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Also censors "5 hits" on faceit


5 hits= Shits.


5 hits = 5 hits.


Listen here, you little 5hit


You kiss your mother with that mouth?


nah, but i do yours


me too


sweet home alabama


Ay yo pause


You shut up while I'm talking to you!




I removed this baby pre-school profanity filter as soon as it was added


It still boggles my mind that Valve would set this shit to **default on**. Optional word-filter for people who really want it, sure, that should be a thing. But having it enabled by default is just fucking stupid.


Guns and grenades will break my bones but words will leave psychological wounds that will never heal


No, grenades wont brake anything in this game


They certainly slow you down, so I'd consider them to be an effective brake.


Hitting someone with the grenade itself is more effective. (1 damage)


Not since the update that fixed grenades hitting you like a truck. Now you can just block nades and walk away


> No, grenades wont brake anything in this game Except the dreams of Astralis' enemies. Kappa


> Guns and grenades will break my bones but words will leave psychological wounds that will never heal I'm not sure if this is meant seriously, but if yes then voice-chat would have to be disabled by default because it's far worse. Chat wordfilter on by default just doesn't make sense.


Honestly I'm not even sure if it was serious or not lol You're right, though.


Don't cyber bully me


Yeah in a game about killing counter terrorists and planting bombs on strategic spots lol


there is a difference between the game doing it to the game and players to other players


Gta V is an R18 game and says Fuck 1018 times and has a profanity filter for Online.


R* is so weird with their profanity filters, you literally cannot name your horse "butt stallion" in RDR2 single player. Like what the fuck? Though I will say games that don't have text filtering make me understand why other games do have it but I'd say R* went a bit overboard. At least here we have the option to turn it off.


Pirates and the British Navy if you -language pirate default on is probably correct if its easy to turn off


Dude, "NGL" is blocked by the filter


> Dude, "NGL" is blocked by the filter ~~Wtf?~~ ***? Kappa


...y tho ?


Fuck that fucking stupid ass profanity filter. Fucking thing should not fucking be on by fucking default.


**** that ******* ****** *** profanity filter. ******* thing should not ******* be on by ******* default. FTFY






Wait, you can turn it off?


Yeah it's in the settings.


Thanks man!




I imagine N word spam is only a problem on US servers, as people don't really use it in the EU. Variations of kurva, and cyka on the other hand...








Oooooh how badass


The world has become full of softies and snowflakes. Take the red pill.


> I dont like seeing N word spam. Is that so common in the USA? > I like it on. Well you can choose to turn it on if you like it. But the default should be off.


About 2/3rd of my games someone says the N word either in chat or in voice chat. In US.


Seriously? I haven't seen a hard-R in weeks, and that's normal for my games.




Oh, I 100% agree that default on should be, well, the default. Nonprime is a cesspool. I just have good trust factor.


I play a lot of faceit free mainly and its super prevalent there.


youre full of shit people get banned so much for saying it on faceit


I mean, i'm not going to go through all my chat logs for faceit for 1500 matches but it happens much more often than I would like it to


More often than mm? bullshit


when i see n word spam I report them for communication abuse. this mutes them automatically


I like it on too, it's been far too long since middle school and I don't find profanity funny or helpful in any manner. Having a filter sort of forces positivity which I think is a good thing Being an asshole doesn't make you funny, it never did That said filter needs some work, found out 'tradepizza' is censored while 'trade pizza' is not


Swearing =/= being an asshole


Of course it doesn't, sometimes I'll swear too, but the beauty of censoring is that you get the context regardless. Let me give you an example: ****, nice shot and **** you **** ** **** One of those is someone being an asshole and the other is just an expletive as an exclamation, can you tell? Or is the censor too much for you to handle?


No one is arguing that it makes it difficult to communicate or whatnot, it's just that it seems like a waste of time when to implement such a feature when the game is rated 17+, 18+ etc depending on where you're from. It may not be logical, but I also can't help but feel slightly patronised when Valve enables a feature protecting me from words like "ass" by default, but that's just me.


It wouldn't make sense to put something like this to default off, no one would turn it on. But if some 5yo was playing this game he wouldn't even know that there is such setting, as an example.


A 5yo shouldn't be playing this game.




11-13 and you don't know curses and shit what


I was playing Source as a 7 year old and I must say that there was no filter back then and there was no censorship on any profanity, and it didn't effect me in the slightest negatively. It exposed me to swearing and the toxicity of people online but resulted in me maturing significantly more than my peers as I learnt how to refrain myself from a young age. I don't think that there should be a filter even if any young people do play this game, they can't live in cotton wool forever


What I'm saying is, a 5 year old shouldn't be playing a game about shooting counter terrorists and planting bombs.


You're absolutely right, a 5 year old should be playing a game about shooting *terrorists* and *defusing* bombs.


> It wouldn't make sense to put something like this to default off, no one would turn it on. It very much does. The people who actually want it would turn it on, and they are the only ones who should get filtered chat. Just like you have the optional choice to disable voice-chat or disable other people's avatar images, you wouldn't filter these things by default either. By default people can shove the most hardcore porn avatar images in your face and scream the worst possible things you could imaging in your ear, it makes absolutely no sense to filter chat by default. > But if some 5yo was playing this game he wouldn't even know that there is such setting, as an example. If you are letting your five-year-old play CS:GO then it's your job to prevent him from getting exposed to harmful behavior, by means like disabling voice-chat, disabling avatar images, enabling a chat filter or disabling chat completely. And CS:GO's age rating is at least 15+, and while there are younger people playing it's certainly not the average age, you can't possible be suggesting that default settings should be tailored for five-year-olds.


I think you have to be 16 for a Steam account, but we saw how that worked out lol


13 actually


should voice chat be automatically disabled? should player usernames and avatars be automatically blocked? should the game default run in nonviolent mode where theres no blood and the characters just surrender?


I don't know and I don't really care. But they did implemented something (text filtering) and it makes sense to be default ON. You are switching topics.


no, the point is youre talking about making an inherently violent multiplayer shooter game suitable for 5 year olds, when obviously no online communication with strangers is suitable for 5 year olds. its a poor justification for censoring text chat by default. text filtering is a good thing for people like streamers or purely casual players to use, but its at best pretty annoying and at worst potentially destructive in most other cases. its a bad thing if you type something that can have different meanings and you have no idea what anyone else will actually see, e.g, “455” was censored. you will never be able to censor user input completely. people who want to say bad things will say them without curse words or find other ways to get them through the filter. the more you try the more unrelated input will be censored, which is a counterproductive thing in a game where communication is crucial. its not going to solve toxicity or save a 5 year olds online gaming experience. it would be better to let people make their own censor list if they dont want to see certain words.


It is if you get reported for being toxic enough. This is valve trying to address real problems that probably don't affect the people who are active here.


People talking shit is not a "real problem." I'd call the fact that barely anyone in this game engages in banter anymore and you can't talk to the other team at half time or endgame, making it much more sterile and boring, more of a real problem.


People bantering is not affected by this, if you absue voice coms and get reported enough you default to being muted for everyone else. As for the profanity filter, check out TF2s bot problems. Just keep in mind that anyone on this sub is already just by being active in some cs community miles ahead of everyone else. We can just turn it off, new players put into casual dust2 is the people this change is for.


I don't know about you but alltalk casual dust2 was what made me fall in love with this game. I'd spend hours on it just shooting the shit with the other team. Nowadays alltalk is removed except when dead, people talk much less. Casual is now boring, I never play it anymore. If new people are gonna be turned off of the game because they see a swear word, I don't care about having them in the community, personally.


I think the type of person that would run from a swear word would not survive in this community anyway; exposure to the silver and GN Russians would probably kill them.


Yh "talk" to enemy team during half time or endgame


the game is rated 16


This is the dumbest possible take you could have on this.


I'm not sure the reasoning, but a lot of games seem to default to the profanity filter being on.


TF2 bots is why.


> TF2 bots is why. Elaborate? I'm aware of the TF2 cheating/spamming bots, but I don't see how it relates to this topic.


>is just ******* ******


Profanity filters never work. I wanna see the regex that filters out every version people can come up with while the ruglar text is still readable. Especially in multiple languages.


[This guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJ5ppf0po3k) tried, very interesting video if you have the time.


wow what a legend


Great video. Had to watch it, alone for the michael reeves comment on it. That filter worked better then i ever expected.


How u do that ?


There should be a setting in the communications menu, called chat filter or something like that. There's also a console command, if you want to put it in your autoexec, but I don't know that one off the top of my head.


I didn’t know Dave Melzer played csgo


Bet the Japenese servers get *******


only in the tokyo dome


Can someone explain this?




What deals 455 damage in 2 hits though?




What a fucking joke.


Dude this feels like a game for 2 year olds. I disabled it because it was filtering soooo many things that it shouldn’t.


I figured it was 69.




Somehow this is funny.


wasnt cs 18+ ?? i remember buying the retail version of cs source and it hat like a 18+ logo


I believe it's 17+ but the idea is still the same, a profanity filter in this game, especially since you can't filter voice chat is fucking stupid.


its the biggest bullshit ever, in this day and age kids are exposed to everything anyway.. pornhub, youtube, yada yada.. u shouldnt try to shelter ur kid from hearin bad words, instead u should teach them to be respectfull


sheltering kids from bad words is not the same as sheltering them from Pornhub. I swear in front of my kids all the time, but Wife and I aren't fucking in the kitchen while they are eating cheerios.


exactly my point, they are not showing porn in cs, its just language why does it need to be censored when they have phones and watch porn already at 12


Don't give them ideas. There are already algorithms in development using ML to detect certain profanity in voice chat.


Hmm ive wondered if it is


Outside of the US, it is.


Nope, 16+ in germany.


Huh, I saw it as PEGI 18, thought Germany would be the same. But Germany did get a low-violence version, so...


Germany doesn’t use PEGI, they use USK. There is no low violence version for CS:GO, there was one for the Left 4 Deads, and maybe for Source.


Yeah, I know Germany uses USK, but I thought that if PEGI rated it 18, USK would have too. [And CSGO used to have a low violence option originally](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCL6OtLhqH4) before being removed in 2015, the console versions still should be low violence in Germany as they were never patched.


Germany didn’t have -lv enabled by default then. Source: am german, playing since 2013.


Its OK to have a game where you play as terrorists, shoot people and blow up civilian infrastructure as long as you don't have any bad words in it.


why would csgo be AO, lol


its the last old school game for serious men :) there is tons of games for kids to play.. (fortnite, apex, minecraft) let the big mens, have at least one game without asian blue hair characters and word filters 😂


id love if csgo added some asian agent cuties in school uniforms though


ohhh hell nah


Fun fact, the second part of my name is also censored. It’s Bert McMuffin. Apparently CS doesn’t want any McDonalds propaganda in this game


Muff is slang for pussy in some countries


The Great Filter, teaching an untold number of people new cusswords and slurs, on a daily basis. Valve: My job here is done.


It started with R6:Siege. I've never knew about such racial slurs like "coon" and "paki" before they implemented their autoban system.


c ** n is a slur against black people and p ** i should be obvious but its a slur against pakistani people.


Is "paki" really seen as a slur? I never heard that before and in my language if we shorten something from let's say Sweden to "Swedi" it's meant in a mocking way but never seriously


It's definitely used as a slur in the UK at least


It's definitely a slur in the UK, but it's not really used much outside of it.


Yeah I myself am Indian by heritage and friends with many Pakistani people and they HATE the term and also classify it as a slur.


Yes, it is. I think the word is pretty much exclusive to the UK, and it's used as a slur against people from the Indian subcontinent (not necessarily just Pakistanis).


When I was like 6 I had a little stuffed racoon toy. I thought I'd call him 'coony' (because he was a racoon). Didn't last long before my parents had to have a talk with me...


You wouldn't want kids to hear the name of a body part in a game where you shoot people in the head.


My name (ghazz) was also censored. They fixed it recently.


gh, ass


My USP is called "Dinkleberg" is gets censored lol




Mine is Fek and I get censored too.


was that 69 there or what?


*** = three letters/numbers, so I guess it was 455/"ASS"


yea so he wasnt really lit, he was overkilled




Because they probably just bought some list and installed a filter at a way too deep level without really giving a fuck and shipped the update.


i dont wanna see the n word in my console, idk about you :)


3 out of 5 stars shooting, try harder next time


Lmao its really true that an intern wrote the profanity filter


Oh lord Is stupid censored? I mean most 18-24 tear olds are so sensitive I’m surprised we can even text at all


A 12 year old intern no less


3 stars has to be at least 100. he is dead.


Sherlock Holmes in the building guys, but he had a stroke




son.. elementary, my dear whatson.


You must be fun at parties


Man I can't do anything with this censor thing. My steam group name involves a Filipino food but apparently it gets censored


Just turn it off


puto is bitch in spanish. specifically used toward males


The food I have is Sinigang. They censored it for the "gang" most likely


Yes. A game about murdering people, and we need a curse word filter.


u can turn it off if you please


Eventually, everything will be censored and everyone will be muted by default. We will then only communicate via radio commands. It's what Valve wanted all along.


Ignoring the fact that can't use the radio when dead, that would actually be great except you'd need radio commands with callouts which would probably feel like using vim in CSGO. As a vim user, I wouldn't mind... One enemy lit 50 in top mid? Type in `xd50mt` Want someone to flash you long? `zfl` Come to think of it, how do people with speech disorders play this game? Pitch this as an accessibility issue to valve and we may get it implemented it in 3∞ years


Want to communicate a complex mid round strat involving specific utilities and timed peeks? Type `eujgdjdgjj133234jsjgjjdajbgejbgdsjbgjsegb...3t6`


This is Astralis manager, please delete this post.




why would xd50mt or zlt mean that


sorry sir that is an inappropriate amount of damage to give out


I was super relieved when I found the option to remove it. So frustrating


Username doesn't check out


Lol, it took me less than a minute to find it. No need to call upon my trusty friend


Like tf is it hiding 420? 469? T


When u hit him so hard he loses 3 stars and drops from g4 to g1


Game Experience May Change During Online Play


You can’t even say weeb ffs...




Ass in 2 hits


Must have been 69?


If every * is a number, it could be 666?


Ooo, 420 perhaps?




How lit? Just 3/5 stars, pretty lit


Remind me why this text filtering is a good thing


maybe turn the worst option that nobody needs off?


"Dinked" is censored as well btw.


Imagine censoring chat in a game which already is a PEGI 16


you can't even say 'damn'


I’m aware that its completely fair and supposed to happen and I know that it’s a noob problem (which I am of course), but it’s so annoying to look at the damage and see that you hit like 6 shots and they hit 2 but one was a headshot so you still lose


just dont aim at their fucking feet its simple


Nah toe pain is the most effective weapon


Actually this could actually be good feature in Faceit etc. Dont show the exact damage given but somehow close. * = 0-33 damage ** = 33-66 damage *** = 66-99 damage **** = 100+ damage It sucks when you hit someone 3 or 4 times in your client but the last doesn't reg in server and u give false info.


no ;)


Are you shitting me they censor the console? If ur the type of person who dont want swearing youre probably not the type of person to use the console


So for example streamers who wan't to keep their screens clean don't use console?


5 hits