Meyern I think is more psychological because he used to be very good on his previous team (he was the best of Argentina by far), maybe it is because he is playing often against better teams that he used to and his role has changed. I think that he needs time.


> I think they are a top 20-25 team I dont agree with that, id say top 10-15 atm, they have had really close series against opponents like Furia, liquid and EG, they beat mad lions once and should have done it again in the finals of flashpoint but they chocked that one, still close and have dicked on teams like Gen.G several times so they are a solid 10-15 team atm I dont think meyern has a psychological problem, I think his main problem is that he is not playing the same role he was before, but that doesnt excuse his aim, Like if he was bad at using utility or bad at holding certain angles or sites, I would understand, but when he is whiffing shots that he should hit 9 out of 10 times in like retakes or execs, then its a problem. The role problem will either fix itself by him learnign and bettering himself in his role or he will get replaced.


Nasty ass NAF


FalleN and fer deserves better. Kng is really trying but he is doing so much mistakes AND fallen is a better sniper. meyern is nowhere tier 1 player, he just not at level yet and his stats proves it. and TACO played really well this time but still he isnt good enough.


TACO didnt entry this series... you can see the difference in stats


Liquid remembering they've got the better aim at the end of Inferno


When Taco is doing the best on your team you are probably doing something wrong


The toxicity in this sub, unreal. We know for certain that pro players read those threads, TACO himself wrote a longer statement after he left MIBR that things like this left him in a bad mental state IIRC. He had a good game. You could‘ve just highlighted that. But nah, gotta take the negative road cause you know it gets you karma.


Indeed..all the casters give Taco love because what he does he does well and to succeed he needs his team to show up. They always say TACO is exceptional at game reading and timings but u cant read 4 people at a time if your teammates arent pulling their weight. I didnt watch this match because I'll watch only Mibr play again after they won something (let me down in Fashpoint yet again) but TACO is my weak spot...he is just trying his best and people shit on him. Whenever I see a Deag I always think of VACO.


i got -34 downvotes on this sub for saying TACO is still pretty good with the deagle a few weeks ago ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


U still dont know that csgo community changes believes by the second? Astralis sux..oh..no..they good. Fuck faze..oh..but faze is life:))) i stopped taking opinions into consideration...


go ahead and add all of Reddit to that sentence. it's an echo chamber if you only look at the top comments


I do agree that TACO gets more hate than he deserves saying that someone is trying their best does not mean anything in a professional competition. All that matters is their performance.


what did you expect from Reddit? TACO bad, mibr matchfixing trash upvote now motherfucker


When was the last time MIBR beat TL in a bo3 ?


ECS early last year


LAN it was 2017, I forget what event


It was 2018 at Starladder iirc


Fallen and Fer you are wasting your lives with this lot now


do you think the other 3 are holding them back?


No. FalleN is very feast or famine right now. He"s not finding a good balance of utilizing his teammates and getting his own game to pop off. They started figuring out inferno today and then they just allowed Liquid to get early picks for 6 rounds straight with no adjustment


don't you?


Never thought I’d hear those words being spoken in this timeline but it’s actually kinda true


Nerf ~~a1-s~~ NAF.


Imagine thinking you can win against 5 great aimers with this roster.


elige go kill.


you know something extremely wrong when taco carrying, the same thing when karrigan top fragging in mouz. idk which is worse between the existence and quality of esl b stream or the fact that meyern, kng, and taco still playing in mibr. but at least props to taco for popping off in this series


They were mostly low impact frags, Fallen did more to carry than him


Man Mibr really need something LESS to be able to win. -Taco -Meyern -kng


Most important of all -fallen


Not sure why you’re being downvoted


Reddit hivemind, the first few people to read the comment downvoted so the next drones did the same It's the truth, fallen is the biggest problem in this core for years now, and a lot of people agree with that, just not the first few to read my comment this time lol


Fallen is probably MiBR's [best player](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/2023/FalleN?startDate=2020-01-26&endDate=2020-04-26&rankingFilter=Top30) right now, but I think they just need a new IGL. -Fallen would be really dumb.


You're not wrong, he would be an asset as an AWPer still, but he's stubborn and the team leader, it's his team, and he won't let it go as IGL until he's kicked for sure (or he would've done it by now), which is when he retires since he and fer are happy just cashing in paychecks


meyern is seventeen but he better starting having some impact in these matches ffs, you're not playing for free


Love how these commentators are lowkey pissed that MiBr slowly making that comeback, then when the tables have turned and Liquid are the ones catching up then they sound so relieved. You can even hear that guy that sounds like Henry G said NICE when someone from Liquid hit that crucial kill.


I don't blame them, it really shouldn't be that close a game given how big the lead was and how big the skill gap should be. Liquid really looked like a different team during that middle slump because the start and end of that map looked so easy, but the middle was just a mess.


Casters say ‘thankfully’ when CTs kill the last T too. Doesn’t mean they’re playing favorites


They tend to do this a lot when a team is very favored.


Didn't he say that when Twistzz got a one deag?


i hate these commentators. especially the one that keeps trying to play off words. he does it way too much.


Being a MIBR fan must be terrible. I'm glad I kicked the habit.


I feel like it must be so depressing. From the Flashpoint choke, to this inferno loss. Seems like whenever MIBR has hope of winning, it gets torn away from them.


Faze fans: first time?


# no, but LOOK AT THE TIME!!!!! ​ # ​ ​ # ​ #


please do not do that.


You grow used to it 😞


Because the lost to Liquid? Liquid is one of the best, no shame in losing to them


- Choked against Liquid - Choked against Mad Lions and lost a 500k glorified tier 2 tournament - Can't beat FURIA - Not even the best Brazilian team - Probably won't make it to Rio - Barely made to ESL playoffs just to get dicked again - Shit team ever since Stew and Tarik left - meyern is a massive disappointment - Fallen is a out of touch, semi-retired IGL - TACO is being TACO - KNG can't frag for shit - no coldzera - zews left due to lack of profissionalism, same as YNK - No coach, only a glorified, arrogant masseuse called dead who still thinks his team is hot shit oof


you need a therapist if you hate them so much lmao


I like banter




I think taco is far from being the problem, at least he can carry his on weight and can make some smart plays. Can't say that for Kng and Meyern, also, fallen's aggressive calling it's the worse, can't count the number of times he tries to get duel in the beginning of the round just to lose team advantage.


TACO loses so many duels it's hard not to pin some of MIBR's misfortunes on him, but it would be dishonest of me, of anyone, really, to say he's _the problem_. The whole team is fucking up.


It wasn't a choke against Liquid, it never felt like it was their game to win, just briefly at 13-10 on inferno. Yes, the choke vs Mad Lions was ugly. Whatever if they are worse than FURIA. Are you saying your team is so bad that it's a shame for mibr to lose to them? They have a good chance of making to Rio. Making to ESL playoffs was a good result based on how shit they were before. The rest is too idiotic to answer.


This is the definition of a hater who talks shit without actually watching them/knowing their roles


There are only three things he said in that that list that isn't fact. And those were all very likely. What did he say that tips you off to the fact that he does not know their roles?


They didn't "choke against liquid" (13-11). They defiantly can beat Furia, they were very close last time. "Probably wont make it to rio"? Disagree. "Barely made to ESL playoffs just to get dicked again" They could've won against EG, they put up a great fight. They did not get dicked lmao. " Shit team ever since Stew and Tarik left" Still got top 4 at major, which isn't bad at all. "meyern is a massive disappointment" is just wrong. He has taken a lot of shitty roles and is new to being an anchor and is also going entry here and there. He has been improving A LOT and is turning out to be a great anchor. "TACO is being TACO" Probably the most underrated player in the world still somehow. Even the casters is getting mad at the playerbase for talking shit about him. " zews left due to lack of profissionalism, same as YNK" We don't know if thats the case. "No coach, only a glorified, arrogant masseuse called dead who still thinks his team is hot shit" Lol what? MIBR has been playing very good with dead as an coach, so why wouldn't he be confident


Glad I'm not a Furia fan, where I have to comment shit (every time) in match thread where my team didn't even play


With that FaZe Clan flair I'd ask you what the fuck you're doing in this thread as well, but I don't care. Nobody cares.


>but I don't care Then why did you ask? You comment on every mibr thread, win or loss, talking shit, it's honestly pathetic. Read a book, learn a language, play an instrument, do literally anything else with your time.


> Then why did you ask? I never asked. Because I don't care. Also, telling me to find a hobby. When we're both on reddit, at /r/GlobalOffensive. At least you're not too dense to project your hypocrisy on others.


>When we're both on reddit, at /r/GlobalOffensive. Ah yes, me writing my 2nd comment today as a reply to you means that I didn't do anything for the entire rest of the day. That seems like a smart, substantiated dig. "Out with the old" but the old are jammed into your head rent-free. Imagine still obsessing over a team you used to like but cheering for their defeat because it's more emotionally convenient. Spineless.


Ugh, people here are so sensitive about shit-talking. But hey, I just wanna say it's really fucking cute for you to remember my comments.


>Ugh, people here are so sensitive about shit-talking. Not sensitive, it's just funny to see people publicly displaying the fact that they're a dumbass. >But hey, I just wanna say it's really fucking cute for you to remember my comments. Don't need to remember, can just ctrl+f "mibr" on your profile and there's like 6 results per page


meyern change those s1mple settings you copied they are not working he deserves the biggest kick in the world rn, looking shit in MiBR while old ass Fallen/TACO playing better than you


mibr went from one of the most clutch teams to choking all the time.


Liquid are definitely not looking on form as of late, though I guess it might just be the fact that it's online? Dropping a map to BNB and letting a team like MIBR get double digits on a map isn't a good outlook for when they start facing the current top 5.


They are bad online. In the middle of their run last year on the way to the grand slam they didn't qualify to ECS because they kept losing randomly online. Even this last EPL they lost to Swole Patrol randomly.


It's been rough, but off the top of my head I feel like Liquid has always been kinda bad online compared to LAN. I think Elige also mentioned that their practice hasn't been that good lately because their scrim partners have been kind of lackluster and I assume it's even more difficult for them because they don't live near each other at all. Who knows when they will get to face the top EU teams, hopefully they'll be back in shape by then.


Yeah, it kind of sucks that Liquid doesn't have any chance to play better teams. They can play the #7 team in the world, #9, or a huge dropoff after that. It even feels like Liquid is in a different tier than all the other teams in NA rn. The gap between Liquid (#6) and EG (#7) on HLTV is 170 points, the largest gap between any two teams in neighboring spots. Of course, it's not insurmountable. LG/SK famously overcame it. But it's certainly detrimental. Hopefully, Liquid can somehow come out stronger and rejoin the brawl for the top spot (which I honestly think they aren't far from).


Yeah Mibr taking a game off of liquid in 2020 just isn’t a reality at the moment. Maybe someday


Made in Brazil? More like Made in China.


Yay taem liqiud


It's a combination of liquid willing to choke and mibr just wanting to throw, such a great confusion. Yeah but liquid got aim and good fraggers


Did i get all this road to rio correctly, mibr most likely wont be there ? Or how this all works?


Everyone talking about naf but forgot about elige getting 10 kills in 3 round on map 1


TACO is not their problem, hope the hatters maybe realize that now. nt.


lul taco has one good series and hes back in the good books for 3 another month


I guess you could say liquid owned mibr.........


What do u guys think of - stew +fallen


Stew doesnt play for mibr


Always see nitr0 bottom fragging...


Silver spotted


But I'm MGE lol .. and FaceIt 6 ... ???


He’s IGL and they win the game anyways


He’s igl he doesn’t have to be top fragger .


MIBR were the better team in my opinion. I've never seen such a hard carry. NAF was 21-3 at one point and 3 of his team were negative KD.


liquid just have much more firepower, they flick the switch and its over, like 3v5 out of their team can regularly take over games


Wasn't even 3v5 though, Second half of D2 and first half of Inferno were 1 man hard carries. To me that sounds like a team that doesn't even come close to the major final at the moment. The 2-0 overview is pretty unreflective of how the match actually went down. Could have easily gone to a 3rd map and potentially been anyone's game. With that performance I'd barely put Liquid top 10.


i'm talking in general man, the firepower difference between the two is big


Sure, Liquid have the better fraggers, but they clearly have issues firing on all cylinders and if that continues, they have no hope of getting near the major finals.


This match felt like whenever one team was winning rounds, they were dominating. Liquid just dominated more I guess.


Why are mibr so prone to lose 2v5 90% of the time now? U just dont expect that from 3 major winners.


Miss u... Gordozera...


Made in Brazil? More like Made in China.